Development of Parent education program for parents of adolescents 청소년 자녀의 부모교육 프로그램 모형 개발
유은희 Eun Hee Yoo
1(0) 1-17, 1996
Development of Parent education program for parents of adolescents 청소년 자녀의 부모교육 프로그램 모형 개발
유은희 Eun Hee Yoo
The purpose of this study is to develop a parent education program for the parents of adolescents. This program is consisted of 4 parts ; 1) the provision of factual, theoretical information about adolescent developmental tasks. 2) the opportunities for behavior skill building on communication and conflict resolution through role play and modeling. 3) the improvement of self - awareness on parenting behavior and individuation. 4) basic problem solving practices with participants` own problems. Parents were recruited on the basis of child`s age(12- 17 year old). This program were held two times with participation of 22 parents. The evaluation of the program reveals that it was effective in making parents better understand child`s emotional state, and in improving self - awareness of their own parenting behavior with respect to children`s thoughts and feelings. But it needs longer sessions to practice skills of communication and conflict resolution.
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A Study on Ethics between Parents and Children Reflected in Samguk Yusa 삼국유사에 나타난 부모 - 자녀 간 윤리에 관한 연구
김일명Ill Myung Kim, 이정덕Chung Duk Lee
1(0) 19-34, 1996
A Study on Ethics between Parents and Children Reflected in Samguk Yusa 삼국유사에 나타난 부모 - 자녀 간 윤리에 관한 연구
김일명Ill Myung Kim, 이정덕Chung Duk Lee
The purpose of this study is to critically review moral principles between parents and children reflected in Samguk Yusa(三國遺事). The method used is the historical method and the literature for the analysis is Samguk Yusa. According to the analysis, the relationship between parents and children are composed of the many cases of filial piety. They include a) filial piety through Buddhist mass b) filial piety through self-sacrifice c) the dilemma between entering the priesthood and fulfilling filial piety to the parent. The family moral principles reflected in a) and c) reveal two-way interaction between parents and children but b) one-way relationship to the parent from the child. Thus, it was found that there coexisted one-way and two-way relationship between parents and children in Samguk Yusa. Accordingly, if positive aspects of the moral principles between parents and children reflected in Samguk Yusa are modernized, it is suggested that they will compensate weaknesses of the modern Korean family ethics regarding parent-child relationship.
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Motherhood as Women's Experiences 여성의 경험으로서의 어머니됨
노영주 Young Joo Noh
1(0) 35-55, 1996
Motherhood as Women's Experiences 여성의 경험으로서의 어머니됨
노영주 Young Joo Noh
The purpose of this study was to analyze the practices and meanings of motherhood, and to examine whether motherhood could be a chance of growth and development for women. For these purposes, 20 housewives were interviewed in depth. The major results were as follows. 1) Motherhood as experiences included some feelings such as various gratifications and joys, and satisfactions of social permission. 2) Motherhood as experinces was appreciated positively, but conversely being a primary caregiver in nuclear family was recognized as negative experience because of conflicts between motherhood and individuality. 3) Motherhood brought various cognitive changes to women, which showed an important element in adult developments. 4) Although mothers thought that the matters on child were common topics for conversations and bridging husbands and wives, motherhood as experiences would have differentiated mothers` marriage and fathers` marriage.
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Individuals Differences in Conflict Resolution Strategies : Effects of Motivations , Attachement Style , and Comparison Levels on Marital Adjustment 갈등 해소 방법과 결혼 적응도 : 애착유형 , 비교수준과 동기의 영향
전효정 Hyo Jeong Jeon
1(0) 57-82, 1996
Individuals Differences in Conflict Resolution Strategies : Effects of Motivations , Attachement Style , and Comparison Levels on Marital Adjustment 갈등 해소 방법과 결혼 적응도 : 애착유형 , 비교수준과 동기의 영향
전효정 Hyo Jeong Jeon
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Sex differences of nonmarried man and woman in marital concepts 미혼 남녀가 인식하는 부부관계 개념의 성 (性) 차이
이성희 Sung Hee Lee
1(0) 83-102, 1996
Sex differences of nonmarried man and woman in marital concepts 미혼 남녀가 인식하는 부부관계 개념의 성 (性) 차이
이성희 Sung Hee Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate sex differences between nonmarried men and women in marital concepts. For this purpose, a survey conducted using questionnaires on 566 university students residing in Jeonju. The results showed that there exist sex differences in ideal character of mate, marriage concepts and family role attitudes.
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A Study on the Countermeasures on Marital Violence in Korea : focused on wife abuse - 한국에서의 부부간 폭력에 대한 대책연구
최규련 Kyu Reon Choi
1(0) 103-130, 1996
A Study on the Countermeasures on Marital Violence in Korea : focused on wife abuse - 한국에서의 부부간 폭력에 대한 대책연구
최규련 Kyu Reon Choi
This study aims to examine the prevalence of wife abuse, to review the characteristics of abusive husband, abused wife and their relationships, to search out the reality of the present treatment intervention and actual social services, and to devise the countermeasures in the domain of therapeutic intervention, prevention, and the policy implication. This study is based on literature review and interview counseling cases with 20 abused wives and her husbands who had asked author`s help in Korean Family Counseling & Education Institute. The results are as follows: Stereotype of marital violence is inclined to be regarded as the private sphere and marital conflict. As a result, marital violence is concealed and is not found on an early stage. Consequently, It results in severe habitual violence, helplessness of battered wives, multigenerational transference of violence, disruption of family bonding and domestic criminal. Because of the wife battering, many family members(battered wives, battering husband and their children) are troubled with emotional, mental pain, and their family relationships become disfuntional. The battered wives tend to solve their problem within the family or for themselves instead of appealing to a formal social aids. The major therapeutic intervention to a client are psychiatry, feminism counseling, family counseling/therapy. The charateristics of process and skills of each therapeutic intervention are reviewed and compared. The main parts of social service are counseling services for emotional support and the strategies for marital violence, but counseling or treatment services for the abusive husbands do not exist. The necessity of the family treatment services as family system approach is emphasized. The following suggestions are proposed for the prevention of marital violence. 1. Socio-cultural norms that tolerate violence should be changed. 2. Social conditions regarding the marital violence should be changed. Social structure should accept the gender equalitarianism. 3. The social services should focus not only on the abused wife, but on abusive husband and their children(the family system) as well. 4. The treatment program for the abusive husbands and legal reqirements should be imposed as a treatment.
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The Application of the Double ABCX Model to Dyadic Adjustment after the Transition to Rarenthood in Dual Career Family 부부취업가족의 부모기 전이후 결혼적응에 대한 이중 ABCX 모델의 적용
고선주Seon Ju Koh, 옥선화Sun Wha Ok
1(0) 131-157, 1996
The Application of the Double ABCX Model to Dyadic Adjustment after the Transition to Rarenthood in Dual Career Family 부부취업가족의 부모기 전이후 결혼적응에 대한 이중 ABCX 모델의 적용
고선주Seon Ju Koh, 옥선화Sun Wha Ok
Transition to parenthood is a hard course for a newly formed family, both in the personal and familial aspects. Thus, dyadic adjustment after the transition to parenthood, and parental strain has been researched, widely. The Double ABCX model, developed by McCubbin and colleagues, has guided this reserch as a theoretical framework for examining dyadic adjustment after the transition to parenthood and parental strain in the Korean dual career family. A total of 284 husbands and wives both employed completed structured questionnaires. Major findings of this study are as follows : 1. There are differences between wives and husbands in dyadic adjustment and parental strain after the transition to parenthood. 2. The couples dyadic adjustment and parental strain were different depending on their total FILE scores, child`s temperament, and social support. That it was concluded that the situational context is very important in a dual career families` transition to parenthood. 3. In general, the results of this study support the utility of the Double ABCX model using Covariance Structure Analysis, especially for explaining wives` dyadic adjustment after the transition to parenthood. 4. To the applied support program for transition to parenthood, wives` parental strain was most important, since wives` parental strain influenced the wives` dyadic adjustment and husbands` parental strain.
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Social Networks Among Married Men and Women in Urban Korea 도시 기혼 남녀의 사회적 관계망
강성희Sung Hee Kang, 김주희Joo Hee Kim
1(0) 159-187, 1996
Social Networks Among Married Men and Women in Urban Korea 도시 기혼 남녀의 사회적 관계망
강성희Sung Hee Kang, 김주희Joo Hee Kim
This study tries to inquire into the function of social networks among married men and women in rapidly urbanizing Korean society. Social networks here include those of kins, friends, neighbors, voluntary association members, and office colleagues. The function of social networks refers to the affective, household affairs aid, material, and sociable functions. Followings are the important results of this study. Firstly, the functions of kin networks are the most important among the five networks, which verifies the fact that kins are still considered the primary source for functions of social networks. Friendship networks are relied on when one needs psychological help and sociability. Neighbors are found to perform the highest degree of function when one needs daily miscellaneous helps. It turns out that funtions of voluntary associations are the lesat important, which is different from the situation in western societies. The function of sociability is more or less high in networks of office colleagues, which is probably due to the fact that one tends to spend most of his daily life with office colleagues, sharing many social activities with them. Secondly, Networks of kins, friends, and neighbors perform the highest degree of functions for those in their thirties and fourties. But those of voluntary association members and office colleagues perform a higher degree of functions, as one`s age and family life cycle are higher. The function of sociability gets more important as one`s age gets higher in all the networks. This means that one extends his social networks to the secondary one, keeping varying kinds of social activities, as one gets older. The degree of functions of kin and friendship networks is the highest, when one`s socio-economic status belongs to the middle group. And that of voluntary association members and of office colleague networks is the highest, when one`s socio-economic status belongs to high group. Whereas that of neighborhood network is the highest when one`s socio-economic status is lower.
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한국가족관계학회 회원 주소록
1(0) 189-200, 1996
한국가족관계학회 회원 주소록
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한국가족관계학회 회칙
1(0) 201-204, 1996
한국가족관계학회 회칙
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가족생활교육사 자격규정
1(0) 205-206, 1996
가족생활교육사 자격규정
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가족생활교육사 자격심사 시행세칙
1(0) 207-208, 1996
가족생활교육사 자격심사 시행세칙
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가족상담사 자격규정
1(0) 209-210, 1996
가족상담사 자격규정
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가족상담사 자격시험 및 자격심사 시행세칙
1(0) 211-212, 1996
가족상담사 자격시험 및 자격심사 시행세칙
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한국가족관계학회지 투고규정
1(0) 213-213, 1996
한국가족관계학회지 투고규정
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1(0) 215-215, 1996
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가족관계학 도서 , 교육학 일반 , 교육행정학 전문서 , 한국 신교육사 총서 , 국어교육학 번역 총서
1(0) 216-218, 1996
가족관계학 도서 , 교육학 일반 , 교육행정학 전문서 , 한국 신교육사 총서 , 국어교육학 번역 총서