Development and Effects Analysis of the Husband Forgiveness Group Counseling Program for Middle-aged Wives 중년기 아내를 위한 남편 용서 프로그램 개발 및 효과검증
신리나 Li Na Shin , 김득성 Deuk Sung Kim
18(3) 3-23, 2013
Development and Effects Analysis of the Husband Forgiveness Group Counseling Program for Middle-aged Wives 중년기 아내를 위한 남편 용서 프로그램 개발 및 효과검증
신리나 Li Na Shin , 김득성 Deuk Sung Kim
The purpose of this study was to develop a husband forgiveness program for middle-aged wives in a form of group counseling and analyze effects of the program. The Husband Forgiveness Group Counseling Program was reconstructed from Enright`s program to provide psychological growth and personal inner healing for a female spouse who was unfairly hurt and conflict raised in a marital relationship. Quantitative analysis measures were used to verify the effects of the husband forgiveness group counseling program on middle-aged wives. Right after this four-weeks program, the participants showed increased cognitive forgiveness and accordingly, enhanced marital satisfaction. While the effects of anger relief in the program were minimal, the follow-up study carried out over the next four-months period showed meaningful results in diminishing anger. Therefore, it was proven that when conducted constantly, the forgiveness group counseling program could be highly effective.
Key Words
중년기 아내, middle-aged wives, 용서 집단상담 프로그램, forgiveness group counseling program, 남편 용서, husband forgiveness
The Mediating Effects of Family Functioning and Social Support on the Relationship between Self-Differentiation and Life Satisfaction among Married Men and Women 기혼남녀의 자아분화와 삶의 만족간의 관계: 가족기능과 사회적 지지의 매개효과
김선희 Sun Hee Kim
18(3) 25-44, 2013
The Mediating Effects of Family Functioning and Social Support on the Relationship between Self-Differentiation and Life Satisfaction among Married Men and Women 기혼남녀의 자아분화와 삶의 만족간의 관계: 가족기능과 사회적 지지의 매개효과
김선희 Sun Hee Kim
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of family functioning and social support on the relationship between self-differentiation and life satisfaction among married men and women. A total of 199 questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. For the statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling were undertaken with PASW 18.0 and AMOS 21.0 program. The results of the study were as follows. First, the direct effect of self-differentiation on life satisfaction was not significant. Second, the direct effect of self-differentiation on family functioning was significant. Third, the direct effect of family functioning on life satisfaction was significant. Fourth, the direct effect of self-differentiation on social support was significant but the direct effect of social support on life satisfaction was not significant. In conclusion, there was a causal link between self-differentiation and life satisfaction mediated by family functioning. The complete mediation of family functioning on the relationship between self-differentiation and life satisfaction among married men and women was appropriate. The findings showed that in order to enhance life satisfaction among married men and women, it is necessary to boost family functioning. Finally, the implication and limitations of the study and suggestions for the future research were discussed.
Key Words
자아분화, self-differentiation, 가족기능, family functioning, 사회적지지, social support, 삶의 만족, life satisfaction
Actor and Partner Effects of Marital Commitment on Marital Satisfaction 부부의 헌신이 결혼만족도에 미치는 자기효과와 상대방효과
황성실 Seong Sil Hwang , 김영희 Yeong Hee Kim
18(3) 45-61, 2013
Actor and Partner Effects of Marital Commitment on Marital Satisfaction 부부의 헌신이 결혼만족도에 미치는 자기효과와 상대방효과
황성실 Seong Sil Hwang , 김영희 Yeong Hee Kim
The purpose of this study was not only to verify actor and partner effects of marital commitment on marital satisfaction through APIM analysis but also to present basic material needed in marital counselling and education, seeking reinforcement of marital relation and divorce prevention. The subjects of this study were 832 couples who have children attend in 25 educational institutions such as children education institute, elementary school, middle school, high school, and college or university in 5 cities. In the result of this study through APIM analysis, the results indicated that husband`s commitment perceived by wife had a effect on wife`s marital satisfaction and wife`s commitment perceived by husbands had a effect on husband`s marital satisfaction, which showed the projection of the actor effect. Also, it revealed that husband`s commitment perceived by wife had an effect on husband`s marital satisfaction and wife`s commitment perceived by husband had an effect on wife`s marital satisfaction, which showed the partner effect that commitment had on marital satisfaction, but the actor effect was more influential than the partner effect. In other words, the study shows that commitment had a lot of effect on marital satisfaction, which meant that the projection was very influential.
Key Words
부부헌신, Marital Commitment, 결혼만족도, Marital Satisfaction, 자기효과와 상대방효과의 상호모델, APIM: actor and partner interaction model
Effects of Individual, Family and School Characteristics on Participant Roles of School Bullying among Middle School Students 집단따돌림 참여자 역할에 영향을 미치는 개인,가족,학교 관련변인
유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo , 이승출 Seung Chul Lee , 이혜미 Hye Mi Lee
18(3) 63-89, 2013
Effects of Individual, Family and School Characteristics on Participant Roles of School Bullying among Middle School Students 집단따돌림 참여자 역할에 영향을 미치는 개인,가족,학교 관련변인
유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo , 이승출 Seung Chul Lee , 이혜미 Hye Mi Lee
The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of individual, family, and school characteristics on the participation roles of school bullying among middle school students. Data were collected from 511 students enrolled in six middle schools located in G` city of Kangwon-Do. Based on recommendations from the literature review, the questionnaire measurements consisted of the Participant Role Questionnaire, Family Conflict & Hostility Scale, Parental Supervision Scale, Parental Support for Non-Aggressive Solutions Scale, School Climate Scale, and Attachment to Teacher Scale. The major findings of this study are as follows: First, the students reported that they sometimes act as the outsider or defender in school bullying situation. Second, the hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that the roles of bullies and reinforcers in school bullying situation were significantly predicted by the students` individual, family, and school characteristics, while their individual and school characteristics significantly had influences on the assistant roles. The students` family and school characteristics significantly had influences on their defender roles of school bullying, while the outsider roles were significantly predicted by their individual characteristics. The implications of these results are discussed.
Key Words
집단따돌림, School Bullying, 집단따돌림 참여자 역할(Participant Roles of School Bullying, 학교폭력, School Violence
A study on the functional level of the mentally disabled and the satisfaction level of main supporting family members life -with focus on the media effect of family resilience- 정신장애인의 기능수준과 주부양가족원의 삶의 만족도에 관한 연구 -가족탄력성의 매개효과를 중심으로-
신미숙 Mi Suk Shin , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
18(3) 91-112, 2013
A study on the functional level of the mentally disabled and the satisfaction level of main supporting family members life -with focus on the media effect of family resilience- 정신장애인의 기능수준과 주부양가족원의 삶의 만족도에 관한 연구 -가족탄력성의 매개효과를 중심으로-
신미숙 Mi Suk Shin , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
This study was intended to verify the media effect of family resilience in the correlation of the functional level of the mentally disabled and the satisfaction level of main supporting family members life regarding the main family members supporting the mentally disabled, and also identify the effects of relevant factors on life satisfaction level. Looking at the findings, it was found that the living satisfaction levels of the main supporting family members of the mentally disabled are affected by education level, monthly income, sex, inter-personal relationship the sub-domain of the functional level of the mentally disabled, organization type the sub-domain of family resilience, and communication etc. Also, it was proven that family resilience mediates in the correlation of the functional level of the mentally disabled and the living satisfaction level of main supporting family members.
Key Words
정신장애인 기능수준, functional level of the mentally disabled, 삶의 만족도, life of the satisfaction level, 가족탄력성, family resilience, 매개효과, mediating effect
The Effects of Ego-Resilience, School Satisfaction and Achievement Motivation on Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy in University Students 대학생의 자아탄력성, 대학생활만족도 및 성취동기가 진로결정 자기효능감에 미치는 영향
임주영 Joo Young Lim , 윤경자 Gyung Ja Yoon
18(3) 113-130, 2013
The Effects of Ego-Resilience, School Satisfaction and Achievement Motivation on Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy in University Students 대학생의 자아탄력성, 대학생활만족도 및 성취동기가 진로결정 자기효능감에 미치는 영향
임주영 Joo Young Lim , 윤경자 Gyung Ja Yoon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ego-resilience, school satisfaction and achievement motivation on career decision-making self-efficacy in university students. The subjects of this study were 357 university students in the area of Busan. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and multiple regression. The major findings of this study were as follows: First, responsibility which is sub-factor of achievement motivation, and ego-resilience influenced significantly goal selection which is sub-factor of career decision-making self-efficacy. Second, responsibility which is sub-factor of achievement motivation and ego-resilience had a significant influence on occupational information which is sub-factor of career decision-making self-efficacy. Third, task orientation which is sub-factor of achievement motivation, ego-resilience and school satisfaction were significant factors influencing problem solving of career decision-making self-efficacy. Forth, planning of career decision-making self-efficacy was significantly influenced by task orientation and responsibility of achievement motivation and ego-resilience. Fifth, responsibility, sub-factor of achievement motivation, and ego-resilience influenced significantly self-appraisal, sub-factor, of career decision-making self-efficacy. The results provided useful guidelines to understand the process of career development and the career goal for university students.
Key Words
대학생, university student, 자아탄력성, ego-resilience, 대학생활만족도, school satisfaction, 성취동기, achievement motivation, 진로결정 자기효능감, career decision-making self-efficacy
A Study on Stress Recognition Types in the Adaptation Process of Domestic Adoptive Families 국내입양가족의 적응과정에서의 스트레스 인식 유형 연구
옥수선 Su Seon Ok , 류기형 Ku Hang
18(3) 131-156, 2013
A Study on Stress Recognition Types in the Adaptation Process of Domestic Adoptive Families 국내입양가족의 적응과정에서의 스트레스 인식 유형 연구
옥수선 Su Seon Ok , 류기형 Ku Hang
The objective of this study is to explore stress type and features being recognized by the adoptive families due to adoption by regarding adoption as a source of stress in the daily life, based on the current situation that adoptive families is experiencing various stresses and difficulties due to special characteristic of adoption through Q methodology. As a result of analysis by utilizing Q methodology, stress recognition type of adoptive families was confirmed to be 4 types including ‘a type of feeling burden for new family formation(type 1)’, ‘a type of lacking psychosocial support(type 2)``, ‘a type of being subsided by prejudiced social recognition(type 3)``, and ‘a type of being tension by internalized confidentiality(type 4)``. Type 1 is characterized by having biological children or infertility and open adoption, and adoptive families recognized a strong stress in terms of parent`s role or responsibility, lack of support or support system of governmental or social, and attention of the people who cast special eyes on adoptive families. Type 2 is characterized by infertility and open adoption, and adoptive families recognized a strong stress in inadequate of governmental policy or system, lack of social support system and concern about the situation or behavior to be experienced by child through adoption. Type 3 is characterized by secret adoption even under infertility, and adoptive families recognized a strong stress in social discrimination or prejudice for the adoption. Type 4 is characterized by infertility or secondary infertility and limited open adoption, and adoptive families recognized a strong stress for fear of adoptive truth being known to the child and having to endure traumatic and hard process by the child who got to know adoptive truth. Based on above analysis result, the implication for social welfare required for pursuing a stabilized and successful adaptation of adoptive families were suggested.
Development of the Integrated Therapeutic Marital Enhancement Program for Multicultural Families 다문화가족을 위한 통합치료적 부부관계향상프로그램 개발
김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
18(3) 132-152, 2013
Development of the Integrated Therapeutic Marital Enhancement Program for Multicultural Families 다문화가족을 위한 통합치료적 부부관계향상프로그램 개발
김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the integrated therapeutic program on self-esteem, communication, and marital satisfaction among multicultural couples. The program was composed of Sandplay Therapy, Dance Therapy, Mantra Meditation, Role Play, Psychodrama Therapy, and was carried out 6 sessions for 2 days. The participants of the study were 11 married multicultural couples who had been in marital conflicts in K province. Cronbach`α coefficient, frequency and percentage, mean value, Wilcoxon sign-rank test were conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics 20, and the data were analysed with Effect Matrix by observation method and participants` statement. The major findings were as follows: First, the study showed that the integrated therapeutic program improved self-esteem among the multicultural couples. Second, the program used in this study was effective in decreasing the multicultural couples` negative communication. Third, the study proved that the integrated therapeutic program increased multicultural couples` marital.
Divorced Single Mothers` Life Histories and Postdivorce Adaption 생애사를 통해 본 이혼 한부모 여성가장의 삶과 적응
조희선 Hee Sun Cho , 전보영 Bo Young Jeon
18(3) 179-206, 2013
Divorced Single Mothers` Life Histories and Postdivorce Adaption 생애사를 통해 본 이혼 한부모 여성가장의 삶과 적응
조희선 Hee Sun Cho , 전보영 Bo Young Jeon
The purpose of this study is to understand the life histories of divorced single mothers and their adaption to the life as a single mother using the life history method. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with eight divorced single mothers aged from 42~ 56 years old. Five life dimensions were derived as a result of our analysis: (a) biological dimension: depletion (effects of chronic fatigue and nervousness) (b) psychological dimension: emotional complexity (effects of ambivalence of divorce, child-caring and role-conflict) (c) psychosocial dimension: "super woman complex" (effects of demanding roles) (d) social dimension: a woman living without a husband (effects of the non-mainstream society), and (e) cultural dimension: insurmountable wall (effects of patriarchal family system) We also found that marriage, divorce, and beginning of new life were major turning points in the life histories of divorced single mothers. Finally, our participants utilized several strategies to adapt to their lives as a divorced single mother, including (a) overcoming physical difficulties due to strong mental health, (b) intentionally avoiding complicated thoughts, (c) reconstructing the meanings of their lives and (d) ignoring social-cultural prejudices against divorced single mothers. Through in-depth interviews with divorced single mothers, we found that our participants went through different life situations but shared experiences in ways to make efforts to survive. Social assistance for divorced single mothers is needed to recognize and respect their lives as they are.
Key Words
생애사life history, 이혼 한부모 여성가장, divorced single mother, 다섯 가지 삶의 영역, the five life dimensions, 전환점, turnings, 적응, adaption
Study on Familial Relationship in Connection with Caring for the Elderly -Focus on female main caregivers who utilize Long-Term Care Insurance- 노인부양에 따른 가족관계 경험에 관한 연구 -노인장기요양보험제도 활용 여성주부양자를 중심으로-
정윤태 Yun Tae Jung
18(3) 207-231, 2013
Study on Familial Relationship in Connection with Caring for the Elderly -Focus on female main caregivers who utilize Long-Term Care Insurance- 노인부양에 따른 가족관계 경험에 관한 연구 -노인장기요양보험제도 활용 여성주부양자를 중심으로-
정윤태 Yun Tae Jung
This study is aimed at clarifying the meaning and essence of familial relationships in connection with utilization of long-term care services for the elderly by female main caregivers. To accomplish the objective, 11 female main caregivers who use long-term care services were selected through purposeful sampling method and in-depth interviews were conducted. The collected data was analyzed through phenomenological research method presented by Giorgi(1985) to establish the meaning of familial relationships in connection with utilization of long-term care services by female main caregivers as 21 themes, 7 groups of themes, and 3 categories. The research findings suggest the following. Familial relationships of female main caregivers face a dilemma involving subjective fairness, depending on whether agreement is established among the dependent elderly, their adult children, and spouses as to utilization of long-term care services. In addition, familial relationships have an ambivalent structure with either severance of the relationship or successful relationship through unity of family members. Based on the results, the meaning and essence of familial relationships in connection with utilization of long-term care services by female main caregivers will be discussed and policy suggestions will be made.
Key Words
노인장기요양보험제도, long-term care insurance, 가족관계, familial relationship, 여성주부양자, female main caregivers, 현상학, phenomenology
The Effects of Ego-resilience and Family-resilience on Marital Stability of Female Marriage Immigrants 여성결혼이민자의 자아탄력성과 가족탄력성이 결혼안정성에 미치는 영향
선희라 Hee Ra Sun , 전귀연 Gwee Yeon Jeon
18(3) 233-253, 2013
The Effects of Ego-resilience and Family-resilience on Marital Stability of Female Marriage Immigrants 여성결혼이민자의 자아탄력성과 가족탄력성이 결혼안정성에 미치는 영향
선희라 Hee Ra Sun , 전귀연 Gwee Yeon Jeon
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of ego-resilience and family-resilience on marital stability of female marriage immigrants. The subjects were 123 female marriage immigrants living in Daegu and Kyungpook and completed three kinds of questionnaires regarding ego-resilience, family-resilience, and marital stability. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Multiple Regression and Hierarchical Regression. The major results of this study were as follows: First, marital stability of female marriage immigrants was affected by ``curiosity and optimism`` and ``behavior and emotional control`` of ego-resilience. That is, when ‘curiosity and optimism’, ‘behavior and emotional control’ are higher, marital stability increases. Second, marital stability of female marriage immigrants was affected by ``organizational pattern`` of family-resilience. That is, when ``organizational pattern`` is higher, stability increases. Third, when family-resilience were added into the final model of hierarchial multiple regression analysis, ``organizational pattern`` turned out to be the most effective factor and then ‘curiosity and optimism’ was an effective factor in the order to increase marital stability of female marriage immigrants.
Predictors and marital satisfaction trajectories of mothers with preschool children 미취학 아동이 있는 여성의 결혼만족도 변화 유형과 영향 요인
김지혜 Ji Hye Kim , 장연진 Yeon Jin Jang , 김희주 Hee Joo Kim
18(3) 255-278, 2013
Predictors and marital satisfaction trajectories of mothers with preschool children 미취학 아동이 있는 여성의 결혼만족도 변화 유형과 영향 요인
김지혜 Ji Hye Kim , 장연진 Yeon Jin Jang , 김희주 Hee Joo Kim
This study examined marital satisfaction trajectories of mothers with preschool children over the past 3 years using Korean Longitudinal survey of women and families(KLoWF). The purpose of this study was to find factors associated with the marital satisfaction trajectories. For data analysis, frequency, correlation, and multinomial logistic regression (SPSS 18.0) were used. We identified 5 groups of marital satisfaction trajectories: constant-high, constant mid-below, downward, upward, and mixed groups. The results of the study showed that sharing leisure activities with a partner and women`s educational level were significant predictors of a constant-high group compared to a mid-below group. Satisfaction with division of household labor and women`s educational level were significant predictors of a upward group which distinguished from a mid-below group. However, educational level was a only significant predictor for maintaining constant-high and increasing marital satisfaction compared to downward group. Based on the findings, researchers suggested practice implications for increasing marital satisfaction of mothers with preschool children.
Key Words
결혼만족도, 변화 유형, 미취학 자녀를 둔 여성, Marital Satisfaction, Trajectory Patterns, Mothers with preschool children
Community boundary perception and family-friendliness evaluation among parents with young children in Seoul 지역사회 범위에 대한 주관적 인식과 가족친화성 평가: 서울시 거주 미취학자녀 부모를 대상으로
노신애 Shi Nae Noh , 진미정 Mee Jung Chin
18(3) 279-294, 2013
Community boundary perception and family-friendliness evaluation among parents with young children in Seoul 지역사회 범위에 대한 주관적 인식과 가족친화성 평가: 서울시 거주 미취학자녀 부모를 대상으로
노신애 Shi Nae Noh , 진미정 Mee Jung Chin
This study aimed to examine (1) what residents perceived as a community boundary and (2) what association were found between the perception on community boundary and family-friendliness of the community. Data were drawn from a sample of 318 married men and 310 married women who had children under the school age. Descriptive analyses, multinomial logit analysis, and one-way ANOVA were used for analysis. The findings showed that there was a variation in the perception of community boundary: 15.29% of the respondents selected an apartment complex, 30.25% Dong, 41.40% Gu, and 13.06% other categories as a community boundary. Women perceived community boundary in larger scope than men did. Those who lived in multiple houses perceived community boundary in smaller scope than apartment residents. Those who selected Gu as a community boundary had higher scores on the awareness of community service infrastructure than those who selected other community boundaries. Those who selected apartment complex as a community had higher scores both on social capital and family-friendliness of community.
Key Words
가족친화성, family-friendliness, 지역사회, community, 사회자본, social capital, 돌봄서비스 인프라, care-service infrastructure, 지역사회 범위, community boundary