The Experienced Violence and Identity of Domestic Violence Victim: Narrative Inquiry 가정폭력 피해여성의 체험된 폭력과 정체성에 대한 내러티브 탐구
배영미 Young Mi Bae
18(4) 3-33, 2014
The Experienced Violence and Identity of Domestic Violence Victim: Narrative Inquiry 가정폭력 피해여성의 체험된 폭력과 정체성에 대한 내러티브 탐구
배영미 Young Mi Bae
This paper aims to understand how identity is constructed for a woman who has experienced multiple violence such as domestic violence from the father, intimate partners, and sexual abuse since childhood. For this purpose, I used the research methodology of narrative inquiry. The result of the study is explained below. The participant`s identity has been constructed throughout her life. In the beginning of the study, she felt herself, to be a less valued member of society, but as the study progressed she could understand how the violence has influenced herself recognition and identity. She could therefore reconstruct her identity from ``a bad woman`` who deserves the violence to ``a good mother``, not meaning of ideology of mothering but ``goodness`` as value for her to persue. This paper helps us to understand how narrative inquiry allowed the woman to describe the experience in her voice with her own frame of meaning. The narratives consisted of not only personal narratives but also socio-cultural narratives as well as presenting the complexities of violence.
The Effect of Social Support, Work-family Enrichment Policy, and Marital Relationship upon Child-birth Intention and Expected Number of Children 사회적 지원, 일-가족 양립 정책 및 부부특성이 후속출산의도 및 기대자녀수에 미치는 경로탐색
고광만 Kwang Man Ko , 김소아 So A Kim
18(4) 35-51, 2014
The Effect of Social Support, Work-family Enrichment Policy, and Marital Relationship upon Child-birth Intention and Expected Number of Children 사회적 지원, 일-가족 양립 정책 및 부부특성이 후속출산의도 및 기대자녀수에 미치는 경로탐색
고광만 Kwang Man Ko , 김소아 So A Kim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of social support, work-family enrichment policy, and marital relationship upon child-birth intention and expected number of children. Data were taken from the 2010 Panel Study of Korean Children of the Institute of Child Care and Education. The final sample of participants included 533 working mothers who had at least one child and clearly expressed their own attitude toward childbirth in the future. Structural equation modeling analysis showed that both social support and work- family enrichment policy affected marital relationship significantly, which also had a significant effect on expected number of children as well as child-birth intention. However, either social support or work-family enrichment policy was not a significant variable to predict child-birth intention and expected number of children. The implication of these findings was discussed.
Key Words
사회적 지지, 일-가족 양립 정책, 부부특성, 출산의도, social support, work-family enrichment policy, marital relationship, child-birth intention
Relationships among Parent-child communication, Self-efficacy, and Mobile Device Dependence Perceived by Adolescents 청소년이 지각한 부모와의 의사소통과 자기효능감 및 휴대폰 의존간의 관계
전효선 Hyo Sun Jeon , 정혜정 Hey Jeong Chung , 이주연 Ju Yeon Lee
18(4) 53-70, 2014
Relationships among Parent-child communication, Self-efficacy, and Mobile Device Dependence Perceived by Adolescents 청소년이 지각한 부모와의 의사소통과 자기효능감 및 휴대폰 의존간의 관계
전효선 Hyo Sun Jeon , 정혜정 Hey Jeong Chung , 이주연 Ju Yeon Lee
This study was to examine the relationships among parent-child communication(father`s open communication, problematic communication, mother`s open communication, problematic communication), self-efficacy(self-confidence, self-regulatory efficacy, preference for task difficulty), and mobile device dependence(compulsive-withdrawal symptoms, difficulty in controlling, dependency symptom) perceived by adolescents. The data were collected by self-administered questionnaire method from 244 male and 322 female middle school and first, second of high school at Jeonju in Jeollabuk-do. The major results of this research were as follows. First, there were significant differences in parent-child communication, self-efficacy, and mobile device dependence according to the gender, type of school middle and high school students, mother`s occupation, mobile using time, user`s time of day and charges of mobile. Second, Self-regulatory was negatively correlated with mobile device dependence and problematic communication, and was positively correlated with open communication of parent-child communication. Problematic communication of parent-child communication was positively correlated with mobile device dependence, and open communication was negatively correlated with mobile device dependence. Finally, the hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that mobile using time, charges of mobile, mother`s problematic communication of parent-child communication and self-confidence of self-regulatory had a significant influence on mobile device dependence.
Key Words
부모와의 의사소통, 자기효능감, 휴대폰의존, parent-child communication, self-efficacy, mobile device dependence
Family-supportive Organizational Cultures and Family Leisure Experiences for Full-time Employers 가족 친화적 조직문화가 사무직 근로자의 가족 여가활동 참여시간에 미치는 영향
신혜림 Hye Lim Sin , 이나련 Na Yeon Lee , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee
18(4) 71-93, 2014
Family-supportive Organizational Cultures and Family Leisure Experiences for Full-time Employers 가족 친화적 조직문화가 사무직 근로자의 가족 여가활동 참여시간에 미치는 영향
신혜림 Hye Lim Sin , 이나련 Na Yeon Lee , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate how family-supportive organizational cultures of employed mothers and fathers affected their family leisure time. The subjects were 315 employed parents who worked at various companies. The instruments used for this study were the ‘Family-Supportive Culture Norms’(Lee et al, 2007), the ‘Supervisor Support Scale’(Thomas & Ganster, 1995), and the ‘Coworker Support Scale’(Greenberger & O`Neil, 1993). The data were analyzed by using frequency analyses, descriptive statistics, correlation analyses and a hierarchical multiple regression. The results of this study were as follows. The 5-day work schedule and family-supportive organizational cultures were significant variables that explained employed parents` family leisure time. The more they perceived that their workplaces had family-supportive organizational cultures, the more they spent their time for family leisure. Surprisingly, family leisure time was increased when they worked for companies that did not apply 5-day work schedule.
Key Words
사무직 근로자, 가족 여가 시간, 주 5일 근무제, 가족 친화적 조직문화, office worker, family leisure time, 5-day work schedule, family-friendly organizational culture
The Effects of the Relationship with Father and Ego-Resilience on Achievement Motivation of University Students 대학생들의 아버지와의 관계와 자아탄력성이 성취동기에 미치는 영향
윤경자 Gyung Ja Yoon , 임주영 Joo Young Lim
18(4) 95-113, 2014
The Effects of the Relationship with Father and Ego-Resilience on Achievement Motivation of University Students 대학생들의 아버지와의 관계와 자아탄력성이 성취동기에 미치는 영향
윤경자 Gyung Ja Yoon , 임주영 Joo Young Lim
This study investigates that whether their relationship with their fathers and ego-resilience could predict achievement motivation of university students. Using hierarchical regression analyses, the results of this study showed that the components of the relationship with their fathers affected the achievement motivation differently. The intimate relationship with their fathers, ego-resilience, gender, and grade explained 41% of the variance of spirit of adventure. motivation. The commitment and restrictiveness of the relationship with their fathers and resilience explained 27% of the variance of task orientation of adventure. Resilience and grade had an effect on consciousness of challenge in achievement motivation, explaining 29% of the variance. Ego-resilience explained 21%, 26%, 36% of the variance of responsibility, future orientation, confidence of achievement motivation, respectively. The implications of this study and suggestions for future research are discussed.
Key Words
아버지와의 관계, 자아탄력성, 성취동기, 대학생, relationship with father, ego-resilience, achievement motivation, university students
The Impact of Perceived Parental Rearing on Psychological dysfunction of Children: The Mediating Effects of dysfunctional attitude 지각된 부/모의 양육행동유형이 아동의 심리적 부적응에 미치는 영향: 역기능적 태도의 매개효과
배지수 Ji Su Bae , 채규만 Paul Kyuman Chae
18(4) 115-133, 2014
The Impact of Perceived Parental Rearing on Psychological dysfunction of Children: The Mediating Effects of dysfunctional attitude 지각된 부/모의 양육행동유형이 아동의 심리적 부적응에 미치는 영향: 역기능적 태도의 매개효과
배지수 Ji Su Bae , 채규만 Paul Kyuman Chae
This study examined the mediating effects of dysfunctioinal attitude on the relationship of between perceived parental rearing and psychological dysfunction of children. The results were as follows: Firstly, the correlation analysis showed statistically significant correlations among affectionate-denial attitude, autonomy-control attitude, dysfunctional attitude, externalizing and internalizing problems of children. There are significant negative correlation with perceived affectionate, autonomous parental rearing and dysfunctional attitude, psychological dysfunction. And there are positive correlation with dysfunctional attitude and psychological dysfunction of children. Secondly, dysfunctional attitude showed a partial mediating effects on the relationship between parental rearing in denial and internalizing, externalizing problems of children. In addition, dysfunctional attitude also showed a compete mediating effects on the relationship between control parental rearing of fathers and internalizing problem of children. Finally, based on the finding results, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
A Study on the Effects of Resilience, Parental Behaviors, and Marital Conflict on a Child`s Aggression 아동의 탄력성, 부모의 양육행동, 부모간 갈등이 아동의 공격성에 미치는 영향
전주람 Joo Ram Jun
18(4) 135-153, 2014
A Study on the Effects of Resilience, Parental Behaviors, and Marital Conflict on a Child`s Aggression 아동의 탄력성, 부모의 양육행동, 부모간 갈등이 아동의 공격성에 미치는 영향
전주람 Joo Ram Jun
The research was conducted in order to identify the effect of child`s resilience, parental behaviors and marital conflict on a boy`s and girl`s aggression. Subtypes of aggression in present research consists of a dimentions of the functions(i.e. proactive, reactive), the forms(i.e. overt, relational). The participants of this study were 470 children from fifth and sixth grades in elementary schools located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Do. The questionnaires were derived and modified from Lee Hong (2009) for child`s aggression, child`s resilience from Ju So Young ? Lee Yang Hee (2008), maternal behaviors from Jun Joo Ram (2008)?Heo Seung Yeon (2009) and the matiral conflictf from Kang Na Jung (2008). The variables that can predict the a boy`s and girl`s aggression were analyzed through multiple regression by SPSS 19.0. The major results of this study were as follows: First, this research showed that this model fit well for boys, whereas proactive and overt model was not sufficiently appropriate on girl`s aggression. Second, mother`s negative parenting(rejecting, excessive interference, criticism) had influenced to boy`s all aggression`s subtype(fuctions and forms), whereas father`s negative parenting had only influenced to girl`s reactive aggression. This research may advance understanding of the aggression`s subtype. Lastly, these results found that boy`s resilience empowerment and parental education program might prove beneficial for assisting aggressive children to overcome aggressive impulses.
The Difficulties of Adaptation and Coping Behaviors of Single Parent North Korean Refugees in South Korea 한부모 북한이탈주민의 남한 내 적응 어려움과 대처 방식
조영아 Young A Cho , 김현아 Hyun A Kim , 김요완 Yo Wan Kim
18(4) 155-179, 2014
The Difficulties of Adaptation and Coping Behaviors of Single Parent North Korean Refugees in South Korea 한부모 북한이탈주민의 남한 내 적응 어려움과 대처 방식
조영아 Young A Cho , 김현아 Hyun A Kim , 김요완 Yo Wan Kim
The purpose of this study was to explore adaptation process of single-parents among North Korean refugees population to better understand their difficulties in adaptation and coping In South Korea. Ten single-parent families as a result of bereavement, divorce, and separation due to escaping from North Korea were interviewed. Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) was used and 2 main domains and 12 sub-domains were identified. The two main domains were ``challenges in adaptation`` and ``adaptation mechanism``. The challenges in adaptation were in regard to ``economic instability associated with childrearing and preparation for later years``, ``adaptation barriers as immigrant minorities``, ``the childrearing`s double burden of being a North Korean defector and single parent’, and ``stress due to recurrent family disorganization`` The adaptation mechanism was regarding ``economic dependency``, ``seeking for employment preparation opportunity that allows a grace period’, ``proactive help-seeking only for social capital``, ``optimal utilization of childrearing support system``, ``acceptance of life as a single parent and North Korean defector``, ``positive thinking``, ``strategic distancing from stress`` and ``effort to restore health``. Based on the results, some implications were discussed and suggestions were provided for policy and program development for North Korean single-parent families.
Key Words
한부모, 북한이탈주민, 적응, 대처, single parent family, North Korean refugee, adaptation, coping
Factors Influencing Family Relationship Satisfaction of Baby-boomers and the Pre-elderly: Focused on Sex Role Perception and Caregiving Burden 베이비부머와 예비노인의 가족관계 만족도 영향요인: 성역할인식과 부양부담의 영향을 중심으로
정순둘 Soon Dool Chung , 김예솔 Ye Sol Kim
18(4) 181-197, 2014
Factors Influencing Family Relationship Satisfaction of Baby-boomers and the Pre-elderly: Focused on Sex Role Perception and Caregiving Burden 베이비부머와 예비노인의 가족관계 만족도 영향요인: 성역할인식과 부양부담의 영향을 중심으로
정순둘 Soon Dool Chung , 김예솔 Ye Sol Kim
The purposes of this study were to compare the level of family relationship satisfaction between baby-boomers and the pre-elderly and to analyze the variables influencing family relationship satisfaction, and to provide practical implications to improve family relationships satisfaction for later life. In order to attain this purpose, family relationship satisfaction was analyzed using part of retirement readiness survey data of 2011. The result of study showed that family relationship satisfaction between baby-boomers and the pre-elderly was not appeared to statistically different. Based on the result of multiple regression analysis, variables influencing family relationship satisfaction were different among two groups. Self-rated health status appeared as an important variable in both groups and variables which were different among the two groups are health status of spouse, sharing preparation of retirement with spouse for baby-boomers and economic burden of educational expenses for children for the pre-elderly. Further discussions for practical implications were provided in order to enhance the level of family relationship satisfaction.
Key Words
가족관계 만족도, 베이비부머, 예비노인, 비교연구, family relationship satisfaction, baby-boomers, the pre-elderly, a comparative study
The Effect of Marital Relationship on the Second Childbirth Intention 부부관계특성이 둘째 자녀 출산 의도에 미치는 영향연구
김은경 Eun Kyung Kim
18(4) 199-217, 2014
The Effect of Marital Relationship on the Second Childbirth Intention 부부관계특성이 둘째 자녀 출산 의도에 미치는 영향연구
김은경 Eun Kyung Kim
Currently, the total birthrate of Korea is staying less than two births which is the population replacement level. Since most of the first child birth is done after marriage in Korea, a strategy for increasing the birthrate should be sought for increasing second child birthrate. The existing studies related to the second childbirth have tended to focus on social and economic factors surrounding married women such as household income level or housework and child care assistance regarding work-family balance system. Relatively few studies paid attention to the marital relationship associated with second childbirth intention. Marital relationship, however, is a essential factor to consider in the aspect of decreasing parenting burden for married women who are raising the first child as well as increasing the second childbirth intention. Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand the marital relationship associated with second childbirth intention. For this purpose, this study explored the marital relationship characteristics in terms of cognitive factors, sexual factors, active factors and family-communication factors. Based on the data of the 3rd Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Family in 2010, the logistic regression analysis was conducted for 891 married women. In the analysis result, the second childbirth intention gets high when sexual satisfaction and family-communication are high. In case of married women who are raising the first child, they are likely to get emotional support, comfort and advice through affective sexual satisfaction and continuous communication with family even though they get no actual assistance for child care and housework, thus it plays positive role in considering second childbirth for women.
Key Words
둘째 자녀 출산 의도, 부부관계요소, 부부친밀감, intention of second childbirth, factors of marital relationship, marital intimacy
The Relation of Abusive parenting to Delinquency behaviors and Victimization experience among Adolescents: Focusing on Mediating Effects of Depression and Aggression 부모의 학대적 양육태도와 청소년비행경험 및 피해경험에 관한 연구 -우울 및 공격성의 매개효과를 중심으로-
박은주 Eun Ju Park , 최말옥 Mal Ok Choi
18(4) 219-238, 2014
The Relation of Abusive parenting to Delinquency behaviors and Victimization experience among Adolescents: Focusing on Mediating Effects of Depression and Aggression 부모의 학대적 양육태도와 청소년비행경험 및 피해경험에 관한 연구 -우울 및 공격성의 매개효과를 중심으로-
박은주 Eun Ju Park , 최말옥 Mal Ok Choi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediation effect of depression and aggression between abusive parenting, delinquency behaviors, and victimization experience in adolescents. Data from the second wave of ``Korean Child and Youth Panel Survey`` was used and total 417 participants who experienced with delinquency behaviors or victimization were included in analysis. For the analysis, AMOS 20.0 and SPSS 20.0 were used. The findings are summarized as follows: First, aggression mediated the relationship between abusive parenting and delinquency behaviors. Second, depression mediated the relationship between abusive parenting and victimization experience. In addition, there were significant correlations between depression and aggression, and delinquency behaviors and victimization experience. Finally, as mediators, depression and aggression could be ideal targets for prevention, intervention, and treatment when developing adolescent delinquency plan. Based on these results, implications for preventing or reducing adolescent delinquency and victimization experience were discussed.
The Effects of Self-Differentiation Level and Family Strengths on Stress Perception Level and Stress Coping in University Students 대학생의 자아분화수준, 가족건강성이 스트레스 인지 수준 및 대처에 미치는 영향
이선미 Seon Mi Lee
18(4) 239-260, 2014
The Effects of Self-Differentiation Level and Family Strengths on Stress Perception Level and Stress Coping in University Students 대학생의 자아분화수준, 가족건강성이 스트레스 인지 수준 및 대처에 미치는 영향
이선미 Seon Mi Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of self-differentiation level and family strengths on stress perception level and stress coping in university students. The subjects were 287 university students living in Gwangju. The subjects completed a questionnaire and the data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0. The major findings were as follows; 1. The average scores of self-differentiation level and family strengths were higher than median. The average score of stress perception level was low. In the stress coping, wishful thinking was the highest and emotion-reducing coping was the lowest score. 2. The level of stress perception was differences on sex, year, grade, family living condition. Stress coping was differences on sex. 3. Stress level was negatively related to self-differentiation level and family strengths. In the stress coping, problem-centered and social support pursuit coping were positively related to self-differentiation level and family strengths. Emotion-reducing coping was negatively related to self-differentiation level. 4. The level of stress perception was influenced by sex, grade, self-differentiation level and family strengths. In the stress coping, each dimension`s effective variables were varied. In conclusion, to decrease university students` stress and increase using active coping, it is necessary to develop self-differentiation level and family strengths.