Male Workers` Satisfaction with Family-Friendly System and Job Satisfaction 남성근로자의 가족친화제도 만족도와 직무만족도
이옥순 Ok Soon Lee , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
17(2) 3-21, 2012
Male Workers` Satisfaction with Family-Friendly System and Job Satisfaction 남성근로자의 가족친화제도 만족도와 직무만족도
이옥순 Ok Soon Lee , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
This study is purposed to clarify the effects of family-friendly system on job satisfaction targeting the married men who work for a large company. The research was performed by targeting married male workers who work in six manufacturers having over three hundred employees, located in Kwangju and Chonnam area and the result is as follows. According to the analysis of the research on the characteristics related to male workers` job, male workers put their job at workplace first in work-centered environment, but if there happens something related to their family, they usually took a day off used for it. They showed quite high satisfaction with family-friendly system in general, especially with the student aid system, working hours system, and career leave system. The related variables such as age, position at workplace, and work-centered environment showed quite significant influence on job satisfaction. The result shows the implication and significance related to married male workers` satisfaction with family-friendly system and job satisfaction.
Key Words
가족친화제도 만족도, family-friendly system satisfaction, 직무만족도, job satisfaction, 기혼남성, married men
A Phenomenological Study on the Meanings of Marriage Life Among Childless Couples 무자녀 부부의 결혼생활 의미에 대한 현상학적 연구
이수연 Su Youn Lee , 공미혜 Mee Hae Kong
17(2) 23-44, 2012
A Phenomenological Study on the Meanings of Marriage Life Among Childless Couples 무자녀 부부의 결혼생활 의미에 대한 현상학적 연구
이수연 Su Youn Lee , 공미혜 Mee Hae Kong
The purpose of this paper is to enhance understanding of marriage life among childless couples by drawing on in-depth interviews. The study was led with one basic inquiry of what a marriage life means to a childless couple, based on phenomenological analysis. The average age of six couples is 42.5 years old, the years of marriage existed between 4 years to 12 years. The data were collected from January to April in 2011, analyzed by using phenomenological method. Further interviews were taken to ensure the trustworthiness of this study. The results were summarized as follows: Meaning units of marriage life among childless couples were divided in 141 words, they were further categorized in 13 topics with 5 main themes: companionship, emotional support, sharing value, freedom and relaxation, isolation and giving up parenthood. Childless couples in this study revealed advantages involved their marriage life, such as enhanced freedom and intimate relations with their spouses, increased social activities and opportunities for personal development, economic stability. There were no differences between those childless by choice and by circumstance. A negative perception such as ``giving up parenthood`` was found among husbands a little more.
Key Words
무자녀 부부, childless couples, 현상학적 연구, phenomenological study, 결혼생활, marriage life
The Relationship Between Married Men`s perceived Support From Mother-in-law and Marital Satisfaction: Mediation Effect of Relationship Between Mother-in-law and Son-in-law 기혼남성이 지각하는 장모지지와 결혼만족도간의 관계: 장모-사위관계만족도의 매개효과
김혜리 Hye Ree Kim , 문정희 Jung Hee Mun , 안정신 Jeong Shin An
17(2) 45-58, 2012
The Relationship Between Married Men`s perceived Support From Mother-in-law and Marital Satisfaction: Mediation Effect of Relationship Between Mother-in-law and Son-in-law 기혼남성이 지각하는 장모지지와 결혼만족도간의 관계: 장모-사위관계만족도의 매개효과
김혜리 Hye Ree Kim , 문정희 Jung Hee Mun , 안정신 Jeong Shin An
The major purpose of this study was to investigate the mediation effect of relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law on the relationship between the perceived support of mother-in-law and the marital satisfaction of married men. The subjects of the study were 320 married men not living with their mother-in-law and not having married children in five metropolitan area. For data analysis, frequency, Cronbach`s alpha, Pearson`s correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis were used. Collected data were analyzed by the SPSS 12.0 program. The main results of this study were as follows. First, the relationship satisfaction between mother-in-law and son-in-law had a partial mediation effect on the relationship between the emotional support from mother-in-law and marital satisfaction of married men. Second, the relationship satisfaction between mother-in-law and son-in-law had a mediation effect on the relationship between the instrumental support from mother-in-law and marital satisfaction of married men. This study shows the importance of support from mother-in-law and relationship with mother-in-law on son-in-law`s marital satisfaction.
Key Words
장모지지, mother-in-law`s support, 결혼만족도, marital satisfaction, 장모-사위관계만족도, relationship satisfaction betweenmother in law and son-in law
The Influence of Family-Friendly Life Environment Satisfaction and Role Conflict Coping Strategies on Role Satisfaction and Role Strain of Dual-Earner Employed Men and Women 가족친화적 생활환경 만족도와 역할갈등의 대처전략이 맞벌이 취업남녀의 역할만족도와 역할긴장도에 미치는 영향
박주희 Ju Hee Park
17(2) 59-83, 2012
The Influence of Family-Friendly Life Environment Satisfaction and Role Conflict Coping Strategies on Role Satisfaction and Role Strain of Dual-Earner Employed Men and Women 가족친화적 생활환경 만족도와 역할갈등의 대처전략이 맞벌이 취업남녀의 역할만족도와 역할긴장도에 미치는 영향
박주희 Ju Hee Park
The purpose of this study is to investigate family-friendly life environmental satisfaction(spatial environment, family support facilities, family support programs) and strategies of coping with role conflicts (strategies of coping structurally, individually and reactively) on role satisfaction and role strain of employed men and women who are dual-earning couples. Data were collected from 206 employed men and women who are dual earner couples residing in the Seoul area. The results as follows: Firstly, all of the subjects in this study reached their heights of satisfaction with spatial environment, the majority of them resorted to strategies of coping individually, and they experienced role satisfaction on a level higher than that of role strain. Secondly, concerning factors that affecting the level of role satisfaction of the subjects, the higher the level of role satisfaction with the more frequently they used structural way of coping with role conflicts. Thirdly, concerning factors that affecting the level of role strain of the subjects, the higher the level of role satisfaction with the spatial environment was, and the more frequently they resorted to reactive way of coping with role conflicts.
Key Words
family-friendly life environmental satisfaction, strategies of coping with role conflicts, role satisfaction, role strain
Adults` Family Environment Variables, Coping and Mental Health According to Social Crisis 사회적 위기에 따른 성인의 가족환경요인과 대처 및 정신건강
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim , 김득성 Deuk Sung Kim , 이정연 Jung Yeon Lee , 조희선 Hee Sun Cho , 김민경 Min Kyeong Kim
17(2) 85-107, 2012
Adults` Family Environment Variables, Coping and Mental Health According to Social Crisis 사회적 위기에 따른 성인의 가족환경요인과 대처 및 정신건강
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim , 김득성 Deuk Sung Kim , 이정연 Jung Yeon Lee , 조희선 Hee Sun Cho , 김민경 Min Kyeong Kim
The purposes of this study were to find the trends and correlation of family crisis perception, coping and mental health, and to explore the influence family crisis perception and coping on mental health. The subject of the survey was 515 over twenties Koreans. The data were analyzed with frequency, Pearson`s correlation and multiple regression by SPSS. The major findings were as follows; Continuous raising oil price, statesmen`s nature and low-birth and aging is rather high among Koreans` social crisis. Family crisis perception was significantly different on age, residence, marital period and number of children. Family crisis experience was significantly different on education, job, monthly income, residence, marital period and number of children. Coping was influenced on family crisis perception and family strengths. Social Maladaptation was influenced on family crisis experience, family strengths and social support, strengthen family support, problem solving coping and emotional coping. Anxiety was influenced on family crisis experience, family strengths and social support. Depression was influenced on family crisis experience, family strengths and emotional coping.
Key Words
사회적 위기, Social Crisis, 가족위기의식, Family Crisis Perception, 가족위기경험, Family Crisis Experience, 대처, Coping, 정신건강, Mental Health
Perceptions of Family Volunteers in the Healthy Family Support Center about Family Volunteering Activities and Development Strategies for the Family Volunteering Program 가족자원봉사활동에 대한 건강가정지원센터 가족봉사자들의 인식과 가족봉사프로그램 발전방안
서홍란 Hong Lan Seo , 김희년 Hee Nyon Kim
17(2) 109-132, 2012
Perceptions of Family Volunteers in the Healthy Family Support Center about Family Volunteering Activities and Development Strategies for the Family Volunteering Program 가족자원봉사활동에 대한 건강가정지원센터 가족봉사자들의 인식과 가족봉사프로그램 발전방안
서홍란 Hong Lan Seo , 김희년 Hee Nyon Kim
Family volunteering is a newly developed field in the area of volunteering. It has it`s own special meanings since it contributes to prevent and solve many problems our society encounters to be a community by promoting corporate efforts from both individual family and whole society. This study which was conducted utilizing participants of family volunteering program in Healthy Family Support Center is pursued to develop proper plan for family volunteering reflecting motivation. perception, attitude, and experience about activities they participate. For this purpose, in-depth interviews with 20 participants, several data such as monthly newsletter, volunteer`s activity evaluation sheet, volunteering application paper of Healthy Family Support Center were included to do qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis was also performed by utilizing 150 sheets to measure degree of satisfaction of family volunteers. It was turned out that degree of satisfaction of the family volunteers is generally high. Especially, the degree of satisfaction of family volunteers utilizing special skills is higher than those of participating in other types of volunteer activities. The participants in this study indicated that they have participated in the family volunteer program for educational purpose such as succession of family values to children, improvement of family relationship, and participating in communities activities. They described that family volunteer programs are beneficial to family as well as communities. However, they pointed out that the three components of family volunteer program-family volunteer, agency which in need of volunteer services, and family volunteering program center-are needed to change. This study revealed that program development and recruitment of proper agency for volunteer services are needed to meet the need of family volunteers. It also showed that the management of enlisted members of family volunteering is more important than the recruitment of new volunteers. Continuing education is also needed to help volunteers gain volunteer spirit, and special knowledge and skill to be used in special area.
Key Words
Family volunteering, Healthy Family Support Center, Family Volunteers
Phenomenological Study on the Experience of Non-offending Patents Separated from Their Sexually Abused Children 성학대 피해자녀와 분리된 부모의 경험에 관한 연구
이경은 Keung Eun Lee , 김미정 Mi Jung Kim
17(2) 133-154, 2012
Phenomenological Study on the Experience of Non-offending Patents Separated from Their Sexually Abused Children 성학대 피해자녀와 분리된 부모의 경험에 관한 연구
이경은 Keung Eun Lee , 김미정 Mi Jung Kim
This study was aimed to examine the impact on the parents whose kids were sexually abused. Two methods were used for the phenomenological analysis including van Manen`s hermeneutical and Giorgi`s descriptive analysis. The results demonstrated that parents experienced a completely intolerable situation in the separation from their kids. The separation allowed them to escape from the entrapment, but gave them a feeling of hopelessness. During their separation, they felt home as an empty nest and the period was very painful to them. In conclusion, assailants should be isolated from the local community and community and comprehensive and multi-stepwise programs should be made for the parents.
Key Words
Child Sexual Abuse, Separation, Parent Experience, Phenomenological Study
A Study of University Students Consciousness of Marriage and Childbirth -Focusing on the Liberal arts course “Marriage and Family” students- 대학생의 결혼 및 출산의식에 관한 연구 -교양강좌 “결혼과 가족” 수강생을 중심으로-
이보람 Bo Ram Lee , 김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
17(2) 155-175, 2012
A Study of University Students Consciousness of Marriage and Childbirth -Focusing on the Liberal arts course “Marriage and Family” students- 대학생의 결혼 및 출산의식에 관한 연구 -교양강좌 “결혼과 가족” 수강생을 중심으로-
이보람 Bo Ram Lee , 김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
this research focused on consciousness of marriage and childbirth of the university students. The collected data was made used of with IBM SPSS Statistics 19 for frequency analysis, chi-square, t-test, ANOVA. Also a Post-hoc, Duncan-test was implemented. The findings of this research is summarized as follows. First, according to the demographic variable depending on consciousness of marriage, 88.0% (440 students) which is the majority of the survey respondents has responded with having an intention to marry while 12.0% (60 students) has replied with having no interest in marriage which was more than 1 person out of 10 university students. According to the survey focused on the respondents that had an intention to marry, 59.6% which is more than half of the respondents tend to show high intention to marry between the age of twenty-eight to thirty-one. Among the following variables, on ``gender`` variable aspect ``women students`` (M=29.08), according to ``career planning`` ``marriage and etc`` (M=28.94 students planned marriage relatively in an early age. The marriage values reflected strong tendency in perceiving marriage as romantic whereas somewhat have broken away from traditional standards of marriage values. Second, the search focusng on the demographic variable depending on consciousness of childbirth indicated that 82.4% (412 students) tends to have children and on the other hand, 17.6% (88 students) has replied that they have no intention in childbirth. When focused on the respondents that replied with having an inclination to marriage, the results denotes that the anticipated age to have children to be in early thirties for 60.7% which exceeds more than half of the responses. According to the ``gender`` variable ``women students`` (M=30.96) showed a significant distinction being two years ahead than ``male students`` (M=32.68), but showed no difference in planned birth age in the ``career planning`` aspect. Based on the results of this study, university students tend to be positive toward overall consciousness of marriage and childbirth and also showed a positive correlation between the consciousness of childbirth and marriage. This indicates that the alteration of the consciousness of marriage and child awareness will have a positive influence in enhancing the rate of marriage and childbirth. Therefore, when support exists to help university student`s recognize childbirth and child-rearing as the main assignment which effects the nation`s future and government and corporation`s active support to leap to become a develo9ped country along with the efforts of the people all comes together, the nation will be able to free from low birth rate.
Key Words
결혼의식, consciousness of marriage, 출산의식, consciousness of childbirth, 인구사회학적 특성, demographic variable
Relationships of Self-differentiation with Mental Health and Career Indecision among Male and Female College Students 남녀 대학생의 자기분화와 정신건강 및 진로미결정과의 관계
하상희 Sang Hee Ha
17(2) 177-195, 2012
Relationships of Self-differentiation with Mental Health and Career Indecision among Male and Female College Students 남녀 대학생의 자기분화와 정신건강 및 진로미결정과의 관계
하상희 Sang Hee Ha
The main purpose of this research was to examine a causal model concerning the direct and the indirect effect of self-differentiation on career indecision through mental health. The data were collected through 200 male and 164 female students by using the self-administered questionaire method. The causal model was tested through structural equation model by using AMOS/WIN 19.0 program. Results showed that three were clear gender differences in the level of self-differentiation, mental health, career indecision. The result also indicated that male students` self-differentiation directly influenced their career indecision as well as indirectly through mental health, while female students` self-differentiation had only a direct effect on their mental health. The results were discussed in terms of some implication for future study.
Key Words
진로미결정, career indecision, 정신건강, mental health, 자기분화, self-differentiation
The Effect of Parenting Stress on Marital Satisfaction of Immigrant Women: Mediation Effect of Ego-resilience and Family Resilience 결혼이민여성의 양육스트레스가 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향: 자아탄력성과 가족탄력성의 매개 효과 비교
이은희 Eun Hee Lee , 옥경희 Kyung Hee Ok
17(2) 197-215, 2012
The Effect of Parenting Stress on Marital Satisfaction of Immigrant Women: Mediation Effect of Ego-resilience and Family Resilience 결혼이민여성의 양육스트레스가 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향: 자아탄력성과 가족탄력성의 매개 효과 비교
이은희 Eun Hee Lee , 옥경희 Kyung Hee Ok
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of maternal stress of married immigrant women on their marital satisfaction and to examine whether ego-resilience and family-resilience had mediating effect on the relationship between maternal parenting stress and marital satisfaction. Conducting nonprobability sampling procedure, 360 married immigrant women who has raised at least one child living with Korean husbands were participated in the survey using self-reported questionnaire. the major findings of this study were as follows: First, parenting stress of married immigrant women negatively effected on their marital satisfaction. Second, ego-resilience and family resilience also had a significant effect on marital satisfaction. Third, it was found that ego-resilience and family resilience had significant mediating effect on the relationship between parenting stress and marital satisfaction. Based on these findings, the implications and suggestions were discussed.
Key Words
결혼이민여성, married immigrant women, 결혼만족도, marital satisfaction, 양육스트레스, parenting stress, 자아탄력성, ego-resilience, 가족탄력성, family resilience
Moderating Effect of Social Support on Depression of Female Children with Single Parent and Nuclear Families 한부모 가구 자녀와 양부모 가구 자녀의 우울에 사회적 지지의 조절효과 -여학생을 중심으로
김재엽 Jae Yop Kim , 최지현 Ji Hyeon Choi , 양세정 Se Jung Yang
17(2) 217-235, 2012
Moderating Effect of Social Support on Depression of Female Children with Single Parent and Nuclear Families 한부모 가구 자녀와 양부모 가구 자녀의 우울에 사회적 지지의 조절효과 -여학생을 중심으로
김재엽 Jae Yop Kim , 최지현 Ji Hyeon Choi , 양세정 Se Jung Yang
This study analyzed the relations between family type and depression of female students in single parent families and nuclear families. The researcher examined the moderating effect of social support on the path on which family type affects depression. The subjects were 585 female students on 5th and 6th grade of elementary school, and 2nd grade of middle school located in Seoul, South Korea. The result indicated that the family structure affects significantly on female students` depression. Female students from single parent families demonstrated higher level of depression. Main effect of social support was found. In addition, it was found the higher the social support, the lower the depression of female students. Lastly, the researcher verified the moderating effect of social support on the path on which family type affects depression. The result indicated that even the female students of single parent families can have lower depression if the higher social support was given. The researcher suggests practical methods of intervening and providing social support for female students of single parent families.
Key Words
가족형태, family type, 한부모, single parent, 우울, depression, 사회적 지지, social support, 조절효과, moderating effect