Change and the Situations of the Japanese Family Facings a Super-aging Society: -With a Focus on the Trends of the Baby Boom Generation-
Hiroko Sato
16(2) 3-17, 2011
Change and the Situations of the Japanese Family Facings a Super-aging Society: -With a Focus on the Trends of the Baby Boom Generation-
Hiroko Sato
This article summarizes a speech made at the fall conference of the Korea Association of Family Relations in 2010. The article first presents the current and the future trends of Japanese population aging and the changes in the age profile to clarify the actual situation of the population aging that Japan faces. The article then clarifies how the Japanese lifestyle has changed over the decades since World WarⅡ. Next, it presents my panel study from 1980s to 2000s in an agricultural community in middle Japan, discussing the change in the average size of the household, household structure, and people`s attitudes toward their old age. This part also refers to what can be characterized as the consciousness of the baby boom generation. Finally, the article introduces the research project, which aims to create a system within the community that accommodates the super-aging society.
Key Words
Japanese family, Japanese population aging, Japanese Life style, Japanese farm family, Attitudes toward old age, Baby boom generation, Super-aging society
Acculturation of Immigrant Parents and Parent-Adolescent Child Relationships in Asian American Families: A Meta Analysis 미국 거주 아시아계 이민자 부모의 문화적응과 부모-청소년 자녀관계의 관련성: 메타분석을 중심으로
진윤아 , 이나련 , 정유진
16(2) 19-34, 2011
Acculturation of Immigrant Parents and Parent-Adolescent Child Relationships in Asian American Families: A Meta Analysis 미국 거주 아시아계 이민자 부모의 문화적응과 부모-청소년 자녀관계의 관련성: 메타분석을 중심으로
진윤아 , 이나련 , 정유진
본 연구는 미국에 거주하는 아시아계 이민자 부모와 그 청소년 자녀를 대상으로, 부모의 문화적응과 부모-자녀관계의 연관성을 규명하고자 메타분석을 실시하였다. 문헌검색을 통하여 총 10개의 연구논문이 메타분석에 이용되었으며, 각각의 연구에서 도출된 효과크기(effect size, Fisher`s z transformed correlation)는 각 연구의 역분산 값으로 가중치를 부여한 후, 가중 평균 효과크기 (weighted mean effect size)로 계산되었다. 부모를 연구대상으로 한 경우, 부모의 문화적응과 부모자녀관계의 관련성은 유의하지 않은 것 (Zr=.002)으로 나타난 반면, 자녀가 연구대상인 경우는 부모의 문화적응도가 높을 경우, 더 나은 부모-자녀관계 (Zr=.25)를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 본 연구에서는 부모와 청소년 자녀의 나이, 성별, 가구 총 수입, 부모의 미국에 거주한 기간을 조절변수의 규명을 위해 분석에 사용하였다.
Key Words
문화적응, 부모-자녀 관계, 아시아계 미국 가족, Acculturation, parent-child relationships, Asian American families
The Effect of Time use on Life Satisfaction of The Retired Elderly 은퇴한 노인의 생활시간 사용이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
16(2) 35-58, 2011
The Effect of Time use on Life Satisfaction of The Retired Elderly 은퇴한 노인의 생활시간 사용이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
This study analyzes how daily life time use of the retired elderly is related with their life satisfaction. A total of 225 retired elderly living in K, S, and Y cities were sampled and administered to a structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by such statistical methods as reliability, frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, correlation and multiple regression. Some of the major findings are as follows: First, the retired elderly tend to spend more time for physiological activities and leisure, and retirees` life satisfaction is higher than madian. Second, the degree of retirees` life satisfaction is significant different in terms of living with spouse, gender, living state, former job, etc. Most of independent variables such as possession of own house, religion, health state, monthly living expenses, educational background, economic state, age, religion, audience, meal, participation and volunteer, interest, sleeping, work, exercise, household affairs. Third, The variables affecting retirees` life satisfaction were health, audience, household affairs, participation and volunteer, economic state, sleeping, monthly living expenses, interest, medical treatment, gender. It was found that retirees` life satisfaction can be explained almost 55% by these variables. The results of this study suggest that retirees` life satisfaction was effecting by time use.
Key Words
은퇴노인, 시간 사용, 생활만족도, The retired elderly, Time use, The Life satisfaction
A Study of Related Variables to the Family Strengths of Marriage Immigrant Women and Korean Men Couples 결혼이주여성과 한국인 남성부부의 가족건강성 관련 변인 연구
김혜신 , 김경신
16(2) 59-86, 2011
A Study of Related Variables to the Family Strengths of Marriage Immigrant Women and Korean Men Couples 결혼이주여성과 한국인 남성부부의 가족건강성 관련 변인 연구
김혜신 , 김경신
This study is to explore general tendencies toward family strengths and influencing variables on the subject of marriage immigrant woman and Korean man couples so as to research into family strengths of these couples. The data of this study were collected from 204 couples, and were analyzed using Frequencies, percentage, means, Cronbach`s α, hierarchical regression, multiple regression. The major findings were as follows: Firstly, the average score of family strengths of marriage-immigrant women and Korean men is 3.5, which shows they recognize the family is healthy. Secondly, as for relative influence of family strengths related variables, wives are influenced most by daily life conflicts and depression, husbands do in order of rational coping and social support. Thirdly, as for wife related variables, husbands show a significant difference in sequence of mother-culture delivery attitude, daily life conflicts, rational coping, external help request, information agreement before marriage, wife`s age, social support, and education.
Key Words
결혼이주여성, 가족건강성, 문화적응스트레스, marriage immigrant women, family strengths, acculturative stress
The Effect of Vocational Consciousness on Female College Students` Perception of Marriage and Childbirth 여대생의 직업의식이 결혼 및 출산에 대한 인식에 미치는 영향
박은주 , 전형미
16(2) 87-105, 2011
The Effect of Vocational Consciousness on Female College Students` Perception of Marriage and Childbirth 여대생의 직업의식이 결혼 및 출산에 대한 인식에 미치는 영향
박은주 , 전형미
Recently the low fertility poses a serious social issue for Korean society. It is considered to be caused by the increase in unmarried professional woman to self-actualize and live in affluence. Therefore, it is important that especially female college students, who may become professional woman in the future, perceive what the marriage and childbirth is. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of vocational consciousness on the perception of marriage and childbirth by conducting survey on 200 female college students living in Ulsan. The research results are summarized as follows. First, in the female college students` perception about marriage, the number of respondents showing reserved attitude depending on circumstances, thinking that ``either getting married or unmarried is fine``, was found to be highest. Second, in the perception of child birth, the number of respondents citing ``It is better to have a baby`` was found to be highest. And they thought that the factors for determining the low birth rate and the number of children were ``the burden of childcare and education expenses`` and ``economic conditions of the family``. Third, female college students` perception of marriage and childbirth was found to have positive correlations with the degree of family orientation and negative correlations with the equality of norms of gender roles. Forth, as a result of regression analysis to examine the explanatory power of variables on the perception of marriage and childbirth, the degree of family orientation was the most effective on the number of children desired, and the period of wanting to get married.
Key Words
저출산, 결혼에 대한 인식, 출산에 대한 인식, 직업의식, 여대생, Low fertility, perception of marriage, perception of childbirth
The Effects of Father`s Involvement in Childcare on Their Parenting Stress 아버지의 자녀 양육 참여정도가 양육 스트레스에 미치는 영향
남효정 , 이숙현
16(2) 107-121, 2011
The Effects of Father`s Involvement in Childcare on Their Parenting Stress 아버지의 자녀 양육 참여정도가 양육 스트레스에 미치는 영향
남효정 , 이숙현
The purpose of this study was to examine the variables explaining father`s parenting stress. Three independent variables such as sociodemographic variables, work environments and the level of involvement in childcare were included. The participants were 294 fathers who live in Seoul and Gyonggido and have their first child younger than 6 years old. The instrument used for this study were ``Paternal Involvement in Child Care Index(Radin, 1989)``, ``Parenting stress(Abidin, 1990)``, and ``Work flexibility(Seo, 1998)``. The data were analyzed using frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, and multiple regression analysis. The major results were as follows. First, most fathers reported medium level of involvement in childcare and relatively low level of parenting stress. Second, father`s parenting stress was significantly explained by type of occupations, work flexibility, work hours and level of involvement in childcare. In other words, fathers who have managerial work, less work flexibility, less work hours and less responsibility for childcare reported higher parenting stress.
Key Words
양육스트레스, 직무유연성, 아버지의 양육 참여, parenting stress, work flexibility, father`s involvement in childcare
A Study on the Influence of Ecological Factors on the Intension of Childbirth 생태학적 변인이 출산의도에 미치는 영향 연구
배광일 , 김경신
16(2) 123-149, 2011
A Study on the Influence of Ecological Factors on the Intension of Childbirth 생태학적 변인이 출산의도에 미치는 영향 연구
배광일 , 김경신
This study is intended to research general trend and difference of ecological factors on married couples` intension of childbirth and to analyze the interrelation and influence between them. For the research, 600 questionnaires were distributed in the area of Gwangju and Chunnam District to the subjects of the married couples whose wife is aged from 25 to 39. Among the 600 questionnaires collected, 528 responses were valid as data and used for the final analysis. Data analysis was conducted by using SPSS 18.0 Program for WINDOW to calculate the frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, Cronbach`s α and Pearson`s product-moment correlation coefficient, r, and t-test, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical regression analysis were also used. To observe the intention of childbirth in an ecological approach, this study selected four factors as the variables such as Individual Organism, Microsystem(Family environment), Exosystem(Childcare environment), and Macrosystem(Value and Policy) centering on the findings of precedent studies, and then constructed each model to analyze them. The analysis showed all the variables such as Individual Organism(Age), Family Environment(Number of children), Childcare Environment(Childcare expenses and Childcare provider), and Macrosystem(Family value and Birth support policy) have an effect on the intention of childbirth. That means the intension of childbirth is affected by multi-dimensional factors in life environment. Thus, if the government expects to increase the birthrate by using a birth-support policy, it is required to analyze birthing in a complex and general ecological approach. The government should carry out other policies associated with childbirth, economic, and family policy along with the birth policy for more effective results.
Factors effecting on the grandchildren` self-esteem in rural grandparent-grandchildren families 농촌 조손가족 손자녀들의 자아존중감에 작용하는 요인
16(2) 151-167, 2011
Factors effecting on the grandchildren` self-esteem in rural grandparent-grandchildren families 농촌 조손가족 손자녀들의 자아존중감에 작용하는 요인
This study aimed at identifying the effect of the variables that influence the grandchildren` self-esteem in rural grandparent-grandchildren families and investing their aspects. The following is the findings of this study. First, the level of the grandchildren` self-esteem in rural grandparent-grandchildren families was higher than the one in urban families according to the precedent study. Second, the regression analysis showed that the scholastic performance was the most significant factor influencing on the grandchildren`s self-esteem in rural grandparent- grandchildren families(β=.29), followed by the intimacy between the grandparent and grandchildren(β=.23). Whereas the frequency of meeting or telephone contact with parents did not affect on it. In addition, the scholastic performance highly correlated with the intimacy. Finally, this study suggested the intimacy between grandparent and grandchildren is important to improve grandchildren`s self-esteem in rural areas. In addition, the characteristic of the grandchildren`s self-esteem in rural grandparent-grandchildren families may be predicted by the intimacy. Therefore we should focus to develop plans for improving the intimacy in rural areas.
A Study on the Influence of Married Middle-aged Men`s Family Resilience upon the Stress Coping Behavior 기혼중년남성의 가족탄력성이 스트레스 대처행동에 미치는 영향
이희윤 , 박정윤
16(2) 169-192, 2011
A Study on the Influence of Married Middle-aged Men`s Family Resilience upon the Stress Coping Behavior 기혼중년남성의 가족탄력성이 스트레스 대처행동에 미치는 영향
이희윤 , 박정윤
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of married middle-aged men`s family resilience upon their stress coping behavior. The study subjects were 301 married middle-aged men between the ages of 40-54. The results were as follows. First, the extent of family resilience was above the middle level. Among the stress coping behavior, rational action presented the highest average score. Second, among the sub-variables of family resilience, the influential variables upon the coping behavior of stress were belief system`s family coherence, positive perspective, the flexibility of morality, religion and organizational pattern, connectivity, family resources, communication-oriented mutually cooperative problem-solving, clarity and emotional coping. There was significant difference in the coping behavior in response to stress by groups. When family resilience was higher, the men responded to stress rationally. Third, among the variables of family resilience, organizational pattern had the highest influence upon the coping behavior in response to stress, followed by belief system, communication and marriage status in that order. The groups of proper formation of family norm and proper reorganization of family structure, proper exchange of information within family circles and first-marriage coped with stress rationally.
Key Words
가족탄력성, 스트레스 대처행동, 중년남성, family resilience, stress coping behavior, Middle-aged men
Dual-Career and Single-Career Commuter Families in Baby Boom Generation: Marital Satisfaction of Couples Who Live Apart 베이비붐 세대 분거가족의 결혼만족도에 영향을 미치는 변인: 아내를 중심으로
윤경자 , 임주영
16(2) 193-208, 2011
Dual-Career and Single-Career Commuter Families in Baby Boom Generation: Marital Satisfaction of Couples Who Live Apart 베이비붐 세대 분거가족의 결혼만족도에 영향을 미치는 변인: 아내를 중심으로
윤경자 , 임주영
The purpose of this study was to investigate the marital satisfaction of women who maintain nontraditional lifestyle, commuting marriage in baby boom generation. Based on data from 2008 Women-Family Panel Study, marital satisfaction of commuting and single-residence couples were compared on gender-role attitude, perceptions of husband``s support for domestic laborwork, and attitude toward infidelity. Commuters did not report a more stressful lifestyle than single-residence respondents. There were no significant differences in self-reported satisfaction or stress including gender-role attitude and attitude toward infidelity between commuting and single-residence respondents. Marital satisfaction of commuting couples were significantly affected by the reasons for commuting lifestyle, frequency of reunion, and reasons for experiencing difficulties, These results imply that in some ways single-residence lifestyle may be more stressful and dissatisfying in a new generation of babyboomers.
Key Words
베이비 붐 세대, 분거가족, 만남횟수, 결혼만족도, baby boom generation, commuter family, frequency of reunion, marital satisfaction
A Review of the Research Trends and Findings on the Single Parent -Focusing on the Family Related Journals- 한부모 연구에 대한 고찰 -가족관련 전문학술지 논문들을 중심으로-
김순옥 , 김영숙 , 전주람
16(2) 209-229, 2011
A Review of the Research Trends and Findings on the Single Parent -Focusing on the Family Related Journals- 한부모 연구에 대한 고찰 -가족관련 전문학술지 논문들을 중심으로-
김순옥 , 김영숙 , 전주람
The purpose of this study was to analyze the research trends and findings on the single parent and to provide the direction of future research and for improvement of understanding for single parent family. For this study, 61 articles were selected from 10 kinds of professional journals about the family studies. The acticles were published from first issue to 2010. The analysis on each articles was focused to publication years, research methods, and research topics by three researchers. The major findings were as follows: First, articles were published from 1996 and the number of researches has increased over 1998. But, each of 2009 and 2010 had only three articles. Second, quantitative method was used most frequently, and qualitative method and program development were used relatively less. Third, most of the research topics was the adaptaion to single parenthood. And the other research topics were parenting, life satisfaction, process or experiences to be single parent, and economic problems of single parent.
Key Words
고찰, 연구동향, 한부모, 한부모가족, review, research trends, single parent, single parent family