The Relationship Between Elderly Leisure Activity Participation and Recognition of Successful Aging 노년기 여가활동참여와 성공적 노화 인식간의 관계
김수현 Soo Hyun Kim , 김윤정 Yun Jeong Kim
15(4) 3-23, 2011
The Relationship Between Elderly Leisure Activity Participation and Recognition of Successful Aging 노년기 여가활동참여와 성공적 노화 인식간의 관계
김수현 Soo Hyun Kim , 김윤정 Yun Jeong Kim
The purpose of this study is to discuss leisure activities whether to join in effecting recognition of the multidimensional successful aging, for the relatively older adult with more leisure time than other groups, report exploring ways to intervene, and various recreational programs and enable the development of policy. We used 475 korean older adults over 60-year-old. The results of this study are as follows. First, in light of demographic variables, recognition of successful aging, was indicated to be high in the case of young elders. Also, there is not an occupation, the male, and income level is 300,000won below group and the city dwelling person and type the case which is a spouse importantly thought successful aging recognition. Second, as for the difference in leisure activities participation, according to the demographic variables, education and information activities of men were more experience, 60s health activities and information dimensions were a lot more experience. And the couple living together group from healthy dimension and information dimension leisure activity, 1,500,000won excess groups from culture dimension leisure activity, the city resident appeared with the fact that the experience is highly total leisure activity dimension. Third, the independent variable, Significant effect on psychological and social well-being factors, Health and information dimension leisure activity participation, income and spouse presence 13.1% explanation power, Significant effect on self-efficacy factors, health and culture dimension leisure activity participation, income and spouse presence were visible 8.8% explanation power.
Relationship between family,school,internet use environmental factors and middle school students` internet dependence: inspecting mediation effect of depression 가족,학교,인터넷 사용 환경요인과 중학생의 인터넷 의존간 관계: 우울의 매개효과 검증
김선우 Sun Woo Kim , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
15(4) 25-49, 2011
Relationship between family,school,internet use environmental factors and middle school students` internet dependence: inspecting mediation effect of depression 가족,학교,인터넷 사용 환경요인과 중학생의 인터넷 의존간 관계: 우울의 매개효과 검증
김선우 Sun Woo Kim , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
The purpose of this study was to examine the cause and effect relationships between environmental factors, -such as, family, school and internet use-, which influence internet dependence and middle school students` internet dependence. In this study, family environmental factors(family strengths, parents` supports, parents` supervision), school environmental factors(friends` supports, teachers` supports) and internet use environmental factors(internet use attitude, internet accessibility) have been chosen as exogenous variables, while depression has been chosen as a mediated variable, which is assumed to influence the internet dependence, to create a hypothesis model and verify it. In order to collect data, surveys were conducted among the 651 middle school students in the metropolitan area. The conclusions are as below. First, it was found out that the family strengths, parents` supports, parents` supervision, friends` supports, internet accessibility had statistically significant effect on depression by investigating direct influence of exogenous variables on depression. Second, it was also found out that the depression plays a role of mediated variable to increase the internet dependence tendency in the relationship between family strengths, parents` supports, parents` supervision, friends` supports, internet accessibility and internet dependence. Lastly, it was found out that the variables with the significant total effect were family strengths, friends` supports, internet use attitude, internet accessibility and friends` supports were the most significant variables by investigating the direct effects, in-direct effects, and total effects of exogenous variables on internet dependence. With above study results, we could conclude that variable environmental factors such as family environment, school environment, and internet use environmental factors effect adolescents and depression plays a role of mediated variable.
Key Words
인터넷 의존, 가족 환경요인, 학교 환경요인, 인터넷 사용 환경요인, 우울, internet dependence, family environmental factors, school environmental factors, internet use environmental factors, depression
Narrative inquiry on sexuality, Love, and marriage of college students -Based on journaling in class- 대학생들의 성, 사랑, 결혼에 관한 내러티브 탐구 -수업 중 저널쓰기를 기초하여-
김경희 Kyung Hee Kim , 정혜정 Hye Jeong Chung
15(4) 51-71, 2011
Narrative inquiry on sexuality, Love, and marriage of college students -Based on journaling in class- 대학생들의 성, 사랑, 결혼에 관한 내러티브 탐구 -수업 중 저널쓰기를 기초하여-
김경희 Kyung Hee Kim , 정혜정 Hye Jeong Chung
This study was a narrative inquiry of sexuality, love, and marriage of college students presented in journaling tasks suggested in a class. Specifically, this study was to interpret an experience and meaning of narratives of sexuality, love, and marriage of college students within social context. Result were as follows. First, college students acquired knowledge and sense of responsibility of sexuality and built up the standard of sexual behaviour throughout the class. Second, college students tended to interpret love as the process of forming and/or learning self-identity, but did not experience it as a social issue. Third, college students` narratives of marriage tended to be very poorly presented. In conclusion, this study implied for the possibility of the application of narrative inquire method to further research on this issue.
Key Words
대학생, 성, 사랑, 결혼, 내러티브 탐구, college students, sexuality, Love, marriage, narrative inquiry
The Determinants of Life Satisfaction in Male Retirees: Focus on Retirement-related Variables and Marital Quality 은퇴한 남성의 생활만족도에 영향을 미치는 변인 연구: 은퇴관련변인과 부부관계의 질을 중심으로
권은비 Eun Bi Kwon , 이정화 Jeong Hwa Lee
15(4) 73-92, 2011
The Determinants of Life Satisfaction in Male Retirees: Focus on Retirement-related Variables and Marital Quality 은퇴한 남성의 생활만족도에 영향을 미치는 변인 연구: 은퇴관련변인과 부부관계의 질을 중심으로
권은비 Eun Bi Kwon , 이정화 Jeong Hwa Lee
The purpose of this research was to analyze the determinants of life satisfaction in male retirees with a special focus on the role of retirement-related variables and marital quality. It also aims to find out the relative influence of variables related to male retirees` life satisfaction. To achieve these goals 375 subjects who have spouses and are retired were analyzed and the results are as follows. First, as a result of an analysis of the retirees` socio-demographic variables, there are differences in life satisfaction depending on educational level, residence type, children`s education, subjective health perception and monthly income. As for general life satisfaction, preparation for retirement, job status prior to retirement, job satisfaction prior to retirement and reason for retirement were significant predictors among the retirement-related variables. In terms of life satisfaction based on marital quality, the group with higher quality marital relationships also had a higher levels of satisfaction. Second, a hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to find out the relative influence of variables related to life satisfaction. It was found out that the variables affecting general life satisfaction are subjective health perception, preparation for retirement, monthly income, level of education, children`s education, residence type and the quality of marital relationships. This study was successful in finding out the relative influence of variables especially, the influence of marital quality on life satisfaction in male retirees.
Key Words
생활만족도, 남성은퇴자, 부부관계의 질, 은퇴관련변인, Life satisfaction, male retiree, marital quality, retirement-related variables
The Influence of Family-of-Origin Experiences and Marital Intimacy on Parent-Child Relation 기혼남녀가 지각한 원가족 경험과 부부 친밀감이 부모-자녀관계에 미치는 영향
장선웅 Sun Woong Jang , 정혜정 Hye Jeong Chung , 이주연 Ju Yeon Lee
15(4) 93-111, 2011
The Influence of Family-of-Origin Experiences and Marital Intimacy on Parent-Child Relation 기혼남녀가 지각한 원가족 경험과 부부 친밀감이 부모-자녀관계에 미치는 영향
장선웅 Sun Woong Jang , 정혜정 Hye Jeong Chung , 이주연 Ju Yeon Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of family-of-origin experiences variables and marital intimacies on the parent-child relation. Variables related to family-of-origin experiences were family-of-origin health, parents` marital satisfaction, and parents` care, parents` overprotection. The data were collected through On-line survey method by internet survey agency with 480 married men and women. The results showed that first, married men and women perceived the level of parents` care lower than of child`s care and parents` overprotection higher than of child`s overprotection. And there were significant differences in the level of parents` marital satisfaction, parents` overprotection, marital intimacies, child`s overprotection across sex. Second, results of multiple regression analyses showed that indicates of Child care was influenced by family-of-origin health, parents` care, and marital intimacies. And results of multiple regression analyses showed that indicates of Child overprotection was influenced by parents` overprotection, and marital intimacies.
The Effect of Parents` Raising Attitude, Self-control, and Peer Relationship on Adolescents` Internet Addiction 부모양육태도, 자기통제력 및 또래관계가 청소년의 인터넷중독에 미치는 영향
최연실 Youn Shil Choi , 최혜진 Hye Jin Choi , 안연주 Yeon Ju Ahn
15(4) 113-133, 2011
The Effect of Parents` Raising Attitude, Self-control, and Peer Relationship on Adolescents` Internet Addiction 부모양육태도, 자기통제력 및 또래관계가 청소년의 인터넷중독에 미치는 영향
최연실 Youn Shil Choi , 최혜진 Hye Jin Choi , 안연주 Yeon Ju Ahn
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of parenting, self-control, and peer relationship on adolescents` internet addiction. 283 middle and high school students located in Seoul and Kyunggi area provided the data used for this study. The results ars as follows: First, the overall tendency of the Internet addiction, parents` raising attitudes, self-control and friendships among adolescents shows that the Internet addiction is somewhat low, parents` raising attitudes are affective and autonomous, self-control; is high and peer relationship is positive. Second, there was some significant differences in self-control according to adolescents` the level of the Internet addiction(general group, the potential risk group, and the serious risk group). Third, the most influencing variable on the level of adolescents` the Internet addiction among parents` raising attitudes, self-control, and friendships was ``impulse`` in self-control measures and ``whether or not there are some friends and reliability`` in friendships.