Effects of the Perceptions of Parents` Expectations for the Future Careers of Children on Academic and Employment Stress among College Students: Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Self-Differentiation 부모의 자녀 진로 기대에 대한 대학생의 지각이 합억,취업 스트레스에 미치는 영향: 자아분화의 조절효과를 중심으로
신동우 Dong Woo Shin , 유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo
17(1) 3-22, 2012
Effects of the Perceptions of Parents` Expectations for the Future Careers of Children on Academic and Employment Stress among College Students: Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Self-Differentiation 부모의 자녀 진로 기대에 대한 대학생의 지각이 합억,취업 스트레스에 미치는 영향: 자아분화의 조절효과를 중심으로
신동우 Dong Woo Shin , 유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo
The main objective of this study was to examine the effects of the perceptions of parents` expectations for the future careers of children on academic and employment stress among college students, focusing on the moderating effects of self-differentiation. Data were collected from 427 college students enrolled in ten private universities located in Seoul. Based on recommendations from the literature review, the questionnaire measurements consisted of the perceptions of parents` expectations for the future careers of children scales, academic and employment stress scales, and self-differentiation scales. The major findings of this study are as follows: First, the college students showed low levels of perceptions of parents` expectations for their future careers. They also reported moderate levels of academic and employment stress, and slightly high levels of self-differentiation. There were significant differences in levels of perceptions of parents` expectations for future careers of children and self-differentiation according to students` gender and college group. There was also a significant difference in levels of employment stress according to college group. Second, students` academic stress were significantly predicted by the perceptions of parents` expectations for their future careers, while fathers` expectations significantly predicted their employment stress. Finally, students` self-differentiation negatively moderated the relationships between perceptions of parents` expectations for their future careers and academic stress.
Key Words
부,모의 자녀 진로 기대, Parents` Expectations for the Future Careers of Children, 학업 스트레스, Academic Stress, 취업 스트레스, Employment Stress, 자아분화, Self-Differentiation
The Impact of family Resilience and Social Support affecting the psychological welfare of single parents 가족탄력성과 사회적 지지가 한부모의 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향
박주연 Ju Yeon Park , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
17(1) 23-46, 2012
The Impact of family Resilience and Social Support affecting the psychological welfare of single parents 가족탄력성과 사회적 지지가 한부모의 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향
박주연 Ju Yeon Park , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
This study purposed to identify the factors that affect on the psychological well-being of single parents depending on the demographic variables, family resiliency variables, social support variables. In addition, this study aims to provide single parents` improved welfare by identifying influences that social support, demographic variables and family resilience affects on the psychological well-being. Looking at the findings, the first, social support variables appeared to be important in influencing single-parent life satisfaction and depression. Second, family elastic variables affects on the life satisfaction and depression. Third, monthly income and vacation of the single parents affects on life satisfaction and depression. Therefore, single-parent is required the approach to enhance family relations and functions. for getting over the crisis. In addition, single-parent family`s special situation taking into account multi-dimensional approach as well as single-parent`s psychological well-being positively affecting the systematic training and consultation will need to be made.
Key Words
한부모, Single parents, 가족탄력성, Family resilience, 사회적지지, Social support, 심리적 복지, Psychological welfare
Factors related to the psychological well-being of low-income employed mothers with young children 어린자녀를 둔 저소득 취업모의 심리적 복지에 영향을 미치는 요인들에 관한 연구
황혜원 Hye Won Hwang
17(1) 47-64, 2012
Factors related to the psychological well-being of low-income employed mothers with young children 어린자녀를 둔 저소득 취업모의 심리적 복지에 영향을 미치는 요인들에 관한 연구
황혜원 Hye Won Hwang
The purpose of this study was to find factors related to the psychological well-being of low-income employed mothers with young children. For this purpose, survey data from 176 low-income employed mothers are used to examine the effects of individual characteristics, family factors, job related factors, social support and neighborhood factors on the psychological well-being of low-income employed mothers. The major findings were as follows: 1) Among individual characteristics, active coping skill is the strongest factor for predicting the psychological wellbeing of low-income employed mothers. Also, health in family-of-origin and education level of mothers had significant effects on the psychological well-being of low-income employed mothers with young children. 2) Among contextual factors, the family cohesion, job satisfaction, social support, and the perception of neighborhood environment had significant effects on the psychological well-being of low-income employed mothers. 3) According to the t-tests, mothers from single parent family or with below the minimum cost of living showed significantly lower level of psychological well-being. The results indicated that the promoting active coping skills of low-income employed mothers with young children is very important for improving the level of their psychological well-being. Also consideration of health in family-of-origin, the quality of neighborhood environment, and the family friendly working condition are critical to promote the psychological well-being of low-income employed mothers.
Key Words
Low-income employed mothers, 저소득 취업모, psychological well-being, 심리적 복지, active coping style, 적극적 대처기제, health in family-of-origin, 원가족건강성, family cohesion, 가족응집력, social support, 사회적 지지, job satisfaction, 직업만족도, quality of neighborhood cnvironment, 이웃환경의
Gender Differences in The Effects of Transitioning into Retirement on Mental Health among the Middle-Aged: Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Satisfaction in Family Relationship 중년기 은퇴로의 전이가 정신건강에 미치는 영향에 있어서의 성차: 가족관계 만족도의 매개효과
안지선 Ji Sun An , 전혜정 Hey Jung Jun
17(1) 65-85, 2012
Gender Differences in The Effects of Transitioning into Retirement on Mental Health among the Middle-Aged: Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Satisfaction in Family Relationship 중년기 은퇴로의 전이가 정신건강에 미치는 영향에 있어서의 성차: 가족관계 만족도의 매개효과
안지선 Ji Sun An , 전혜정 Hey Jung Jun
This study aimed to examine the effects of transitioning into retirement on mental health among the middle-aged. Specifically, gender differences were evaluated, and the processes through which transitioning into retirement may lead to change in mental health were explored. Satisfaction in family relationship was hypothesized to mediate the effects of transitioning into retirement on mental health(depression and life satisfaction). This research used nationally representative longitudinal data (Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing), The analytic sample for this study consisted of KLSoA primary respondents(N=2,305) who were between the ages of 45 and 64 at Time 2 (2008) and who were respondents at both Time 1 (2006) and Time 2 (2008), Results indicated that transitioning into retirement had negative effects on both depression and life satisfaction among middle-aged men, whereas these results were not relevant to middle-aged women who experienced the transitioning into retirement. Results also suggested that the association between transitioning into retirement and depression was partially mediated by the satisfaction in marital relationship and fully mediated by the satisfaction in relationship with children, and the association between transitioning to retirement and life satisfaction was fully mediated by the satisfaction in family relationship for middle-aged men.
Key Words
중년기, the middle-aged, 은퇴로의 전이, transitioning into retirement, 정신건강, mental health, 가족관계 만족도, satisfaction in family relationship
Variables Influencing on Daily Parenting Stress of Employed Mothers with Nonstandard Work Schedules 비표준근무를 하는 취업모의 일상적 양육 스트레스에 영향을 미치는 변인
황우상 Woo Sang Hwang , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee , 이나련 Na Yeon Lee
17(1) 87-112, 2012
Variables Influencing on Daily Parenting Stress of Employed Mothers with Nonstandard Work Schedules 비표준근무를 하는 취업모의 일상적 양육 스트레스에 영향을 미치는 변인
황우상 Woo Sang Hwang , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee , 이나련 Na Yeon Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the variables influencing on daily parenting stress of employed mothers with nonstandard work schedules who have at least one child under school age, The subjects were 168 employed mothers who currently work at companies and public service institutions with nonstandard work schedules and also with at least one child under the age of six. The instruments used for this study were the ``Parenting Daily Hassles``(Crnic & Greenberg, 1990), the ``Family Coping Coherence Index``(McCubbin, Larsen & Olson, 1982), the ``Family Support Inventory for Workers`` (Kang & Choi, 2001), the ``Social Support Scale(Seong & Jo, 1999), the ``Family-FriendJy Policy Scale``(Lee & Kwon, 2009), the ``Family-Supportive Culture Norms`` (Ozeki, 2003), the ``Supervisor Support Scale``(Thomas & Ganster, 1995), and ``Coworker Support Scale`` (Greenberger & O`Neil, 1993). The data were analyzed by using frequency analyses, descriptive statistics, correlation analyses and hierarchical multiple regressions. The results of this study were as follows: First, the frequency of daily parenting stress reported by those employed mothers with nonstandard work schedules was slightly higher than the median, while the intensity of daily parenting stress was slightly lower than the median. Second, family support and family-friendly organizational culture were significant predictors in the frequency of daily parenting stress while awareness and evaluation of situation, family support, family-friendly organizational culture, implementation and utilization of family-friendly policies were significant predictors in the intensity of stress. In other words, employed mothers with nonstandard work schedules experienced daily parenting stress less frequently when the level of family support was more helpful and the organizational culture was more family-friendly. On the other hand, when family-friendly policies were implemented more and were used less, the intensity of daily parenting stress was lower.
Key Words
비표준근무일정, nonstandard work schedule, 일상적 양육 스트레스, daily parenting stress, 취업모, employed mother, 가족친화적 근무 환경, family-friendly work environment, 사회적지지, social support
A Review of the Research Trends and Findings on the Single Parent`s Children -Focusing on the Family Related Professional Journals- 한부모 가족의 자녀에 대한 연구고찰 -가족학 전문학술지 논문들을 중심으로-
김순옥 Soon Ok Kim , 전주람 Joo Ram Jun , 김영숙 Young Sook Kim
17(1) 113-128, 2012
A Review of the Research Trends and Findings on the Single Parent`s Children -Focusing on the Family Related Professional Journals- 한부모 가족의 자녀에 대한 연구고찰 -가족학 전문학술지 논문들을 중심으로-
김순옥 Soon Ok Kim , 전주람 Joo Ram Jun , 김영숙 Young Sook Kim
This research was conducted in order to analyze the research trends and findings on the single parent family`s children and to provide the direction of future research and for improvement of understanding for single parent`s children. The 42 articles were selected from 7 kinds of family related professional journals for analyze. The acticles were published from first issue to 2011. The analysis on each articles was focused to publication years, research methods, and research topics by three researchers. The major findings were as follows: First, the articles were published from 1970 and the number of researches has increased over 2000. Second, the quantitaive method was used most frequently, and qualitative method were used relatively less. Third, most of the research topics was the adaptation and the other research topics were programs and studies to single parent`s children.
Key Words
고찰, review, 연구동향, research trends, 한부모, single parent, 한부모 가족의 자녀, single parent`s children
Study of items selection for the development of matured aging measurement 성숙한 노화척도개발을 위한 예비문항선정 연구
안정신 Jeong Shin Ae , 정여진 Yeo Jin Jeong , 정영숙 Young Sook Chong , 서수균 Su Gyun Seo , Cooney T. M.
17(1) 129-149, 2012
Study of items selection for the development of matured aging measurement 성숙한 노화척도개발을 위한 예비문항선정 연구
안정신 Jeong Shin Ae , 정여진 Yeo Jin Jeong , 정영숙 Young Sook Chong , 서수균 Su Gyun Seo , Cooney T. M.
The purpose of this study is to select items for the development of matured aging measurement for Korean elderly in terms of the model structures and amounts of item information. We defined matured aging as developing oneself in physically and mentally, having good relationship with family members, and realizing social responsibility with generativity. To assess this matured aging concept, we examined matured aging measurement items with 719 Korean elderly over 60-years-old. First, explanatory factor analysis identified number of dimensions of matured aging. Second, confirmatory factor analysis suggested two factor model for the having good relationship with family members: having good relationship with spouse and children and three factor model for the realizing social responsibility with generativity: matured aging attitude, reasonable life oriented, and generativity fitted moderately with Korean elderly. Next, item response theory analyses revealed that 14 items provide good information for having good relationship with spouse and 13 items do for having good relationship with children. In addition, 11 items provide good information for the matured aging attitudes, 7 items do for the reasonable life oriented, and 5 items do for the generativity. Finally, we confirmed that matured aging model with individual, relational, and societal levels had an acceptable model fit. This study suggests that items for the development of matured aging measurement are fitted well with the matured aging model structured by Korean cultural background and this model is different with the successful aging model developed in western culture.
Key Words
matured aging measurement, Korea culture, confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory
A Meta-analytic Study of Associations between Father Involvement and Children`s Developmental Characteristics 아버지의 부모역할 수행과 자녀의 발달특성의 관련성 메타분석
이재림 Jae Rim Lee , 김지애 Ji Ae Kim , 이윤주 Yoon Joo Lee , 진윤아 Yoon A Chin
17(1) 151-173, 2012
A Meta-analytic Study of Associations between Father Involvement and Children`s Developmental Characteristics 아버지의 부모역할 수행과 자녀의 발달특성의 관련성 메타분석
이재림 Jae Rim Lee , 김지애 Ji Ae Kim , 이윤주 Yoon Joo Lee , 진윤아 Yoon A Chin
In this study, we used meta-analytic procedures to investigate the associations between the level of fathers` involvement with their children and the children`s internal (e.g., depression, self-esteem) and external (e.g., problem behaviors, school adjustment) characteristics. Our meta-analyses examined journal articles and dissertations published in Korea and the U.S. between 2006 and 2010. The results revealed significant, medium effect sizes both in the associations between father involvement and children`s internal (Zr == .22, 95% CI: .19-.25, k=12) and external (Zr=.23, 95% CI: .21-.24, k=18) characteristics. The relationships between the level of father involvement and children`s external characteristics were stronger among the samples consisting of only girls compared the samples consisting of only boys. We also found that the relationships between the level of father involvement and children`s internal and external characteristics were stronger among the Korean samples than among U.S. samples.
Key Words
메타분석, meta-analysis, 부성, fatherhood, 아버지의 부모역할 수행, father involvement, 자녀의 발달특성, children`s developmental characteristics
A Comparative Study on Factors Influencing Depression in Married Women in Korea and Japan 기혼여성의 우울 영향 요인에 관한 한일비교
임선영 Sun Young Im , 임우석 Woo Seok Yim
17(1) 175-194, 2012
A Comparative Study on Factors Influencing Depression in Married Women in Korea and Japan 기혼여성의 우울 영향 요인에 관한 한일비교
임선영 Sun Young Im , 임우석 Woo Seok Yim
This study was conducted for the purpose of doing a comparative study on married women`s depression between Korea and Japan. The data were obtained via a Questionnaires completed by 428 of survey in korea and 296 copies of survey in Japan. The results were summarized as follows: First, this research presented that the average values on perceived life stress, self-esteem and depression in Korean women were 1.49, 2.83, 11.94, respectively. Also, the average values on perceived life stress, self-esteem and depression in Japan women were 1.30, 2.62, 9.52, respectively. Second, the difference of the life stress and self-esteem were significantly higher in Korean women compared to Japan women. Also, the difference of the depression was siginifcantly higher in Korean women compared to Japan women. Third, Factors influencing on the depression in married women Korea were health status, husband stress, friend stress, health stress, housework stress, self-esteem. And then, Factors influencing on the depression in married women Japan were health status, husband stress, health stress, self-esteem. Consequently, Married women in korea have higher tendency to depression, life stress and self-esteem.
Key Words
A Comparative Study, 비교연구, Married Women, 기혼여성, Life Stress, 생활스트레스, Self esteem, 자아존중감, Depression, 우울
A Case Study on Couple Therapy for the Marital Conflict Resolution Due to Husband Grown up in the Father-Son`s Family 부자(父子)가정에서 성장한 남편으로 인한 부부갈등 해결을 위한 부부치료 사례분석
박태영 Tai Young Park , 문정화 Jung Hwa Moon
17(1) 195-224, 2012
A Case Study on Couple Therapy for the Marital Conflict Resolution Due to Husband Grown up in the Father-Son`s Family 부자(父子)가정에서 성장한 남편으로 인한 부부갈등 해결을 위한 부부치료 사례분석
박태영 Tai Young Park , 문정화 Jung Hwa Moon
This study investigated the process of marital conflict and couple therapy with husband grown up in father-son`s family. The study tried to find the factors influencing marital conflict and analyzed the effectiveness of family therapy intervention. The study used constant comparative analysis with open coding and network developed by Miles & Huberman to show the factors influencing marital conflict and the effectiveness of couple therapy intervention. The results of this study revealed that the process of marital conflict were analyzed by the provocation of marital conflict and the maintenance of marital conflict. The findings of study showed family functional factor, emotional factor, sexual factor, value factor, personality factor, and economical factor as factors provocating marital conflict. The study found a dysfunctionally attempted solution as the factor of maintenance in marital conflict. The findings of the study identified the helping of insight about ineffectiveness of dysfunctionally attempted solution and the suggestion of new solution as therapeutic intervention techniques. The changes of couple were shown as the changes of cognition, will, attitude, and expression. The result of study showed that the family systematic intervention was effective to resolve marital conflict with husband grown up in the father-son`s family.
Influence of marital attachment, intimacy, and conflict coping behavior on marital satisfaction 부부의 애착과 부부친밀감 및 갈등대처행동이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향
정혜숙 Hye Sook Jeong , 박은주 Eun Ju Park , 김영희 Yeong Hee Kim
17(1) 225-239, 2012
Influence of marital attachment, intimacy, and conflict coping behavior on marital satisfaction 부부의 애착과 부부친밀감 및 갈등대처행동이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향
정혜숙 Hye Sook Jeong , 박은주 Eun Ju Park , 김영희 Yeong Hee Kim
The purpose of this research was to classify married couple`s attachment style and examine the differences of marital intimacy, conflict coping behavior and marital satisfaction according to the combination of couple`s attachment style. It also was to identify the relative importance of marital intimacy and conflict coping behavior on marital satisfaction according to the combination of couple`s attachment style. Subjects of this study were 224 married couples drawn from kindergartens and elementary school in Chungbuk province. Data were obtained from questionnaire and analyzed by k-means cluster analysis. ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression using SPSS WIN. The results of this study were as follows: First, married couple`s attachment were categorized as secure, preoccupied, dismissing, fearful styles and secure attachment style was most prevalent in couple. However, for the combination of couple`s attachment style, unsecure attachment style was shown higher than secure one. Second, there were differences in marital intimacy, conflict coping behavior. and marital satisfaction according to the combination of couple`s attachment style. Third, for husband secure-wife secure attachment group and husband insecure-wife secure attachment group, marital satisfaction was predicted by emotional intimacy. However, marital satisfaction was explained by cognitive intimacy and external help seeking for husband insecure-wife secure attachment group. For husband insecure-wife insecure attachment group, emotional intimacy. out-bursting negative emotion of conflict coping behavior, and sexual intimacy were the predictors of marital satisfaction in order.
Reliability and Validity of Family Communication Scale in the FACES IV Package: Korean Version FACES IV의 가족의사소통 척도(FCS) 한국어판의 신뢰도 및 타당도 분석
김영식 Young Sik Kim , 선우성 Sung Sun Woo , 김병수 Byung Su Kim , 박훈기 Hoon Ki Park , 옥선화 Sun Wha Ok , 차동혁 Dong Hyuk Cha
17(1) 241-258, 2012
Reliability and Validity of Family Communication Scale in the FACES IV Package: Korean Version FACES IV의 가족의사소통 척도(FCS) 한국어판의 신뢰도 및 타당도 분석
김영식 Young Sik Kim , 선우성 Sung Sun Woo , 김병수 Byung Su Kim , 박훈기 Hoon Ki Park , 옥선화 Sun Wha Ok , 차동혁 Dong Hyuk Cha
The purpose of this study was to verify the reliability and validity of the Korean version of Family Communication Scale(in the FACES IV Package). The sample consisted of 460 couples who enrolled in the Family Cohort Research Project (PI: Young Sik Kim). The original Questionnaire in the FACES IV Package, which was developed by Olson and Barnes(2008), was translated in Korean in accordance with Olson`s Guidelines for Translating FACES IV Package, and analyzed by Pearson`s correlation coefficients, paired t-test, Cronbach`s a, Guttman`s split coefficients, simple regression, seemingly unrelated regression, and factor analysis. In order to test the concurrent validity, cohesion scores and adaptability scores of FACES III and CED-S scores were used. So as to understand the difference between individual data and coupled data, we analyzed the data of individual and couple, respectively. Cronbach`s alphas are .92 and .93; Guttman`s split coefficients are .90 and .92. Then, the data were analyzed by principle axis factoring and varimax rotation with the number of factors fixed to one. One factor explained 55.8% of total variance in the case of individual, and 60.8% of total variance in couple. Pearson`s correlation coefficients are .64 and .67 between Family Communication and Family Cohesion; .34 and .37 between Family Communication and Family Adaptability; -.27 and _ .30 between Family Communication and Depression. These results suggested that, in its Korean version, Olson and Barnes`s Family Communication Scale is generally a reliable and valid instrument for measuring family communication among Korean couples.
Key Words
가족의사소통 척도, Family Communication Scale, 부부응답자료, couple data, 가족응집력, Family Cohesion, 가족적응력, Family Adaptability, FACES 3, FACES 4
Phenomenological Approach to Child-rearing Experiences of Mothers from Multicultural Families 다문화가정 어머니의 자녀양육 경험에 관한 현상학적 접근
오옥선 Ok Sun Oh , 김성봉 Sung Bong Kim
17(1) 259-278, 2012
Phenomenological Approach to Child-rearing Experiences of Mothers from Multicultural Families 다문화가정 어머니의 자녀양육 경험에 관한 현상학적 접근
오옥선 Ok Sun Oh , 김성봉 Sung Bong Kim
This study is aimed at Qualitatively looking into child-rearing experiences of mothers from multicultural families. As a result, child-rearing experiences of mothers from multicultural families can be classified into five themes: lives of isolation and alienation, educational crises, confusion of parental identity, difficulties of support and discipline and the introspection and changes. As these themes suggest, most mothers from multicultural families have been going through the identity confusion while experiencing loneliness and negative emotions under dire economic situations. Expectations and responsibilities for their children, however, have motivated them to become main players in their lives instead of being in the periphery of the society. In other words, experiences of mothers from multicultural families helped them better adapt to the society. serving as survival strategies and made them want to try harder to enhance their capabilities. These findings also suggest that support policies or intervention methods which can provide them with practical help for their capacity building and child-rearing are needed.
The Phenomenological Study on Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law`s (Grand) Child Rearing Experiences in Multicultural Family 다문화 가족내 시어머니와 며느리의 (손)자녀 양육 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구
조윤주 Yoon Joo Cho
17(1) 279-309, 2012
The Phenomenological Study on Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-Law`s (Grand) Child Rearing Experiences in Multicultural Family 다문화 가족내 시어머니와 며느리의 (손)자녀 양육 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구
조윤주 Yoon Joo Cho
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of psychological, instrumental, familial related factors on nurturing their (grand)Children and to explore the structures of consciousness in experiences of rearing (grand)children in multicultural families. Qualitative study was designed in this article. Research participants were 10 dyads of immigrant married women and their mothers-in-law. At first, they did not expect pregnancy. But after birth of their grandchildren, mothers-in-law were wholely responsible for domestic chores including child rearing. Also, daughters-in-law depended on their mothers-in-law in many ways. If there was a conflict about rearing methods between them, the daughter-in-law accepted and followed her molher-in-Iaw`s oplll1on. Mothers-in-law had a thankful mind to daughters-in-law for bearing grandchildren and carrying on a family line. (Grand)children made family members cheerful and delightful. In other words, they have facilitated family relationships. Also, the existence of (grand)children contributed to immigrant women in winning recognition. Mothers-in-law thought their grandchildren should be grown up as a Korean having the identity of Korea. Their thought was that foreigners should be assimilated into the Korean society. Most daughters-in-law had the same view as their mothers-in-law. Consequently, the essence of (grand)children rearing experiences in multicultural families was "well of happiness" to both the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Additionally, it also meant "anchor of life" to daughter-in-law.
Key Words
다문화 가족, Multicultural family, 고부 관계, Mother-in-Law and daughter-in-Law, (손)자녀 양육, (Grand)Child rearing, 현상학적 연구, Phenomenological study
The Effect of Family Strengths and We-Consciousness on University Student`s Self-Esteem 가족건강성과 우리의식이 대학생의 자오존중감에 미치는 영향
임혜경 He Kyeung Lim , 강선모 Sun Mo Kang
17(1) 311-327, 2012
The Effect of Family Strengths and We-Consciousness on University Student`s Self-Esteem 가족건강성과 우리의식이 대학생의 자오존중감에 미치는 영향
임혜경 He Kyeung Lim , 강선모 Sun Mo Kang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of family strengths and we-consciousness on university student`s self-esteem. The participants of this study were 393 university students sampled from 5 universities in Pusan. To analyze the data, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed. The result of this study was as follow: First, family strengths, we-consciousness and self-esteem has shown statistically positive relation with one another. Second, family strengths and we-consciousness predicted self-esteem, self-esteem were more affected by we-consciousness rather than family strengths. Third, family bond of family strengths and instrumental we-consciousness of we-consciousness predicted self-esteem meaningfully. Tills study could be useful for developing family bond and instrumental we-consciousness to assist university student`s self-esteem.
Key Words
자아존중감, Self-Esteem, 가족건강성, Family Strengths, 우리의식, We-Consciousness
Effect of the individualism-collectivism on community sense of the married immigrant women in Korean rural area -Focusing on the Chinese(Korea tribe), Japanese, Philippine, Vietnamese, and Cambodian immigrant woman- 농촌 여성결혼이민자의 개인,집단주의 성향이 공동체의식에 미치는 영향 -중국, 일본, 필리핀, 베트남, 캄보디아 출신국 중심-
양순미 Soon Mi Yang
17(1) 329-345, 2012
Effect of the individualism-collectivism on community sense of the married immigrant women in Korean rural area -Focusing on the Chinese(Korea tribe), Japanese, Philippine, Vietnamese, and Cambodian immigrant woman- 농촌 여성결혼이민자의 개인,집단주의 성향이 공동체의식에 미치는 영향 -중국, 일본, 필리핀, 베트남, 캄보디아 출신국 중심-
양순미 Soon Mi Yang
This study is aimed to compare the effect of the individualism-collectivism propensity by horizontal and vertical dimension that influences the community sense of rural married immigrant women and to invest it`s aspects. The following is the findings of this study. First, the result of comparison on nationality, the level of individualism among the countries was different significantly. The individualism level of Chinese was most high, whereas it of Japanese was most low both horizontal and vertical dimension. Also, the level of community sense among the countries was different significantly. The level of community sense of Chinese was most high, whereas it of Japanese was most low. Second, the result of comparison on individualism-collectivism propensity by horizontal and vertical dimension, the level of community sense were most high in group that both individualism and collectivism propensity were high, or both horizontal and vertical propensity were high. Third, the result of regression analysis on community sense, collectivism propensity or vertical propensity than individualism propensity or horizontal propensity impact more strongly on it.
Key Words
rural, 농촌, married immigrant women, 여성결혼이민자, community sense, 공동체의식, individualism-collectivism propensity, 개인-집단주의 성향