Relationships Among Family Functioning, Self- differentiation, and Career Attitude Maturity Perceived by College Students 대학생이 지각한 가족기능과 자아분화 및 진로태도성숙도와의 관계
이영희 Young Hee Lee , 이주연 Ju Yeon Lee , 정혜정 Hey Jeong Chung
18(1) 3-22, 2013
Relationships Among Family Functioning, Self- differentiation, and Career Attitude Maturity Perceived by College Students 대학생이 지각한 가족기능과 자아분화 및 진로태도성숙도와의 관계
이영희 Young Hee Lee , 이주연 Ju Yeon Lee , 정혜정 Hey Jeong Chung
This study was to examine the relationships among family functioning, self-differentiation, and career attitude maturity perceived by college students. Specifically, this study focused on analyzing the differences of the three variables according to the general characteristics, their relationship, and the relative influence of family functioning and self-differentiation on career attitude maturity. The data were collected by self-administered questionnaire method from 455 college students in Seoul and Jeollabuk-Do areas. The main results of this research were as follows. First, there were significant differences in the levels of family functioning, self-differentiation, and career attitude maturity according to the age, gender, and the perceived economic level of living. Second, there were significant correlations among family functioning, self-differentiation and career attitude maturity. Finally, the hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that self-differentiation had a significant influence on career attitude maturity, but family functioning did not have any influence. The results were discussed in terms of some implications for future research and for education for career development with college students.
Key Words
가족기능, family functioning, 자아분화, self-differentiation, 진로태도성숙도, career attitude maturing
A Study on the Factors of Marital Conflict and Divorce Determination through Family Therapy 가족치료를 통해 본 부부갈등 및 이혼결정 요인에 관한 연구
박태영 Tai Young Park , 문정화 Jung Hwa Moon
18(1) 23-49, 2013
A Study on the Factors of Marital Conflict and Divorce Determination through Family Therapy 가족치료를 통해 본 부부갈등 및 이혼결정 요인에 관한 연구
박태영 Tai Young Park , 문정화 Jung Hwa Moon
This case study investigated the factors influencing the marital conflict of couples in getting divorce, the changes of couple through family therapy intervention, and the factors influencing the determinants of divorce after therapeutic intervention. The data, which consisted of recordings and transcripts from 13 sessions of family therapy, were analyzed by using constant comparative analysis, open coding method, and Miles & Huberman`s network display. The findings of the study were as follows. First, the factors influencing marital conflict included the difference of background in couples` family of origin, the undifferentiation from family of origin, and dysfunctionally attempted method in conflict solution. Second, the determinants of divorce after therapeutic intervention included couples` emotional exhaustion by chronic marital conflicts, dysfunctionally attempted communication method, husband`s undifferentiation from family of origin, expectation and mistrust to the spouse`s change, both parents` intervention for getting divorce, and the couple`s frequent expression of getting divorced. Based on the results of finding, the study suggested the clinically practical strategies to resolve marital conflict for couples in getting divorce.
Key Words
부부갈등, marital conflict, 이혼, divorce, 원가족과의 미분화, undifferentiation from family of origin, 역기능적으로 시도해온 의사소통방식, dysfunctionally attempted communication method
A Comparative Study on Korean and Chinese Middle-aged Couple`s Adjustment of Marital Relationship 한국과 중국 중년기 부부관계 적응에 관한 비교연구
김영애 Ying Ai Jin , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
18(1) 51-74, 2013
A Comparative Study on Korean and Chinese Middle-aged Couple`s Adjustment of Marital Relationship 한국과 중국 중년기 부부관계 적응에 관한 비교연구
김영애 Ying Ai Jin , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
The purposes of this study was to find out general trends of middle-aged couple`s adjustment of marital relationship in Korea and China(Han and Choson-race) and examine the effects according to related variables. For this study, the subjects were collected from Gwangju city in Korea, Liaoning in China and Jilin in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, China. A structured questionnaire was distributed to married men and women in the age of 40 to 59 years who have a child and their or their spouse`s either parent alive. Finally 1,200 questionnaires were used for analysis. The results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, the scores of marital adjustment of three groups are all showed higher level than a median. But the scores of Chosun-race are relatively lower than other groups. Second, resulting from multiple regression analysis, marital adjustment of middle-aged Korean couples are significantly affected by the level of education and family living, mid-life crisis, solidarity with children and elderly parents. Also marital adjustment of middle-aged China couples are significantly affected by the sex-role attitude, familism, mid-life crisis, solidarity with children and elderly parents, care burden for elderly parents. In Choson-race, dual earning or not, ego-identity, mid-life crisis, solidarity with children and elderly parents, horizontal-collective cultural tendency are significant variables.
Key Words
중년기, Middle-aged, 부부관계 적응, Couple`s Adjustment of Marital Relationship
Ecological examination of single men and women`s future fertility behavior in relations with their family values, recognized fe rtility policies and perceived economic condition 출산장려정책 및 경제 상황 인식과 가족 가치관이 미혼 남녀의 미래 예상 출산 자녀수에 미치는 영향: 생태학적 관점을 중심으로
권영인 Young In Kwon
18(1) 75-92, 2013
Ecological examination of single men and women`s future fertility behavior in relations with their family values, recognized fe rtility policies and perceived economic condition 출산장려정책 및 경제 상황 인식과 가족 가치관이 미혼 남녀의 미래 예상 출산 자녀수에 미치는 영향: 생태학적 관점을 중심으로
권영인 Young In Kwon
Applying ideas of human ecology, this study attempts to explore direct and indirect influences of macro(perceived economic condition, recognition of family policy) and micro variables(family values) on Korean single men and women`s future fertility behavior. Sample of this study is 414 single men and women(164 men and 250 women) in Korea aged between 20 to 45. Basic information of the data was analyzed using unparied and paired t-tests. In order to examine direct and indirect influences of independent factors on expected number of children, hypothesized structural equation model was developed. Results of this study are as follows. First, ideal number of children that single men and women wish to have after marriage was significantly higher than real number of children that they believe to have in current Korean society. Second, single women showed more negative perception about Korean economic situation and family values than their male counterparts. Finally, the fitness of hypothesized structural equation model was highly acceptable. Korean single persons` expected number of children after marriage can be explained directly by their family values and indirectly by their perceived economic condition, which indicated mediating effect of family values between perceived economic condition and expected number of children after marriage.
Key Words
저출산, Low fertility, 예상 출산 자녀수, Expected fertility behavior of single people, 출산장려정책, Fertility policy, 경제적 맥락, Economic context, 가족 가치관, family values
Mothers` Work-Family Conflict in Dual-Earner Families with Young Children: The Role of Resources and Perceptions Related to Work and Child Care 미취학 자녀를 둔 맞벌이 여성의 일-가족 갈등 : 직장 및 자녀양육 관련 자원과 지각을 중심으로
이재림 Jaer Im Lee , 손서희 Seo Hee Son
18(1) 93-114, 2013
Mothers` Work-Family Conflict in Dual-Earner Families with Young Children: The Role of Resources and Perceptions Related to Work and Child Care 미취학 자녀를 둔 맞벌이 여성의 일-가족 갈등 : 직장 및 자녀양육 관련 자원과 지각을 중심으로
이재림 Jaer Im Lee , 손서희 Seo Hee Son
We examined the factors associated with mothers` work-family conflict in dual-earner families with young children. Based on the ABCX model, we focused on mothers` resources (B factor) and perceptions (C factor) with regards to work and child care. Work-family conflict consisted of both work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict depending upon the direction of work-family spillover. Data came from 330 mothers who had full-time jobs, had at least one child younger than elementary-school age, and lived in Seoul at the time of data collection. A multiple regression analysis showed that weekly working hours, daily commuting time, availability of the child care leave benefit at the workplace, having taken advantage of the child care leave benefit, job involvement, and daily parenting stress were associated with employed mothers` work-to-family conflict. We also found that the mother`s age, education level, daily commuting time, having taken the child care leave benefit, job involvement, daily parenting stress, and guilt about using non-parental child care were significantly related to employed mothers` family-to-work conflict. These findings suggest that resources and perceptions in both the work and child care domains are important factors in reducing employed mothers` work-family conflict and in reconciling their work and family responsibilities.
Analysing factors of Family Relationships Satisfaction, Job Participation continuity and Job Satisfaction for elderly who are participating in Senior Employment Project 노인일자리사업 참여노인의 참여기간, 가족관계만족도, 참여만족도 간의 관계 검증
김세진 Se Jin Kim , 문수경 Soo Kyung Moon
18(1) 115-130, 2013
Analysing factors of Family Relationships Satisfaction, Job Participation continuity and Job Satisfaction for elderly who are participating in Senior Employment Project 노인일자리사업 참여노인의 참여기간, 가족관계만족도, 참여만족도 간의 관계 검증
김세진 Se Jin Kim , 문수경 Soo Kyung Moon
The propose of this paper is to examine mediating effect of family relationships satisfaction between job participation continuity and job satisfaction for elderly. 251 residents in the Seoul area participated in this study. In order to test the hypothesis on the characteristics of the participants, frequencies and multiple regression analysis were conducted. The major results of the study are as followed: First, job participation continuity was not the variation directly related to job satisfaction. Second, family relationships satisfaction has a complete mediating effect between two variables: job participation continuity, job satisfaction. Based on these results, this paper suggests a variety of programs for enforcing family relationships.
Key Words
가족관계만족도, 노인일자리사업 참여만족도, 노인일자리사업 참여기간, Family relationships satisfaction, Job Satisfaction of Senior Employment Project, Job participation continuity of Senior Employment Project
A Study on the Family Relationship Experience of Marriage Immigrant Vietnamese Women during Pregnancy and Childbirth Period 베트남 여성결혼이민자의 임신과 출산에 따른 가족관계 경험연구
남부현 Bu Hyun Nam , 오정아 Jung A Oh
18(1) 131-154, 2013
A Study on the Family Relationship Experience of Marriage Immigrant Vietnamese Women during Pregnancy and Childbirth Period 베트남 여성결혼이민자의 임신과 출산에 따른 가족관계 경험연구
남부현 Bu Hyun Nam , 오정아 Jung A Oh
The aim of this study was to discover and understand the family relationship experiences of marriage immigrant Vietnamese women during their pregnancy and childbirth. Eight women participated in this study. The social and cultural context of their experiences were considered and their experiences were illuminated using the phenomenological research method. There were discovered five main themes and twenty small themes within two main categories: pregnancy and childbirth. During their pregnancy, the participants felt they were accepted within their Korean family. However, after childbirth they felt they were still outsiders. The main point was that the relationships with Korean husbands were essential to overcome the difficult time. After childbirth, their relationships with mother-in-laws were not good because of cultural differences during postnatal care. Childbirth was seen as giving a great gift to participants` husbands, but was stressful to the participants because of the difficulties of child caring and concerns about child`s education. The participants` relationships of other family members had positive or negative inclinations depending on their family members` interests or conditions. The participants wanted to work quickly and did not plan for another child. Based on the findings from their experiences during the period of pregnancy to childbirth, some policies and practices were proposed in education, social welfare, and counseling fields.
Key Words
베트남 여성결혼이민자, marriage immigrant Vietnamese women, 가족관계, family relationship, 임신과 출산, pregnancy and childbirth
The Effect of Self Efficacy, Marital Conflicts and Prenatal Depression on Postpartum Depression 산후우울에 미치는 자기효능감, 부부갈등 및 산전우울의 영향
신유경 You Kyung Shin , 최연실 Youn Shil Choi
18(1) 155-176, 2013
The Effect of Self Efficacy, Marital Conflicts and Prenatal Depression on Postpartum Depression 산후우울에 미치는 자기효능감, 부부갈등 및 산전우울의 영향
신유경 You Kyung Shin , 최연실 Youn Shil Choi
This research tried to find out the relative impact of the variables that affect postpartum depression. Year 1 data of the Korean children panel study, conducted since 2008 by the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education was used for the analysis of this research, and survey data were finally statistically treated 1,589 people. The results of this study were as follow: First, women in childbed`s level of postpartum depression were not high, and it was manifested into normal group and women in childbed manifested high sense of self-efficacy while levels of husband-wife conflict and prenatal depression were not high. Second, there was statistically significant difference by each group of women in childbed`s postpartum depression(normal, hardness/moderate, intermediate) when it comes to whether they drink or smoke. Third, there was statistically significant difference by each group of group of women in childbed`s postpartum depression(normal, hardness/moderate, intermediate) when it comes to sense of self-efficacy, husband-wife conflict and prenatal depression. Fourth, there was a difference in the influence of the background variables, sense of self-efficacy, husband-wife conflict and prenatal depression on the postpartum depression. In other words, postpartum depression was higher when the when the sense of self-efficacy is lower, husband-wife conflict is greater and the level of prenatal depression is higher. This research is to provide basic data for the development of programs for family consultation and for the training, targeting women in childbed and spouse.