On What Days Are Adolescents Happier?: The Daily Effect of Intimacy with Parents on Happiness and Its Variation by Household Income and School-Level 청소년들은 어떤 날 더 행복한가?: 부모와의 친밀감이 일상의 행복감에 미치는 영향 및 가구소득과 학교 급에 따른 차이
Grace H Chung , 이상균 Sang Gyun Lee , 유조안 Jo An Yoo
20(1) 3-23, 2015
On What Days Are Adolescents Happier?: The Daily Effect of Intimacy with Parents on Happiness and Its Variation by Household Income and School-Level 청소년들은 어떤 날 더 행복한가?: 부모와의 친밀감이 일상의 행복감에 미치는 영향 및 가구소득과 학교 급에 따른 차이
Grace H Chung , 이상균 Sang Gyun Lee , 유조안 Jo An Yoo
Previous research on adolescent happiness has employed cross-sectional designs and overlooked day-to-day variability in happiness. On the basis of dynamic nature of parent-child interaction and affective experience during adolescence, this study used a daily diary method to examine whether daily intimacy with parents predicted happiness on the same day and the following day in a sample of 452 adolescents across seven days. Participants completed a questionnaire first and then responded to a daily diary checklist each night for seven days. Specifically, this study examined individual differences in daily associations by assessing whether monthly household income, school level, and gender moderated the effect of daily intimacy with parents on daily happiness. For data analysis, this study used a two-level hierarchical linear modeling. Results showed that adolescents were happier on days in which they experienced intimacy with parents and this effect lingered until the next day. In addition, adolescents from families with a monthly household income of 5,000,000won or more were significantly happier on days when they experienced greater intimacy with parents, whereas the magnitude of increase in happiness as a function of intimacy with parents was smaller for adolescents from families with a monthly household income of 3,000,000won. Further, the effect of intimacy with parents on the next day happiness was significantly greater for 7th graders than 4th graders. No gender difference was found. This study showed that intimacy with parents is a powerful experience, which has significant consequences for happiness in adolescents’ daily lives, particularly among 7th graders and adolescents from families that are financially well-off. Based on the results, we recommended programs designed to enhance parent-child intimacy, particularly for families with 7th graders. In addition, we recommended that practitioners first identify patterns of parent-child relational dynamics in each income group and design customized programs accordingly.
Comparative Study on the Relationships among Perception of Motherhood Ideology, Parenting Stress, and Marital Satisfactions of Employed and Unemployed Mothers 취업모와 비취업모의 모성이데올로기 인식과 양육스트레스 및 결혼만족도의 관계 비교연구
조숙 Sook Jo , 정혜정 Hey Jeong Chung , 이주연 Ju Yeon Lee
20(1) 25-49, 2015
Comparative Study on the Relationships among Perception of Motherhood Ideology, Parenting Stress, and Marital Satisfactions of Employed and Unemployed Mothers 취업모와 비취업모의 모성이데올로기 인식과 양육스트레스 및 결혼만족도의 관계 비교연구
조숙 Sook Jo , 정혜정 Hey Jeong Chung , 이주연 Ju Yeon Lee
This study was to compare the relationships among perception of motherhood ideology, parenting stress, and marital satisfactions of the employed and unemployed mothers. The data were collected by self-administered questionnaire method from 182 employed mothers and 173 unemployed mothers with childhood children who lived in Cheollabuk-Do province. The major results of this research were as follows. First, perception of motherhood ideology, parenting stress of unemployed mothers were higher than employed mothers. However, there were not significant differences between the employed and unemployed mothers on the marital satisfactions. Second, there were significant differences in parenting stress and marital satisfactions of employed mothers according to education, spontaneity of employment, paternal education, paternal occupation, family income, occupation, individual income, and working hours. And there were significant differences in parenting stress, marital satisfactions of unemployed mothers according to spontaneity of unemployment, and family income. Third, results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that employed mothers’ marital satisfactions were negatively influenced by spontaneity of employment, occupation, working hours, and relationship with spouse. And unemployed mothers’ marital satisfactions were negatively influenced by depression, relationship with spouse, and isolation. Specifically, the variable signigicant affecting the employed and unemployed mothers’ marital satisfactions was the relationship with spouses of parenting stress.
Key Words
취업모와 비취업모, employed and unemployed mothers, 모성이데올로기 인식, perception of motherhood ideology, 양육스트레스, parenting stress, 결혼만족도, marital satisfactions, 비교연구, comparative study
A Study on Smartphone Addiction Level of Middle School Students and Effects of Related Variables 중학생의 스마트폰 중독성 정도에 영향을 미치는 관련 변인 연구
박경원 Kyeong Won Park , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
20(1) 51-74, 2015
A Study on Smartphone Addiction Level of Middle School Students and Effects of Related Variables 중학생의 스마트폰 중독성 정도에 영향을 미치는 관련 변인 연구
박경원 Kyeong Won Park , 김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
The purposes of this study were to examine the smartphone addiction level of middle school students and to analyse the effects of related variables like as individual, family, school and peer variables for providing the basic informations about prevention of smartphone addiction. For this purpose, the surveyed data from 345 middle school students in Gwangju were analysed. The results of this study were as follows. The smartphone heavy users were 203 students, it was appeared to reach a significant level of 58.8%. In time of smartphone using per day, 1-2 hours was 24.9%, 2-3 hours was 25.5% and even more than four hours was 17.1%. The variables affecting the smartphone addiction level of middle school students were gender, smartphone use time, smartphone preference in sociodemographic and smartphone use variables. Also depression in individual variables, intimacy with parents in family variables, and low academic performance in school variables were significantly important in effects on smartphone addiction level. Therefore, in order to reduce the addictive use of smartphone of juvenile, an integrative intervention and systematic strategies are required.
Key Words
스마트폰 중독성, addiction of smartphone, 중학생의 스마트폰 사용, smartphone use of middle school students
Longitudinal Study of Mobile Phone Dependency and School Adjustment in Adolescence: Mediating Role of Ego Identity 청소년의 휴대전화 의존도와 학교적응간의 관계에 대한 종단연구: 자아정체감의 매개효과
김신아 Shin Ah Kim , 한윤선 Yoon Sun Han
20(1) 75-89, 2015
Longitudinal Study of Mobile Phone Dependency and School Adjustment in Adolescence: Mediating Role of Ego Identity 청소년의 휴대전화 의존도와 학교적응간의 관계에 대한 종단연구: 자아정체감의 매개효과
김신아 Shin Ah Kim , 한윤선 Yoon Sun Han
This study examined the mediating role of ego identity in the relationship between mobile phone dependency and school adjustment among Korean youth. The topic is timely as adolescent problem behaviors have emerged with the increase in mobile phone use and dependency. Waves 1 and 3 of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey(N= 1,906) were examined using Pearson correlation analysis and mediation analysis while controlling for youth demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. There was a strong correlation among mobile phone dependency, school adjustment, and ego identity. Additionally, mobile phone dependency(7th grade), mediated by ego identity(9th grade), was inversely associated with school adjustment(9th grade). The indirect effect was significant when controlling for mobile phone dependency(9th grade), gender, parental education, and household income. Results from this study may provide implications for designing early preventive programs against excessive mobile phone use and dependency among Korean adolescents.
Key Words
휴대전화 의존도, mobile phone dependency, 학교적응, school adjustment, 자아정체감, ego identity, 청소년, adolescent
Psychological Salience of Father Status and Paternal Involvement with their Children: Moderating Effects of Provider Role attitudes and Family-Friendly Organizational Culture 남성의 아버지 지위 중요도가 자녀 양육 참여에 미치는 영향: 생계부양자 역할 의식과 가족친화적 조직문화의 조절효과
최지은 Ji Eun Choi , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee
20(1) 91-116, 2015
Psychological Salience of Father Status and Paternal Involvement with their Children: Moderating Effects of Provider Role attitudes and Family-Friendly Organizational Culture 남성의 아버지 지위 중요도가 자녀 양육 참여에 미치는 영향: 생계부양자 역할 의식과 가족친화적 조직문화의 조절효과
최지은 Ji Eun Choi , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine: 1) how psychological salience of father status, provider role attitudes, and family-friendly organizational culture influenced involvement with their children. 2) How fathers`` provider role attitudes and workplace family-friendly culture have moderating effects on the relationship between salience of father status and paternal involvement. The participants were 204 full-time employed fathers who lived in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do with at least one preschool child. Data was analyzed by hierarchical multiple regressions. The results were as follows; First, while psychological salience of father status and provider role attitudes did not significantly explain paternal involvement, workplace family-friendly culture significantly increased paternal involvement with their children. Second, the relationship between men’s perceived salience of father status and their involvement with children was moderated by provider role attitudes and organizational time demands, which was a subscale of family-friendly culture. More concretely, men whose level of provider role attitudes were the lowest showed the most active involvement with their children regardless of their salience of father status. Men who strongly perceived their providing role were more involved in child rearing only when they gave strong salience to father status. Meanwhile, fathers who felt low pressure of work hour were more involved with their children than who felt high pressure. Furthermore, when fathers experienced decreased organizational time demands, the effect of the salience of father status on paternal involvement was observed to increase. Findings were discussed in terms of implications for future research as well as practical efforts to increase paternal involvement.
Key Words
아버지의 양육 참여, paternal involvement, 아버지 지위 중요도, salience of father status, 생계부양자 역할 의식, provider role attitudes, 가족친화적 조직문화, family-friendly organizational culture
A Phenomenological Study on Family Counselors` Experiences 가족상담사들의 상담경험에 관한 현상학적 연구
노미화 Mi Wha Noh , 최연실 Youn Shil Choi
20(1) 117-141, 2015
A Phenomenological Study on Family Counselors` Experiences 가족상담사들의 상담경험에 관한 현상학적 연구
노미화 Mi Wha Noh , 최연실 Youn Shil Choi
The aim of this study was to understand the meaning and essence of counseling as experienced by family counselors. To this end, the analysis was conducted by applying Colaizzi``s phenomenological study. By conducting in-depth interviews on six family counselors, the study produced 51 meanings, 13 themes, and 4 categories. First, family counselors become conscious of the family counseling framework by “following counseling theories,” “structuring the counseling process,” and “applying various counseling techniques.” Second, counselors themselves become therapeutic tools as their “personal experiences are helpful,” “personal characteristics play an influential role,” and “attitude as a counselor is reflected” in counseling. Third, counselors begin to learn the joy counseling by “creating changes through therapeutic relationship,” “witnessing changes,” and “gaining confidence as a counselor.” Fourth, counselors gain an opportunity for introspection and growth by “realizing his/her limitations as a counselor,” “pondering deeply over counseling,” “growing as a result to counseling experience,” and “gaining a new understanding of family.” The study also showed that the essence of counseling experience for family counselors is the “recursive relationship between counseling and their drive toward growth.” The study result is significant as, by exploring the essential meaning and integrated structure of counseling experienced by family counselors, it prepared a stepping stone in analyzing counselor``s factor in the domain of family counseling and provided basic materials that would be conducive to fostering and training professional family counselors.
Key Words
가족상담사, family counselors, 상담경험, counselor`s experience, 현상학적 연구, phenomenological study, 상담자 요인, counselor`s factor
A study on parents` observation of adolescent children`s smartphone use problem and their parenting experiences 부모가 인식한 청소년 자녀의 스마트폰 사용문제와 사용지도 경험 연구
배주미 Joo Mi Bae , 조은숙 Eun Suk Cho , 조영미 Young Mi Cho , 김경은 Kyung Eun Kim
20(1) 143-164, 2015
A study on parents` observation of adolescent children`s smartphone use problem and their parenting experiences 부모가 인식한 청소년 자녀의 스마트폰 사용문제와 사용지도 경험 연구
배주미 Joo Mi Bae , 조은숙 Eun Suk Cho , 조영미 Young Mi Cho , 김경은 Kyung Eun Kim
With the rapid provision of smartphones to Korean adolescents, more attention is being given to the parental role in the healthy smartphone usage of their children. Through interviews with five parent focus groups (22 participants) divided by age and gender of their offsprings, this study found out the experiences of the parents regarding their offsprings’ smartphone usage and their parenting experiences. The results were categorized into ‘negative effects of smartphone usage’, ‘perceived factors of children``s overuse of smartphones’, ‘their parenting experiences’, ‘difficulties of their parenting’, and ‘suggested effective parenting methods to deal with adolescent smartphone usage’. Based on the results, the authors suggest the importance of parenting methods, which can enhance intimacy and adolescents’ autonomy and self-motivation in regulating their smartphone usage.
The Literacy Education Experience and Changes in life of the Illiterate Rural Female Seniors 비문해 농촌 여성노인의 문해교육 경험과 삶의 변화
최영이 Young Yi Choi , 임춘희 Choon Hee Lim
20(1) 165-193, 2015
The Literacy Education Experience and Changes in life of the Illiterate Rural Female Seniors 비문해 농촌 여성노인의 문해교육 경험과 삶의 변화
최영이 Young Yi Choi , 임춘희 Choon Hee Lim
The purpose of this study was to examine what motives made illiterate rural female seniors participate in literacy education, what they experienced in the process of literacy education, and what changes the literacy education brought to their life. For this research, individual interviews were conducted on six rural female seniors who attended in advanced literacy education in ‘Mobile Adult Literacy Class’, ranged from 75 to 83 years old and consented to this research living in the rural area of H Eup of Jeollabuk-do, and the recorded data were analyzed by categorization. The main results of this research were summarized as follows. The motives for literacy education of rural female seniors were ‘opening an literacy class near their residential area’, ‘lifelong desire for learning’, ‘inconvenience in daily life as illiterate’, and ‘need for acquiring independent ability after being bereaved of husband’. As for experience of literacy education, rural female seniors experienced ‘sorry for the limitations of short-term literacy class’, ‘psychological atrophy caused by difficulties such as husband’s opposition’, ‘care for parents-in-law’, ‘regret and shame on belated learning’ and ‘the pleasure of learning and joy of knowing’. Lastly, changes in life of the rural female seniors participated in literacy education could be divided roughly into four domains: changes in self-awareness, in family and interpersonal relationships, in daily life, and in the prospects for rest life of old age, namely, ‘confident self-awareness’, ‘attracting family and neighbor``s attention and recognition’, ‘rising voice in social relationships’, ‘being not afraid of daily life’ and ‘happy and hopeful prospect for their old age’. Thus, it could be said that literacy education could be a facilitating positive experience to enhance the happiness and satisfaction with the rural female seniors’ life.
Key Words
비문해, illiterate, 문해교육, literacy education, 농촌여성노인, rural female seniors, 문해교육의 경험과 삶의 변화, experience of literacy education and change in life