Socioeconomic and intergenerational characteristics associated with marital intentions among Korean men and women in young adulthood 청년 남녀의 사회경제적 특성 및 세대관계 특성이 결혼의향에 미치는 영향
권소영 Kwon Soyoung , 강시은 Kang Sieun , 엄세원 Oum Sewon , 박지수 Park Jisoo , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Socioeconomic and intergenerational characteristics associated with marital intentions among Korean men and women in young adulthood 청년 남녀의 사회경제적 특성 및 세대관계 특성이 결혼의향에 미치는 영향
권소영 Kwon Soyoung , 강시은 Kang Sieun , 엄세원 Oum Sewon , 박지수 Park Jisoo , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Objectives: We examined which socioeconomic and intergenerational characteristics were associated with the level of intention to marry among Korean men and women in young adulthood. Method: Data came from 351 men and 391 women who were 25-34 years old, had never been married, and had at least one living parent. We conducted multiple regression analyses by gender after controlling for age and current romantic relationship. Results: Among the socioeconomic characteristics, more years of education was linked to both men`s and women`s higher levels of intention to marry. For women, having a secure, full-time job was related to greater intention to marry. For men, the higher their subjective socioeconomic status, the greater their intention to marry. Among intergenerational characteristics, both men`s and women`s positive attitudes toward supporting elderly parents were related to a higher level of intention to marry. For men, the frequency of providing instrumental support for their parents was negatively associated with the men`s intention to marry. For women, higher levels of agreement with parents` responsibility to support their adult children as well as greater affection for their parents were positively related to greater intention to marry. Conclusions: The findings suggest that young adults` socioeconomic resources and the family context are important predictors of young adults` marital intentions. The results also reveal gender differences in the factors associated with young adults` marital intentions.
Key Words
결혼의향(marital intentions), 청년(young adults), 성차(gender differences), 사회경제적 자원(socioeconomic resources), 세대 간 지원(intergenerational support), 부모자녀관계(parent-child relationships)
The caregiving stress and life satisfaction of parents of adult children with developmental disabilities: The mediating effects of family resilience and coping styles 발달장애 성인자녀를 둔 부모의 돌봄 스트레스와 삶의 만족도 -가족탄력성, 대처방식의 매개효과-
The caregiving stress and life satisfaction of parents of adult children with developmental disabilities: The mediating effects of family resilience and coping styles 발달장애 성인자녀를 둔 부모의 돌봄 스트레스와 삶의 만족도 -가족탄력성, 대처방식의 매개효과-
이원남 Lee Won Nam , 김경신 Kim Kyeong Shin
Objectives: This study was carried out in order to evaluate the overall process that the caregiving stress of parents of adult children with developmental disabilities affected their life satisfaction through the levels of family resilience, and coping styles on the basis of stress-coping-adaptation model of Lazarus and Folkman(1984). Method: For this purpose, the structured survey was conducted by 394 parents of adult children with developmental disabilities. The data was analysed by AMOS 20.0 version. Results: The findings can be summarized as follows: First, the structural equation model(SEM) analysis was conducted in order to examine the various paths that parents` caregiving stress affected their life satisfaction. The model`s goodness-of-fit was fine(x²=225.20, df=95, p=000. RMSEA=.06, TLI=.95). There were significant relationships between caregiving stress and family resilience(β=-.36, p<.001), emotion-focused coping style(β =.47, p<.001), life satisfaction(β=-.53, p<.001). Second, family resilience and emotion-focused coping showed mediating effects on the relationship between caregiving stress and life satisfaction. Conclusions: The strategies for enhancing family resilience and social services for applying effective coping methods should be expanded in order to diminish the caregiving stress of parents of adult children with developmental disabilities.
Key Words
돌봄스트레스(caregiving stress), 삶의 만족도(life satisfaction), 발달장 애 성인자녀 부모(parents of adult children with developmental disabilities), 매개효과 (mediating effect)
Providing family support and depression: Focussing on babyboom women 여성 베이비부머의 부양지원 제공과 우울
Providing family support and depression: Focussing on babyboom women 여성 베이비부머의 부양지원 제공과 우울
이여봉 Lee Yeobong
Objectives: This study observes how providing family support - financial, emotional, and instrumental - is related to depression in babyboom women. Method: I analysed data from the Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families 5th wave, collected by the Korean Women`s Development Institute. The analysis was conducted using regression, t-test, Chi-square test, frequency analysis, and Pearson`s correlation analysis. Results: Financial support for grown-up children, either married or unmarried, increases depression in babyboom women. In the dimension of instrumental support, caring for grandchildren reduces babyboom women`s depression. It implies that contact with grandchildren is perceived as an emotional support rather than a physical burden. The results of this study also show that babyboom women are comforted by living with their own parents, but not by living with parents-in-law. The most impressive observation, however, is in the dimension of emotional support, which showed that the conversation with elderly parents reduces baby-boom women`s depression, but that the conversation with married children increases it. The opposite directions in the effects seem to be related to the subjects of the conversations. The subjects of the conversation with children are mostly about problems and agenda of the children, while those with elderly parents are mainly about parents` health and care for each other. Conclusions: The results of the analyses suggest that babyboom women should become less involved with their grown-up children`s lives. It also calls for the societal efforts to be put into building up the support system, especially for eco-boom generation, to reduce babyboomer`s burden of supporting the children.
The effect of parent-young adult relationship and self-differentiation on interpersonal problems among 20s 20대 성인 남녀가 지각한 부모-자녀 관계와 자기분화가 대인관계 문제에 미치는 영향
The effect of parent-young adult relationship and self-differentiation on interpersonal problems among 20s 20대 성인 남녀가 지각한 부모-자녀 관계와 자기분화가 대인관계 문제에 미치는 영향
윤태교 Yun Taegyo , 이지민 Lee Jimin
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of parent-young adult relationship and self-differentiation on interpersonal problems among 20s. Method: The subjects were 504(195 male, 309 female) young adults in their twenties. The questionnaire was consisted of measures on the Parent-Child Relationship Instrument, Self-Differentiation Inventory, and Short form of Korean Inventory of Interpersonal Problems Circumplex. Descriptive, t-test, correlation, and hierarchical regression analyses were conducted with SPSS 23.0. Results: The major findings are as follow. First, the result showed that there were gender differences in the level of self-differentiation and interpersonal problems, while there were no differences between male and female in parent-young adult relationship. Second, correlational analyses results indicated that parent-young adult relationship was positively related with the level of self-differentiation. However parent-young adult relationship and the level of self-differentiation were negatively related with the interpersonal problems. Third, hierarchical regression analyses showed that parent-young adult relationship and the level of self-differentiation had significant influences on the interpersonal problems(moving toward people, moving against people and moving away from people among 20s). Conclusions: The results indicate that both parent-young adult relationship and the level of self-differentiation need to be considered to reduce young adults` interpersonal problems in counseling situations.
Effect of childcare center teacher`s childhood abuse experience and discipline styles, social support on childcare efficacy 보육교사의 어린시절 학대경험, 훈육방식 및 사회적지지가 보육효능감에 미치는 영향
Effect of childcare center teacher`s childhood abuse experience and discipline styles, social support on childcare efficacy 보육교사의 어린시절 학대경험, 훈육방식 및 사회적지지가 보육효능감에 미치는 영향
Objectives: The purpose of this study is investigate the influences of childhood abuse experience, discipline styles and social support on childcare efficacy according to socio-demographic backgrounds of childcare teachers. Method: For this study`s purpose, 200 childcare teachers working at children`s schools in J city were surveyed and analyzed for child abuse experience, discipline styles, social support and childcare efficacy. Frequency analysis, t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were used as study methods. Results: The results of this study are as follows. First, there were statistically significant differences in childhood abuse experiences according to the general characteristics of childcare teachers in the sub-domain of occupational position and marriage status. Second, childcare efficacy and social support were positively correlated, and discipline styles and childcare efficacy were negatively correlated, but there was no correlation between social support and abuse experience. Third, general teaching efficacy regarding childcare efficacy showed a statistical influence of physical abuse, which is a sub-variable of childhood abuse experience. The general efficacy of teaching showed a statistically significant influence on logical discipline and coercive discipline, which are sub-variables of discipline methods. The general teaching efficacy in terms of childcare efficacy showed a statistically significant influence in the family variable which is a sub-variable of social support. The personal teaching efficacy within childcare efficacy showed a statistically significant influence in the logical discipline, a sub-variable of physical abuse, and disciple styles, a sub-variable of childhood abuse experience. Conclusion: From these findings, childcare teachers` childhood abuse experience was a factor affecting childcare efficacy in discipline, social support, and sub-variables. Therefore, it is necessary to remedy the effects of childhood abuse experience, encourage appropriate discipline styles, and to encourage social support in order to improve the childcare efficacy among childcare teachers.
A case study on a couple who overcame a crisis of divorce - Focused on the experience of IMAGO relationship therapy - 이혼 위기를 극복한 부부의 사례연구 - 이마고 부부관계치료 경험을 중심으로 -
A case study on a couple who overcame a crisis of divorce - Focused on the experience of IMAGO relationship therapy - 이혼 위기를 극복한 부부의 사례연구 - 이마고 부부관계치료 경험을 중심으로 -
변은주 Byun Eun Joo
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate and confirm the main factors of IMAGO relationship therapy(IRT) which influences overcoming a crisis of divorce, the role of the Imago relationship therapist and the changes made by the couple themselves in the process of the therapy. Method: This case study was based on the interviews with a couple who had participated in ten sessions of IRT. The couple who had been in the middle of a divorce lawsuit withdrew their suit after the therapy. The Interviews were conducted twice on the couple. The data from the interviews were analyzed by using constant comparative analysis, open coding method and Miles & Huberman`s network display. Results: The findings of the study were as follows. Firstly, the factors influencing overcoming a crisis of divorce included preparation for the Imago dialogue and the structure of the Imago dialogue. Secondly, the role of the therapist was providing safety and confidence, deepening couple`s conversations, and building the connectedness of the couple. Thirdly, the changes evident after the therapy included awareness of the influence of the original family, new image formation for each spouse, intimacy restoration and a changed perspective. Conclusions: Based on the findings, the study can contribute to healthy relational progress of married couples in conflict by developing the conditions to effectively apply the IRT. In addition, this study can be used to equip therapists with necessary tools and abilities for the therapy.
Key Words
이혼위기 극복(overcome a crisis of divorce) 이마고 부부관계치료, (IMAGO Relationship Therapy, IRT), 사례연구(case study)