The Qualitative Study on Participation in the Elderly Job Creation Program -Focused on Education Type Participants- 노인 일자리 사업 참여에 관한 질적 연구 -교육형 참여자를 중심으로-
조윤주 Yoon Joo Cho
16(3) 3-20, 2011
The Qualitative Study on Participation in the Elderly Job Creation Program -Focused on Education Type Participants- 노인 일자리 사업 참여에 관한 질적 연구 -교육형 참여자를 중심으로-
조윤주 Yoon Joo Cho
This study analyzed the in-depth interview of 10 old persons who had participated in "the Elderly Job Creation Program." The research question was about what the elderly experienced in the program. Major results are as follows: Firstly, they did not retire voluntarily, and their opinion about retirement age varied. Secondly, there were diverse factors of motivation in participation from material needs to desire for volunteer activities. Thirdly, their family members gave instrumental as well as emotional supports to the old. Additionally, family relationship was improved after program participation. Fourthly, participating in the activity had a positive effect on their psychological and monetary aspects. Also, they used passive coping strategy dealing with difficulties during participation. Finally, they wanted wage increase, stable period of activity, appropriate education, and polite manners of relevant people.
Key Words
노인 일자리 사업, Elderly job creation program, 질적 연구, Qualitative study
The Effect of Group Counselling Program based on Integrated Method of Transactional Analysis toward the Life Position and Psychological Well-being of Juvenile Delinquents 교류분석의 통합적 접근방법을 적용한 집단상담 프로그램이 비행청소년의 인생태도와 심리적복지감에 미치는 효과
이정미 Jeung Mi Lee , 전영자 Young Ja Jeon
16(3) 21-44, 2011
The Effect of Group Counselling Program based on Integrated Method of Transactional Analysis toward the Life Position and Psychological Well-being of Juvenile Delinquents 교류분석의 통합적 접근방법을 적용한 집단상담 프로그램이 비행청소년의 인생태도와 심리적복지감에 미치는 효과
이정미 Jeung Mi Lee , 전영자 Young Ja Jeon
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of group counselling program based on integrated method of Transactional Analysis(TA) toward the life position and psychological well-being of juvenile delinquents. The subjects are 54 alternative school students who are forced to transfer to that school because of their behavior problems in former schools. 27 students are in experiment group and the other 27 are in control group. 8 session program were executed and it took 90 minutes for every session. The statistical methods used for the data analysis were frequency, percentile, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The research results are as follows. First, after executing group counselling program, the life position of experiment group change from ``I am not ok, you are ok`` to ``I am ok, you are ok``. Second, after the program, the level of psychological well-being of experimental group get higher compared with control group. Third, in the subjective evaluation of this program it does good evaluation in that the participants can get the ability to solve the problem, but rates the understandings of the family and communication skills low. In conclusion, this study verified that the group counselling program executed for the juvenile delinquents is effective.
Key Words
교류분석, Transactional Analysis; TA, 비행청소년, juvenile delinquents, 집단상담 프로그램, group counselling program, 인생태도, Life position, 심리적 복지감, psychological well-being
Study on Variables Related to Adults` Suicidal Ideation 성인기 자살생각 관련 변인에 관한 연구
김윤정 Yun Jeong Kim , 강현정 Hyun Jung Kang
16(3) 45-61, 2011
Study on Variables Related to Adults` Suicidal Ideation 성인기 자살생각 관련 변인에 관한 연구
김윤정 Yun Jeong Kim , 강현정 Hyun Jung Kang
This study was intended to apply Kemp`s ecosystem model to inclusively understand the variables that relate to adults` suicidal ideation. This study had three objectives: first, to understand the level of suicidal ideation in adulthood; second, to analyze the difference in adults` suicidal ideation according to ecosystem variables and third, to understand the impact of ecosystem variables on suicidal ideation. This study surveyed 500 adults between 30 and 55 years of age in 10 regions of Korea from May through August in 2010 and a total of 307 were used for the analysis. The findings of this study are threefold: first, the overall level of suicidal ideation was low at 1.425 point, but there were 16.9% of adults who answered they have thought about suicide, about 9.6% of adults have thought about it recently, 6.9% of adults have told someone about committing a suicide, 7.5% of adults have thought about ending their lives by suicide, and about 3.9% of adults have attempted suicide. Therefore, the risk of suicidal ideation to which adults are exposed should not be overlooked. adults with greater depression and frustration had higher level of suicidal ideation in micro-system variables, adults with lower family cohesion had higher level of suicidal ideation in intermediate variables, and adults with greater occupational stress had higher level of suicidal ideation in macro-system variables. Third, in result of performing hierarchical regression analysis, all of the ecosystem variables explained adult`s suicidal ideation by 42.7% and depression had the greatest relative impact on adults` suicidal ideation. Greater depression and lower family cohesion increased the level of suicidal ideation. The conclusion of this study is first, micro-system variables had the greatest impact on adults` suicidal ideation. Second, depression had the greatest impact on adults` suicidal ideation and family cohesion also impacted adults` suicidal ideation.
Key Words
성인자살생각, adults` suicidal ideation, 자살생각, suicidal Ideation, 생태체계모델, ecosystem model
The Effects of Parents` Engagement in Learning on the Gifted Children`s Creative Personality: Mediating Effects of Intelligence-Change Belief System and Self-Determination Motivation 초등 영재학생이 지각한 부모의 학습관여가 창의적 인성에 미치는 영향: 지적능력신념, 자기결정성 동기를 매개로
권희경 Hee Kyung Kwon , 한기순 Ki Soon Han
16(3) 63-83, 2011
The Effects of Parents` Engagement in Learning on the Gifted Children`s Creative Personality: Mediating Effects of Intelligence-Change Belief System and Self-Determination Motivation 초등 영재학생이 지각한 부모의 학습관여가 창의적 인성에 미치는 영향: 지적능력신념, 자기결정성 동기를 매개로
권희경 Hee Kyung Kwon , 한기순 Ki Soon Han
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between elementary school student parents` engagement in learning and their gifted children`s creative personality. Utilizing the Baron and Kenny`s three step multiple regression analysis, this study also tried to look for the mediating effect of intelligence-changes belief and self-determination motivation to the relationship between parents` engagement in learning and their children`s creative personality. For the study, 231 gifted students in the 4th, 5th, 6th grades participated. Findings are summarized as follows: First, parents` engagement in learning affects intelligence-change belief system, self-determination motivation, and creative personality. The types of parents` engagement in learning were positively related to all of these variables. Second, in the relationship between parents` engagements in learning and creative personality, intelligence-change belief system revealed partial mediating effect, indicating belief on the possibility of intellectual improvement was an important factor to affect children`s creative personality. Third, self-determination motivation also showed partial mediating effect in the relationship between parents` engagement in learning and gifted children`s creative personality. Therefore, to increase the gifted elementary students` creative personality, children themselves` self-determination motivation is important, especially when parents` engagement in learning is inappropriate or insufficient. Implication of the study related to the gifted education is discussed.
Key Words
영재, elementary gifted student, 지적능력신념, intelligence-changes belief, 자기결정성 동기, self-determination motivation, 부모의 학습관여, parents` engagement in Learning
The Effect of Family Resilience of Perceived by International Married Korean Men on Family Adjustment 국제 결혼한 한국 남성이 지각하는 가족탄력성(Family Resilience)이 가족적응에 미치는 영향
김진희 Jin Hee Kim
16(3) 85-107, 2011
The Effect of Family Resilience of Perceived by International Married Korean Men on Family Adjustment 국제 결혼한 한국 남성이 지각하는 가족탄력성(Family Resilience)이 가족적응에 미치는 영향
김진희 Jin Hee Kim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of family resilience on family adaption of international married korean men and successful positive-adaption of their families by applying strength perspective. This study primarily investigate family resilience affects family adaption of international married korean men. In order to achieve this research goal, the subjects of the study are 223 international married korean men. The summary of the results is as follows. First, the family adaptation is well explained by family resilience rather than family stress. Second, family resilience functioned to moderate family adaptation between family stress. The statistically significant variables on family adaptation was the interaction variables of family stress×organizational patterns. Third, of find that subordinate factors of family resilience act as a mediator variable on negative influence on family`s adaptation by stress supporting international married korean men, a multiple regression was executed on three conditions of a mediator variable, which are influence of family stress on family adaptation, influence of family stress on family resilience`s subordinate factors, and influence of family resilience`s subordinate factors on family adaptation. This shows that strength perspective-based intervention (family resilience) can be more effective than deficit perspective-based intervention (stress).
Key Words
국제 결혼한 한국남성, international married korean men, 가족탄력성, family resilience, 가족적응, family adaptation
Relationship on Family Abuse Experience, Depression, Resilience and Suicide Ideation of University Students 대학생의 가족학대경험, 우울과 레질리언스 및 자살생각의 관계
김민경 Min Kyeong Kim
16(3) 109-127, 2011
Relationship on Family Abuse Experience, Depression, Resilience and Suicide Ideation of University Students 대학생의 가족학대경험, 우울과 레질리언스 및 자살생각의 관계
김민경 Min Kyeong Kim
The purposes of this study were to find the correlation of family abuse experience, depression, resilience and suicide ideation, and to explore the mediating role of resilience between family abuse experience, depression and suicide ideation. The subject of the survey was 295 university students. The data were analyzed with frequency, Pearson`s correlation and structual equation modeling by SPSS and AMOS. Instruments were Reynold(1988)`s Suicidal Ideation Questionaire, Strauss(1988)`s Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales and resilience consisted of Rosenberg(1965)`s Self-Esteem Scale, Park(1992)`s Self-Trust and Seo(1975)`s Ego Identity Scale. The major findings were as follows; Family abuse experience and depression were negatively correlated with resilience and positively correlated with suicide ideation. Resilience was negatively correlated with suicide ideation. Resilience mediated the effects of family abuse experience, depression and suicide ideation. Family abuse experience and depression influenced resilience negatively but positively suicide ideation. Resilience influenced negatively suicide ideation. In conclusion, it is important to intervene university students` suicide ideation through special education program and counseling in order to built resilience.
Key Words
가족학대경험, Family Abuse Experience, 우울, Depression, 레질리언스, Resilience, 자살생각, Suicide Ideation, 대학생, University Student
The Effect of Role Stress and Self-Efficacy on Job Satisfaction in Long-Term Caregivers 노인요양보호사의 역할스트레스, 자기효능감이 직무만족도에 미치는 영향
김양호 Yang Ho Kim , 임선영 Sun Young Im
16(3) 129-142, 2011
The Effect of Role Stress and Self-Efficacy on Job Satisfaction in Long-Term Caregivers 노인요양보호사의 역할스트레스, 자기효능감이 직무만족도에 미치는 영향
김양호 Yang Ho Kim , 임선영 Sun Young Im
This purpose of this study was to examine their job satisfaction according to role stress, self-efficacy and working condition perceived by long-term Caregivers. The data were obtained via a questionnaires completed by 256 long-term Caregivers. The results were summarized as follows: First, As a result of analyzing the job of the research subjects, their working days were mostly ``less than 15~20 days`` with 65.6%, and their care rating was primarily a ``3 rating``, with 93.3%. As for their main jobs, most of them were engaged in ``the support of ordinary living``, with 40.4%. Concerning the active period of caregivers, they were active mostly for ``6 months~less than 1 year``, with 59.4%. Regarding their monthly pay, they received ``1.3-1.5 million won, in most cases, with 58.6%. Second, Role Stress was 3.48 points, which was shown to be higher than 3 points, which is a median. Meanwhile, self-efficacy was 2.92 pointsand job satisfaction was 2.40 points, both of which were lower than the median value of 3 points. Third, These results suggest that the statistically significant factors that affect on thier job satisfaction are role Stress (β=-.45, p<.001), self-efficacy (β=.26, p<.001), educational level (β=-.19, p<.01).
Effects of Family Functioning on Adolescents` Emotional Autonomy and Psychological Well-Being 가족기능이 청소년의 정서적 자율성과 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향
조호운 Ho Woon Jo , 김영희 Yeong Hee Kim
16(3) 143-165, 2011
Effects of Family Functioning on Adolescents` Emotional Autonomy and Psychological Well-Being 가족기능이 청소년의 정서적 자율성과 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향
조호운 Ho Woon Jo , 김영희 Yeong Hee Kim
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of family functioning on adolescents` emotional autonomy and psychological well-being among middle school students. Subjects of this study consisted of 867 middle school students drawn from 5 middle schools in Cheongju city. The result of this study was as follow: First, family communication and family disengagement had direct effects on male adolescents` psychological well-being. Second, male adolescents` psychological well-being was directly influenced by emotional cut-off autonomy to parents whereas the influence of emotional-cognition autonomy to parents on psychological well-being could be not statically accepted because the influence of emotional-cognition autonomy to parents on psychological well-being was very minimal. On the other hand, for female adolescents, emotional-cognition autonomy to parents had a direct effect on psychological well-being whereas the effect of emotional cut-off autonomy to parents on psychological well-being was little. Third, for male adolescents, psychological well-being was directly affected by family functioning including family communication, family rules, and family chaotic. However, for female adolescent, family functioning which included family communication and family chaotic had an influence on psychological well-being directly. Fourth, family communication was the strongest predictor both male and female adolescents` psychological well-being. Family disengagement was the second predictor for male adolescents` psychological well-being whereas family chaotic was for female adolescents.
Key Words
가족기능, family functioning, 부모와의 정서단절 자율성, emotional cut-off autonomy to parents, 부모와의 정서인지 자율성, emotional-cognition autonomy to parent, 심리적 안녕감, psychological well-being
The Effects of Family Functions and Social Supports on Happiness: Children`s Perspectives 아동이 지각한 가족기능과 사회적 지지가 행복감에 미치는 영향
박현철 Hyun Chul Park , 김성봉 Sung Bong Kim , 홍달아기 Dal Ag Gi Hong
16(3) 167-193, 2011
The Effects of Family Functions and Social Supports on Happiness: Children`s Perspectives 아동이 지각한 가족기능과 사회적 지지가 행복감에 미치는 영향
박현철 Hyun Chul Park , 김성봉 Sung Bong Kim , 홍달아기 Dal Ag Gi Hong
The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of family functions and social supports on happiness which a child perceives. These findings would be a key figures of the child`s quality of life. This study were used 222 questionnaires which were colllected from elementary school students. The data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation, t-test and Anova, and used Duncan`s Multiple Range Test for the later verification. The results were as follows: First, socio-demographic variations such as sex, subjective health condition, subjective academic achievement, subjective economic level, residence, family pattern showed a significant difference in family functions. Second, social supports showed significant difference by socio-demography in gender, residence, patterns of family and its subjective health & economic conditions, and academic achievement. Child thought as social supports sources more their family and friends than teachers. Therefore, child of age 11 through 13 needs family and friends supports more importantly. Third, according to the result of the analysis of the effects of family functions and social supports on happiness of children, it is shown that social supports has more effects on happiness than family functions.
Key Words
사회적 지지, social supports, 가족기능, family functions, 행복감, happiness, 아동의 삶의 질, child`s quality of Life
Married Immigrant Women`s Support Demand in the Local Areas On the Case of Life and Social Adjustment: Korea and Japan Compared 한일 비교를 통한 결혼이민자여성의 생활과 사회적응 사례 및 지원요구
마유정 You Jung Ma
16(3) 195-222, 2011
Married Immigrant Women`s Support Demand in the Local Areas On the Case of Life and Social Adjustment: Korea and Japan Compared 한일 비교를 통한 결혼이민자여성의 생활과 사회적응 사례 및 지원요구
마유정 You Jung Ma
In the age of globalization, "international marriage" has quickly grown as an emerging trend in Korea and Japan. There are many similarities in the various problems that arise in the way people get married and their life thereafter with "matchmaking business". The purpose of this paper is to analyze the limitations of supporting services for married immigrant women, based on a comparative study of social backgrounds and a case study of life and social adjustment specifically in local areas between Korea and Japan. Also, this paper relies on official statistic, relevant researches. As a result, Legal groups, autonomous groups, city groups, and citizen groups have been cooperating and working on this topic of all dimensions. The question of how these migrant women can integrate into society and how to eliminate social discrimination against Korean or Japanese are becoming other serious aspects to consider.
Key Words
국제결혼, International Marriage, 결혼이민자여성, Married Immigrant Women, 사회적응, Social Adjustment, 사회지원요구, Social Support Demand
A study of family Life education to improve family function of grandparent-grandchildren family 조손가족의 가족기능 향상을 위한 가족생활교육프로그램의 개발에 관한 연구
전보영 Bo Young Jeon , 조희선 Hee Sun Cho
16(3) 223-250, 2011
A study of family Life education to improve family function of grandparent-grandchildren family 조손가족의 가족기능 향상을 위한 가족생활교육프로그램의 개발에 관한 연구
전보영 Bo Young Jeon , 조희선 Hee Sun Cho
This study focuses on the improvement of family function in grandparent-grandchildren family by means of developing a family life education program. Thus, following two hypotheses are set up to achieve this goal. First, have the family function in the experimental group been improved through the family life education program? Second, is the effectiveness persisted after this program? For dealing with the hypotheses above, this study is composed of an experimental group with 8 grandparents and 8 grandchildren, along with a control group. In order to investigate the effectiveness of the program, this study employed two methods such as a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Research results were as followings. First, as a result of executing Mann Whitney U-Test, the experimental group showed a statistically significant elevation (p<.05) regrading of a pre-post comparative approach of family function. Second, after analyzing persistence of the program through post additional tests on the experimental group using Wilcoxon signed-Ranks Test, the experimental group demonstrated statistically significant results (p<.001). Third, derived from the interviews, new viewpoints on the family functions have been found out as well as the elevated level of affections on each other have been able to be confirmed.
Key Words
조손가족, Grandparent-grandchildren Family, 가족기능, Family Function, 가족생활교육, Family Life Education
The Mediating Effect of Marital Conflict on Personality and Marital Satisfaction of the Korean Husband from Multicultural families 다문화가족 한국인남편의 성격특성과 결혼만족도의 관계에서 부부갈등의 매개효과
임성옥 Sung Ok Lim , 강성률 Sung Lyul Kang
16(3) 251-272, 2011
The Mediating Effect of Marital Conflict on Personality and Marital Satisfaction of the Korean Husband from Multicultural families 다문화가족 한국인남편의 성격특성과 결혼만족도의 관계에서 부부갈등의 매개효과
임성옥 Sung Ok Lim , 강성률 Sung Lyul Kang
The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of their personality on marital satisfaction and to investigate the mediating effect of marital conflict on personality and marital satisfaction of the korean husband from multicultural families. Subjects were 245 korean husbands from multicultural families in Seoul·Gyeonggi area, Daegu·Gyeongbuk area, and Ulsan city To investigate the mediating the effect, multiple linar regression (MLR) model was used. Results of the study are as follows. First, the level of marital satisfaction of the korean husbands was mostly high(3.11 out of 4.0). Second, the conscientiousness and agreeableness of the personality affected positively their marital satisfaction. Third, a most important variable that influenced husbands` marital satisfaction was couple area of conflicts. Fourth, the results showed that marital conflict fully mediated link among openness, extroversion, and partially mediated link among conscientiousness, extroversion and marital satisfaction. But marital conflict not mediated the link between neuroticism of personality and marital satisfaction. These results gave social work implication to improve quality of marital lives of the korean husband from multicultural families.
Key Words
다문화가족 한국인 남편, korean husband from multi-cultural families, 결혼만족도, marital satisfaction, 부부갈등, marital conflict, 매개효과, mediating effect
Partner Relationships and the Changes in Domestic Violence Re-offense -Long Term Research on a Treatment Program for Domestic Violence offenders- 아내폭력 재폭력의 변화 양상과 부부관계의 관련성 연구 -가정폭력 행위자 치료프로그램 장기 효과연구-
김재엽 Jae Yop Kim , 최지현 Ji Hyeon Choi , 송아영 Ah Young Song
16(3) 273-287, 2011
Partner Relationships and the Changes in Domestic Violence Re-offense -Long Term Research on a Treatment Program for Domestic Violence offenders- 아내폭력 재폭력의 변화 양상과 부부관계의 관련성 연구 -가정폭력 행위자 치료프로그램 장기 효과연구-
김재엽 Jae Yop Kim , 최지현 Ji Hyeon Choi , 송아영 Ah Young Song
This research analyzes the changes and related factors in domestic violence of the subjects who have completed the treatment program for domestic violence offenders to verify its long-term effect. The research data has been collected by three times of follow-up survey on the wives of the domestic violence offenders in 2008 and 2009. This research checked the changes in the characteristics of domestic violence in three surveys and especially focused on the first and the second survey data. The analysis indicates that, after participating in the program, re-offense occurred in 50 participants (43.1%) in the first survey, 14 (18.4%) in the second survey, and 2 (3.6%) in the third survey. The analysis of the first and second survey demonstrates the lower partner relationships in re-offender group. These results evidence the long-term effectiveness of the treatment program for domestic violence re-offenders and the high level of relation between the partner relationships and domestic violence. Based on the analyses, the researchers give suggestions in policy-making for intervening and preventing domestic violence re-offending.
Key Words
가정폭력 행위자 치료프로그램, treatment program for domestic violence offenders, 장기효과, Long-term effect, 재폭력, re-offending, 부부관계, partner relationships