조규영 Cho Kyuyoung , 이설아 Lee Seolah
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the actor and partner effects of the relationships between work-family conflict and health-related outcomes among dual-earner couples. Method: Using the 8th (2015) wave of PSKC (Panel Study on Korean Children), the study includes 612 couples who raising their first-grade child in elementary school. Results: Based on APIM (Actor and Partner Interdependence Model), the result shows that wives' level of work-family conflict was associated with the subjective health status of their own, but not with her spouse’. However, husbands' level of work-family conflict was not only associated with the subjective health status of their own, but also with his spouse’. Similarly, wives' level of work-family conflict was associated with the daily stress of their own, but not with her spouse’. However, husbands' level of work-family conflict was not only associated with the daily stress of their own, but also with his spouse’. In the results of drinking, husbands' level of work-family conflict was only associated with the drinking of their own. Conclusions: Using dyadic data, these findings extend our understanding of the effects of work-family conflict on health.
Key Words
일가족 갈등, work-family conflict, 주관적 건강상태, subjective health status, 일상적 스트레스, daily stress, 음주, drinking, 맞벌이 부부, dual-earner couples, 한국아동패널, panel study on Korean children