A Study on the Determinants Relating to Continuity of Grandchildren`s Parenting 조부모의 손자녀 양육지속 결정요인에 관한 연구
조지용 Gee Yong Jo
20(3) 3-20, 2015
A Study on the Determinants Relating to Continuity of Grandchildren`s Parenting 조부모의 손자녀 양육지속 결정요인에 관한 연구
조지용 Gee Yong Jo
Objectives: This study investigated the parenting characteristics of grandchildren cared by their grandchildren in the parents`` stead and to sought the variations which affected the decision of the parenting. Method: The data in waves 3(2009) and 4(2011) of the national longitudinal survey from Korean Retirement and Income Study; total 290 cases of grandparents who take care of their grandchildren are used from the survey results of people over 50-year-old. Mutiple Logistic regression analysis is used to identify the effect of independence variances to the decision of parenting. Results: The findings as follows. First, in order to investigate variances which accounts for grandparents’ decisive factor of care. Decisive factors of parenting are the more likely grandmother , the less age the grandparents and more satisfied with their health condition. Second, grandparents have higher income and think that the economic level is satisfactory, it is more likely to perform the parenting sustainable. Conclusions: In accordance with this finding, the responsibility of parenting needs to be more socialized and deviate the current policy which demands psychological, economical, and physical onus of grandparents. In order for this socialization, we should establish a broader system of public nursing and education which has an easy access to caring service and quality.
Key Words
조부모 손자녀 양육, grandparent caring grandchildren, 양육지속, continuity of parenting, 종단연구, longitudinal research
A study on the difference of awareness of filial piety among young people born in North Korea and South Korea: Research on the influence of socio-demographic characteristics and parents-children relationships 남북한출생 청소년의 효의식 차이에 관한 연구: 인구사회학적 특성 및 부모-자녀관계 요인을 중심으로
김현경 Hyun Kyoung Kim
20(3) 21-43, 2015
A study on the difference of awareness of filial piety among young people born in North Korea and South Korea: Research on the influence of socio-demographic characteristics and parents-children relationships 남북한출생 청소년의 효의식 차이에 관한 연구: 인구사회학적 특성 및 부모-자녀관계 요인을 중심으로
김현경 Hyun Kyoung Kim
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to provide exploratory basic data for the values of filial piety from young people born in North Korea and South Korea. Method: This research was conducted on 260 North Korean young people refugees and 260 South Korean young people, their ages belonged to 15-24 in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi Province from July to September 2014 with questions on socio-demographic characteristics and parents-children relationship. 248 total survey data were used in this research. Results: The young people born in South Korea were influenced by the factors of religion, scholastic achievement level, scholastic achievement level on the parental expectation, emotional support from parents, respect, coincidence of expectation between parents and children. On the other hand the young people born in North Korea were influenced by scholastic achievement, emotional support from parents, self-sacrifice of parents and sorriness for parents. Conclusions: difference of awareness of the filial piety among young people born in North Korea and South Korea depended on the socio-demographic characteristics and parents-children relationship. And socio-cultural intervention and conclusion were discussed.
Key Words
남북한출생 청소년, young people born in North Korea and South Korea, 효의식의 차이, difference of awareness of filial piety, 인구사회학적 특성, socio-demographic characteristics, 부모-자녀관계, parents-children relationship
The influences from the retirement provision in terms of financial, relational, and residential aspects on life satisfaction among the middle aged Korean 중,장년층의 경제적, 관계적 노후준비와 생활환경이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
임소진 So Jin Lim , 어성연 Seongyeon Auh
20(3) 45-64, 2015
The influences from the retirement provision in terms of financial, relational, and residential aspects on life satisfaction among the middle aged Korean 중,장년층의 경제적, 관계적 노후준비와 생활환경이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
임소진 So Jin Lim , 어성연 Seongyeon Auh
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences from the retirement provisions on life satisfaction among the middle aged adults in Korea. Method: A data set drawn from the self-report survey, was collected in a sample of 649 community -living middle aged adults during the January through February, 2011 in Korea, and was analyzed by employing the descriptive statistics, correlations, and hierarchical regressions. Results: Life satisfaction among the middle aged adults was positively correlated with education, assets, home ownerships, pension, financial investments, financial satisfaction on the retirement provisions, ratings on family relations, ratings on social capital, satisfaction on the neighborhood, satisfaction on housing, ratings on commercial service and ratings on the local government services. In the hierarchical regression models, education, financial satisfaction on the retirement provisions, ratings on the family relations, ratings on social capital, satisfaction on the neighborhood and ratings on the local government services significantly predicted the levels of life satisfaction in the middle aged adults. Conclusions: Limitations of this study are mentioned, and suggestions for future research are offered. Also, authors suggested, it is critical to include family relations, social capitals, and community living aspects as well as the family finances when the family life education program or family policy for retirement provision is planned.
The Influence of Coparenting in Two-parent Families on Preschooler`s Effortful Control Mediated by Parenting Behaviors 양친가정 내 공동양육이 부모양육행동을 매개로 유아기 자녀의 의도적 통제에 미치는 영향
임지영 Ji Young Lim , 이윤정 Yoon Jeong Lee , 배윤진 Yun Jin Bae
20(3) 65-92, 2015
The Influence of Coparenting in Two-parent Families on Preschooler`s Effortful Control Mediated by Parenting Behaviors 양친가정 내 공동양육이 부모양육행동을 매개로 유아기 자녀의 의도적 통제에 미치는 영향
임지영 Ji Young Lim , 이윤정 Yoon Jeong Lee , 배윤진 Yun Jin Bae
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the meaning of coparenting in two-parent families through examining the relationships among coparenting, parenting behaviors and preschooler``s effortful control. Method: In this study, the subjects consisted of 106 preschoolers and their fathers and mothers. Coparenting was assessed by Coparenting Scale, parenting behaviors were assessed by Parenting Styles and Dimensions(PSD), and preschooler``s effortful control was assessed by Children``s Behavior Questionnaire(CBQ). The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, paired t-test, and correlations. Also, SPSS Macro and bootstrapping methods were used to assess the mediation effects of paternal and maternal parenting behaviors in the relationship between coparenting and preschooler``s effortful control. Results: The major results of this study were as follows. First, there were significant differences in the level of coparenting by income and paternal education level, while there were not significant differences by preschooler``s gender and age. Second, there were significant differences between paternal perception and maternal perception in the coparenting level. Third, there were significant correlations among coparenting, parenting behaviors and preschooler``s effortful control. Forth, the effects of coparenting on preschooler``s effortful control were not significantly mediated by paternal parenting behaviors. Fifth, maternal parenting behaviors mediated the effects of coparenting upon preschooler``s effortful control, however. Conclusions: This study revealed that coparenting has significant impact on paternal and maternal parenting behaviors, as well as preschooler``s effortful control.
Key Words
부모공동양육, coparenting, 아버지 양육행동, paternal parenting behavior, 어머니 양육행동, maternal parenting behavior, 유아, preschooler, 의도적 통제, effortful control
The mediating effect of differentiation of self in relation between perceived marital conflict of parents on their marital satisfaction among married men and women 기혼남녀가 지각한 원가족 부모의 부부갈등과 결혼만족도의 관계에서 자기분화의 매개효과 검증
김경주 Kyung Ju Kim , 김영혜 Young Hye Kim
20(3) 93-112, 2015
The mediating effect of differentiation of self in relation between perceived marital conflict of parents on their marital satisfaction among married men and women 기혼남녀가 지각한 원가족 부모의 부부갈등과 결혼만족도의 관계에서 자기분화의 매개효과 검증
김경주 Kyung Ju Kim , 김영혜 Young Hye Kim
Objectives: In this paper, it is investigated whether marital conflict in the family of origin as perceived by children influences marital satisfaction to those children later on. In this process, it is tested whether differentiation of self has a mediating effect. Method: For data collection, 419 married persons in 4 different cities in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea were polled for the following questions. First, does gender affect perceived marital conflict in family of origin, differentiation of self, and marital satisfaction? Second, are there any significant relations between marital conflict in family of origin, differentiation of self, and marital satisfaction? Third, does differentiation of self have mediating effects while perceived marital conflict in family of origin influences children’s satisfaction on their own marriage? The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, difference verification, correlation and regression analyses using with SPSS 18.0. Results: Our analysis of the data with regards to the three questions are as follows. First, perceived marital conflict in family of origin did not differ between genders; differentiation of self and its subfactors were more significant for women whereas marital satisfaction was greater for men. Second, perceived marital conflict in family of origin had an inverse relation with the children’s marital satisfaction as well as differentiation of self. However, differentiation of self and marital satisfaction were proportionally related for married children. Third, differentiation of self showed fully mediation effects while perceived marital conflict in the family of origin was influencing children’s marital satisfaction. Differentiation of self showed fully mediation effects for men while no significant relations were seen for women. Conclusions: We could verify in this study that parents’ marital conflict affects their children’s self-differentiation, the degree of which affects the character and interpersonal relationships so that the children’s own marriage is affected. While marital conflict of parents in the family of origin affects children’s own marital satisfaction, mediating effects of self-differentiation were significant only for men, which is probably due to characteristics of Korean culture. In other words, a married man is more affected by the relationship with his own family of origin than the relationship with his wife’s family of origin.
Key Words
원가족, family of origin, 부부갈등, marital conflict, 자기분화, self-differentiation, 결혼만족도, marital satisfaction
The mediating role of marital relationship in the association between differentiation of self and happiness: Focusing on actor effects and partner effects 자기분화가 행복감에 미치는 영향에 대한 부부관계의 매개효과: 자기효과와 상대방효과를 중심으로
주수산나 Susanna Joo , 전혜정 Hey Jung Jun , 왕순경 Soon Kyung Wang
20(3) 113-132, 2015
The mediating role of marital relationship in the association between differentiation of self and happiness: Focusing on actor effects and partner effects 자기분화가 행복감에 미치는 영향에 대한 부부관계의 매개효과: 자기효과와 상대방효과를 중심으로
주수산나 Susanna Joo , 전혜정 Hey Jung Jun , 왕순경 Soon Kyung Wang
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine whether differentiation of self affects the levels of happiness via the degree of marital relationship among middle-aged marital couples. Method: The data was collected as a dyad unit consisting of 349 married couples (N=698 individuals). The mean age of husbands and wives was 54.63 (SD=6.91) and 52.08 (SD=6.61), respectively. The participants were recruited through Healthy Family Support Centers in Gyeonggi-do who visited there in order to participate in couple intervention programs, and the survey was completed before the programs started. The mediation analysis was based on path analysis followed by bootstrapping with the use of Mplus 7.0. Results: The results showed that the actor effects were significant in the same way between husbands and wives, yet the partner effects were different by gender. Several indirect paths between the differentiation of self and happiness via marital relationship were found, in particular. That is, perceived differentiation of self had an indirect actor effect on happiness via marital relationship for both husbands and wives, respectively. Furthermore, the wives`` differentiation of self had two indirect partner effects on their husbands happiness via marital relationship among wives and among husbands. Conclusions: These results suggest the importance of enhancing both differentiation of self and marital intimacy or marital communication in order to improve the levels of happiness in middle-aged marital relationships.
Development of the Family Relations Problem Symptoms Scale -Focused on the Use of the Healthy Family Support Center- 가족관계문제징후척도 개발 연구 -건강가정지원센터에서의 활용을 중심으로-
조은숙 Eunsuk Cho , 진미정 Meejung Chin
20(3) 133-156, 2015
Development of the Family Relations Problem Symptoms Scale -Focused on the Use of the Healthy Family Support Center- 가족관계문제징후척도 개발 연구 -건강가정지원센터에서의 활용을 중심으로-
조은숙 Eunsuk Cho , 진미정 Meejung Chin
Objectives: This study aims for the development of the Family Relations Problem Symptoms Scale. Method: Using the inductive approach, the potential scale items were collected from an on-line survey with 342 participants, using open-ended questions regarding the traits/behaviors of the problematic or happy family. The selected 56 items from 1368 responses were presented to the 320 married adults to evaluate the concept conformity with the ‘family relations problematic symptoms’. The final 18 items were selected using the criteria of the higher concept conformity score or the conceptual importance evaluated by researchers. Using 105 respondents sampled among the clients of the Healthy Family Support Centers throughout the country, the validity and the reliability tests were done. Results: The result showed high internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha=.97) and the satisfactory concurrent validity. Conclusions: This scale is optimal for the use of the program effectiveness test in the practical area as well as for the research in the academic area.
Key Words
가족관계문제징후척도, family relations problem symptoms scale, 귀납적 방법, inductive approach, 의사소통척도, family communication scale, 건강가정지원센터, healthy family support center