The Effects of the Collaborative Marriage Skills Program: Self-Esteem, Communication Behavior, and Marital Satisfaction of Married Couples 협동적 결혼기술 프로그램의 효과 연구 -부부의 자존감, 의사소통 행동, 결혼만족에 미치는 영향을 중심으로-
최규련 Kyu Reon Choi
18(2) 3-21, 2013
The Effects of the Collaborative Marriage Skills Program: Self-Esteem, Communication Behavior, and Marital Satisfaction of Married Couples 협동적 결혼기술 프로그램의 효과 연구 -부부의 자존감, 의사소통 행동, 결혼만족에 미치는 영향을 중심으로-
최규련 Kyu Reon Choi
The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of the Collaborative Marriage Skills Program on self-esteem, communication behavior, and marital satisfaction of Korean married couples. Each 11 married couples of the experiment group and the control group were analyzed. The effects of this program was evaluated by pretest and posttest, and follow-up measure 2 months later. It was analyzed by Mann-Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed-Rank Test. According to this study, This program was effective to increase the level of self esteem, communication behavior(eg ; utilizing communication skills, productive expression of emotion), and marital satisfaction among experiment group. Also this program was to decrease the level of destructive expression of emotion among experiment group. Namely, experiment group showed significant enhancement of self-esteem, communication behavior, and marital satisfaction compared to those of control group. These effects maintained mostly at follow-up. Future research and practical implications were added.
Key Words
협동적 결혼기술 프로그램 효과, The Effects of Collaborative Marriage Skills Program, 자존감, self-esteem, 의사소통 행동, communication behavior, 결혼만족, marital satisfaction
Reality Therapy to Enhance Marital Satisfaction of Couple Being in The Process of Filing for Divorce with Domestic Violence: A Case Study 이혼 소송 중에 있는 가정폭력부부의 결혼만족도 증진을 위한 현실치료 부부상담 사례 연구
류도희 Do Hee Ryu
18(2) 23-49, 2013
Reality Therapy to Enhance Marital Satisfaction of Couple Being in The Process of Filing for Divorce with Domestic Violence: A Case Study 이혼 소송 중에 있는 가정폭력부부의 결혼만족도 증진을 위한 현실치료 부부상담 사례 연구
류도희 Do Hee Ryu
This study is to learn whether Reality Therapy for couple enhances the marital satisfaction of domestic violent couple. The Study subject is a couple for counseling via court. They received a total of 10 therapy sessions, which last 90minutes. Used Measuring tools are both pre-test and post-test of measuring marital satisfaction for a couple, pretest of Basic need & MBTI and qualitative analysis for the progress of therapy sessions. The results are that Reality Therapy for couple can enhance the marital satisfaction of domestic violent couple.
Effects of Dyadic Coping on Marital Satisfaction and Intention to Divorce 스트레스에 대한 부부공동대처가 결혼만족도와 이혼의도에 미치는 영향
우현주 Hyun Joo Woo , 유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo
18(2) 51-71, 2013
Effects of Dyadic Coping on Marital Satisfaction and Intention to Divorce 스트레스에 대한 부부공동대처가 결혼만족도와 이혼의도에 미치는 영향
우현주 Hyun Joo Woo , 유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo
This study examines the effects of dyadic coping on husbands` and wives` marital satisfaction and intention to divorce among heterosexual couples. Data were collected from 110 married couples in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The measurement consisted of the short version of Bodenmann`s(2000) Dyadic Coping Inventory, Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale, and Intention to Divorce Scale with a demographic questionnaire. The major findings of this study are as follows: First, there were significant differences in levels of supportive and common dyadic coping between husbands` and wives` perceptions. Second, after controlling for the length of their marriage, number of children, respondent`s educational level, and family income, dyadic coping explained a 15.1% of the variance in husbands` marital satisfaction and accounted for a 46.2% of the variance in wives` marital satisfaction. Third, after controlling for the couples` sociodemographic characteristics and marital satisfaction, dyadic coping explained a 27.9% of the variance in wives` intention to divorce, while had no significant influences on husbands` intention to divorce. Finally, the implications of the above results for the couple therapy and education program are discussed.
Key Words
부부공동대처, Dyadic Coping, 결혼만족도, Marital Satisfaction, 이혼의도, Intention to Divorce
The Development of Parenting Education Program based on Transactional Analysis and its Effectiveness 교류분석이론을 활용한 부모교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과성 연구
차명진 Myoung Jin Cha , 김소연 So Yun Kim
18(2) 73-98, 2013
The Development of Parenting Education Program based on Transactional Analysis and its Effectiveness 교류분석이론을 활용한 부모교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과성 연구
차명진 Myoung Jin Cha , 김소연 So Yun Kim
The purpose of this study is to develop an educational program on good parenting based on a character theory Transactional Analysis(TA) and to verify its effectiveness by measuring parenting efficacy, parenting behavior, family functioning. Based on the main concepts of TA, the parent-education program have been composed of 12 different sessions. Parents at M kindergarten in Daegu who wished to participate in the parent education was randomly allocated to an experimental group and a control group each consisting of 30 and 33 subjects. The test was done to measure parenting efficacy, parenting behavior, family functioning before and after the entire experiment. Statistical analysis was made through both the independent samples t-test and the paired samples t-test. As a result, the program developed through this research has brought a significant improvement in parental efficacy pertaining to monitoring and communication, with an increase in the parenting behavior as well. Nonetheless, a statistical significance in family functioning could not be confirmed through this research.
A Study on the Social Capital and Family Strength of Female Marriage Immigrants 여성결혼이민자의 사회적자본과 가족건강성에 관한 연구
박선민 Sun Min Park , 김태현 Tea Hyun Kim
18(2) 99-122, 2013
A Study on the Social Capital and Family Strength of Female Marriage Immigrants 여성결혼이민자의 사회적자본과 가족건강성에 관한 연구
박선민 Sun Min Park , 김태현 Tea Hyun Kim
To find out the relation between the social capital and family strength of female marriage immigrants, this study investigated the actual conditions of social capital and examined the effect of social capital on the family strength of female marriage immigrants. With the results, this study aimed to provide plans to improve the family strength of female marriage immigrants and basic data to establish multicultural policy. As for the research subjects, healthy family support centers and multicultural family support centers, located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, were randomly selected since To find out the relation between the social capital and family strength of female marriage immigrants, this study investigated the actual conditions of social capital and examined the effect of social capital on the family strength of female marriage immigrants. With the results, this study aimed to provide plans to improve the family strength of female marriage immigrants and basic data to establish multicultural policy. As for the research subjects, healthy family support centers and multicultural family support centers, located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, were randomly selected since.
Key Words
가족건강성, Family strength, 사회적자본, Social capital, 신뢰, trust, 네트워크, network, 참여, participation
Fertility and Value Orientations: Focusing on Gender, Age and Marital Status 출산과 가치관 : 성, 연령, 결혼여부에 따른 차이 및 영향 분석
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
18(2) 123-147, 2013
Fertility and Value Orientations: Focusing on Gender, Age and Marital Status 출산과 가치관 : 성, 연령, 결혼여부에 따른 차이 및 영향 분석
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
The purposes of this study were to find out general trends of fertility conditions, recognized causes of low fertility, experienced benefits from fertility support policy and value orientations. Also this study examined the differences of those according to gender, age, marital status and analyzed the effect of variables on the number of children. For this study, the data of 366 men and women aged 20 years over living in Gwangju and Chonnam area were used. The results were as follows. Among the recognized causes of low fertility, education expenditure on children was revealed as the most important factor and childcare support was the most effective fertility policy. Low fertility causes were different significantly according to gender, age, marital status and the serviceability of fertility policy was different according to age and marital status. The levels of men`s family value orientations were higher than women and twenties-thirties of age were higher than forties-fifties. Also Married group were higher than unmarried. The multinominal logit analyses revealed that age, education level and the problem of child caregiver among low fertility causes were significant factors affecting the number of children. Also education level and the value of children were influencing factors in wanted number of childbirth. In unmarried group, materialism and the value of children were significant factors. In conclusion, family value orientations are apparent in our society but the value of children is only influential in the situation of childbirth.
Key Words
출산, Fertility, 가치관, Value Orientations, 저출산정책, Fertility Support Policy
Effects of Married Men and Women`s Family-of-Origin Emotionality, Empathy, & Spousal Support on Marital Intimacy 기혼남녀의 원가족 정서성과 공감능력 및 배우자지지가 부부친밀감에 미치는 영향
김대광 Dae Kwang Kim , 김영희 Young Hee Kim
18(2) 149-165, 2013
Effects of Married Men and Women`s Family-of-Origin Emotionality, Empathy, & Spousal Support on Marital Intimacy 기혼남녀의 원가족 정서성과 공감능력 및 배우자지지가 부부친밀감에 미치는 영향
김대광 Dae Kwang Kim , 김영희 Young Hee Kim
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of married couple`s family-of-origin emotionality, empathy, and spousal support on marital intimacy. Subjects of this study is 210 couples(n=420). Data were collected from 12 kindergartens in Cheong-Ju City and were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 program and AMOS 7.0 program for SEM. The result of this study were as follow: first, Spousal support is the most influence variable on marital intimacy of married couple. second, third, There was different that effect of married couple`s family-of-origin emotionality, empathy, and spousal support on marital intimacy. Empathy of married men was more influenced by family of origin emotionality than married women. In married women, family-of origin emotionality influenced to spousal support directly. These findings suggest that family-of origin variable must be emphasized in marital counseling and marital education fields and it is necessary practice of empathy for married men. Finally, the limitations of this study and implications of following study were discussed.
A Study on the Effects of Marital Satisfaction and Remittance Obligation on the Marital Responsibility among Marriage Migrant Women in Korea 결혼이주여성의 결혼만족도와 송금의무감이 결혼책임감에 미치는 영향
임춘희 Choon Hee Lim
18(2) 167-194, 2013
A Study on the Effects of Marital Satisfaction and Remittance Obligation on the Marital Responsibility among Marriage Migrant Women in Korea 결혼이주여성의 결혼만족도와 송금의무감이 결혼책임감에 미치는 영향
임춘희 Choon Hee Lim
This study investigated the realities of remittance in multicultural family and examined the effects of marital satisfaction and remittance obligation on the marital responsibility among marriage migrant women. For this purpose, the data of 138 marriage migrant women from China and Vietnam living in Gunsan were collected and analyzed with frequency, t-test, multiple regression analysis. The major findings were summarized as follows. First, the remittance, sending money to the homeland, was perceived as an important issue in multicultural family by marriage migrant women. Second, there was a significant difference in the marital responsibility of marriage migrant woman according to the nationality, the method of mate-selection and the satisfaction with present family financial condition. Finally, the results of regression analysis showed that the nationality, the marital satisfaction, and the method of mate-selection significantly effected on the marital responsibility of marriage migrant women. Vietnamese women showed stronger the marital responsibility than Chinese women and marriage migrant women who had a high marital satisfaction and married through introduction by a friend or an acquaintance showed stronger marital responsibility. However, remittance obligation of marriage migrant women did not show statistically significant effect on the marital responsibility.
Effects of Parent Education Program Using Reality Therapy -Focused on Mothers of Elementary School Children- 현실치료를 적용한 부모교육집단프로그램의 효과 -초등학생 자녀를 둔 어머니를 중심으로-
이성희 Sung Hee Lee , 김현수 Hyun Su Kim
18(2) 195-215, 2013
Effects of Parent Education Program Using Reality Therapy -Focused on Mothers of Elementary School Children- 현실치료를 적용한 부모교육집단프로그램의 효과 -초등학생 자녀를 둔 어머니를 중심으로-
이성희 Sung Hee Lee , 김현수 Hyun Su Kim
The purpose of this study was to validate the effectiveness of inter-individual variables such as self-esteem and internal-external control and parenting-related variables such as parents` child rearing attitudes and parental efficacy by implementing group parent education program using reality therapy for mothers of elementary school children. This study was conducted on mothers of elementary school children among the users of a center located in y area, Jeollabuk-do. The experimental group consisted of 16 mothers who voluntarily applied to the group parent education program using reality therapy, and the control group consisted of 16 mothers of elementary school students who used the same center. Pre and post tests were conducted on self-esteem, internal-external control, parents` child rearing attitudes and parental efficacy in the experimental and control groups once for each scale. As data analysis, frequency analysis, independent-samples t-test and paired-samples t-test were performed, and Cronbach`s α was calculated for reliability test. The results and conclusions of this study are as follows: First, homogeneity was tested between the experimental and control groups between the experimental and control groups because there was no significant difference in the pre self-esteem, internal-external control, parents` child rearing attitudes and parental efficacy between them. Second, this study tested the differences in the changes in the inter-individual variables such as self-esteem and internal-external control between the experimental and control groups. As a result, there was no significant difference. Third, this study examined the differences in the changes in the parenting-related variables such as parents` child rearing attitudes and parental efficacy. As a result, the control group did not show any significant difference. On the other hand, the experimental group showed rational and irrational factors in parents` child rearing attitudes and a significant positive effect in parental efficacy. The group parent education program using this reality therapy had a more positive effect on changes in parents` child rearing attitudes and parental efficacy in parent-child relationships than changes in internal characteristic.