A study on factors related to marital conflicts of couples at early stage of marriage: Exploration of theoretical link between models of Bowen and Satir 결혼초기 기혼남녀의 부부갈등 관련변인 연구: Bowen과 Satir 모델의 이론적 연계성 탐색
이종원 Jong Won Lee , 옥선화 Sun Hwa Ok
20(2) 3-25, 2015
A study on factors related to marital conflicts of couples at early stage of marriage: Exploration of theoretical link between models of Bowen and Satir 결혼초기 기혼남녀의 부부갈등 관련변인 연구: Bowen과 Satir 모델의 이론적 연계성 탐색
이종원 Jong Won Lee , 옥선화 Sun Hwa Ok
The objective of this study was to examine the variables associated with Bowen’s theory (individuation from family of origin, self-differentiation, and anxiety) and Satir’s theory (dysfunctional communication with family of origin and self-esteem) to determine the interrelationships between these variables and their effects on marital conflict. Subjects included 250 males and 250 females, who have been married less than 10 years, residing in Seoul, Incheon, and the Gyeonggi-doregion of Korea. The analysis methods used were path analysis using the Amos 10.0 program, chi-square and goodness-of-fit tests using RMR, GFI, AGFI, NFI, and CFI, and the bootstrapping test to look for statistical significance of indirect effects. The study results were as follows: first, individuation from family of origin had a direct effect on self-differentiation, self-esteem, and marital conflict; second, dysfunctional communication with family of origin had a direct effect on self-differentiation, self-esteem, and anxiety; third, self-differentiation had a direct effect on self-esteem, anxiety, and marital conflict; fourth, self-esteem had a direct effect on anxiety and marital conflict; and fifth, anxiety had a direct effect on marital conflict. The results of this study suggest that the variables associated with the theories of Bowen and Satir are interrelated and have a direct effect on marital conflict.
Key Words
원가족으로부터의 개인분화, individuation from family of origin, 원가족 부모와의 역기능적 의사소통, dysfunctional communication with family of origin, 자기분화, self-differentiation, 불안, anxiety, 부부갈등, marital conflict
The Role of Differentiation of Self and Adult Attachment across Close Relationships in the Coping Styles of Korean College Students 대학생의 자아분화 및 애착인물별 성인애착과 사려형, 억제형, 반동형 대처양식의 관련성
장은경 Eunkyung Jang , 이재림 Jaerim Lee
20(2) 27-53, 2015
The Role of Differentiation of Self and Adult Attachment across Close Relationships in the Coping Styles of Korean College Students 대학생의 자아분화 및 애착인물별 성인애착과 사려형, 억제형, 반동형 대처양식의 관련성
장은경 Eunkyung Jang , 이재림 Jaerim Lee
In this study, we examined whether four distinct domains of differentiation of self and two dimensions of adult attachment (i.e., anxiety and avoidance) with four specific attachment figures (i.e., father, mother, best friend, and romantic partner) were associated with reflective, suppressive, and reactive coping styles among Korean college students. The data came from 318 undergraduate students who were 18-25 years old and had experienced romantic relationships. Three sets of hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted. Among the four domains of differentiation of self, emotional reactivity was associated with reactive coping styles; I-position was significantly related to all three of the coping styles; and emotional cutoff was associated with suppressive and reactive coping styles. In terms of adult attachment in four specific relationships, attachment anxiety with romantic partner was positively related to suppressive coping styles, attachment avoidance from the father was negatively associated with reflective coping styles, and attachment avoidance from best friend was negatively related to reactive coping styles. These findings suggest that certain domains of differentiation of self and adult attachment in certain close relationships play important roles in predicting Korean emerging adults’ coping styles.
The Influential Variables of the University Life Adjustment among Korean University Students: Focusing on the Internet Immersion, Peer Relationships and Parent-Child Relationships 대학생활적응의 영향요인에 관한 연구 : 인터넷 몰입 수준, 친구관계, 부모자녀관계를 중심으로
어성연 Seongyeon Auh , 김지언 Jeeun Kim
20(2) 55-74, 2015
The Influential Variables of the University Life Adjustment among Korean University Students: Focusing on the Internet Immersion, Peer Relationships and Parent-Child Relationships 대학생활적응의 영향요인에 관한 연구 : 인터넷 몰입 수준, 친구관계, 부모자녀관계를 중심으로
어성연 Seongyeon Auh , 김지언 Jeeun Kim
This study aims at investigating factors affecting the university life adjustment among Korean college students. To this end, a set of survey data drawn from randomly selected 223 individuals in September, 2012 at a leading private university in Seoul is analyzed by using SPSS 21 to produce the frequencies, mean values with s.d., the correlations and regressions among the testing variables. The university life adjustment (hereafter, ULA) and the subdivision of ULA including the institutional attachment, academic, social and individual-emotional adjustment are positively correlated with peer relationships and the parent-adult child relationships whereas they are correlated with the internet immersion inversely. In the testing models of ULA as a total and of subdivision of ULA, the students’ internet immersion levels, perceived peer relationships and the parent-adult child relationships show the significant impacts on the dependent variables. Interestingly, as the testing models proceed, the effect sizes of the levels of internet immersion are shrunk when the positive peer relationships and the parent-adult child relationships are introduced. Particularly, in the testing models of institutional attachment, even the significant effect of internet immersion is faded away after the positive peer relationships and the parent-adult child relationships are introduced in the model. The findings of the present study lend support to the view that the levels of internet immersion have a negative impact on the ULA among the college students. However, if the students have positive relationships with peers or with their families, the healthy relationships can buffer the negative effects from the internet immersion on the ULA. This suggests that it is important to educate college students to build and maintain healthy relationships with their peers and families when the university implements ULA programs and/or internet addiction prevention programs.
Key Words
대학생활적응, university life adjustment, 대학학업적응, academic adjustment, 대학사회적응, university social adjustment, 개인정서적응, individual emotional adjustment, 대학환경적응, institutional attachment, 인터넷 몰입, internet immersion, 친구관계, peer relationships, 부모자녀관계, parent-adult ch
Effects of Risk & Protective Factors on Suicidal Ideation in Undergraduate Students: Focusing on the Interpersonal Needs & Reasons for Living 대학생의 자살생각에 영향을 미치는 위험요인과 보호요인: 대인관계 욕구와 삶의 이유를 중심으로
유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo , 손현겸 Hyeon Gyeom Son
20(2) 75-100, 2015
Effects of Risk & Protective Factors on Suicidal Ideation in Undergraduate Students: Focusing on the Interpersonal Needs & Reasons for Living 대학생의 자살생각에 영향을 미치는 위험요인과 보호요인: 대인관계 욕구와 삶의 이유를 중심으로
유계숙 Gye Sook Yoo , 손현겸 Hyeon Gyeom Son
This study examined the effects of risk and protective factors on suicidal ideation among 684 single undergraduate students (344 male; 340 female) enrolled in twelve universities located in Seoul. The participants completed a self-administered questionnaire including the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire, Reasons for Living Inventory for Young Adults, and Suicidal Ideation Scale. The major findings of this study are as follows: First, the principal component analyses identified two risk factors for suicidal desire (perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness) and five protective factors against suicide (family solidarity, positive self-evaluation, coping beliefs, future expectations, peer support). Reliabilities of all subscales were satisfactory. Second, with a 50.4% reports of suicidal ideation in the past year, students responded that they had low levels of risk factors for suicidal desire, while mostly high levels of protective factors against suicide. Finally, the hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that students who were older and perceived higher levels of burdensomeness were more likely to have high levels of suicidal ideation, while those with higher levels of coping beliefs and family solidarity were more likely to have low levels of suicidal ideation. The implications of these results are discussed for young people’s suicide risk assessment and prevention.
Key Words
자살 생각, suicidal ideation, 인식된 짐스러움, perceived burdensomeness, 좌절된 소속감, thwarted belongingness, 삶의 이유, reasons for living
A study on a process of maintaining never married status of never-married men in their 40`s using Grounded Theory 근거이론에 기초한 40대 비혼 남성의 비혼유지 과정
이지현 Ji Hyun Lee , 김현주 Hyun Joo Kim
20(2) 101-134, 2015
A study on a process of maintaining never married status of never-married men in their 40`s using Grounded Theory 근거이론에 기초한 40대 비혼 남성의 비혼유지 과정
이지현 Ji Hyun Lee , 김현주 Hyun Joo Kim
The purpose of this study is to determine a process of maintaining never married status of never-married men in their 40’s using Grounded Theory(Strauss & Corbin, 1998). and explore their experiences by observing intrinsic diversity of men who have never been married. This study aims to develop a substantial theory that explains how never-married men in their 40’s maintain their marital status. This study conducted in-depth interviews with 12 never-married men between the ages of 40 and 49. According to category analysis by paradigm, casual conditions of maintaining never married status of never-married men in their 40’s were “experience negative lifetime affairs” and “miss the ideal age for marriage” In addition, “the tug of war between ideal and reality” is classified as a central phenomenon that never-married men in their 40’s experience. This study is significant in that it provides baseline data that draw up measures to provide professional counseling interventions for unmarried men through comprehensive understanding of a process of maintaining never married status of never-married men in their 40’s.
Key Words
40대 비혼 남성, never-married men in their 40`s, 비혼유지, maintenance of never married status, 근거이론, grounded theory
The Impact of Prolonged Exposure to Interparental Violence on Developmental Trajectories of Adolescent Depression: Examining Mediating Effect of Parental Attachment 부부폭력의 지속적 노출경험이 청소년 자녀 우울의 종단적 발달궤적에 미치는 영향: 부모애착의 매개적 효과 검증
이진희 Jinhee Lee
20(2) 135-155, 2015
The Impact of Prolonged Exposure to Interparental Violence on Developmental Trajectories of Adolescent Depression: Examining Mediating Effect of Parental Attachment 부부폭력의 지속적 노출경험이 청소년 자녀 우울의 종단적 발달궤적에 미치는 영향: 부모애착의 매개적 효과 검증
이진희 Jinhee Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of four different levels (high, middle, low, and mixed) of prolonged exposure to interparental violence on developmental trajectories of adolescent depression and examine the mediating effect of parental attachment in the longitudinal context. A subsample of 3,188 adolescents from the Korean Youth Panel Survey (KYPS) was drawn. The four waves of panel data (from ages 16 to 19) were analyzed using Linear Mixed Effects Regression (LMER) procedures of the statistical package, R. Results showed that adolescents with the mid-level of prolonged exposure to interparental violence significantly influenced the positive change rate of their depression over time, whereas other levels’ adolescents did not. Parental attachment of the adolescents partially mediated between the mid-level of prolonged exposure to interparental violence and their depression in the longitudinal context.
Key Words
부부폭력 노출, exposure to interparental violence, 청소년 우울, adolescent depression, 부모애착, parental attachment, 선형혼합효과 모형, linear mixed effects regression
The Effects of Parent-Child and Elderly-Adult child Relationship on Marital Satisfaction of Middle-aged Couples: Using APIM(Actor Partner Independence Model) 중년기 부부의 부모-자녀관계 및 노부모-성인자녀관계 지각이 결혼만족에 미치는 영향: 커플자료를 이용한 자기(Actor)-상대방효과(Partner) 모델(APIM)
문선희 Sunhee Moon
20(2) 157-175, 2015
The Effects of Parent-Child and Elderly-Adult child Relationship on Marital Satisfaction of Middle-aged Couples: Using APIM(Actor Partner Independence Model) 중년기 부부의 부모-자녀관계 및 노부모-성인자녀관계 지각이 결혼만족에 미치는 영향: 커플자료를 이용한 자기(Actor)-상대방효과(Partner) 모델(APIM)
문선희 Sunhee Moon
The purpose of this study is to explore the marital satisfaction of middle-aged couples through generational family relationships, which includes parent-child and elderly parent-adult child relationships. The study selected 170 middle-aged couples between the ages of 40 and 60 to participate. The methodology used to describe the primary analysis was the actor-partner independence model(APIM) with a dyadic dataset. Structural Equation Modeling was applied as the analytical technique. The results demonstrate that strong relationships with children positively affected the marital satisfaction for both husbands and wives. The relationship between elderly parents and husbands negatively affected marital satisfaction for husbands(actors). In contrast, elderly parent relationships positively affected the martial satisfaction of wives(partners). The findings suggest that the married life of middle-aged couples in Korean culture still have a greater influence on the husband``s side``s family relationships than on the wife``s. In sum, from the results of this study, the degree of satisfaction in parent-child relationships affected the marital satisfaction of both husbands and wives (actor and partner effects). The degree of satisfaction in elderly parent-adult child relationships only affected marital satisfaction of either the wife or the husband. The relationship between elderly parent and the wife did not affect the marital satisfaction of the husband and vice versa. It implies that their own family made by marriage interacts dynamically among family members. However, the relationships with their family-of-origin, which was separated through marriage, focuses more on the role and function of family members rather than the dynamics of relationships among them.