The Effect of family stress on psychological well-being in middle-aged: mediating effects of family resilience and depression 중년기의 가족스트레스가 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향: 가족탄력성과 우울의 매개효과
The Effect of family stress on psychological well-being in middle-aged: mediating effects of family resilience and depression 중년기의 가족스트레스가 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향: 가족탄력성과 우울의 매개효과
류정남 Ryu Jungnam , 이지민 Lee Jimin
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the mediating effects of family resilience and depression in a relation between family stress and psychological well-being among middle-aged. Method: The subjects were 409 of men and women between 40 to 59 living in D and G province. They completed the questionnaire on family stress, family resilience, depression, and psychological well-being. Correlation and structural equation models of SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 22.0 were used to examine the relations between the variables. Results: The results are as follows. First, family stress had no significant effect on psychological well-being of middle age men and women, while it directly influenced on family resilience and depression. Second, family resilience and depression had direct influence on psychological well-being. Third, there were significant mediating effects of family resilience and depression in a relationship between family stress and psychological well-being. Conclusions: Family stress has an indirect effect on psychological well-being among middle age men and women mediated by family resilience and depression. The result suggest that psychological well-being influenced by family stress can be improved by enhancing Family Resilience and reducing Depression.
The structural relationship among parenting attitudes, peer attachment, resiliency and meaning in life 청소년이 지각한 부모양육태도, 또래애착 및 탄력성과 삶의 의미간의 구조적 관계
정숙회 Jung Sukhae
Objectives: The major purpose of the study is to examine structural relation among teenager`s perception of parenting attitudes, peer attachment, resilience and meaning in life. In order to achieve purpose of the study, we will develop reliable criterion which can measure variable. Method: We will set up structural relational model from relationship between internal and external variables that can influence teenager`s meaning in life and we will examine the relationship between variables through structural equation analysis. we will find structural relationship among parenting attitudes, peer attachment, resilience and meaning in life. Results: We analyzed structural relationship among variables targeting 744 middle school and high school students. Teenager`s perception of parenting attitudes have positive influence on peer attachment. This shows that teenager perception of fostering attitude have a positive influence even though teenager percepts parent`s foster attitude as overprotective or compassionate. However, if teenager percept fostering attitude as overprotective, teenager perception of parenting attitudes doesn`t have influence on resilience. Parent`s compassionate attitude not only directly influence resilience but also influence resilience through peer attachment. This validates that individual psychological factor, such as how teenager accept and interpret surrounding environment can influence resilience. Peer attachment relationship not only directly influence resilience but also influence meaning of life through resilience. The resilience has direct effect on meaning in life. Conclusions: When one of education goal is to help teenager to find meaning in life and to reach self-realization, We need to have interest in resilience which is known factor for contributing meaning in life. As previous teenager studies has approached this problem, such as maladjustment, delinquency, and depression, it is significant that this study is examined in positive a psychological perspective which focus on healthy adjustment, such as meaning in life based on teenager`s resilience and happiness.
Key Words
부모양육태도(parenting attitudes), 또래애착(peer attachment), 탄력성 (resiliency), 삶의 의미(meaning in life), 구조방정식 모형(structural equation modeling)
The mediating effect of marital communication on the relationship between parenting attitude and marital intimacy of middle-aged married women 중년 기혼여성이 지각하는 원가족 부모의 양육태도와 부부친밀감과의 관계에서 부부의사소통의 매개효과
The mediating effect of marital communication on the relationship between parenting attitude and marital intimacy of middle-aged married women 중년 기혼여성이 지각하는 원가족 부모의 양육태도와 부부친밀감과의 관계에서 부부의사소통의 매개효과
김희정 Kim Heejeong , 김용수 Kim Yongsoo
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between parenting attitudes and martial intimacy and was to examine the mediating effect of marital communication in order to provide effective help to improve marital intimacy of middle-aged married women who have difficulty in marital relationship. Method: The subjects of this study were 229 married women aged 40-59. Statistical analysis of this study was performed using the SPSS 18.0 program. Results: The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, Pearson `s correlation analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship between parenting attitude, marital intimacy, and marital communication and the results were statistically significant. Second, the three - step hierarchical regression analysis proposed by Baron and Kenny (1986) was conducted to examine the mediating effect of marital communication on the relationship between parenting attitudes and marital intimacy, it was confirmed that marital communication was partially mediated between parenting attitudes and marital intimacy. Conclusion: This study is meaningful in that it was confirmed that marital communication was partially mediated between parenting attitudes and marital intimacy.
Key Words
중년 기혼여성(middle-aged married women), 부부친밀감(martial intimacy), 원가족 부모의 양육태도(parenting attitude), 부부 의사소통(martial communication)
A meta-analysis of parental factors on psychological & social maladjustment of school-aged children 부모요인이 학령기 아동의 심리·사회적 부적응에 미치는 영향에 대한 메타분석
A meta-analysis of parental factors on psychological & social maladjustment of school-aged children 부모요인이 학령기 아동의 심리·사회적 부적응에 미치는 영향에 대한 메타분석
김대광 Kim Dae-kwang , 김영희 Kim Yeong-hee
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to conduct a meta analysis of the previous studies on parental factors related to psychological and social maladjustment of school children and to examine the moderate effects of publication year using the meta-regression analysis. Method: Subjects of studies was academic journals and thesis published on 1996-Feb. 2016. Final result of selection was 353(122 journal articles, 231 master`s thesis & dissertations) and total number of sampling was 126,776 school children. Results: Parental factors had medium effect sizes on psychological and social maladjustment of school children. Parental risk factors had bigger effect size than protective factors on children`s maladjustment. There were a tendency that effect size of some parental factors were increased as publish year went by. Conclusions: Attachment, positive communication, and positive marital relationship were major protective factors which had reduced maladjustment of children. Psychological control and negative marital relationship were the strongest risk factors. The impact on parental factors on maladjustment of children were getting stronger recently.
Key Words
메타분석(meta-analysis), 부모요인(parental factors), 심리적 부적응 (psychological maladjustment), 사회적 부적응(social maladjustment)
Mothers` experiences using maternity and parental leave 영유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 출산전후휴가 및 육아휴직제도 이용 경험
Mothers` experiences using maternity and parental leave 영유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 출산전후휴가 및 육아휴직제도 이용 경험
손서희 Son Seohee
Objectives: While employed mothers` use of maternity and parental leave has increased, the contexts that facilitate or hinder mothers` leave policy use have been under examined. The purpose of this study was to explore mothers` experiences of using maternity and parental leave. Method: Twenty-two mothers with young child under age three participated in this study. Results: All 22 mothers used maternity leave and 12 mothers used parental leave. Three main themes were identified: different experiences of maternity leave, experiences of parental leave, and skepticism about the leave policy but with some hope that it will improve. Regarding the mothers` experiences of maternity leave, the mothers thought that maternity leave was easily accessible but some mothers still felt guilty for using maternity leave. They also prepared for their work gap before the leave to avoid harming their colleagues. Accessibility to parental leave varied according to the characteristics of the organizations (i.e., family-friendly organization culture, supportive supervisor) and family contexts (i.e., availability of child care from family members, financial issues). The mothers perceived that while parental leave helps working mothers coordinate their family and work life, it is not as accessible as maternity leave in Korea. They suggested extending the maternity leave duration and improving accessibility to parental leave. Conclusions: These findings suggest that policy support is warranted to help employed mothers with young children remain in the workforce. This study also has implications for supporting employed mothers` work and family life.
Key Words
가족친화제도(family friendly policy), 여성의 노동시장 참여(labor market participation of women), 육아휴직(parental leave), 출산전후휴가(maternity leave)
Structural relationships among work-family balance, resilience, job satisfaction, parenting self efficacy, and happiness of double income couples with 3-5 years old child(ren) 유아기 맞벌이 부부의 일-가족균형, 회복탄력성이 행복에 미치는 영향: 직무만족도와 양육효능감의 매개효과
Structural relationships among work-family balance, resilience, job satisfaction, parenting self efficacy, and happiness of double income couples with 3-5 years old child(ren) 유아기 맞벌이 부부의 일-가족균형, 회복탄력성이 행복에 미치는 영향: 직무만족도와 양육효능감의 매개효과
하쾌남 Ha Kwaenam , 정민자 Jung Min-ja
Objective: The purpose of this study is to verify the structural relationships among work-family balance, resilience, job satisfaction, parenting self-efficacy and happiness of double income couples with 3~5 years child(ren). Method: This study distributed structured self-reported questionnaires and used the data of 229 couples with 3~5 years child(ren) for an analysis. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted for checking the measurement unity and a structural equation model was performed to reveal the structural relationship using AMOS software. Results: In a structural relationships among work-family balance, resilience, job satisfaction, parenting self-efficacy and happiness, a total of 13 paths appeared significant. The influence of the husband on the wife was more significant than that of the wife on the husband, and resilience was found to have a strong influence on the happiness of wife and husband. The work-family balance was different for wife and husband. Conclusion: These results suggest that it is necessary to develop various programs and approaches for the development of resilience to promote their happiness. As a policy direction in the future, with a goal of a shift to the paradigm, `raising children together,` an institutional support should be prepared for the concretization of the formation and practice of the value of co-parenting children.