The Effects of Family-friendly Policies and Work-family Culture on Parenting Stress and Parenting Efficacy of Working Parents with Infants 가족친화제도와 조직문화가 영아기 자녀를 둔 취업부모의 양육스트레스와 양육효능감에 미치는 영향
정유진 You Jin Jeong , 전귀연 Gwee Yeon Jeon
19(1) 3-28, 2014
The Effects of Family-friendly Policies and Work-family Culture on Parenting Stress and Parenting Efficacy of Working Parents with Infants 가족친화제도와 조직문화가 영아기 자녀를 둔 취업부모의 양육스트레스와 양육효능감에 미치는 영향
정유진 You Jin Jeong , 전귀연 Gwee Yeon Jeon
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of family-friendly policies and work-family culture on parenting stress and parenting efficacy. In order to achieve this purpose, the survey was taken into 202 working fathers and 201 working mothers who have less than 36-month-old children from Daegu and Kyungpook. Data were gathered using questionnaires on Family-Friendly Policies, Work-Family Culture, Parenting Stress, and Perceived Parenting Competence. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson`s correlation coefficient, Factor Analysis, Cronbach`s α, Analysis of Variance, Multivariate analysis of Variance, and Multiple Regression. The major findings were as follows: First, working fathers` parenting stress was a significant difference in implementation of Financial Aassistance among family-friendly policies. As the number of implementation of financial assistance is more, working fathers` general parenting stress has been increased. But working mothers` parenting stress wasn`t a significant difference in implementation and utilization of family-friendly policies. Second, working fathers` parenting efficacy was a significant difference in implementation of Leaves among family-friendly policies. As the number of implementation of Leaves is more, working fathers` parenting efficacy has been increased. But working mothers` parenting efficacy wasn`t a significant difference in implementation and utilization of family-friendly policies. Third, work-family culture didn`t have an effect on working fathers` parenting stress. But work-family culture had an effect on working mothers` parenting stress. That is, working mothers` managerial support is higher, general parenting stress has been decreased, and demand for working hours and putting job before family is lower, burden of parenting role has been decreased. Finally, work-family culture had an effect on working fathers` and mothers` parenting efficacy. In other words, career consequences is lower, parenting efficacy has been increased. The conclusions and implications of these findings are discussed.
The Effect of Parents Education Programme Utilizing Transactional Analysis on the Mother`s Internal-External Control and Communication 교류분석을 활용한 부모교육 프로그램이 어머니의 내외 통제성과 의사소통에 미치는 효과
황경숙 Gyoung Sook Hwang , 성승연 Seoung Yun Sung
19(1) 29-51, 2014
The Effect of Parents Education Programme Utilizing Transactional Analysis on the Mother`s Internal-External Control and Communication 교류분석을 활용한 부모교육 프로그램이 어머니의 내외 통제성과 의사소통에 미치는 효과
황경숙 Gyoung Sook Hwang , 성승연 Seoung Yun Sung
The purpose of this study is to survey the effectiveness of Parents Education Programme, utilizing transactional analysis on the mother`s internal-external control and communication. The subjects were mothers with children of elementary school, 15 each allocated preferentially in both experimental and controlled group. The experimental group participated in Parents Education Programme which utilized transactional analysis totally 10 times once in a week and were tested about the internal-external control and mother-child communications before and after the education. The controlled group participated in the before and after test also, but did not have any special treatment. The results show that Parents Education Programme utilizing transactional analysis enhanced the affirmative communications between mother and child. It revealed, however, there were not any meaningful differences in internal-external control between the experimental and controlled group.
A Study on Permanency Planning of Parents for Adult Children with Developmental Disabilities 발달장애 성인자녀를 위한 부모의 평생계획 수립에 관한 연구
이원남 Won Nam Lee , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
19(1) 53-78, 2014
A Study on Permanency Planning of Parents for Adult Children with Developmental Disabilities 발달장애 성인자녀를 위한 부모의 평생계획 수립에 관한 연구
이원남 Won Nam Lee , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
This study was conducted in order to examine the influence of sociodemographic characteristics, family resilience, self-help groups characteristics of families with the disabled on the establishment of permanency planning targeting the parents of adult children with developmental disabilities. The structured survey was conducted targeting 264 parents of children with developmental disabilities over the age of 18 years old in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do. Using SPSS 18.0 the data frequency, percentage, t-test, ANOVA and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted. The major findings were as follows: First, the need of permanency planning for adult children with developmental disabilities which their parents recognize was shown high. However, the readiness of the permanency planning for the disabled children was shown generally low. Second, the functional level of daily life, family resilience, the level of care giving burden, family income and supports from self-help groups were identified as statistically significant predictors for the level of permanency planning. The implications of those results were discussed.
Key Words
평생계획, 발달장애, 가족탄력성, permanency planning, developmental disability, family resilience
The Effect of the Couple Relationship Enhancement Program for the Multicultural Family Based on Gottman`s Theory Gottman의 이론을 적용한 다문화가정 부부관계 향상 프로그램의 효과
최미나 Mi Na Choi , 유평수 Pyeong Su Yu
19(1) 79-102, 2014
The Effect of the Couple Relationship Enhancement Program for the Multicultural Family Based on Gottman`s Theory Gottman의 이론을 적용한 다문화가정 부부관계 향상 프로그램의 효과
최미나 Mi Na Choi , 유평수 Pyeong Su Yu
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the couple relationship enhancement program for the multicultural family issues. This study is designed a program under the framework of Gottman`s couple relationship program. The objectives of the study is the measurement of self-esteem, communication, and couple adaptability enhancement of the couple participation by sex and couple age difference. The participants of this program are 5 pairs as experimental groups and 5 pairs as control groups. All of the groups are pairs of Korean male and Pilipino female living in Yeosu city. The program was conducted as a short-term program of six times(100 minutes foe each time) for 6 weeks, and both quantitative/qualitative analyses were conducted in order to evaluate the achievement of couple relationship enhancement. The results of this study are as follows in terms of the effectiveness of the program. First, the experimental group showed more improvement in self-esteem. Second, the improvement of communication was found in the experimental group. Lastly, a couple adjust of the experimental group was increased. The suggestions through this study are as follows. First, the participants were, 5 pairs as experimental groups and 5 pairs as control groups. As it shows, the location and side of groups were limited and we need to apply this program to the larger group of people. Second, the study was carried on by 6 times of short programs. Considering the huge language/culture gaps in multicultural families, we need to establish a long-term program as well. Therefore, we need to carry on a long term program in follow-up study. Third, we need to acknowledge the difficulty when dealing with the participants with low Korean proficiency. For this reason, we would need to provide a follow-up study in which the program appeals to the personal needs and characters utilizing certain features of art, music, expressional arts demanding less of the participants` Korean proficiency. Fourth, this study required mutual participation of each member of multicultural couples particularly consisted of Korean husbands and Pilipino wives. However, we need keep in mind that the portion of Chinese, Vietnamese, Pilipino females is 82.9% of entire migrant women, and design a program specialized for this group.
Key Words
다문화가정, 부부관계 향상 프로그램, multicultural family, couple relationship enhancement program
The Study of Discrepancy between Parental and Child`s Perceptions: Using Family Assessment Device and Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale 부모와 자녀의 지각차이 연구: 가족사정척도(FAD)와부모-자녀 의사소통 척도(PACS)를 중심으로
박진희 Jin Hee Park
19(1) 103-124, 2014
The Study of Discrepancy between Parental and Child`s Perceptions: Using Family Assessment Device and Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale 부모와 자녀의 지각차이 연구: 가족사정척도(FAD)와부모-자녀 의사소통 척도(PACS)를 중심으로
박진희 Jin Hee Park
This study examine to discrepancy between parental and child`s perceptions regarding family functioning in their family and parent-child communication. Especially to fine out the children`s developmental difference in perceptional discrepancy, it was compared to age and gender of children with their parents. FAD(Family Assessment Device) and PACS (Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale)was reported from 48 fathers, 48 mothers, and 51 children were analyzed using cronbach`s alpha, t-test and one-way ANOVA. Result of these analyze is summarized as follow. 1) FAD and PACS scale reliabilites were lowest in younger children (under 12 years of age). So We recommend to be careful to survey about children under 12 in the study of family. 2) In analysing of FAD, Younger children and daughters perceived higher affective responsiveness in FAD than fathers. 3) In analysing of PACS, children perceived higher PFC(Problems in Family Communication) with mother especially in 12 years and older age. These result suggest the discrepancies in perceptions of family functioning and parent-child communication between parent and children can show the ‘individuation’ of children development, the inadequacies to survey research of children under 12 age and social desirability, defense mechanism of mothers.
Key Words
부모와 자녀의 지각차이, 가족기능, 부모자녀의사소통, discrepancy between parental and child`s perceptions, family functioning, parent-child communication
A Narrative Research on “Definition of Love” between Male and Female University Students 남녀 대학생들의 “사랑의 정의”에 관한 내러티브 연구
전주람 Joo Ram Jun
19(1) 125-142, 2014
A Narrative Research on “Definition of Love” between Male and Female University Students 남녀 대학생들의 “사랑의 정의”에 관한 내러티브 연구
전주람 Joo Ram Jun
This study was a narrative research of ‘definition of love’ of university students presented in journaling tasks suggested in two classes, ‘marriage and family’ and ‘sexuality and love’. It was analyzed in reference to the narrative research process and procedure suggested by Clandinin and Connely(2000). Only the section of the definition of Love was excerpted from the love stories written by them to analyze the narratives of 75 students in total (42 males, 33 females) with the focus placed on the definition section. The purpose of this study is to analyze the narratives on the definition of love for male and female university students to investigate gender differences. The results show that what was common in their narratives was the definition of ‘love as feeling.’ ‘Feeling’ includes exchange of such emotions as jealousy, sorrow, and distress as well as that of warm and happy emotions. University students were found to emphasize ‘feeling’ in the emotional respect rather than in the cognitive one. Gender differences were shown in four sub-categories of love, respectively: ‘experiencing’ in their living rather than defining it by language, ‘being absolute’, ‘being of fate’, and ‘being of pure’ for females and ‘giving’ in a subjective and positive attitude, ‘being passionate’ in terms of motivation, ‘making efforts’ in a mature attitude and ‘being in love is painful’ for males. This study could investigate narratives on the definition of love for university students to discover how they defined love and to identify gender differences. I hope that ‘love’ desired by university students will become harmonious with reality.
Key Words
사랑의 정의, 내러티브 연구, definition of love, narrative research
The Effect of Variables on Depression of Single Parents Family Householder -Focusing on Parental Gender Difference- 한부모가족 가구주의 우울에 미치는 영향 요인 -가구주의 성차를 중심으로-
김정란 Jeong Ran Kim , 김혜신 Hye Shin Kim
19(1) 143-160, 2014
The Effect of Variables on Depression of Single Parents Family Householder -Focusing on Parental Gender Difference- 한부모가족 가구주의 우울에 미치는 영향 요인 -가구주의 성차를 중심으로-
김정란 Jeong Ran Kim , 김혜신 Hye Shin Kim
The purpose of this study was to identify the living conditions of 535 single mothers and 150 single fathers living in Gwangju, and to see depression differences and influences according to related variables. The data were analyzed with frequency, t and by multiple regression using SPSS. The major findings were as follows: Firstly, the average score of depression of single parents family householder was 2.97 and gender differences were not found. Secondly, as for relative influence of depression related variables, single mother householders were influenced by monthly income, family life satisfaction, self-esteem, experience of social discrimination, single father do in order of family life satisfaction, self-esteem, cognition of social discrimination.
Key Words
한부모가족 가구주, 우울, 자아존중감, 사회적 차별 경험, single parents family householder, depression, self-esteem, experience of social discrimination