A Phenomenological Study on Disabled Parents` Experiences of Raising Children: Focusing on Mothers 신체장애인 부부의 자녀양육경험에 관한 현상학적 연구: 어머니를 중심으로
이송희 Songhee Lee , 임정숙 Jeungsuk Lim , 이미우 Miwoo Lee , 정세미 Semi Chung
Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the essence of disabled parents`` experiences of raising children. Method: Five families, which were composed with parents with physical disabilities and children, were participated into this study. One-time interview was conducted with mother of each family and it was recorded, coded, and analysed using method of Giorgi``s phenomenological study. Result: Three superordinate themes, nine subordinate themes, and 22 concepts were derived. The essence of disabled parents`` experiences of raising children was “disabled parents`` growth with their children despite of prejudice.” This represented that even though disabled parents faced with diverse kinds of difficulties, they put their heart and soul into raising their children and they encouraged their children to have their feet on the ground firmly. Finally, disabled parents went out into the world with their children. Conclusion: The current study illustrated how those stories about raising children could be interpreted from the perspective of the family relation, and suggested possible ways to support disabled parents for raising children.
Key Words
장애인부모, disabled parent, 자녀양육경험, experience of raising children, 현상학 연구, phenomenological study
The Influence of Adolescents` Self-Esteem on Life Satisfaction: Verifying Moderated Mediation of Peer Relations Mediated by Altruism and Self-Regulation 청소년의 자아존중감이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 이타심과 자기통제에 의한 또래관계의 조절된 매개효과 검증
허미정 Mi Jeong Heo , 노미화 Mi Wha Noh , 최연실 Youn Shil Choi
The Influence of Adolescents` Self-Esteem on Life Satisfaction: Verifying Moderated Mediation of Peer Relations Mediated by Altruism and Self-Regulation 청소년의 자아존중감이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 이타심과 자기통제에 의한 또래관계의 조절된 매개효과 검증
허미정 Mi Jeong Heo , 노미화 Mi Wha Noh , 최연실 Youn Shil Choi
Objectives: The purpose of this study was aimed to examine the effect of self-esteem on life satisfaction and happiness among adolescents, and to verify moderated mediation of peer relations mediated by altruism and self-regulation. Method: The study referred to the 2015 Annual Report of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. More precisely, report on the fourth year research process of the study cohort comprising 2,091 subjects was used to verify the research model. Overall data were analyzed by using SPSS 18.0 program and specifically, moderated mediation were verified by using SPSS Macro, as suggested by Preacher, etc. (2008). Results: As a result, firstly, the peer relations mediated the relationship between life satisfaction and self-esteem among adolescents. Secondly, altruism and self-regulation had moderated mediation effects between self-esteem and peer relations among adolescents. Conclusion: These results suggest that self-esteem affects on life satisfaction and happiness by mediation of peer relations among adolescents and altruism and self-regulation agent is applied positive adjustment to further promote the peer relations and increase life satisfaction among adolescents. Through these study results, the implications for counseling and suggestions for future research were discussed.
Key Words
청소년, adolescent, 자아존중감, self-esteem, 삶의 만족도, life satisfaction, 이타심, altruism, 자기통제력, self-regulation, 또래관계, peer relations
Parenting Stress among Dual- and Single-Earner Families: The Interaction Effect of Marital Relationship and Father`s Child-Rearing Involvement on the Parenting Stress 맞벌이 가구와 남성홀벌이 가구 부모의 양육스트레스 연구: 부부관계와 아버지 양육참여의 상호작용 효과 분석
Parenting Stress among Dual- and Single-Earner Families: The Interaction Effect of Marital Relationship and Father`s Child-Rearing Involvement on the Parenting Stress 맞벌이 가구와 남성홀벌이 가구 부모의 양육스트레스 연구: 부부관계와 아버지 양육참여의 상호작용 효과 분석
김유나 Yuna Kim , 박애리 Aely Park
Objectives: This study aims to investigate the effect of marital relationship on parenting stress among dual- and single-earner families. In particular, this study focuses on the interaction effect of marital relationship and father``s child-rearing involvement on the parenting stress. To access factors associated with parenting stress, we included marital satisfaction and marital conflict as the dimensions of marital relationship in this study. Method: We employed data from the 5th wave of the Panel Study of Korean Children(PSKC) data. Our analysis sample consisted of 1,515 parents having at least one child aged under 4 years. Also, this study conducted descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Results: First of all, marital satisfaction and marital conflict were significantly related to parenting stress for both mother and father in dual-earner families. While both indicators were significantly related to parenting stress for father, marital conflict only was a significant predictor for mother in single-earner families. Second, father involvement was a significant predictor for parenting stress for father in both dual- and single-earner families. Third, interaction effects were found between father involvement and marital conflict in the dual-earner families and between father involvement and marital satisfaction in the single-earner families. Conclusions: Based on the results, we recommended programs designed to enhance father``s child-rearing involvement such as parenting education and community-based campaign. In addition, we recommended that policy and practice need to identify marital relationship dynamics to promote father``s involvement and to reduce marital conflict in both dual- and single-earner families accordingly.
The Meaning of Dating and Marriage among Well-Educated Korean Couples at the Optimal Marriageable Age 고학력 결혼적령기 커플들의 연애와 결혼에 대한 의미 및 젠더 정체성
신혜림 Hye Lim Sin , 주수산나 Susanna Joo
Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore perceived meanings of dating and marriage among well-educated Korean couples who were in optimal marriageable ages. Particularly, an emphasis was placed on finding out where the traditional gender norms and post-modern contexts intersect on the couples’ course of dating and marriage. Method: We undertook a qualitative analysis of 8 couples (age: 26-34) dating. Participants were limited to university graduates of upper-middle rank universities in Seoul, South Korea. The rationale for choosing such sample was based on the idea that characteristics of class is inherent in the act of dating and marriage, and that such characteristics lead to different contextual experiences in dating and marriage. This study was based on interviews conducted over a three-month time span. The interviews were first transcribed into research text and then subjects and key categories were drawn from the transcripts for analysis. Results: Participants sought meanings of joy, learning, and self-improvement in dating, and they were free from traditional gender norms in their romantic relationships. They viewed marriage as having a permanent companionship with their partner, becoming independent from their parents, and/or a social norm to be followed. Participants reported mixed perceptions about marriage in such fashion that they described their parents`` relationship in terms of a gendered leader-supporter relationship, while viewing their own relationship as being genderless partners. In transition to parenthood, however, they regressed to traditional gender norms dichotomized as women being a homemaker and men being a breadwinner. In sum, participants displayed expectations that were inconsistent with regard to dating and marriage over the study period. That is, during the course of dating and early marriage, they did not hold separated gender norms; however, when transitioning from being a newly married couple to giving their first childbirth, expectations shifted to traditional gender norms and values. Conclusion: This suggests that it is not marriage, but the experience of childbirth and motherhood, which strengthen traditional gendered norms, engendering regeneration of the gender norms in families. The results indicate that there is a need to promote co-parenting behavior among the newly-married couples and to educate gender equality about parent roles or for parents in South Korea so that they can overcome traditional gendered norms in family.
Key Words
젠더 규범, gender norm, 젠더 정체성, gender identity, 연애, dating, 결혼, marriage, 결혼 적령기, the optimal marriageable age, 고학력, well-educated
The Relationships of Parent-Child Relationship and Self-Differentiation with Interpersonal Competence among College Students 대학생이 지각한 부모-자녀 관계와 자아분화 및 대인관계 유능성 간의 관계
The Relationships of Parent-Child Relationship and Self-Differentiation with Interpersonal Competence among College Students 대학생이 지각한 부모-자녀 관계와 자아분화 및 대인관계 유능성 간의 관계
이지선 Jiseon Lee , 정혜정 Hyejeong Chung
Objectives: The major purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships of parent-child relationship and self-differentiation with interpersonal competence among college students. Specifically, this study also attempted to find the differences of three major variables according to participant``s general characteristics, to investigate the correlations among variables and to analyze the effects of related variables on interpersonal competence. Method: The participants were 388 college students in Jeollabuk-do province. The data were collected by self-administered questionnaire method. Results: First, there were significant differences in the level of interpersonal competence according to gender and the monthly family income. Second, correlational analyses results indicated that college students’ interpersonal competence was positively related with parent-child relationship and self-differentiation, and the latter two variables were also positively correlated. Finally, the results of multiple regression analyses reported that interpersonal competence was influenced by intimacy with mother, I-position, and emotional cutoff, showing that I-position was the most influential variable. In addition, I-position was also found to be the powerful variable affecting all sub-factors of interpersonal competence. Conclusions: This study suggests the importance of providing education and/or counseling services focusing on strengthening the relationship with their parents and on increasing self-differentiation level for college students’ greater interpersonal competence, which are considered as critical indices of their mental health and psychological well-being.
Effects of Married Child and Parent Characteristics on Intergenerational Residential Proximity 기혼자녀와 부모의 특성이 세대 간 거주근접성에 미치는 영향
최희정 Heejeong Choi , 남보람 Boram Nam
Objective: This study examined correlates of residential proximity between parents and non-coresident married children. A majority of existing studies on intergenerational living arrangement has focused on exploring factors that are associated with intergenerational coresidence only, despite an increasing number of parents and children who do not live together but close by. Because residential proximity facilitates frequent contacts and support exchanges between the two generations, it is important to understand its correlates. Method: The data were drawn from first wave of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA, 2006), a nationally representative sample of adults 45 years or older and their spouses. The analytic sample consisted of 3,950 parents with 10,946 non-coresident married children. Both regression with robust standard errors and sibling fixed effects regression models were estimated using the reg and xtreg procedures in STATA. Results: Younger, less depressed, and more physically impaired parents lived closer to at least one of their married children (within a 30-minute distance by public transportation). Fathers (compared to mothers), parents living in cities (compared to those living in rural areas), parents with at least one co-resident child or fewer numbers of married children tended to have at least one married child living nearby. With regard to child characteristics, married children who were less educated, homeowners, and had more children lived closer to their parents. Also, sons (compared to daughters) lived in closer distance to their parents. Conclusion: Overall, findings suggest that intergenerational residential proximity may primarily be motivated by the childcare needs of married children or parents’ needs for assistance with functional impairment. Also, the traditional patrilineal norms of intergenerational support may still be a critical factor in residential decisions as observed in the difference between married sons and daughters in proximity to their parents.
Key Words
세대 간 거주근접성, intergenerational residential proximity, 지리적 근접성, geographic proximity, 부모와 성인자녀, parents and adult children, 부계의, patrilineal
A Study on the Difference between Gender Role Attitude and Dual Income Attitude: Focusing on Classification of Married Couple with Children 성역할 태도와 맞벌이 태도의 차이에 관한 연구: 기혼,유자녀 가구를 중심으로 한 유형화
A Study on the Difference between Gender Role Attitude and Dual Income Attitude: Focusing on Classification of Married Couple with Children 성역할 태도와 맞벌이 태도의 차이에 관한 연구: 기혼,유자녀 가구를 중심으로 한 유형화
정윤태 Yun-tae Jung , 서재욱 Jae Wook Suh
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to empirically verify the difference between traditional gender role attitude and realistic dual earner attitude. Most preceding studies analyzed gender role attitude by summated rating scale while few studies have been conducted on the difference between traditional gender role attitude and dual earner attitude. Method: By using the 9th Korea Welfare Panel Data (year 2014), this study extracted households of married couples and with children in working age (18 through 64 years of age) who are the main subjects in work family relationship. First, this study classified traditional group and modern group in their gender role attitude and passive group and active group in their dual earner attitude and by crossing these attitudes, drew out 4 gender role/dual earner attitudes. For analysis, this study investigated frequency of attitude types through descriptive statistics. By conducting ANOVA, study verified if there are significant differences in the satisfaction with family relationship depending on the types of gender role/dual earner attitudes. Lastly, study examined the effect of socio-economic status and demographic characteristics on the types of gender role/dual earner attitudes by conducting multi-nominal logistic regression analysis. Results: As the result of analysis, first, half of respondents belonged to ``equal-role-oriented type`` who has modern gender role attitude and active dual earner attitude. However, there were not a few ``dual-earner-avoiding type`` who has modern gender role attitude but passive dual earner attitude and ``incongruous attitude type`` who has traditional gender role attitude but active dual earner attitude. Next, ``incongruous attitude type`` had significantly low level of satisfaction with overall family life, relationship with spouse and relationship with children than other attitude types. Lastly, those whose incomes belong to poor strata, those who are high school graduates and lower, males and those who are over the age of 60 had significantly higher probability of belonging to ``incongruous attitude type.`` Conclusion: The results of analysis demonstrate that the difference between gender role attitude and dual earner attitude is an important matter and since ``incongruous attitude type`` exhibits low level of satisfaction with family relationship, scrupulous policy approaches are required for those who have high possibility of belonging to ``incongruous attitude type.``
Key Words
성역할 태도, Gender Role Attitude, 맞벌이태도, Dual Earner Attitude, 성역할 태도와 맞벌이 태도 유형화, Types of Gender Role/Dual Earner Attitudes, 가족관계만족, Satisfaction with Family Relationship, 일-생활 균형, Work-Life Balance