유계숙 Yoo Gyesook , 이수빈 Lee Subin
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to provide data for gender equality policy, work-family policy, and population policy by analyzing the relative variables of anticipated scenarios of a division of household labor on students' intentions to marry and to have children. Method: A self-administered questionnaire about life path scenarios, marriage intention, and intention to have children was used to survey the preferences of unmarried university students sampled from five universities in Seoul. Results: First, students expected their future married life to be balanced egalitarian, home-centered egalitarian and career/job-centered egalitarian, whereas they didn’t expect a family in which mothers alone cut back on their career lives, the need for role reversal, or the mother’s need to be a superwoman. The score of marriage intention and childbirth intention was a little lower than ‘likely’. Second, the anticipated scenarios of a division of household labor were different depending on gender and dating status. Career/job-centered egalitarian, mother-cuts-back and role reversal showed a significant difference between genders. In addition, balanced egalitarians showed a significant difference in dating status. Third, the hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that factors like mother-cuts-back, role reversal, and home-centered egalitarian are positively related to women's marriage intention. Moreover, career-/job-centered egalitarians significantly predicted men's childbirth intention, whereas role reversal, career/job-centered egalitarian, and mother-cuts-back significantly reflect women's intention to have children. Conclusions: To clarify changes in university students' preference of specific anticipated scenarios of a division of household labor, particularly women's preference for ‘role reversal’, it is essential to undertake a longitudinal study.
Key Words
부부역할분담 시나리오, Anticipated Scenarios of Division of Household Labor, 결혼의향, Marriage Intention, 출산의향, Childbirth Intention, 부부역할, Marital Role, 성역할, Gender Role