The acceptance of family diversity among college students and related variables 대학생이 인식하는 가족 다양성 수용도에 영향을 미치는 요인
이선영 Lee Seon-yeong , 정유진 Jeong Yu-jin
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the acceptance of family diversity among college students and related variables. Method: Data were collected by a structured questionnaire with 280 students who attended in three universities located in J province. SPSS Statistics Program version 24.0 was used to analyze the collected data. To answer the research questions, descriptive statistics, t-test, F-test, Pearson’s correlation analyses, and regression analyses were performed. Results: The major results of the survey were summarized as below. First, the acceptance of family diversity among college students was slightly higher than the middle level(M=12.11). Most students accepted nuclear family as a typical family. More than half of the students accepted single parent families, adaptive families, step families, unmarried mother families, childless couples, homosexual families, elderly women living alone, and families composed of siblings as a family. Second, there was a significant difference by religiosity. Students without religion were higher than their counterparts with religion in a level of family diversity acceptance. Among the individual factors, third, a level of traditional family value had a significant negative effect on a level of family diversity acceptance. And perspective taking had a positive effect on a level of family diversity acceptance. Fourth, among the family factors, parent-child open communication did not affect a level of family diversity acceptance. However, parents’ gender egalitarian beliefs had a significant positive effect on a level of family diversity acceptance. Lastly, regarding the relative effects of the personal and family factors, the traditional family value had the largest effect on a level of family diversity acceptance among college students. Conclusions: Base on these results, the implications and limitations of the study were discussed.
Key Words
가족 다양성 수용도, acceptance of family diversity, 전통적 가족주의 가치관, tradition family value, 조망수용능력, perspective taking, 부모-자녀 개방형 의사소통, parent-child open communication, 부모의 양성평등의식, parents’ gender egalitarian beliefs
A study on the experience of the victim about spouse who completed domestic violence offender intervention program 배우자의 가해자 교정·치료 프로그램 이수에 대한 피해자의 경험연구
강진아 Kang Jina , 신지영 Shin Jiyoung , 이현숙 Lee Hyunsook , 제오복 Je Obok , 조명숙 Cho Myungsook , 진희경 Jin Heekyung
A study on the experience of the victim about spouse who completed domestic violence offender intervention program 배우자의 가해자 교정·치료 프로그램 이수에 대한 피해자의 경험연구
강진아 Kang Jina , 신지영 Shin Jiyoung , 이현숙 Lee Hyunsook , 제오복 Je Obok , 조명숙 Cho Myungsook , 진희경 Jin Heekyung
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to focus on the phenomenon of spouses experienced by offenders after completing the offender intervention program. Method: For this purpose, among the offenders who received the decision of counsel (counseling order) accused by domestic violence, who the other spouse selected case without counseling. After the in - depth interviews with the 9 participants, the collected data were analyzed by Colazzi 's phenomenological study method. Results: Major research findings can be summarized as follows. Category 1 was "Experiences about causes of violence", category 2 was "Experiences with forms of violence", category 3 was "What I wanted about my spouse when I called the police", category 4 was "What I wanted for myself when I reported to the police", category 5 was "the situation of the offender after completing the offender intervention program", category 6 was "what I experienced after completing the offender intervention program" and category 7 was "Experiences for Follow-up consultation needs". Conclusions: Based on the results of the research, counseling for perpetrators who are violent actors needed a therapeutic approach not only to strengthen the temporary punishment but also to help the family recovery on a continuous and sustainable level. Therefore, the implications of policy intervention for domestic violence were suggested.
Review on cohabitation and LAT(Living Apart Together) couple relationship as a postdivorce partnership 이혼 후 파트너십으로서의 동거와 이중주거 커플관계(LAT)
임춘희 Lim Choon Hee
Objectives: This study was to examine literature on postdivorce partnership focused on cohabiting & Living Apart Together(LAT) and prospect postdivorce partnership in Korea in the near future. Method: For this study, domestic and foreign literature were reviewed especially on recent studies on living apart together(LAT). Results: Reviewed overseas studies showed that studies on cohabitation and Living Apart Together(LAT) were increased and prevalent in the divorced as an alternative marriage type following divorce partnership and many research have been proceeded on definition and classification and dynamics in those relationships. Especially studies are on the rise recently on LAT with importance demographically and academically among middle and older people. In comparison to overseas studies, very little research on partnership following divorce, especially on LAT in Korea. Conclusion: Considering increasing divorce rate rapidly in the milddle aged in Korea, it is expected that LAT following divorce might be emerged in the divorced in Korea. Therefore, it is needed to pay a lot of attention to cohabitation following divorce and Living Apart Together(LAT) as a postdivorce partnership and as an alternative type of marriage and to be treated as a significant phenomenon socially and academically.
Key Words
이혼, divorce, 이혼 후 파트너십, postdivorce partnership, 동거, cohabitation, 이중주거 커플관계, Living Apart Together
A study on variables that affect women's divorce intention 여성의 이혼의향에 영향을 미치는 관련변인 연구
A study on variables that affect women's divorce intention 여성의 이혼의향에 영향을 미치는 관련변인 연구
서영숙 Seo Young Suk , 김경신 Kim Kyeong Shin
Objectives: This study aimed to examine the general tendencies of women’s divorce intention and to analyze the related variables that affect women’s divorce intention. It would help explore the conditions for prevention or intervention of divorce. Methods: For this purpose, the structured survey was conducted by 521 married women aged between 20 and 70 living in Jeollanam-do and Gwangju. The data was analysed by SPSS 21.0 program. Results: First, the average score of divorce intention was 2.04, which was lower than the middle. The average score of self-differentiation, marital communication efficiency, reasonable coping, and social support were a bit higher than the median score. Second, the differences in the divorce intention according to the academic background and household income were statistically significant. Third, marital communication efficiency had the biggest effect on divorce intention and it was followed by avoidance-oriented behavior, reasonable coping, support from the local community, self-differentiation, and household income. Conclusion: It is very important to understand the various factors related to divorce intention especially in individual, marital, social aspects. In addition, it is actually required to develop the couple programs about coping strategies, effective couple communication and problem-solving methods. It also have to imply the requirements considering psychological, social aspects such as self-differentiation and social support.
Key Words
이혼의향, divorce intention, 자아분화, self-differentiation, 부부의사소통효율성, marital communication efficiency, 부부갈등대처, coping with marital conflict
Psychometrics of a Korean intergenerational psychological ambivalence scale for young adult children 한국판 세대 간 심리적 양가성 척도 타당화: 청년자녀를 중심으로
Psychometrics of a Korean intergenerational psychological ambivalence scale for young adult children 한국판 세대 간 심리적 양가성 척도 타당화: 청년자녀를 중심으로
이진경 Lee Jeenkyoung , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Objective: In this study, we examined the psychometric properties of the Korean Intergenerational Psychological Ambivalence Scale (KIPAS) for young adult children. Method: Data came from 1,140 Korean young adults aged 19-34, who were never married and had at least one living parent. We translated the individual-subjective dimension of Zygowicz's (2006) Intergenerational Ambivalence Scale from English to Korean. The individual-subjective dimension had eight items that directly measured intergenerational psychological ambivalence (D-KIPAS) and 10 items that indirectly measured intergenerational psychological ambivalence (I-KIPAS). Results: The D-KIPAS and I-KIPAS items showed good internal consistency both for the mother and the father. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that D-KIPAS items loaded on one factor after controlling for method effects, which allowed error variances among the four non-reversed items to covary. Both the positive and negative items of I-KIPAS had good reliability and loaded on the same factor. The mean score of D-KIPAS and the calculated score of I-KIPAS were significantly but moderately correlated, which indicates that the D-KIPAS and I-KIPAS assess correlated but distinct aspects of intergenerational ambivalence. Correlations among D-KIPAS, I-KIPAS, and the proxy variables of intergenerational solidarity and conflict supported the discriminant validity of the KIPAS. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that both D-KIPAS and I-KIPAS are reliable and valid tools to measure intergenerational psychological ambivalence among Korean young adults.
Key Words
세대 간 양가성, intergenerational ambivalence, 세대관계, intergenerational relations, 심리적 양가성, psychological ambivalence, 청년, emerging adults, young adults
A generational comparison of young adults' needs for family strengths and functions : A study on 1st and 2nd echoboomers 청년층 세대 비교로 살펴본 가족 건강성과 기능 요구도: 1차 및 2차 에코부머를 중심으로
A generational comparison of young adults' needs for family strengths and functions : A study on 1st and 2nd echoboomers 청년층 세대 비교로 살펴본 가족 건강성과 기능 요구도: 1차 및 2차 에코부머를 중심으로
강민지 Kang Min Ji , 유계숙 Yoo Gye Sook
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the first echo boomer to second in the needs for family strengths and family functions, after controlling the sociodemographic characteristics. Method: For this study, a survey was conducted with 406 never-married young adults, which has 182 first echo boomers and 224 seconds echo boomers as using the same self-report questionnaire. Results: First, the two echo boomer groups exhibited similar patterns in their perception of the three family strengths, positive family values, pursuit of coexistence, and spiritual value, in that order. On the other hand, in regard to family functions, groups’ perceived emotion·entertainment·leisure function as core functions of the family, but the second echo boomers, unlike the first echo boomers, expressed a higher need for economic functions rather than functions for children generation. Second, the analysis of this study indicated that, even in cases where first and second echo boomers had the same social-demographic characteristics, the latter in contrast with the former tended not to regard spiritual values such love for shared ethical values, compassion, and religious beliefs as a family strength, and did not require functions for children generation of the family. Conclusions: From these findings, the differences in the needs for family strengths and functions expressed by the two generations belonging to two different birth cohorts were influenced by various changes in Korean society occurring between the two generations, such as the social divergence in the functions of care and nurture, the increase in one-person and childless households, and the weakening of kinship-centered or communitarian forms of familism.
Key Words
에코부머, echo boomers, 가족의 기능, family functions, 가족 건강성, family strengths, 코호트, cohort, 청년, young adults, 세대 비교, generational comparison
The effect of care burden on depression among mothers of children with developmental disabilities - The role of social support as a moderator - 발달장애 자녀 어머니의 양육부담이 우울에 미치는 영향 : 사회적 지지의 조절효과를 중심으로
박수경 Park Soo Kyung , 김보경 Kim Bo Kyung , 송지연 Song Ji Yeon , 남지현 Nam Ji Hyun
The effect of care burden on depression among mothers of children with developmental disabilities - The role of social support as a moderator - 발달장애 자녀 어머니의 양육부담이 우울에 미치는 영향 : 사회적 지지의 조절효과를 중심으로
박수경 Park Soo Kyung , 김보경 Kim Bo Kyung , 송지연 Song Ji Yeon , 남지현 Nam Ji Hyun
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of care burden among mothers of children with developmental disabilities on depression and the moderating effects of formal and informal social support. Method: The self-report questionnaires were administered to 200 mothers of children with developmental disabilities (aged 6∼20 years) in pre-adulthood in Gyeongi-do. A hierarchical regression analysis was conducted. Result: First, There is a need to provide a mental health program that can relieve depression. Second, Individualized intervention strategies for mothers' psychological counseling and support programs for intensive case management and parenting stress management programs are needed. Third, Individual visit case management is required. In addition, it is necessary to expand the eligibility for care services and to maintain long-term programs. Conclusion: The findings suggested that there is a need to provide mothers with not only personal assistance program but also services such as mothers' psychological counseling, peer mentor program, and parenting stress management.
Key Words
발달장애, developmental disability, 양육부담, care burden, 우울, depression, 공식적 사회적 지지, formal social support, 비공식적 사회적 지지, informal social support
The effect of family relations on adolescents’ social competence: examining the mediating role of ego-resilience 가족관계가 청소년의 사회적 유능성에 미치는 영향: 자아탄력성의 매개효과
The effect of family relations on adolescents’ social competence: examining the mediating role of ego-resilience 가족관계가 청소년의 사회적 유능성에 미치는 영향: 자아탄력성의 매개효과
오은정 Oh Eunjung , 여종일 Yuh Jongil
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of family relations on adolescents’ social competence. Furthermore, this study aimed to examine the mediating role of ego-resilience between those factors. Method: Two hundred and ninety-nine high school students completed measures of family cohesion, family expressiveness, ego-resilience, and social competence. T-tests, correlation and regression analyses were conducted. Results: The results reveled that family cohesion, family expressiveness, and ego-resilience were positively related to social competence. The results also revealed that family cohesion and expressiveness were significantly predicted social competence, emphasizing the role of family relations. Moreover, the association of family cohesion and expressiveness with adolescents’ social competence was partially mediated by ego-resilience. Conclusions: The findings suggests that family cohesion and expressiveness contributes to adolescents’ social competence directly and indirectly through ego-resilience. Results were discussed in terms of their implications for intervention to enhance social competence among adolescents.
Key Words
가족응집성, family cohesion, 가족표현력, family expressiveness, 자아 탄력성, ego-resilience, 사회적 유능성, social competence
An exploratory study on factors related to types of never-married among adult men and women 성인 비혼 남녀의 비혼 유형 관련 요인 탐색 연구
An exploratory study on factors related to types of never-married among adult men and women 성인 비혼 남녀의 비혼 유형 관련 요인 탐색 연구
김지유 Kim Ji-yu , 조희선 Cho Hee-sun
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to classify never-married types of adult men and women and explore factors related to these types. Never-married types were categorized into 4 types according to continuity and voluntariness: continuous voluntary type; changed voluntary type; continuous non-voluntary type; and changed non-voluntary type. Factors related to types of being single were examined in terms of socio-demographic factors, individual and psychological factors (self-esteem, depression), dating relationship factors (current relationship status), original family factors (parental conflict, relationship with parents, parents’ demand for marriage), marriage related factors (division of roles after marriage), and occupation related factors (work values, employment instability). Method: As for research method, a survey was conducted with never-married adult men and women between the ages of 35 and 49 living in Seoul, Gyeonggi or Incheon areas. Of 300 copies of questionnaire distributed, data from 295 copies were processed using SPSS 24.0 program for multinomial logit analysis. Results: The study results showed that, of never-married men respondents, continuous voluntary type accounted for 20.5%; changed voluntary type 18.9%; continuous non-voluntary type 49.6%; and changed non-voluntary type 11.0%. It was found that the factors related to continuous non-voluntary type among never-married men are age, religion, average monthly income, while the factors related to changed voluntary type are religion, self-esteem, depression, and frequency and strength of parental conflict, while the factor related to changed non-voluntary type men was living with parents. Examining never-married women respondents, it was found that, continuous voluntary type accounted for 33.9%; changed non-voluntary type 19.6%; continuous non-voluntary type 22.6%; and changed voluntary type 23.8%. The factor related to continuous non-voluntary type among never-married women was parents' demand for marriage, while the factors related changed voluntary type were age, depression and strength of parental conflict. Also, the factors related to changed non-voluntary type of never-married women were age, religion, living with parents, depression and parents' demand for marriage. Conclusion: In conclusion, it was found that continuous non-voluntary type formed the largest group among never-married men, whereas continuous voluntary type was the majority in never-married women. Both never-married men and women chose to remain single when they are living with their parents and their parental conflict is intense. Parents' demand for marriage was related to women, but not to men.
Key Words
비혼, never-married, 비혼 유형, types of never-married, 성인남녀, Adult men and women