A meta-analysis of effectiveness of death education program 죽음준비교육 프로그램 효과성에 대한 메타분석
김일식박사과정 Il Sik Kim , 김계령석사과정 Gye Ryung Kim , 신혜숙교수 Hye Sook Shin , 서호찬교수 Ho Chan Seo
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to conduct a meta-analysis of results of death education program implemented with a wide range of learners from preschoolers to the elderly and use the findings to suggest effect sizes of the intervention program, variables, and measurement tools and activity elements of the variables. Method: Among preceding studies conducted domestically until 2015, 21 studies that meet the meta-analysis criteria were selected and analyzed using CMA(Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 3.0 version). Results: The findings are as follows. The overall average effect size was rather large at 0.997. Reviewing by research subject group, victims of domestic violence indicated the largest effect size(2.381). As for variables, death awareness showed the largest effect size(2.908). In terms of activity elements, the largest effect size for total number of sessions was 16 sessions (4.972), while that for per week sessions was 2 sessions/week (2.327). With effect size for activity hours largest at 30 minutes(5.365) followed by 108 minutes(2.381) and 360 minutes(1.607), it was found that there is no positive relationship between activity time and effect size. In terms of publication type, effect size of academic journal paper was 1.107 while that of thesis or dissertation was 0.894, indicating that academic journal papers are relatively highly effective. Conclusions: The present study is meaningful in that it provides baseline data applicable to program development and implementation by verifying the effectiveness of domestically implemented death education programs and variables relevant to such programs.
The impact of household types and social relationships on depression: based on the comparison between single-person households and multi-person households 가구형태와 사회적 관계의 객관적,주관적 측면이 우울에 미치는 영향: 1인 가구와 다인 가구의 비교를 중심으로
최유정교수 Yu Jung Choi , 이명진교수 Myoung-jin Lee , 최샛별교수 Set Byol Choi
The impact of household types and social relationships on depression: based on the comparison between single-person households and multi-person households 가구형태와 사회적 관계의 객관적,주관적 측면이 우울에 미치는 영향: 1인 가구와 다인 가구의 비교를 중심으로
최유정교수 Yu Jung Choi , 이명진교수 Myoung-jin Lee , 최샛별교수 Set Byol Choi
Objectives: This research started with the attempt to comprehend the relationship between household types and psychological stability by linking single-person households to the emotional index “depression.” Method: For this purpose, we first compare to see if there is a difference in socio-demographic variables, social relationships, the degree of depression between single households and multi-person households, and to comprehend the relative influence that household types have on depression by taking other factors under consideration. Results: Then based on the results, we compare and analyze the factors that affect the degree of depression on single-person households and multi-person households, respectively. To summarize the results, first of all, residents in single-person households are somewhat older but show lower level of income, education, and health condition compared to peers inmulti-person households. They also had a consistently high level not only in the frequency of contact and emotional connection with families, relatives, and friends, but also in the degree of depression when compared to multi-person households. Secondly, for depression, considering the various factors targeting all the households, the following had a strong influence in the order of "health condition compared to peers," "emotional connection with family," "household types," "emotional connection with colleagues," "frequency of contact with neighbors," "gender," and "age."The degree of depression increases in the following conditions: if the health condition is worse, lower emotional connection with family, single-person household, lower emotional connection with colleagues, lower the frequency of contact with neighbors, female, and older the age. Thirdly, comparing the factors that affect depression by dividing single-person households and multi-person households, "health condition compared to peers" and "emotional connection with family" had the largest effect in common, respectively. In cases of living alone, regardless of other factors, the degree of depression increases with "health condition compared to peers" and "emotional connection with family." Conclusions: On the contrary, in multi-person households, "health condition compared to peers," "emotional connection with family," "emotional connection with colleagues," "income," and "gender" are important.
Key Words
1인 가구(single-person household), 다인 가구(multi-person household), 가구 형태(household type), 우울(depression), 가족 관계(family relationship), 사회적 관계(social relationship)
Research trends of parentification in Korea(from 2003 to 2015) 자녀의 부모화(parentification)에 관한 국내연구동향 분석
Research trends of parentification in Korea(from 2003 to 2015) 자녀의 부모화(parentification)에 관한 국내연구동향 분석
석미정박사수료 Mi Jeong Seok
Objectives: The purpose of the present study is to analysis the trends of and issues in research about parentification in Korea up to date, and to propose directions for further studies. Methods: For this purpose, eighty one theses and articles about parentification, published from 2003 to 2015 were categorized according to research subjects, research objects, research methods, statistical analysis methods, and related variables with the parentification. Results: Consequently, first, the number of articles published has been gradually increased. Second, the main research subjects were the characteristics and trait of parentification, an interpersonal relationship and family. Third, the common research objects were undergraduate student/graduate student and youth(middle/high school students). Fourth, the quantitative research methods have been used mainly. FRS-A(Filial Responsibility Scale-Adult) and FRS-Y(Filial Responsibility Scale-Youth) have been used most. A high frequency related variables with parentification were the affectiveness-related variables, in particularly, the shame proneness is the highest correlation variables. Conclusions: Based on the findings in this study, it is suggested that the research objects should be more varied and the Korean parentification measurements need to be developed in the near future.
The associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction among retirees in later life: a longitudinal comparison 은퇴 노인의 부부관계 만족도와 삶 만족도의 관계에 대한 종단적 비교
The associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction among retirees in later life: a longitudinal comparison 은퇴 노인의 부부관계 만족도와 삶 만족도의 관계에 대한 종단적 비교
Objectives: The aims of this study are to examine the associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction among Korean retirees in later life and to test whether the degrees of associations increased over time. Method: Nationally representative Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing data from wave 1 (in 2006) to wave 4 (in 2012) was utilized and retirees in later life (65-89 years old, N=402) were analyzed. Latent growth modeling (LGM) and model constraint were applied using Mplus 7.3. Age, sex, household income, subjective health, depressive symptoms and elapsed time after retirement were included as control variables. Results: Linear unconditional LGM fitted the data well and showed gradual decrease in life satisfaction. Conditional LGM revealed significant associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction from time 1 to time 4. According to model constraint test, the size of associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction did not change with time. Conclusions: To sum up these results, the associations between marital satisfaction and life satisfaction were significant and relatively stable over time among retirees in later life. This study suggests one``s spouse is a fundamental component of social convoy among Korean retirees in later life. Therefore, intervention programs targeted toward enhancing marital relationships among retirees`` couples will help them to live a better life.
Relationship-focused intervention to enhance marriage communication for multicultural couples 다문화가정 부부를 위한 관계중심 부부소통 프로그램
김금희소장 Gum-hee Kim , 이영선교수 Young Sun Lee , 이시이히로꼬석사과정 Hiroko Ishii
Objective: This study explored benefits of a relationship-focused intervention to enhance marriage communication designed for multicultural married couples and changes that occurred in the way the program’s participants communicated with one another. Method: The intervention program was implemented on six married multicultural couples (and six other couples as a control group), and their communication, conflict resolution, and adaptation before and after the intervention were examined. In addition, the researchers kept observation journals to understand the changes in the manner in which the married multicultural couples communicated with their spouse and examine their perception about participating in the program; further, we conducted post-program interviews with the participants after the completion of the program. Results: The results of this study are as follows: (1) the experiment group made more progress in improving couple communication, resolving marriage conflicts, and adapting as a married couple than the control group in a statistically significant manner in both preand post-program tests, and (2) the study confirmed through qualitative analysis that the program made positive contributions to improving the couples’ abilities to have conversations and resolve conflicts, as well as their intimacy. Conclusion: Based on these results, implications for further research and practices were discussed.
Effects of siblings characteristics on living arrangements between married children and their parents 기혼자녀와 부모의 거주형태에 영향을 미치는 형제자매의 특성
최희정교수 Hee Jeong Choi
Objective: This study examined the role of siblings with respect to living arrangements between married children and their parents. Previous studies have rarely considered the possibility that family context such as siblings may be associated with intergenerational residential proximity. Method: Using data from first wave of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2006), I investigated if, among married children, their sibling characteristics may be associated with the probability of their coresiding with the parent(s), living nearby (within a 30-minute distance from parent(s) by public transportation), or living further away. Specifically, the total numbers of sisters and brothers, the numbers of siblings coresiding with the parent(s) and living nearby, their relative position in the sibling network (first-born son, later-born son, first-born daughter, later-born daughter), and sibship existence and gender configurations (only child, son with brother(s) only, son with sister(s) only, son with both brother(s) and sister(s), daughter with brother(s) only, daughter with sister(s) only, daughter with both brother(s) and sister(s)) were evaluated in the study. For data analysis, multinomial logit models with robust standard errors were estimated using the Stata mlogit procedure. Results: Results suggest that the probability of a married child living together with the parent(s), relative to living close by, was significantly higher the more sisters he or she has. Being a son, especially first-born son, was associated with a higher probability of intergenerational coresidence compared to near residence, respectively. Also, the numbers of siblings coresiding with the parent(s) and living in close proximity were linked to a higher risk of intergenerational coresidence and near residence. Supplementary analyses revealed that the last finding was held over and above the total number of siblings, their relative position in the sibling network, as well as sibling existence and gender configurations. Conclusion: Overall, the study findings indicate that sibling characteristics have significant impacts on intergenerational living arrangement. The influence of traditional patrilineal norm of intergenerational coresidence and a trend towards modified extended family have emerged when siblings characteristics are taken into consideration as determinants of intergenerational living arrangement.
Key Words
세대 간 거주형태(intergenerational living arrangement), 세대 간 거주근접성(intergenerational residential proximity), 세대 간 동거(intergenerational coresidence), 형제자매(siblings), 장남(first-born sons), 수정확대가족(modified extended family)
A study on structural relationship of receptivity to multiculturalism, communication and marital conflict: focused on mixed couples of FFWP 다문화 수용성, 의사소통, 부부갈등의 구조적 관계에 관한 연구: 국제 결혼한 세계평화통일가정연합 신도를 대상으로
A study on structural relationship of receptivity to multiculturalism, communication and marital conflict: focused on mixed couples of FFWP 다문화 수용성, 의사소통, 부부갈등의 구조적 관계에 관한 연구: 국제 결혼한 세계평화통일가정연합 신도를 대상으로
박옥자박사졸업 Ok Ja Park , 여경환박사수료 Kyung Hwan Yeo
Objective: The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of receptivity to multiculturalism on marriage conflict of international marriage couples and mediation effect of communication between two variables. Method: The subjects are 205 individuals of mixed couples who are living in S. Korea. The mediation analysis was based on structural equation modeling followed by bootstrapping with the use of AMOS 22.0. The demographic variables are also controlled in the data analysis. Goodness-of-fit test using RMR, GFI, IFI, TLI, and CFI was conducted. Results: The study results were as follows: first, receptivity to multiculturalism had a direct effect on marital conflict and communication; second, communication had a direct effect on marital conflict; third, communication had a mediation effect between receptivity to multiculturalism and marital conflict. Conclusions: We could verify in this study that receptivity to multiculturalism and communication is the important factor for marital conflicts of mixed couples. More specifically, communication has a critical role for marriage life of mixed couples.
Key Words
다문화 수용성(Receptivity to Multiculturalism), 의사소통(Communication), 부부갈등(Marital Conflict)