The Effect of Family Stress and Family Strengths on Depression of Married People 기혼남녀의 가족스트레스와 가족건강성이 우울에 미치는 영향
이선미 Seon Mi Lee , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
17(3) 3-22, 2012
The Effect of Family Stress and Family Strengths on Depression of Married People 기혼남녀의 가족스트레스와 가족건강성이 우울에 미치는 영향
이선미 Seon Mi Lee , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of family stress and family strengths on depression among married men and women. The subjects were 441 married men and women living in Gwangju and Seoul. The subjects completed a questionnaire and the data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0. The major findings were as follows; 1. The average scores of family stress and family strengths were higher than median. The general trends of depression showed lower than median. 2. Depressions were negatively related to family strengths, but were positively related to family stress. 3. Depressions were influenced by age, subjective health level, job, self-esteem, sex role attitudes, family stress and family strengths. In conclusion, to decrease married men and women` depression, it is necessary to decrease family stress and increase family strengths.
Key Words
가족스트레스, family stress, 가족건강성, family strengths, 우울, depression
Divorced Single-Mothers` Adjustment after Divorce depending on Nonresident Fathers` Involvement in Parenting 이혼 후 비동거 아버지의 자녀양육 참여와 한부모 어머니의 이혼 후 적응
손서희 Seo Hee Son
17(3) 23-41, 2012
Divorced Single-Mothers` Adjustment after Divorce depending on Nonresident Fathers` Involvement in Parenting 이혼 후 비동거 아버지의 자녀양육 참여와 한부모 어머니의 이혼 후 적응
손서희 Seo Hee Son
This study examined divorced single-mothers` adjustment after divorce by nonresident fathers` participation in parenting after divorce and their coparental relationship. The data were collected from 160 divorced mothers who were divorced within last five years and were raising at least one minor child. According to the mothers` report, the nonresident fathers` involvement in parenting after divorce in terms of child support and visitation was very low. Variables that were related to divorced mothers` parental stress and adjustment after divorce were different. The variables of social support, work-to-family conflict, family-to-work conflict, and satisfaction with parenting circumstance including custody, child support, and nonresident father visitation were associated with divorced mothers` parental stress. However, the variables of the age of the youngest child, coparental conflict, and parental stress were related to divorced mothers` adjustment after divorce. The implications for public policy and service delivery were discussed.
Key Words
공동양육, coparenting, 부모역할 스트레스, parental stress, 이혼, divorce, 이혼 후 적응, adjustment after divorce
The Study on Variable Factors Affecting Married Men`s Marital Satisfaction 기혼남성의 결혼만족도에 영향을 미치는 관련변인에 관한 연구
김효민 Hyo Min Kim , 박정윤 Jeong Yun Park
17(3) 43-68, 2012
The Study on Variable Factors Affecting Married Men`s Marital Satisfaction 기혼남성의 결혼만족도에 영향을 미치는 관련변인에 관한 연구
김효민 Hyo Min Kim , 박정윤 Jeong Yun Park
The puspose of this research is to determine the marital satisfaction of married men. In this study, the subjects were coupled by pair who lived in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. Convenient sampling and snowball sampling methods were utilized for subjects and the data collection period was November 20, 2009 to December 20, 2009. And the data was collected either directly or by mail and e-mail amounting 184 of data were used for analysis. The SPSS 17.0 program was used to process the data collected for the reliability and frequency analysis, mean, standard deviation, paired-t test, correlation analysis and multiple regression among the items. And the confirmatory factor analysis and structural model were analyzed using AMOS 18.0 program. The presentation of the main results of this study is as follows; First, after considering the general tendency of the related variables, the married men of this study are more likely to maintain their marriages because they are relatively stable current perception of their marriages and life satisfaction was high. Second, it was found that the couple`s marital satisfaction relation variables have the biggest effect on married men. Third, The fidelity for this study was only fit for the use in comparing the genral evaluation criteria in structural equation modeling analysis.
Key Words
기혼남성,결혼만족도, 부부관계, Married man,marital satisfaction, marital relatioans
A Study on Demands of Internationally Married Female Immigrants in Urban-rural Area for Multicultural Family Support 도농복합지역 결혼이주여성의 다문화가족지원 요구도
김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
17(3) 69-90, 2012
A Study on Demands of Internationally Married Female Immigrants in Urban-rural Area for Multicultural Family Support 도농복합지역 결혼이주여성의 다문화가족지원 요구도
김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
The purpose of this study is to explore the demands of internationally married female immigrants in urban-rural area. For this study, the data of 100 female immigrants living in Chilgokgun were analyzed. The results were as follows : First, the respondents showed high demands for Korean language lessons, educational home visits, and job. Second, relative to the high demands of family counseling service, the satisfaction and utilization rate of it were low. Third, the statistics showed that the satisfaction from multicultural family support was dependent upon income, marriage years, and Korean language proficiency. On the other hand, nationality, educational background, income, and Korean language proficiency affected demands.
Key Words
도농복합지역, Urban rurak area, 결혼이주여성, internationally married female immigrant, 다문화가족지원, multicultural family support
The Marital Satisfaction of Marriage Migrant Women through of Gender-Sensitivity as a Moderating Effect 성인지성의 조절효과를 통해 본 결혼이주여성의 결혼만족연구
양다진 Da Jin Yang , 조희선 Hee Sun Cho
17(3) 91-112, 2012
The Marital Satisfaction of Marriage Migrant Women through of Gender-Sensitivity as a Moderating Effect 성인지성의 조절효과를 통해 본 결혼이주여성의 결혼만족연구
양다진 Da Jin Yang , 조희선 Hee Sun Cho
This study examined the relative influence between the factors when Marriage Migrant Women`s demographic characteristics, family factors (Husband`s role in the house, Familism, nearness to Parents-in-law) and the individual psychology(self-esteem, optimism to life) affects the marital satisfaction, and exhumed the gender-sensitivity`s moderating effect. Ultimately, this study aims to present an alternative suggestion for the Marriage Migrant Women to project the happiness in the circumstances of conjugal relations based on gender equality of multi-cultural family. This study`s theoretical result is that in this time where we can find little research of Marriage Migrant Women and multi-cultural family based on gender-sensitivity, it studied of the Marital Satisfaction of Marriage Migrant Women of Gender-Sensitivity as a moderating effect. Also, hope this study to be used on supporting the multi-cultural family through a gender-sensitivity as a moderating effect in a positive way, and to help devise the future plans for the multi-cultural society.
The Effects of the Fathers` Job Stress on Paternal Involvement and Their Satisfaction with Parenting: Focused on The Mediating Effect of WorkFamily Conflict 아버지의 직무 스트레스가 양육 참여 수준 및 부모 역할 만족도에 미치는 영향 -일가족 갈등의 매개효과를 중심으로-
고광민 Kwang Man Ko , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee , 권영인 Young In Kwon
17(3) 113-137, 2012
The Effects of the Fathers` Job Stress on Paternal Involvement and Their Satisfaction with Parenting: Focused on The Mediating Effect of WorkFamily Conflict 아버지의 직무 스트레스가 양육 참여 수준 및 부모 역할 만족도에 미치는 영향 -일가족 갈등의 매개효과를 중심으로-
고광민 Kwang Man Ko , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee , 권영인 Young In Kwon
The purposes of this study were to examine ⑴ the effects of fathers` job stress on their satisfaction with parenting and paternal involvement and ⑵ the mediating effect of fathers` work-family conflict on the relationship between job stress and parental involvement as well as between job stress and satisfaction with parenting. The participants of this study were 206 employed fathers who live in Seoul and Kyeonggi-Do with at least one preschool child. The instruments used for this study were ``Parental Satisfaction of Korea Parents(Hyon, On Gang & Jo, Bok Hee, 1994), ``Parental Involvement in Child Index(Radin, 1989)``, ``Korean Occupational Stress Scale(Jang, Se Jin et al., 2005) and ``Multidimensional Measure of Work-Family Conflict(Carlson, Kacmar & Williams, 2000). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlations, a series of multiple regressions and Sobel Test. The results of this study were as follows; First, fathers`` job stress significantly influenced satisfaction with paternal involvement and parenting. The more the fathers felt job stress at workplaces, the less they participated in child rearing and the less they satisfied with their parental role accomplishment. Second, fathers` work-family conflict mediated both between job stress and paternal involvement and between job stress and satisfaction with parenting. In other words, fathers` job stress influenced paternal involvement and satisfaction with parenting indirectly through fathers` work-family conflict.
Key Words
양육 참여 수준, paternal involvement, 부모 역할 만족도, satisfaction with parenting, 직무 스트레스, job stress, 일-가족 갈등, work-family conflict
The Mediation Effects of Ego-Intergrity on the Relationship between Social Support and Death Anxiety of the Elderly 사회적 지지와 노년기 죽음불안 관계에 대한 자아통합감의 매개효과
박진진 Jin Jin Park , 안정신 Jeong Shin An
17(3) 139-152, 2012
The Mediation Effects of Ego-Intergrity on the Relationship between Social Support and Death Anxiety of the Elderly 사회적 지지와 노년기 죽음불안 관계에 대한 자아통합감의 매개효과
박진진 Jin Jin Park , 안정신 Jeong Shin An
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation effects of ego-integrity on the relationship between social support and elderly`s death anxiety by social support networks; families, kins, friends, and neighbors. The subjects of the study were 345 elderly over 65 years old in Korea. The results showed that the mediation effects of ego-integrity on the relationship between receiving social and death anxiety were different by social network. In case of family, friends support network, death anxiety was not influenced by receiving social support. In case of neighbors, ego-integrity had mediation effects on the relationship between social network and death anxiety. The results showed that the mediation effects of ego-integrity on the relationship between providing social and death anxiety were different by social network. In case of family, kins, friends support network, ego-integrity had mediation effects on the relationship between social network and death anxiety. In case of neighbors, ego-integrity had partial mediation effects on the relationship between social network and death anxiety. The results explain that not only receiving social support but also providing social support had an positive effects on death anxiety of the elderly. It also discussed that need more social understanding about role of senior, and various social support networks. Especially, need more program related to death anxiety for educate by good using our neighbors.
Key Words
죽음불안, Death Anxiety, 자아통합감, Ego-Integrity, 지지제공, Providing Support, 지지수혜, Receiving Support
Relationship of Marital Conflict with Acculturation Stress among Married Immigrant Women in Korea 여성 결혼이민자의 문화적응 스트레스와 부부갈등에 관한 연구
오광실 Kaung Shil Oh , 정혜정 Hye Jeong Chung
17(3) 153-171, 2012
Relationship of Marital Conflict with Acculturation Stress among Married Immigrant Women in Korea 여성 결혼이민자의 문화적응 스트레스와 부부갈등에 관한 연구
오광실 Kaung Shil Oh , 정혜정 Hye Jeong Chung
This study tries to examine the relationship of acculturation stress perceived by married immigrant women with marital conflict. The participants of the study are 141 married immigrant women from China, the Philippines, Japan, and Vietnam who have resided in Korea after marriage. The results show that all domains of marital conflict were positively related to all sub-factors of acculturation stress. In addition, multiple regression results indicate that after controlling for the effect of age, husband`s education level, family income, and marriage duration, perceived discrimination factor of acculturation stress was the most powerful variable influencing marital conflict. Finally, some implications are suggested for researchers and practitioners working with these women.
Key Words
여성 결혼이민자, married immigrant women, 문화적응 스트레스, acculturation stress, 부부갈등, marital conflict
A Study on Daily Life Conflict and Daily Satisfaction -Mediating Effect Family Resilience and Social Support of Intermarried Korean Men 다문화가족 한국인 남편의 일상갈등과 일상만족과의 관계 -가족탄력성과 사회적 지지의 매개효과-
김민경 Min Kyeong Kim
17(3) 173-186, 2012
A Study on Daily Life Conflict and Daily Satisfaction -Mediating Effect Family Resilience and Social Support of Intermarried Korean Men 다문화가족 한국인 남편의 일상갈등과 일상만족과의 관계 -가족탄력성과 사회적 지지의 매개효과-
김민경 Min Kyeong Kim
The purposes of this study were to uncover the relationships and correlations between daily life conflict, family resilience, social support and daily satisfaction. The sample were 184 intermarried Korean men. The data were analyzed by means of frequency, Pearson`s correlation, and multiple regression analysis, using the SPSS. The major findings were as follows; Daily life conflict was negatively correlated with family resilience, social support and daily satisfaction. Additionally, family resilience was positively correlated with social support and daily satisfaction. Second, daily life conflict had a negative influence upon family resilience and daily satisfaction. Family resilience had a mediating effect upon daily life conflict and daily satisfaction perfectly. Third, daily conflict had a negative influence upon social support and daily satisfaction. Social support had a mediating effect upon daily life conflict and daily satisfaction partly. In conclusion, in order to reduce daily life conflict and to improve daily satisfaction it is important to intervene in intermarried Korean men`s family resilience and social support through special education programs and counseling.
Key Words
일상갈등, Daily Life Cinflict, 가족탄력성, Family Resilience, 사회적지지, Social Support, 일상만족, Daily Satisfaction, 다문화가족 남편, Intermarried Korean Men
The Effects of Satisfaction with Family-Friendly Life Environment , Role Satisfaction and Role Strain on Marital ENRICHMENT of Dual-Earner Employed Men and Women 가족친화적 생활환경만족도와 역할만족도 및 역할긴장도가 기혼 취업남녀의 결혼생활향상도에 미치는 영향
박주희 Ju Hee Park , 김양호 Yang Ho Kim
17(3) 187-210, 2012
The Effects of Satisfaction with Family-Friendly Life Environment , Role Satisfaction and Role Strain on Marital ENRICHMENT of Dual-Earner Employed Men and Women 가족친화적 생활환경만족도와 역할만족도 및 역할긴장도가 기혼 취업남녀의 결혼생활향상도에 미치는 영향
박주희 Ju Hee Park , 김양호 Yang Ho Kim
The purpose of this study is to investigate satisfaction(spatial environment, family support facilities, family support programs) with the family-friendly life environment, and role satisfaction and role strain on marital ENRICHMENT of dual-earner employed men and women. Data were collected from 206 dual-earner employed men and women who are residing in the Seoul area. Our findings are as follows. First, while dual-earner employed men and women sampled for this study shows they experienced relatively high satisfaction with spatial environment than satisfaction with family support facilities and family support programs, also they experienced role satisfaction on a level higher than that of role strain, and they experienced a relatively high level of marital ENRICHMENT. Second, our findings tentatively confirmed that there were only two variables that significantly affected marital ENRICHMENT of dual-earner employed men and women: the level of role satisfaction and the level of role strain.
Key Words
가족친화적 생활환경만족도, family-friendly Life environmental satisfaction, 맞벌이 취업남녀, dual-earner employed men and women, 역할만족도, role satisfaction, 역할긴장도, role strain, 결혼생활향상도, marital ENRICHMENT
A Study on the Effects of Conjugal Relations of Baby Boomers on the Preparation for Old Age - Focus on the Comparison with the Pre-Elderly 베이비부머의 부부관계특성이 노후준비에 미치는 영향 연구 -예비노인과 비교를 중심으로
김미혜 Mee Hye Kim , 문정화 Jung Hwa Moon , 신은경 Eun Kyung Shin
17(3) 211-239, 2012
A Study on the Effects of Conjugal Relations of Baby Boomers on the Preparation for Old Age - Focus on the Comparison with the Pre-Elderly 베이비부머의 부부관계특성이 노후준비에 미치는 영향 연구 -예비노인과 비교를 중심으로
김미혜 Mee Hye Kim , 문정화 Jung Hwa Moon , 신은경 Eun Kyung Shin
The purpose of this research is to figure out the degree of preparation for old age and characteristics of the baby boomers` conjugal relations. It is for suggesting appropriate preparation plan for old age from the results of comparing the effect of conjugal relations on the preparation for old age between the baby boomers and the pre-elderly. We gathered the information about 965 baby boomers (Born in 1955∼1963) and 903 pre-elderly people (Born in 1945∼1954) from 15 areas of cities and countryside across the nation. The study results showed that there were no significant group difference between the baby boomers and the pre-elderly in the level of physical preparation, economical preparation and social preparation for the old age, which was the level of "I am preparing for the old age". Results show that the baby boomers are doing better preparation for old age in the leisure and hobby. The gender role variables such as equal labor sharing, joint account of real estates, joint account of asset management and the discussion variables about preparation for old age in conjugal relations have no difference between two groups, but the baby boomers are lower in satisfaction for relationship with spouse than the pre-elderly. Among the variables of conjugal relation category, equal labor sharing in gender role category has effect on the social degrees of preparation in the baby boomers, and joint account of asset management has effect on the economical degrees of preparation in the pre-elderly. Satisfaction of relationship with spouse has effect on the social preparation in both groups and the degree of discussion about preparation for old age also has effect in both groups. With this result of research, it is suggested that practical implication as well as further study on the preparation for old age in the baby boomers and the pre-elderly is needed.
Key Words
노후준비, preparation for the old age, 베이비부머, baby boomers, 예비노인, the pre-elderly, 성역할태도, gender-role attitude, 배우자관계만족도, satisfaction for relationship with spouse