Family Images and Healthy Family Images Perceived by Certified Healthy Family Specialists 건강가정사가 인식한 가족과 건강가정에 대한 이미지
최연실 Youn Shil Choi , 조은숙 Eun Suk Cho , 남영주 Nam Young Ju , 송명숙 Myung Sook Song , 권희경 Hee Kyung Kwon
16(4) 3-28, 2012
Family Images and Healthy Family Images Perceived by Certified Healthy Family Specialists 건강가정사가 인식한 가족과 건강가정에 대한 이미지
최연실 Youn Shil Choi , 조은숙 Eun Suk Cho , 남영주 Nam Young Ju , 송명숙 Myung Sook Song , 권희경 Hee Kyung Kwon
The purpose of this study was to examine how Certified Healthy Family Specialists (CHFS) have made their family images, what the contents of their family images were and whether these family images were reflected in their practices of service or not in the perspectives of social constructionism and discourse theory. For this purpose, primarily, in-depth interviews with 9 CHFS were conducted, and secondly, focus group interview with 5 CHFS were performed in this study. The results of this study were as follows: First, personal experiences, education and training, and work experiences have been affected as backgrounds in making family images among CHFS. Second, CHFS`s family images reflected more profound insight comparing to those of laymen. Third, CHFS`s family images were reflected in their practices of service. This study tried to have an opportunity to reflect critical endeavors in academic and practical fields related to Healthy Family Support Centers and CHFS up to now and to explore desirable references of intervention.
Key Words
건강가정사, 가족이미지, 담론이론, 사회구성주의, 건강가족, Certified Healthy Family Specialist, family images, discourse theory, social constructionism, healthy family
The Effects of Child`s Temperament and Parenting Attitude on Toddler`s Behavior Problems: Focusing on Child`s Daycare Experience 아동의 기질과 부모의 양육태도가 걸음마기 아동의 문제행동에 미치는 영향: 보육시설 이용 유무를 중심으로
공영숙 Young Sook Kong , 임지영 Ji Young Lim
16(4) 29-45, 2012
The Effects of Child`s Temperament and Parenting Attitude on Toddler`s Behavior Problems: Focusing on Child`s Daycare Experience 아동의 기질과 부모의 양육태도가 걸음마기 아동의 문제행동에 미치는 영향: 보육시설 이용 유무를 중심으로
공영숙 Young Sook Kong , 임지영 Ji Young Lim
This study investigated the effects of child`s temperament and parenting attitude on toddlers`s behavior problems by groups who attend daycare or not. The subjects who participated in this study were 381 parents of two-year-olds. They responded all the questionnaires about their children`s temperament, children`s problem behaviors and their parenting attitude. Data were taken from research on the Actual Condition of Korean Children and Youth and were analysed by means of independent sample t-tests, Pearson`s correlation analyses, and hierarchical linear regression analyses. The major result of the study are as follows. Toddler`s easy, difficult and slow temperamental trait interacted significantly with positive parenting attitude in predicting toddler`s behavior problems in group who do not attend daycare, whereas difficult temperamental trait interacted significantly with negative parenting attitude in group who attend daycare. These findings will help efforts to identify children at greatest risk for developing behavior problems and design empirically interventions to prevent further increasing the problems.
Relationship on University Students` Strengths, Family Strengths, and Happiness 남녀대학생의 강점, 가족건강성과 행복과의 관계
김민경 Min Kyung Kim
16(4) 47-68, 2012
Relationship on University Students` Strengths, Family Strengths, and Happiness 남녀대학생의 강점, 가족건강성과 행복과의 관계
김민경 Min Kyung Kim
The purposes of this study were to find the trends and correlation of strengths, family strengths and happiness, and to explore the influence strengths and family strengths on happiness. The subject of the survey was 295 university students. The data were analyzed with frequency, Pearson`s correlation and stepwise regression by SPSS. The major findings were as follows; Male university students` strengths and family strengths are higher than female university students`. University students` strengths are positively correlated with happiness. Male university students` family strengths were influenced positively on endurance, citizenship, kindness and modesty and appreciation. Female university students` family strengths were influenced positively on brightness, fidelity, curiosity and leadership. Male university students` happiness were influenced positively on communication, citizenship, curiosity, ability to love, social intelligence and appreciation. Female university students` happiness were influenced positively on family bond, ability to love, citizenship, curiosity, social intelligence and hope. In conclusion, it is important to intervene university students` happiness through developing strengths and family strengths on the basis of gender.
Key Words
강점, 가족건강성, 행복, 대학생, Strengths, Family Strengths, Happiness, University Student
The Mediating Effects of Emotional Dysregulation on the relationship between Adult Attachment and Marital Satisfaction 성인애착이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향에 있어서 정서조절 곤란의 매개효과
현미나 Mi Na Hyun , 채규만 Kyu Man Chae
16(4) 69-85, 2012
The Mediating Effects of Emotional Dysregulation on the relationship between Adult Attachment and Marital Satisfaction 성인애착이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향에 있어서 정서조절 곤란의 매개효과
현미나 Mi Na Hyun , 채규만 Kyu Man Chae
This study examined the mediating effect of emotional dysregulation on the relationship between adult attachment and marital satisfaction and attempted to verify its effects. The results can be summarized as follows: Firstly, the correlation analysis of each factor showed that both anxiety attachment and avoidance attachment were negatively correlated with marital satisfaction for married men at a statistically significant level, while such correlation was only observed in avoidance attachment for married women. Emotional dysregulation was found to have a statistically significant negative correlation with marital satisfaction. Secondly, a t-test was performed to find out differences between the groups, and it showed that women experienced more emotional dysregulation than men, and men experienced a higher level of marital satisfaction than women. Thirdly, the regression analysis for the mediating effect of emotional dysregulation on the relationship between adult attachment and marital satisfaction indicated that only the married men, but not the married women, demonstrated such effect.
Dual-Earner Couple`s Emotional Experiences in Everyday Life And Happiness: An Investigation into the Flow Experiences 맞벌이부부의 일상활동 정서와 행복: 플로우(Flow)경험을 중심으로
이규호 Kyu Ho Lee , 한경혜 Gyoung Hae Han
16(4) 87-104, 2012
Dual-Earner Couple`s Emotional Experiences in Everyday Life And Happiness: An Investigation into the Flow Experiences 맞벌이부부의 일상활동 정서와 행복: 플로우(Flow)경험을 중심으로
이규호 Kyu Ho Lee , 한경혜 Gyoung Hae Han
The purpose of this study is to explore the dual-earner couple`s everyday life and happiness by means of Experience Sampling Method. In this study, 91 dual-earner couples with children for 5 days recording their thoughts about what they were doing to gather their emotional experiences in six areas of daily life including paid work, household work, caretaking of children, leisure activities, individual maintenance, and others. A total number of 5,147 data samples were gathered, and for the purpose of the study, flow experiences were mainly analyzed. The main findings are as follows. First, emotional experiences of the participants, identified in the three-channel flow model, differed according to gender. Second, the rate of flow experience to the holistic emotional experience was positively correlated with participants` overall happiness. Third, results from the regression analysis recognized gender differences in areas of flow experiences that affect happiness.
The Effects of Microsystem and Self-Knowledge Variables on Happiness Perceived by Adolescent 청소년의 행복감에 영향을 미치는 미시체계 변인과 자기이해 변인에 관한 연구: 성차를 중심으로
신효식 Hyo Shick Shin , 이선정 Seon Jeong Lee
16(4) 105-133, 2012
The Effects of Microsystem and Self-Knowledge Variables on Happiness Perceived by Adolescent 청소년의 행복감에 영향을 미치는 미시체계 변인과 자기이해 변인에 관한 연구: 성차를 중심으로
신효식 Hyo Shick Shin , 이선정 Seon Jeong Lee
The purposes of this study were to search traits of variables related to microsystem, self-esteem, self-efficacy and happiness and to examine effective variables influencing on adolescent`s happiness. Also, It was to investigate the mediating effects of self- knowledge variables on the relationship between microsystem variables and happiness. The subjects were the 513 high school students in Gwangju. Using structured questionnaire surveyed between 2010. 6. 5 and 2010. 6. 20. Data were analyzed with Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Std, Cronbach`s α, t-test, Pearson`s Correlation, Baron and Kenny`s three step multiple regression analysis using SPSS/PC WIN 18.0 program. The major findings were as follows: 1. According to sex, happiness showed significant differences on the friend`s support. Also, It was significant differences on self-esteem, self-efficacy and happiness according to sex. The score of schoolgirl`s self-esteem, self-efficacy and happiness was a little lower than schoolboy`s score. 2. The microsystem variables, self-knowledge variables and happiness showed significant correlation. 3. In schoolboy, Self-efficacy showed partial mediating effect in the relationship between microsystem variables(communication with parents, parenting attitude, family`s support, friend`s support, teacher`s support) and happiness. Self-esteem showed partial mediating effect in the relationship between microsystem variables(communication with parents, parenting attitude, family`s support, friend`s support, teacher`s support) and happiness. In schoolgirl, Self-efficacy showed partial mediating effect in the relationship between microsystem variables(communication with parents, parenting attitude, family`s support, friend`s support, teacher`s support) and happiness. Self-esteem showed partial mediating effect in the relationship between microsystem variables(communication with parents, parenting attitude, family`s support, friend`s support) and happiness, and full mediating effect in the relationship between microsystem variables(teacher`s support) and happiness.
The Effect of husband`s and wife`s Care-giving Willingness for both his(her) Parents and his(her) Spouse`s Parents on his(her) Couple`s Cohesion -Focusing on the Actor and Partner Interdependence Model- 중년부부의 친부모 및 배우자 부모를 위한 수발실천의지가 부부응집력에 미치는 영향 -자기-상대방 상호의존성 모델(APIM)의 적용-
신성자 Sung Ja Shin , 이원준 Won June Lee
16(4) 135-158, 2012
The Effect of husband`s and wife`s Care-giving Willingness for both his(her) Parents and his(her) Spouse`s Parents on his(her) Couple`s Cohesion -Focusing on the Actor and Partner Interdependence Model- 중년부부의 친부모 및 배우자 부모를 위한 수발실천의지가 부부응집력에 미치는 영향 -자기-상대방 상호의존성 모델(APIM)의 적용-
신성자 Sung Ja Shin , 이원준 Won June Lee
In the recognition of the predominant phenomenon of female family care-givers, this study examined the possible effects of couples`s care-giving role-sharing for his (her) old unhealthy parents on his(her) couple`s cohesion. The Actor and Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) was adopted in order for subjects to investigate the effect of the couple`s care-giving willingness for both his (her) own parents and his (her) spouse`s parents. In order to authenticate this research model, dyadic data which sampled the middle aged couples who had at least more than one parent alive respectively was used. Research was based on a survey conducted with 275 married couples between the ages of 45∼59 from the city of Daegu and Kyungpook Province. The major findings of this study are as follows. The husband`s perceived couple`s cohesion was positively effected by his care-giving willingness for both his parents and his spouse parents. The husband`s care-giving willingness also positively influenced on the increase of his spouse`s perceived couple cohesion. There was no statistically significant difference between the actor (husband)`s effects and partner`s effects. Interestingly, it was found that for husbands, the partner(wife) effects on care-giving willingness were not acknowledged whereas for wives, the partner(husband) effects on care-giving willingness were obviously acknowledged. In addition, husband showed a stronger care-giving willingness for his own parents than the one for their spouse`s parents. However, wife showed equivalent level of care-giving willingness for both her parents and spouse`s parents. A range of theoretical and practical implications for practitioners were suggested based on the study findings.
Key Words
couple`s cohesion, family care-giver, care-giving willingness, older parents, APIM model, actor effect, partner effect
A Study on the Predictors of the Parental Caregiving Consciousness of Women Immigrants 여성 결혼이민자의 노인에 대한 태도, 부양동기 및 관계의 질이 부양의식에 미치는 영향
박지영 Ji Young Park
16(4) 160-181, 2012
A Study on the Predictors of the Parental Caregiving Consciousness of Women Immigrants 여성 결혼이민자의 노인에 대한 태도, 부양동기 및 관계의 질이 부양의식에 미치는 영향
박지영 Ji Young Park
This study was conducted to identify the variables affecting parental caregiving consciousness of women immigrants. The participants were 592 women immigrants sampled from a metropolis, three metropolitan cities, two cities and a county across the country. The data were analysed with frequency, Pearson`s correlation, factor, reliability, mean comparison, and hierarchial multiple regression. The major results of the study were as follows. First, physical, economical, and emotional caregiving consciousness scored more than mid point, and physical, and economical caregiving consciousness were slightly higher than emotional one. The attitudes toward the elderly, reciprocity and obligation among caregiving motives, and quality of relationship with parents also revealed more than mid point. But only non-alternatives among caregiving motives scored less than mid point. Second, physical, economical, and emotional caregiving consciousness were positively and highly correlated one another, and positively correlated with the attitudes toward the elderly, caregiving motives, and quality of relationship with parents. Third, it revealed that predictors of physical caregiving consciousness were the attitudes toward the elderly, obligation, and quality of relationship with parents, but those of economical caregiving consciousness were the attitudes toward the elderly, reciprocity, and quality of relationship with parents. and those of emotional caregiving consciousness were the attitudes toward the elderly, reciprocity, obligation, and quality of relationship with parents.
Key Words
부모부양의식, 노인에 대한 태도, 부양동기, 호혜성, 의무감, 대안부재, 부모와의 관계의 질, parental caregiving consciousness, attitude toward the elderly, caregiving motive, reciprocity, obligation, non-alternatives, quality of relationship with parents
The Study of the relationship between the care givers` knowledge and attitude toward the elderly and relation with the elderly 요양보호사의 노인에 대한 지식, 태도와 방문요양서비스 대상 노인과의 관계에 관한 연구
신충진 Chung Jin Shin , 이신숙 Shin Sook Lee
16(4) 191-209, 2012
The Study of the relationship between the care givers` knowledge and attitude toward the elderly and relation with the elderly 요양보호사의 노인에 대한 지식, 태도와 방문요양서비스 대상 노인과의 관계에 관한 연구
신충진 Chung Jin Shin , 이신숙 Shin Sook Lee
The purpose of this study was to contribute toward quality improvement of life of the elderly. This study was examined how the care givers` knowledge and attitude toward the elderly relate to relation with the elderly. The subjects were 316 care giver. For the analysis of the date, SPSS Win 16.0 was used for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, cronbach`s one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis. The results of this study were follows: First, the care givers` knowledge level was mid-range, and 52.8% of correct answers. And the care givers` attitude obtained 3.85, it was belonged to the neutral scope(3~5). Second, the care givers` knowledge level toward the elderly differed significantly according to education, working institution, working period, state of cohabitation. And the care givers` attitude toward the elderly differed significantly according to age, working institution. Third, the care givers` knowledge toward the elderly was found to have positive correlations with the relation with the elderly(r=.301**). But the relation with the elderly had low correlation with the care givers` attitudes.
Key Words
요양보호사, 지식 및 태도, 방문요양서비스 대상 노인과의 관계, the care giver, knowledge and attitude, relation with the elderly
The Family Strengths and Adjustment to Rural Life of Family Returning to Rural Community before Retirement in Old Age 비은퇴자 귀농가족의 가족 강점과 귀농생활 적응과정에 관한 연구
임춘희 Choon Hee Lim
16(4) 202-233, 2012
The Family Strengths and Adjustment to Rural Life of Family Returning to Rural Community before Retirement in Old Age 비은퇴자 귀농가족의 가족 강점과 귀농생활 적응과정에 관한 연구
임춘희 Choon Hee Lim
The purpose of this study was to examine the family strengths and adjustment to rural life of family returning to rural community before regular retirement in old age. The data were collected by the interview-in-depth with 18 persons returning to rural community and analysed by qualitative method. This study showed that most of respondents perceived many family strengths as a family, as a couple, and as a parent after coming to rural community and made an effort to adapt themselves to rural life in many ways psychologically and physically, financially, and in interpersonal relations. Especially in regard to family strengths, participants as a whole family perceived ``increase in family time and activity``, ``improvement in physical, mental health``, ``self-sufficient life``, ``effort to adjust to rural life of family members`` as family strengths. Also, respondents perceived ``more communication``, ``cooperaton with their partner, mainly wife``, ``agreement with value in life style`` and ``positive interpretation on personality difference``, ``solidarity like friend``, ``respect for partner``s life` as couple strengths. As a parent participants perceived ``increase in time and communication between father and child``, ``new insight on child-rearing``, ``autonomus child-rearing`` as family strengths. Based on the result of the study, several suggestions were proposed.
Key Words
비은퇴자 귀농가족, 가족강점, 귀농생활 적응과정, family returning to rural community before regular retirement, family strengths, adjustment to Life in rural community