Marital Problem and Argument Outcome: The Mediating Effect of Dysfunctional Marital Argument and the Buffering Effect of Soft Start-up 결혼생활문제와 부부싸움결과의 관계: 역기능적 부부싸움방식의 매개 및 부드러운 첫마디의 완충 효과
권윤아 Yoon A Kwon
19(4) 3-20, 2015
Marital Problem and Argument Outcome: The Mediating Effect of Dysfunctional Marital Argument and the Buffering Effect of Soft Start-up 결혼생활문제와 부부싸움결과의 관계: 역기능적 부부싸움방식의 매개 및 부드러운 첫마디의 완충 효과
권윤아 Yoon A Kwon
This study was designed to test the hypothesis that married women``s marital problem may influence marital argument outcome, namely negative change in emotions for their spouse, directly and indirectly through the mediation of dysfunctional marital argument and to investigate the buffering effects of soft start-up on the marital problem-dysfunctional marital argument relationship and the marital problem-argument outcome relationship. Self-report data were collected from 166 married women who were living in Busan, Korea. The results of regression analyses and a Sobel test showed that marital problem had positively direct and indirect effects on argument outcome, partially mediated by dysfunctional marital argument. Also, soft start-up buffered the relationship between marital problem and argument outcome. Specifically, the relationship between marital problem and argument outcome was lower at a higher level of soft start-up. But soft start-up did not buffer the relationship between marital problem and dysfunctional marital argument. These findings were discussed in terms of the importance of soft start-up in the prevention of negative argument outcome.
A Multi-Group Analysis on the Happiness Model of Children and Adolescents 아동과 청소년의 행복감 모형에 대한 다집단분석
류민영 Min Young Yoo , 정현숙 Hyun Sook Chung
19(4) 21-43, 2015
A Multi-Group Analysis on the Happiness Model of Children and Adolescents 아동과 청소년의 행복감 모형에 대한 다집단분석
류민영 Min Young Yoo , 정현숙 Hyun Sook Chung
To review the methodological issues arising in the research on children and their families, this study tried to conduct a research design reflecting conceptual ambiguity and structural characteristics through the happiness model of children and adolescents, and proposed a plan for qualitative improvement of the research through statistical analysis. To analyze the parent organization of the secondary data ``2010 Korean Children and Youth Panel`` under the same conditions, this study used the data about 2,105 fourth-year elementary students and 1,994 first-year middle students, a total of 4,099 persons. In this study, first there were different results depending on definitions of the concept and the measurement components. Second, latent mean analysis and multi-group analysis using a structural equation were conducted to investigate the structural difference between the two groups through the happiness model of children and adolescents, and as a result, the model was not applied to the two groups in the same way. We found that to reflect the group characteristics in the research on children and families including various characteristics, separating the structural characteristics, instead of integrating them, is much proper to understand the uniqueness of each group.
Key Words
행복감, happiness, 잠재평균분석, latent mean analysis, 다집단분석, multi-group analysis
Development of Education Program for Parental Reaction to School aged Children`s Aggressive Behavior 학령기 아동 공격행동에 대한 부모반응교육 프로그램 개발
안성원 Seong Won Ahn , 김순옥 Soon Ok Kim
19(4) 45-74, 2015
Development of Education Program for Parental Reaction to School aged Children`s Aggressive Behavior 학령기 아동 공격행동에 대한 부모반응교육 프로그램 개발
안성원 Seong Won Ahn , 김순옥 Soon Ok Kim
This study, based on the relationship between children’s aggressive behaviors and parental reactions to aggressive behaviors discovered through previous studies, was conducted with the purpose of developing an education program for parental reactions to school aged children’s aggressive behavior. In this study, the education program was developed through the process of 4 stages: establishing theoretical basis, program composition, implementation, and evaluation. The program targeted parents who reported of their school aged children’s aggressive behaviors. The program``s goal is to reduce the school aged children``s aggressive behaviors by appropriately reacting to aggressive behaviors and helping the parents build trust in their abilities as parents. The program is composed of 8 sessions of 90 minute period session. Each session``s topic is ‘parental awareness of self, understanding of school aged children``s aggressive behavior, understanding of parental reactions to school aged children``s aggressive behavior, understanding feelings, effective self-expression, limiting behavior & developing sense of responsibility, praising, encouraging parents themselves’. The program consisted of lectures, worksheet recording, discussion, role playing, and watching video. First in this study, the program was conducted on parents who reported of aggressive behaviors on their 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade children in elementary school. And then evaluation of the program was done by evaluating the effectiveness of the program and the satisfaction of the program. Based on the evaluation result of the program, participants’ appropriate parental reactions increased and inappropriate parental reactions decreased, as well as a positive change of increased parental efficacy, and such changes affected the children, leading to decreased school aged children``s aggressive behaviors. In addition, participants expressed high-level of satisfaction on the overall program, content of each session. As above, the education program for parental reaction to school aged children``s aggressive behavior developed in this study not only positively contributed to the parental reactions to aggressive behaviors as well as changing the parental efficacy, but it empirically demonstrated also that the changes in parents lead to changes in children.
Key Words
학령기 아동의 공격행동, school aged children`s aggressive behavior, 학령기 아동 공격행동에 대한 부모반응, parental reactions to school aged children`s aggressive behaviors, 부모효능감, parental efficacy, 부모교육 프로그램, parent education program
A Case Study on Family Therapy for a Suicidal Highschool Student 자살시도를 하는 고등학생에 대한 가족치료 사례연구
박수선 Su Sun Park , 박태영 Tai Young Park
19(4) 75-100, 2015
A Case Study on Family Therapy for a Suicidal Highschool Student 자살시도를 하는 고등학생에 대한 가족치료 사례연구
박수선 Su Sun Park , 박태영 Tai Young Park
This study, focused on a family therapy case on a male highschool student, examined crisis situation related to suicide, responses from the family, family-related factors that affected crisis situation and the therapist’s intervention method and effectiveness. As a result, conversation held among the family members was not functional and the children were emotionally suppressed due to dysfunctional communication of and continuous conflicts between the parents. The client was compared to his sister by his parents and was treated as a scapegoat in the family. The therapist scrutinized the parents’ family-of-origin and dysfunctional communication method and suggested them a new communication method. Moreover, through probing relationships between parent and child and between two children, the therapist induced insight for improving family interrelationships by helping the parents recognize their children’s situation and strengthened the sibling subsystem. As a result of intervention, the parents became cognizant of their own dysfunctional communication method and relationships with their family-of-origin, and the child’s suicidal behavior gradually reduced after employing distinct boundaries and functional communication method.
Key Words
자살시도, suicide attempt, 희생양, a scapegoat, 가족치료, family therapy, 원가족, family-of-origin, 의사소통 방식, communication method
The Impact of Adolescents` Perceived Parental Conflict on School Adjustment: The Mediating Effect of Parents-Adolescent Closeness and Depression 청소년이 지각하는 부모간 갈등이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향: 부모자녀친밀도 및 우울의 매개효과
홍성희 Seong Hee Hong , Grace H. Chung
19(4) 101-120, 2015
The Impact of Adolescents` Perceived Parental Conflict on School Adjustment: The Mediating Effect of Parents-Adolescent Closeness and Depression 청소년이 지각하는 부모간 갈등이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향: 부모자녀친밀도 및 우울의 매개효과
홍성희 Seong Hee Hong , Grace H. Chung
The present study examined the impact of adolescents’ perceptions of parental conflict on school adjustment and the mediating effect of parent-adolescent closeness and adolescent depression. Questionnaire data was collected from 258 5th-9th grade students in Seoul, Gyonggi, and Gyeongbuk provinces. Structural equation modeling was performed, using AMOS 8. Major findings of this study were as follows. First, adolescents’ perceptions of parental conflict did not directly influence their school adjustment, but had an indirect affect through parent-adolescent closeness and depression. Second, parent-adolescent closeness fully mediated the association between parental conflict and adolescents’ school adjustment. Third, adolescent depression fully mediated the association between perceived parental conflict and school adjustment. Fourth, parent-adolescent closeness mediated the effect of parental conflict on adolescents`` depression, which in turn, acted as a mediator between parent-adolescent closeness and school adjustment. The results suggest that interventions designed to enhance parent-adolescent closeness and reduce adolescents’ depression may be effective for improving school adjustment among adolescents who perceive parental conflict.
The impact of socio-cultural maladjustment on depression in immigrant women: The moderating effect of marital satisfaction 결혼이주여성의 사회문화적 부적응이 우울에 미치는 영향 - 결혼만족도의 조절효과 -
김재엽 Jae Yop Kim , 황현주 Hyun Joo Hwang , 람후 뭉크나릉 Lkhamkhuu Munkhnaran , 이현 Hyun Lee
19(4) 121-138, 2015
The impact of socio-cultural maladjustment on depression in immigrant women: The moderating effect of marital satisfaction 결혼이주여성의 사회문화적 부적응이 우울에 미치는 영향 - 결혼만족도의 조절효과 -
김재엽 Jae Yop Kim , 황현주 Hyun Joo Hwang , 람후 뭉크나릉 Lkhamkhuu Munkhnaran , 이현 Hyun Lee
The purpose of this study is to identify the moderating effect of marital satisfaction between socio-cultural maladjustment and depression of immigrant women. We surveyed 309 immigrant women, and conducted descriptive and regression analysis with 301 cases. As results, (1) immigrant women are experiencing depression about 1-2 days a week and almost half of the surveyed experience depression, (2) socio-cultural maladjustment affects depression controlling with employment, residence period, household income and age, (3) marital satisfaction which marital immigrant women perceive buffers the relationship between socio-cultural maladjustment and depression. From these results, implications are suggested. First, support on immigrant women adjustment to Korean socio-culture and recognition improvement on the women in the society must be needed. Second, couple and family therapies are needed to lower immigrant women’s depression. When considering marital satisfaction through families and couples have alleviated the depression, clinical intervention for family``s happiness and satisfaction is needed. Third, fulfilling various needs and desires of immigrant women with integrated case management is needed.
Development and Validation of Paternal Role Inventory for Father with Elementary School Children 아동기 자녀를 둔 아버지 역할척도 개발 및 타당화 연구
박은주 Eun Joo Park , 김영희 Young Hee Kim
19(4) 139-164, 2015
Development and Validation of Paternal Role Inventory for Father with Elementary School Children 아동기 자녀를 둔 아버지 역할척도 개발 및 타당화 연구
박은주 Eun Joo Park , 김영희 Young Hee Kim
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the scale of paternal role inventory, which can be employed to measure father role identity, on the basis of common factors of fathering practice. This study reviewed previous domestic and foreign reports and conventional scales for paternal role or attitude in order to develop paternal role inventory. Seventy one preliminary items were initially developed and reviewed through in-depth interview with 9 fathers and expert``s verification. Subjects of this study, 398 fathers of elementary school students, were surveyed with these preliminary items. Preliminary items of seventy one were analyzed by factor analysis using SPSS 12.0 and confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS 7.0 program. First, role identity including role confidence and role confusion was validated through confirmatory factor analysis. Role confidence included 7 items designed to assess paternal confidence and beliefs, and reflected satisfaction, self-confidence, and sense of accomplishment. Role confusion included 3 items designed to assess confusion of role identity which contained pressure of responsibility and role ambiguity. Second, fathering practice, which consists of 5 sub-scales including helping role, emotional supporting role, co-parenting role, joint owner, and economic provider, was validated through confirmatory factor analysis. In conclusion, this study has extended the concept of paternal role from behavioral intervention to cognitive and affective domains. In terms of methodology, we developed paternal role inventory by both qualitative and quantitative methods such as literature research, in-depth interview, expert``s verification, and questionnaire survey. The implications, limitations, and future suggestions were also discussed.
Key Words
아버지, paternal or father, 아버지역할, paternal role, father role, 척도 개발 및 타당화, scale development, 타당도, validation
The experience of sons-in-law`s relationship with mothers-in-law: a grounded theory approach 사위가 경험하는 장서관계: 근거이론적 접근
박소영 So Young Park
19(4) 165-187, 2015
The experience of sons-in-law`s relationship with mothers-in-law: a grounded theory approach 사위가 경험하는 장서관계: 근거이론적 접근
박소영 So Young Park
To explore men``s experiences of relationship with mothers-in-law, this study conducted a qualitative study using grounded theory. The data were collected from 15 participants and analyzed into 111 concepts, 25 sub-categories and 11 categories. The results showed that the core category was ``the visitors for centuries become a true family through hard and uncomfortable relationship" The sons-in-law and mothers-in-law relationship was classified into 4 types; ``welcomed guest for centuries``, ``my true beloved son``, ``butler``, and ``uninvited guest``. The results are expected to be a basic data to develop sons and mothers-in-law relationship and prevent the dissolution of family by alleviating the conflicts of sons and mothers-in-law.
Key Words
사위, son-in-law, 장모, mother-in-law, 장서관계, relationship of mother-in-law and son-in-law, 양계사회, bilateral society, 근거이론, grounded theory
Effects of Parental Attachment on College Students Psychological Maladjustment, Career Indecision, Risk in Intimacy Mediated by Self-differentiation 부모애착이 자기분화를 통해 대학생의 심리적 부적응, 진로미결정, 이성관계 태도에 미치는 영향
하상희 Sang Hee Ha
19(4) 189-209, 2015
Effects of Parental Attachment on College Students Psychological Maladjustment, Career Indecision, Risk in Intimacy Mediated by Self-differentiation 부모애착이 자기분화를 통해 대학생의 심리적 부적응, 진로미결정, 이성관계 태도에 미치는 영향
하상희 Sang Hee Ha
The purpose of this study was to examine a causal model concerning effects of parental attachment on college students psychological maladjustment, career indecision, risk in intimacy mediated by self-differentiation. The data were collected through 200 male and 164 female students by using the self-administered questionaire method. The causal model was tested through structural equation model by using AMOS/WIN 19.0 program. Results showed that five were clear gender differences in the level of paternal attachment, self-differentiation, psychological maladjustment, career indecision, risk in intimacy. The result also indicated that male students’ maternal attachment influenced their psychological maladjustment, career indecision, risk in intimacy through self differentiation. But, female students’s psychological maladjustment, career indecision, risk in intimacy had only influenced by self-differentiation. The implications of this study were discussed, and the suggestions for further studies were recommended.
Key Words
부모애착, parental attachment, 자기분화, self-differentiation, 심리적 부적응, psychological maladjustment, 진로미결정, career indecision, 이성관계 태도, risk in intimacy, 다중집단분석, multi group analysis