The Study on the Idea of Marriage and Childbirth Will of College Students 대학생의 결혼관과 출산의지에 관한 연구
이세영 Se Young Lee , 홍달아기 Dal Ah Gi Hong
19(2) 3-28, 2014
The Study on the Idea of Marriage and Childbirth Will of College Students 대학생의 결혼관과 출산의지에 관한 연구
이세영 Se Young Lee , 홍달아기 Dal Ah Gi Hong
The study is about college students outlook on marriage and their will to give birth. We will examine their value on marriage and childbirth, and thereby attempt to provide baseline data to make an alternative plan which the proper birthrate can be kept and which the low birthrate problem can be solved. Thus, I conducted a survey of 500 single men & women college students who are attending universities in Jeonbuk province area on college students outlook on marriage and their will to give birth Firstly, as college students take marriage, it is a complementary relation. College students opinion about childbirth was that it is an obstacle to their social status or self development and that they should postpone giving birth or do a little hard thinking about it when there is no one to take care of their child. Secondly, for the outlook on marriage depending on general background variables, in case of men, it turned out that there is a statistically significant difference in matters concerning whether or not they fulfilled their military duty and religion. The will to give birth, which depends on general background variables, turned out to have statistically significant difference in gender and the number of brothers and sisters. Thirdly, college students who hold an optimistic view of marriage in a correlation between the view of marriage and the will to give birth showed a strong will to give birth.
An Approach to the Patterns of Organizing Family Caregiving for Elderly according to Grounded Theory: Focusing on Daughter-in law`s Experience 노인부양 조직화 유형에 관한 근거 이론적 접근: 며느리의 경험을 중심으로
정윤태 Yun Tae Jung , 서용석 Yong Sug Suh
19(2) 29-53, 2014
An Approach to the Patterns of Organizing Family Caregiving for Elderly according to Grounded Theory: Focusing on Daughter-in law`s Experience 노인부양 조직화 유형에 관한 근거 이론적 접근: 며느리의 경험을 중심으로
정윤태 Yun Tae Jung , 서용석 Yong Sug Suh
This study is to discover various patterns of organizing family caregiving for the elderly. The interaction between normative dimension and exchange dimension in sharing the caregiving burden among adult children creates various patterns of organizing family caregiving. The interview on 16 primary caregiving females, daughters-in-law of dependent parents, created data, which then was analyzed by a series of procedures This study is to discover various patterns of organizing family caregiving for the elderly. The interaction between normative dimension and exchange dimension in sharing the caregiving burden among adult children creates various patterns of organizing family caregiving. The interview on 16 primary caregiving females, daughters-in-law of dependent parents, created data, which then was analyzed by a series of procedures theoretically specified by Strauss & Corbin(1998). The result shows that the crucial factor in organizing the family caregiving for the elderly is ``subjective fairness``. The extent of parent``s dependency,`` ``expectation and wish of parents,`` ``sibling order, ``and ``caregiving duty according to traditional norm constituted the cause and effect conditions. ‘Husband family’s value and attitudes to care for the elderly, ‘succession to a house’ and ‘lack of financial security’ constituted the contextual conditions. What emerges as interventional conditions was ‘the essence of consensus among family members’ and ‘social support’. For action/interaction strategy, there were ``seeking solutions,`` ‘accepting reluctantly family member``s proposal,`` and ’opposing to the proposal other family members offer.`` The results derived from this study were 1) ‘the real consensus among family members constructed a stable family support system,’ 2) ‘a reluctant consent to the elderly care simply accepted the situation, and 3) ``the failure to reach a reasonable consensus made a persistent backlash among family members. Based upon these results, the following four patterns were identified; 1) a stable consensus type, 2) a reluctant consent type among poor households, 3) a reluctant consent type among non-poor households, 4) the breakdown of consensus type among non-poor households. This study is to expand research direction by situating earlier studies in historical dimension. The various patterns identified in this study, combined with current research findings mostly focusing on the extent of individual burden, contributes substantially to the development of knowledge in the area of family caregiving.
Key Words
노인부양, family caregiving for the elderly, 노인부양 유형, patterns of family caregiving, 주관적 공정성, subjective fairness, 근거이론, grounded theory
Analysis of Outcome Studies of the Family Play Therapy in Korea 국내 가족놀이치료 효과연구 분석
박진희 Jin Hee Park
19(2) 55-74, 2014
Analysis of Outcome Studies of the Family Play Therapy in Korea 국내 가족놀이치료 효과연구 분석
박진희 Jin Hee Park
The purpose of this study is to analyses of the Outcome Studies of the Family Play Therapy in Korea. The Family play therapy is a kind of therapeutic interventions as an integration both the family therapy with the play therapy. The articles were selected using three categories: (1) the study participating more than two family members, due to including whole family system and subsystems, (2) the study including qualitative research and quantitative research except review and literature research, (3) The independent variable of study is “(The) Family Play Therapy”, which is the reason of studying family therapy using play not play therapy with family. Finally 13 studies were selected for this review. Each study was analyzed according to 4 categories : (1) theoretical background and research design, (2) research problem, the independent variables and dependent variables, (3) the methods of research, and (4) the effects of family play therapy. The result is that the family therapy and play therapy background used, a multi-method research used, a different family participated and structured and unstructured Family Play Therapy used. The results indicated that the Family Play Therapy was an effective intervention to change individual system, sub-systems, and family whole systems in nuclear family including children in Korea in spite of brief interventions. The family play therapists who treat the family as a system needs to get training on the theory of family system. In relation to this study, the further researches on the family play therapy would be suggested sooner or later.
Key Words
가족놀이치료, family play therapy, 놀이를 이용한 가족치료, family therapy with play, 어린 자녀와 함께 하는 가족치료, family therapy with children
Differentials in Daily Lives of NEETs in Korea: Implications to Studies on Transition to Adulthood 니트 청년의 시간활용에서의 특이성과 차별성: 청년기 가족 연구에 대한 시사점
차승은 Seung Eun Cha
19(2) 75-95, 2014
Differentials in Daily Lives of NEETs in Korea: Implications to Studies on Transition to Adulthood 니트 청년의 시간활용에서의 특이성과 차별성: 청년기 가족 연구에 대한 시사점
차승은 Seung Eun Cha
The purpose of this study is to bring out the daily lives of young adults who are experiencing NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) situation. Daily time use pattern of young adults who traverse through different social role status, like student, employed individuals as well as who are in NEET status, were compared in this study. In addition, this study looked closer into the time use pattern within the NEET group in order to address the attributes of socio-demographic factors on such status. Employing the 5,266 diaries of young adults (age range 19-29, female: 54.24%) from the original data of 2009 KTUS (Korea Time Use Survey), results showed that NEET group spend most of their time on nonworking activities, or sleep; their daily schedule was unstructured and mostly filled with free time activities. Within the NEET group, the differential in time use pattern was found in terms of age and gender; mid 20’s spent great deal of time on education, work searching and social meetings, while early 20’s and late 20’s tend to spend their time on computer game and TV watching. The female young adult was more apt to use their time on unpaid housework, like house chores or carework, compared to male counterpart. Those who experience as NEET in their 20’s showed higher education level. However, those who remain as NEET in their late 20’s were less likely drag out their family financial resources compared to those who are in employment or in education.
Key Words
청년무업자, NEET, 청년기, young adult, 역할지위, role status, 시간 사용, time use, 사회계층차이, SES difference
성인초기 기혼자의 행복에 관련된 요인 -심리특성, 사회활동, 관계 요인을 중심으로-
정혜숙 Hye Suk Jeong , 김영희 Yeong Hee
19(2) 97-122, 2014
성인초기 기혼자의 행복에 관련된 요인 -심리특성, 사회활동, 관계 요인을 중심으로-
정혜숙 Hye Suk Jeong , 김영희 Yeong Hee
The purpose of this study was to explore a relation with socio-demographic, psychological characteristics, social activity, and relationship factors and happiness of four dimensions such as subjective happiness, global life satisfaction, positive emotion, and negative emotion. Subjects of this study were set bounds to 484 married people with children(231 males, 237 females) in Early Adulthood(age 20~39). Data were analyzed by Cronbach``s, and hierarchical regression through SPSS 12.0 program. As the result of this study, there were related factors on subjective happiness. They were psychological health, leisure activity, the relationship with spouse, self-esteem, occupational performance, and perceived economic level. Psychological health was the strongest factor related on subjective happiness of married person in early adulthood. Second, there were related factors on global life satisfaction. They were occupational performance, leisure activity, perceived economic level, psychological health, and the relationship with spouse. Occupational performance was the strongest factor related on global life satisfaction. Third, positive emotion was described with self-esteem, leisure activity, occupational performance, psychological health, and the relationship with friends. Self-esteem was the most explainable factor for positive emotion. Fourth, negative emotion was described with neuroticism and self-esteem. Neuroticism significantly explained negative emotion in early adulthood. In conclusion, this study has an important meaning to determine the related factors which can influence constantly on happiness of four dimensions in early adulthood.
Key Words
주관적 행복감, subjective happiness, 전반적 삶의 만족도, global life satisfaction, 긍정적 정서, positive emotion, 부정적 정서, negative emotion
The Effect of Dating Relationship, Marriage Perspectives, and Marriage Images on College Students Expected Age of Marriage 대학생의 이성 관련태도 및 결혼가치관과 결혼이미지가 결혼기대연령에 미치는 영향
김지유 Ji Yu Kim , 조희선 Hee Sun Cho
19(2) 123-143, 2014
The Effect of Dating Relationship, Marriage Perspectives, and Marriage Images on College Students Expected Age of Marriage 대학생의 이성 관련태도 및 결혼가치관과 결혼이미지가 결혼기대연령에 미치는 영향
김지유 Ji Yu Kim , 조희선 Hee Sun Cho
In Korea, the phenomenon of low birthrate is getting intensified as people delay their first marriage much longer. This study aims to investigate the college students’ expected age of marriage. Particularly, to find out the effect of college students’ dating relationship, marriage perspectives and marriage images on expected age of marriage, a survey was conducted on 934 students from 4 colleges in Seoul and Chungnam. Then, by using SPSS Window 18.0 Program, this study conducted a hierarchical regression analysis while calculating the average and standard deviation.. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; Firstly, the expected age of marriage was found to be 30.7 years old in male students, which was higher than 29.5 years old in female ones. Secondly, the experience of dating relationship and the necessity of marriage were found to be higher in male college students than in female ones, and in marriage perspectives, male students showed a higher exclusive marriage perspective, while female ones showed a higher conservative-instrumental marriage perspective, and male students showed a higher level of marriage images than female ones. Thirdly, in influences on the expected age of marriage, both male and female students showed a higher expected age of marriage as they found marriage more necessary and had better marriage images. Particularly, it was found that the expected age of marriage became higher as male students had lower stable-romantic marriage perspective and exclusive marriage perspective, while female ones had a lower stable-romantic perspective.
Key Words
결혼가치관, perspectives of marriage, 결혼이미지, image of marriage, 결혼기대연령, expected marriage age 이성 관련태도 , dating relationship
The Lives of Never-Married Women in Their 40s and 50s: Current Freedom, Unsecure Future and Exclusion from Policies 40, 50대 비혼 여성의 자유로운 비혼의 삶, 불안한 노후, 그리고 정책으로부터의 소외
성미애 Mi Ai Sung
19(2) 145-168, 2014
The Lives of Never-Married Women in Their 40s and 50s: Current Freedom, Unsecure Future and Exclusion from Policies 40, 50대 비혼 여성의 자유로운 비혼의 삶, 불안한 노후, 그리고 정책으로부터의 소외
성미애 Mi Ai Sung
The purpose of this study was understanding of how never-married women in their 40s and 50s recognized their single lives, their anticipated elderly lives, and policies. For this goal, I used a qualitative method. The participants were 13 single women in their 40s and 50s who had never been married. In-depth interviews were carried out, focusing on never-married women’s views about their single lives, their future elderly lives, and policies. The result of theme analysis indicated that the participants considered their single lives as a comfort and free lifestyle after their 40s. However they still felt uncomfortable other``s curious concerns. In particular they experienced unfair treatment in everyday lives. Also, because they though that spouse and children will be important supporters for elderly lives, they recognized their future lives as unsecure. However this kind of unsecure feeling on their elderly lives was reduced by housing ownership or job stability. In addition, they though that they will care themselves until 70 or 75 years old. After that, they wanted supports from the government. Finally, because they did not receive any kinds of benefit from the government, they had indifference to policies. What was worse, they felt that policies, especially tax collection, were unfairness to singles than other married couples with children. They concerned only the life-support policies for elders who live alone.
Key Words
40대, 50대 비혼 여성, never-married women in their 40s and 50s, 자유로운 비혼의 삶, free single lives, 불안한 노후, unsecure elderly lives, 정책으로부터의 소외, exclusion from policies
A Study on Long-Term Care Insurance Service of Elderly Women Spouse Caregiver and Implication of Policy Direction: Focused on Psychological Well-being and Marital Quality of Elderly Women 배우자를 부양하는 여성노인의 장기요양보험서비스 이용과 정책 방향: 여성노인의 심리적 안녕감과 부부관계의 질을 중심으로
김태현 Tae Hyun Kim , 박지현 Ji Hyeon Par
19(2) 169-185, 2014
A Study on Long-Term Care Insurance Service of Elderly Women Spouse Caregiver and Implication of Policy Direction: Focused on Psychological Well-being and Marital Quality of Elderly Women 배우자를 부양하는 여성노인의 장기요양보험서비스 이용과 정책 방향: 여성노인의 심리적 안녕감과 부부관계의 질을 중심으로
김태현 Tae Hyun Kim , 박지현 Ji Hyeon Par
The purpose of this study is to examine psychological well-being and marital quality of elderly women spouse caregiver who were using Long-Term Care Insurance Service. The study sampled 227 cases by using 7th wave of Korea Welfare Panel data and analyzed with SPSS 17.0 program. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1) Because elderly women spouse caregiver were likely to vulnerable to depress and physical condition, it is necessary to be prepared psychological support services as one of Long-Term Care Insurance Service Index by policy makers. 2) It was regarded not to have influences on improvement of elderly women``s psychological well-being by using Long-Term Care Insurance Service only. 3) It is necessary to consider marital quality on enforcement of Long-Term Care Insurance Service and to extend physical, economical, and psychological services.
A Study on the Development of Korean Elderly`s Anxiety Scale 한국 노인의 불안 척도 개발에 관한 연구
임주영 Joo Young Lim
19(2) 187-203, 2014
A Study on the Development of Korean Elderly`s Anxiety Scale 한국 노인의 불안 척도 개발에 관한 연구
임주영 Joo Young Lim
The purpose of this study is to develop an anxiety scale for the Korean elderly, and to validate the possibility of generalization of that. For this purpose I conducted the study as follows: Step 1: review of previous studies, interview with the expert group and the elderly focus group, Step 2: confirm of configuration factors of developed anxiety scale, Step 3: evaluation about the discriminant validity. 35 preliminary items was developed first. A total of 19 items divided into four factors (oversensitivity, fear of losses, aging anxiety, death anxiety) were developed by the end of this study through the exploratory factor analysis and the item analysis of the preliminary items. Reliability coefficient (Cronbach``s α) of the developed scale was .91 and RMSEA, IFI and CFI was .076, .904 and .903, respectively by the confirmatory factor analysis. Thus, the constructive validity of ‘Korean elderly’s anxiety scale`` were evaluated. Correlation between life satisfaction and anxiety was -.182, between anxiety and emotional wellbeing was -.412. ‘Korean elderly’s anxiety scale`` developed in this study is expected to be useful in the field of social welfare for the elderly.
Key Words
한국 노인, the Korean elderly, 불안, anxiety, 척도 개발, scale development, 신뢰도, reliability, 타당도, validity