Lessons from the UK Response to the Internet Child Pornography 인터넷상 아동포르노그라피에 대한 영국의 대응과 시사점
전형미 Hyung Mi Chun
10(1) 1-23, 2005
Lessons from the UK Response to the Internet Child Pornography 인터넷상 아동포르노그라피에 대한 영국의 대응과 시사점
전형미 Hyung Mi Chun
How child pornography should be regulated is one of the most controversial topics to have arisen in relation to the Internet and child in recent years. How should this be reached? The main concern of the author is the various response of important states. The author contributed an article that introduce and analysis the U.S. response to the Journal of Family Relations. Vol.8 no.1. In this following article the author explore the UK response, especially focused on the government and law enforcement bodies efforts. The author find that British are more conservative than USA when dealing with the issue of Internet child pornography. But as this article tried to reveal, it will be more futile to rely upon the legal system exclusively to provide the desired solutions. This article concludes that substantial collaboration at an international level is needed and an important point in the multi-national environment of the Internet. The author emphasize the substantial collaboration is needed between regulator, police, Internet service provider, nonprofit organization, teacher, parent, computer scientist and child researcher.
Key Words
아동포르노그라피, child pornography, 인터넷과 아동보호, Internet and child protection, 의사사진, pseudo-photograph, 컴퓨터생성 포르노그라피, computer generated virtual pornography, 아동음란물, child obscene and indecent article
A Study on the Management and Effect of Healthy Families Center 건강가정지원센터 가정생활교육 프로그램 운영 및 성과 - 용산구,숙명여자대학교 시범사업을 중심으로 -
김명자 Myung Ja Kim , 계선자 Sun Ja Kye , 박미석 Mi Seok Park , 장진경 Jin Kyung Jang , 김연화 Yeon Hwa Kim , 한은주 Eun Ju Han , 류진아 Jin A Ryu
10(1) 25-49, 2005
A Study on the Management and Effect of Healthy Families Center 건강가정지원센터 가정생활교육 프로그램 운영 및 성과 - 용산구,숙명여자대학교 시범사업을 중심으로 -
김명자 Myung Ja Kim , 계선자 Sun Ja Kye , 박미석 Mi Seok Park , 장진경 Jin Kyung Jang , 김연화 Yeon Hwa Kim , 한은주 Eun Ju Han , 류진아 Jin A Ryu
The purpose of this study is to propose a model for service programs and management strategies for the division of family education in Healthy Families Center. For the purpose, the researchers find out demands for the family education programs of people in Yong-San Gu, Seoul, exam the effect of each family education program of Yong-San Gu & Sookmyung Women`s University Healthy Families Center from June to December, 2004. According to the results, people in Yong-San Gu need economic education service mostly, and they want to study at Saturday afternoon. The programs show positive effect on the improvement of family health.
Key Words
건강가정지원센터, Healthy Families Center, 가정생활교육프로그램, family education program
The Effects of Personality and Family Support on Depression of Unemployed Youths 청년 실업자의 개인적 특성과 가족지지가 우울에 미치는 영향
임선영 Sun Young Im , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
10(1) 51-73, 2005
The Effects of Personality and Family Support on Depression of Unemployed Youths 청년 실업자의 개인적 특성과 가족지지가 우울에 미치는 영향
임선영 Sun Young Im , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of personality and family support on depression of unemployed youths. A Sample of 291 unemployed youths(20-34 years old)living in Seoul was participated. The major findings of this study are as follow. First, the score of self esteem is 3.65 and it is higher than average. The score of depression is 2.29 and it is lower than average. The score of family support is 3.36. And people used emotional coping behavior more than problem-solving coping behavior. Second, the depression of unemployed youths has significant difference by age, economic level, experience of ocuppation. Third, the people who have low self-esteem and low family support had higher depression, And also, the higher they used problem-solving coping behavior perceived higher depression. And finally, Emotional coping behavior, problem-solving coping behavior, and family support are meaningful variables that could explain the subjects` depression. These variables explain the 30% of the subjects` depression.
A Study on Sexual Behavior among University Students -focused on communication characteristics with parents and university students` sexual attitude and communication- 대학생의 성 행동에 관한 연구 - 부모와의 의사소통 특성과 대학생의 성태도 및 성에 관한 의사소통을 중심으로 -
박지현 Ji Hyun Park , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
10(1) 75-101, 2005
A Study on Sexual Behavior among University Students -focused on communication characteristics with parents and university students` sexual attitude and communication- 대학생의 성 행동에 관한 연구 - 부모와의 의사소통 특성과 대학생의 성태도 및 성에 관한 의사소통을 중심으로 -
박지현 Ji Hyun Park , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
The Purpose of this study was to explore sexual behavior among university students. To do that, this research was focused on the communication between parent and university student, university student couple`s sexual communication, and sexual attitude of university students. The major findings of this study are: 1) In actual state of sexual behavior, there are many differences between men and women. 2) There are various results that depend on sociodemographic variables. Therefore, for an in-depth study on sexual attitude or behavior of university students, it is necessary to see them from different perspectives. 3) Several sociodemographic variables and couple sexual communication was significantly effected on sexual behavior among the subjects. I suggest that couple sexual communication would be deal with more significantly in the future study to make youth have correct sexual behavior through correct sexual communication.
Key Words
성에 관한 의사소통, sexual communication, 성태도, sexual attitude, 성행동, sexual behavior
Influences of Physical Health and Social Network Characteristic of the Middle-aged Men on Psychological Well-being 중년남성의 건강과 사회관계망 특성이 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향
김양호 Yang Ho Kim
10(1) 103-126, 2005
Influences of Physical Health and Social Network Characteristic of the Middle-aged Men on Psychological Well-being 중년남성의 건강과 사회관계망 특성이 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향
김양호 Yang Ho Kim
The purpose of this study is to examine influences of physical health and social network characteristic on the psychological well-being of the Korean middle-aged men. Data were collected from 244 married men with children, aged from 35 to 55. The data were analyzed by the statistical methods such as the frequencies, percentiles, mean, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan`s multiple range test, Multiple Regression analysis. The major outcomes the study were summarized as follows : First, the middle-aged men are like to relate original family for formal visit and the nearest kin for informal visit. Second, the influences that the variables had on the middle-aged men`s psychological well-being be presented as follows in order of importance ; neighbor variable of social network size, emotional and instrumental variable of social network function. The results of the study suggest that first of all, they are satisfied when they have simple relation with neighbor and they can help a social network member for economic problem and they can help each other by emotional support.
Key Words
중년남성, middle-aged men, 신체적 건강, physical health, 사회관계망, social network, 심리적 복지, psychological well-being
The Analysis on the Changing Process of the Members in Family Relationship Enhancement Group Counseling 가족관계 증진 집단상담 참여자의 변화과정 분석
정성경 Sung Kyung Chung
10(1) 127-155, 2005
The Analysis on the Changing Process of the Members in Family Relationship Enhancement Group Counseling 가족관계 증진 집단상담 참여자의 변화과정 분석
정성경 Sung Kyung Chung
This study was to analyze the changing process of the group members in family relationship enhancement group counseling based on the Bowen theory. The phenomenological-psychological research methods were adapted to analyze the subjective experiences of 6 out of 11 members. The analyzed data were `participated observation data of the observer`, `observation data of the group counselor` and such written materials as `SCT(sentence completion test}`, `self-reports on changing experience`, `my family relationship` and `self-assesment on the action`. Analyzing the process of change of the participants for the study, they experienced sequentially `concrete understanding of their problems`, `self-understanding on the relationship among family members`, `active accomplishment of the action plan`, `hope for the change of the dysfunctional family relationship`, `positive regards for others`, `open-mind`, `changing experiences of self and family relationship`, `changes in other family members`, `positive changes of family relationship`, `dissemination of the change of family relationship`, `contribution to the improvement in the family relationship`. The discussion was followed.
Key Words
집단상담, group counseling, 가족관계 증진, family relationship enhancement, 현상학적 심리학적 연구방법, phenomenological-psychological research method
Maternal Role, Mother`s Beliefs in her Child`s Education and Private Education of Preschool Children 어머니 특성에 따른 유아기 자녀의 조기교육
박지연 Ji Yeon Park , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee , 백진아 Jin A Paik
10(1) 157-179, 2005
Maternal Role, Mother`s Beliefs in her Child`s Education and Private Education of Preschool Children 어머니 특성에 따른 유아기 자녀의 조기교육
박지연 Ji Yeon Park , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee , 백진아 Jin A Paik
The purpose of this study was to examine mothers` views and roles in educating their children in Korea. The data used in this paper were collected for the study of "Motherhood and Engendering Social Reproduction in Korea: Focusing on `Super-Child` Syndrome"(Lee, Paik & Cho, 2004). The analysis was based on the subsample of 1,200 mothers who had 5-6 year old children residing in Seoul, Busan, Daejeon and Gwangju. The data were analyzed with the descriptive statistics, Chi-square, One-Way ANOVA. The major results of this study were as follows: Family income, mothers` values on education and education level affect their decisions to have increasing an investment in children`s education. There was a significant difference in early child education according to mothers` view of roles and child education. Mothers` educational views also have significant effects on the number of children`s early private education.
Key Words
조기교육, private education of preschool children, 어머니 역할관, maternal role, 자녀 교육관, mother`s belief in child education