The influence of fathers’ and mothers’ depression and drinking behavior on children’s development: The mediated role of family functioning and the moderated role of child sex 아버지와 어머니의 우울과 음주 행동이 아동의 발달에 미치는 영향: 가족 기능의 매개 효과와 아동 성별의 조절 효과
The influence of fathers’ and mothers’ depression and drinking behavior on children’s development: The mediated role of family functioning and the moderated role of child sex 아버지와 어머니의 우울과 음주 행동이 아동의 발달에 미치는 영향: 가족 기능의 매개 효과와 아동 성별의 조절 효과
서고운 Suh Go Woon
Objectives: The study examined the mediated role of family functioning in the relation between fathers’ and mothers’ depression and drinking behaviors, and children’s internalizing/externalizing problems and peer-play behavior. Methods: The study utilized data from the Panel Study on Korean Children(PSKC), namely Wave 5 data(N=1,703) for parental depression and drinking behavior, Wave 6 data(N=1,662) for family functioning, and Wave 7 data(N=1,620) for children’s internalizing/externalizing problems and peer-play behavior. Results: Mothers’ perceived family functioning mediated the relation between parental depression and boys’ internalizing/externalizing problems. Second, fathers’ perceived family functioning mediated the relation between parental depression and children’s peer-play behavior. Third, only when both parents engaged in an aboveaverage level of drinking behavior, did father perceive that their family functioning was low. Conclusions: This study showed the mediated effect of family functioning in the influence of parental depression and drinking behavior on children’s developmental outcomes. The study ditermined that fathers and mothers played different roles in children’s development, and found different mechanisms related to parental depression and their drinking behavior.
Key Words
한국아동패널연구(PSKC), 부모의 우울(parental depression), 부모의 음주 행동(parental drinking behaviors), 가족 기능(family functioning), 내재화/외현화 문, 제행동(internalizing/externalizing problems), 또래 놀이 행동(peer-play behaviors)
Mediating effect of family cohesion on the relations between the stress cognition of adolescents of single parent families and problem-focused coping behavior 한부모가족 청소년이 인지하는 스트레스와 문제해결적 대처행동 관계에서 가족응집력의 매개효과
Mediating effect of family cohesion on the relations between the stress cognition of adolescents of single parent families and problem-focused coping behavior 한부모가족 청소년이 인지하는 스트레스와 문제해결적 대처행동 관계에서 가족응집력의 매개효과
박경원 Park Kyeong Won , 김경신 Kim Kyeong Shin
Objectives: The purposes of this study were to investigate the influence of stress cognition of adolescents in a single-parent family on their problem-focused coping behaviors, and to verify the mediating effect of family cohesion between stress cognition and their problem-focused coping behaviors. Method: A survey was conducted on middle school students in Gwangju, and the responses of 404 participants were used in the analysis. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 21.0 program. Results: The results of this study were as follows: First, stress cognition had a negative influence on the problem-focused coping behaviors of the adolescents of single-parent family. Second, family cohesion completely mediated the effects of stress cognition on this problem-focused coping behaviors. Conclusions: This study suggests that it is necessary to improve the function of family cohesion in order to improve the problem-focused coping behaviors of adolescents in single-parent families.
The influence of children’s values, parent-child interaction, and family cohesion and flexibility on paternal and maternal warmth and control parenting 자녀가치, 부모-자녀 상호작용, 가족응집성과 유연성이 부모의 온정적, 통제적 양육행동에 미치는 영향: 부모와의 애착, 자존감 및 자아탄력성을 중심으로
The influence of children’s values, parent-child interaction, and family cohesion and flexibility on paternal and maternal warmth and control parenting 자녀가치, 부모-자녀 상호작용, 가족응집성과 유연성이 부모의 온정적, 통제적 양육행동에 미치는 영향: 부모와의 애착, 자존감 및 자아탄력성을 중심으로
옥경희 Ok Kyunghee
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of children‘s values, parent-child interaction, family cohesion and flexibility on paternal and maternal warmth and control parenting. Method: The sample used in this study included 806 parents of boys and 748 of girls who were first married couples and living together in the 6th wave of the Panel Study on Korean Children(PSKC). Hierarchical regression analyses were used to identify the effect of predictable variances on paternal and maternal parenting. Results: Variables found to have a statistically significant effect on parenting differed in terms of warmth and control parenting. Fathers who engaged in playing with their children were found to have a strong effect on paternal warmth parenting, whereas participation in children’s activities has the strongest effect on maternal warmth parenting. Conclusions: This study suggested that there were differences in paternal and maternal warmth and control parenting according to the gender of the child. Further implications were discussed for exploring maternal and paternal parenting of young children.
Key Words
온정적, 통제적 양육행동(warmth, control parenting), 자녀가치(values of children), 부모-자녀 상호작용(parent-child interaction), 가족응집성과 유연성(family cohesion, flexibility)
Critical analysis on discourse of Single-Person Households in Korean newspapers: Implications to family studies 일인가구를 둘러싼 신문기사분석 : 가족학 연구에 관한 시사점을 중심으로
김영주 Kim Young Joo , 변유정 Byun Yu Jung , 차승은 Cha Seung-eun
Critical analysis on discourse of Single-Person Households in Korean newspapers: Implications to family studies 일인가구를 둘러싼 신문기사분석 : 가족학 연구에 관한 시사점을 중심으로
김영주 Kim Young Joo , 변유정 Byun Yu Jung , 차승은 Cha Seung-eun
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to critically review the recent discourse on single-person households (SPH) that appeared in Korean newspapers. Specifically, we analyzed articles in five major daily newspapers, which are representative of the media in Korean society, and examined the types of titles, subjects, and contents of articles in which SPH were mentioned. Method: For this purpose, 538 articles on SPH or “living alone” that appeared in the five major Korean newspapers during 2011-2017 were analyzed using content analysis methods. Results: Our analysis revealed eight major topics(living arrangement and household characteristics; financial instruments; food, clothing, and housing culture; policy; welfare; relationships; safety; values and attitudes). The results show that there is a surge of articles portraying neutral images of SPH in Korean newspapers, thereby emphasizing the recent growth in the number of SPH and the information relating to this population group. Although negative images of SPH continue to exist in the discourse, in recent times we found these attitudes to have become less prevalent compared to neutral images or even positive discourse. We also found that the discourse on these topics and arguments can be divided into four themes- the diversity of SPHs, the solo economy for single households, safety issues, and social relationships. Conclusions: Theoretical and policy implications on family studies relating to SPH are discussed.
The effects of sociodemographic, parental, and personal variables on depression among university students: Focus on attachment to parents, self-esteem, and ego resilience 인구사회학적 변인, 부모 및 개인 변인이 대학생의 우울에 미치는 영향: 부모와의 애착, 자존감 및 자아탄력성을 중심으로
The effects of sociodemographic, parental, and personal variables on depression among university students: Focus on attachment to parents, self-esteem, and ego resilience 인구사회학적 변인, 부모 및 개인 변인이 대학생의 우울에 미치는 영향: 부모와의 애착, 자존감 및 자아탄력성을 중심으로
심정연 Sim Jeong Yeon , 윤경자 Yoon Gyung-ja
Objectives: The study aims to examine the influence of university students’ sociodemographic variables, parents’ variables, and personal variables on their level of depression. Method: The study included a total of 334 university students enrolled in Busan. The data were used to perform correlational analysis and hierarchical regression analysis and were processed using the SPSS 23.0 program. Results: The main results of this study were as follows: First, the hierarchical regression analyses revealed that the most influential model was the model of personal variables. Among the personal variables, self-esteem was the most influential factor responsible for university students developing depression―the higher their level of self-esteem, the lower their level of depression. Among the parent variables, attachment to their father was the second most significant influence on the depression level of university students. Conclusions: This study showed that, in addition to attachment to their father, their self-esteem was highly significant in predicting university students’ depression. The results of these findings have implications for future research in the form of programs and education to improve the relationship with fathers. Furthermore, the results of this study could be used to help and provide basic resources to alleviate and prevent university students’ depression by strengthening their self-esteem.
Key Words
대학생(university student), 우울(depression), 부모에 대한 애착(attachment to parent), 부모양육방식(parental rearing style), 자아탄력성(ego-resilience), 자아존중감(self-esteem)
The effects of residential proximity on parents' mental and physical health: Parental age and the adult child’s gender as moderators 세대 간 거주근접성과 부모의 정신 및 신체 건강 : 부모 연령, 성인자녀 성별의 조절효과분석
The effects of residential proximity on parents' mental and physical health: Parental age and the adult child’s gender as moderators 세대 간 거주근접성과 부모의 정신 및 신체 건강 : 부모 연령, 성인자녀 성별의 조절효과분석
남보람 Nam Boram , 최희정 Choi Heejeong
Objectives: This study examined the effects of residential proximity to adult children on the mental and physical health of middle-aged and older parents. The study also evaluated whether the parental age and gender of the adult child in closest proximity to the parent might moderate the association. Method: Data were drawn from five waves of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging(2006-2014). The analytic sample consisted of 7,359 parents aged 45 or older who had at least one non-coresidential adult child aged 19 or older. The analyses were conducted by estimating a series of fixed effects models while adjusting for the nested structure of the data. Results: The results showed that first, a closer distance between an adult child and the parent was generally associated with the parent experiencing a decrease in depressive symptoms. Yet, the mental health benefit was smaller for parents aged 65 years or older whose closest living adult child was a son. Second, a closer distance was observed to affect chronic illness only among middle-aged parents (aged 45 to 64). When the closest living adult child was a daughter, the middle-aged parent experienced deterioration in their chronic illness. On the other hand, the opposite pattern was observed when the closest living adult child was a son. Conclusions: The parental age and gender of the adult child in closest proximity to the parent might have varying effects on parents’ health. A closer distance between an adult child and their parent has a positive impact on the mental health of the parent as a whole, whereas the effect of living closer was mixed in relation to the parental physical health.
Key Words
세대관계(intergenerational relationships), 세대 간 거주근접성(intergenerational residential proximity), 우울(depressive symptoms, CES-D10), 만성질환(chronic illness), 건강(health)
Factors affecting the intention of Chinese and Vietnamese migrant women to have a second child: Comparison between the “National Survey on the Multi-Cultural Families” of 2009 and 2015 중국, 베트남 결혼이주여성의 둘째자녀 출산의도 영향요인: 2009년, 2015년 전국다문화가족실태조사의 비교
Factors affecting the intention of Chinese and Vietnamese migrant women to have a second child: Comparison between the “National Survey on the Multi-Cultural Families” of 2009 and 2015 중국, 베트남 결혼이주여성의 둘째자녀 출산의도 영향요인: 2009년, 2015년 전국다문화가족실태조사의 비교
Objectives: This study examined the differences in the intention of having a second child and the related factors among Chinese and Vietnamese migrant women from the perspective of adaptation theory. Methods: Data were drawn from the National Survey on Multi-Cultural Families in 2009 and 2015. Among the total 7,615 married migrant women (Korean-Chinese, Chinese-Han, Vietnamese), those within the age group 20-39 within the first 5 years of marriage who had one child were selected. A frequency analysis, chi-squared test, and logit regression analysis were performed. Results: Different ethnic groups had different reasons for having a second child and the related factors also differed between 2009 and 2015. In 2009, after controlling the related variables, the intention of Korean-Chinese and Chinese-Han married immigrant women to have a second child was higher than that of Vietnamese women, but no such difference was found in 2015. Participation in their local community, first marriage, the gender of the first child, and whether they were living with their parents-in-law were associated with the intention of migrant women having a second child in the 2009 analysis model but these factors were not significant in the 2015 analysis model. In the latter model, the household income, a variable related to economic conditions, has a positive effect on the intention of having a second child. Conclusions: The significance of this study supports adaptation theory by addressing the similarity in the childbirth intention between recently married immigrant women and Korean women.
Key Words
둘째자녀 출산의도(the intention of having a second child), 적응이론(adaptation theory), 중국 결혼이주여성(Chinese migrant women), 베트남 결혼이주여성(Vietnamese migrant women), 다문화가족실태조사(National Survey on the Multi-Cultural Families)
Migrant husbands’ relationship with their in-laws in South Korea 결혼이주남성이 경험한 처가와의 관계에 관한 질적 연구
Migrant husbands’ relationship with their in-laws in South Korea 결혼이주남성이 경험한 처가와의 관계에 관한 질적 연구
곽윤경 Kwak Yoonkyung , 이민영 Lee Min Young
Objectives: The study aims to develop an understanding of the experience of migrant husbands with their South Korean in-laws, specifically from the perspective of migrant husbands from developing countries who reside in South Korea. Method: In total, 13 semi-structured interviews were carried out. Results: The themes drawn from the interview data were “attempting to be accepted as sons-in-law by the in-laws,” “interacting closely with in-laws,” and “building a nest of their own.” When it comes to “struggling to be recognized as sons-in-law” by their Korean families, the migrant husbands in this study met with a high level of opposition from in-laws and sometimes their own family members, made considerable efforts to be accepted as sons-in-law, and then were finally accepted as sons-in-law (although not every migrant husband achieved this). Regarding “interacting closely with in-laws,” migrant husbands tried to be recognized as real family members, became hyoja (filial sons) for the sake of their wives and children, and felt a burden about mismatched expectations regarding family roles and obligations. Regarding the final theme, “building a nest of their own,” the men tried to be themselves, to attain an equal position to their in-laws, and to maintain a moderate distance between themselves and their in-laws. Conclusions: The study has significant implications for existing government programs designed for multicultural families and how they can be made more inclusive, as well as how new programs can help to improve the relationships between Korean in-laws and migrant husbands.