The Effect of Parenting Attitude Perceived by University Students on Ability of Interpersonal Relation: Dual Mediating Effects of Self-Acceptance and Empathy Ability 대학생들이 지각한 부모양육태도가 대인관계 능력에 미치는 영향: 자기수용과 공감능력의 이중매개효과
The Effect of Parenting Attitude Perceived by University Students on Ability of Interpersonal Relation: Dual Mediating Effects of Self-Acceptance and Empathy Ability 대학생들이 지각한 부모양육태도가 대인관계 능력에 미치는 영향: 자기수용과 공감능력의 이중매개효과
황예은 Hwang Ye-eun , 이지민 Lee Jimin
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify the dual mediating effects of self-acceptance and empathy ability in the relation between perceived parenting attitude and interpersonal ability among university students. Method: SPSS 25.0 and Process Macro 3.4 were conducted to analyze the data. Results: The results of this study are as follows. There were the partial mediating effects of self-acceptance and of empathy ability in the relation between perceived parenting attitude and interpersonal ability among university students. However, no dual mediating effects of self-acceptance and empathy ability were found in the above relation. Conclusions: Therefore, it would be important to enhance self-acceptance and empathy ability to improve the ability of interpersonal relation of university students.
The Effect of Familial Supports on the Happiness and Depression among the Marriage-Based Female Migrants: Acculturative Stress and Loneliness as Mediators 이주여성의 가족지지가 행복과 우울감에 미치는 영향: 문화적응스트레스와 외로움의 매개효과
The Effect of Familial Supports on the Happiness and Depression among the Marriage-Based Female Migrants: Acculturative Stress and Loneliness as Mediators 이주여성의 가족지지가 행복과 우울감에 미치는 영향: 문화적응스트레스와 외로움의 매개효과
남순현 Nam Soonhyeon
Objectives: This paper aims to examine the mediating effects of acculturative stress and loneliness when familial supports affects the happiness and depression levels of marriage-based female migrants. Method: This paper involved 316 marriage-based female migrants from five East Asian countries and was conducted from November 15, 2018 to January 30, 2019 using purposeful convenience sampling. Results: The results of structural equation modeling yielded several findings: (1) a significant direct effect on happiness and depression levels of marriage-based female migrants based on support from spouses was found, (2) the support of the spouse only had a significant mediating effect with respect to loneliness on the happiness and depression levels of marriage-based female migrants, and (3) only when the support of their children affected the happiness and depression levels of marriage-based female migrants did acculturative stress showed an indirect effect. However, no significant mediating effects were noted. Conclusions: The paper suggests that familial support, especially spousal support, was important in the process of adapting to Korean life among marriage-based female migrants.
The Association between Parental Psychological Control and Interpersonal Relationship Problems among Undergraduate Students: Mediating Effects of Perfectionistic Self-Presentation and Maladaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation 부모의 심리적 통제와 대학생 자녀의 대인관계문제에서 완벽주의적 자기제시와 부적응적 인지적 정서조절의 매개효과
The Association between Parental Psychological Control and Interpersonal Relationship Problems among Undergraduate Students: Mediating Effects of Perfectionistic Self-Presentation and Maladaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation 부모의 심리적 통제와 대학생 자녀의 대인관계문제에서 완벽주의적 자기제시와 부적응적 인지적 정서조절의 매개효과
주혜원 Joo Hye Weon , 배희분 Bae Heeboon
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of perfectionistic self-presentation and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation between parental psychological control and interpersonal relationship problems. Methods: For this study, a total of 514 students, attending universities located in Seoul, Korea, were analyzed. The resulting data was interpreted using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling. Results: First, parental psychological control, perfectionistic self-presentation, maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation, and interpersonal relationship problems had a significant positive relationship. Second, perfectionistic self-presentation and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation were verified to have mediating effects under the influence of parental psychological control on interpersonal relationship problems. Third, the sequential mediating effects of perfectionistic self-presentation and maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation were confirmed. Conclusion: The finding hold significance in that they provide a comprehensive understanding of the interpersonal relationship problems of undergraduate students with corresponding complaints at the site of counseling, while they also work as useful reference in solving these problems.
The Effect of Family Values and Workplace Support on the Level of Conflict over Work-Family Compatibility in Working Mothers 가족주의 가치관, 직장지지가 취업모의 일ㆍ가정 양립 갈등수준에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Family Values and Workplace Support on the Level of Conflict over Work-Family Compatibility in Working Mothers 가족주의 가치관, 직장지지가 취업모의 일ㆍ가정 양립 갈등수준에 미치는 영향
박주희 Park Ju Hee
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of family values and workplace support on the level of conflict over work-family compatibility in working mothers. Methods: The subjects were 322 employed women working full-time, having more than one child, and living Seoul. Data were analyzed SPSS 21.0 Package. A Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis were used to analyze the effect of family values and work place support on the level of conflict over work-family compitability in working mothers. Results: The study results are as follows: First, family values, workplace support, and the level of conflict over work-family compatibility were assessed in the subjects and the score of family values was 3.76(SD=.73). In subcatagorie of family values, child value was 3.42(SD=.97), parenthood value was 3.94(SD=.74) The score of workplace support was 3.88(SD=.51). When balancing their jobs with their family life, the score for the level of conflict was 3.08(SD=.78). Second, household income(β=.15, p<.001), the number of children(β=.21, p<.05) workplace support(β=-.24, p<.001) were found to have a statistically significant impact on the level of conflict over work-family compatibility. Conclusions: Women who have a higher income were likely to have more conflict over work-family balance. Women who have more children were likely to have more conflict over work-family balance. Women who perceived higher emotional support from coworkers were likely to have less conflict over work-family balance. In this study, workplace support was the most influential variable for work-family compatibility in employed mothers.
Key Words
가족주의 가치관, family values, 직장지지, workplace support, 일·가정 양립갈등, conflict over work-family compatability, 취업모, working mothers
Fathers’ Childcare Time in Contemporary Korea: Effects of Economic Dependence and Gender-role Ideology by Children’s Age 한국 아버지의 자녀 돌봄 시간: 자녀 연령대에 따른 경제적 의존성과 성역할 인식의 영향을 중심으로
Fathers’ Childcare Time in Contemporary Korea: Effects of Economic Dependence and Gender-role Ideology by Children’s Age 한국 아버지의 자녀 돌봄 시간: 자녀 연령대에 따른 경제적 의존성과 성역할 인식의 영향을 중심으로
안미영 An Mi Young , 최지은 Choi Jieun
Objectives: Studies on fathers’ childcare time in the Republic of Korea are increasing in number. This article examines if and how economic dependence and gender-role ideology are related to childcare time spent by fathers. In particular, we pay attention to fathers’ childcare time by children’s age. Methods: We have drawn a sample of married men aged between 20 and 54 with children aged 17 or below (N=3,125) from the Korean Time Use Survey in 2014. We ran a hierarchical multiple regression analysis using SPSS 25 to analyze childcare time of fathers with children of up to nine years of age and fathers of children aged at least ten years old. Results: We found that fathers’ progressive gender-role ideology increased childcare time spent by all fathers. Fathers’ economic bargaining power increased childcare time spent by fathers with older children. By contrast, there was no relationship between economic dependence and minutes of childcare spent by fathers with younger children. Conclusions: We contribute to the understanding of Korean fathers’ childcare and discuss the effects of economic bargaining power between the two groups of fathers.
Key Words
아버지 자녀 돌보기, fathers’ childcare, 경제적 의존, economic dependence, 성역할 인식, gender-role ideology
A Study on the Life History of Elderly Women Who Have Experienced Repeated Family Bereavement 반복적인 가족사별을 경험한 여성 노인의 생애사 연구
A Study on the Life History of Elderly Women Who Have Experienced Repeated Family Bereavement 반복적인 가족사별을 경험한 여성 노인의 생애사 연구
김미영 Kim Mi Young
Objectives: The objective of this study is to explore how the lives of elderly woman who have repeatedly undergone family bereavements have changed from a lifetime perspective. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted and analyzed according to Mandelbaum's life history analysis method. Results: The ‘dimension’ category is divided into six including ‘unwanted parting with the original family,’ ‘reunion with the original family, but with the burden of being the eldest daughter,’ ‘the happiness of creating my own family’, ‘shock and pain as if the world were collapsing,’ ‘being deceived to start anew,’ and ‘shock and suffering from a shattered new start.’ ‘Turning Point’ was categorized into ‘the destination that escaped consciously from the surroundings,’ ‘the pain and object for consolation caused by the death of a husband,’ and ‘turning sadness resulting from the death of my son into hope.’ ‘Adaptation’ was divided into ‘struggle to cope with living after son’s death and empathy for a daughter-in-law,’ ‘flower called ‘me’ that bloomed from the pain in life,’ ‘enlightenment on the meaning of my life through service for others,’ and ‘but my life was really good.’ Conclusions: The results can be used as basic data for counseling and death-related education.
Key Words
가족사별, family bereavement, 반복 경험, repeated experiences, 여성 노인, elderly woman, 생애사 연구, life history research
Differences in Psychological Characteristics and Social Support by Role Perception Type of Working Mothers with Preschool Children 미취학 자녀를 둔 취업모의 역할지각 유형에 따른 심리적 특성과 사회적 지지의 차이
Differences in Psychological Characteristics and Social Support by Role Perception Type of Working Mothers with Preschool Children 미취학 자녀를 둔 취업모의 역할지각 유형에 따른 심리적 특성과 사회적 지지의 차이
예호선 Ye Ho Sun , 안정신 An Jeong Shin
Objectives: This study identified types of working mothers with preschool children by the positive and negative perceptions of their mother’s roles and professional roles and examined the difference of each type in the psychological characteristics and the social support of their social network. Method: Data from 300 working mothers were analyzed. Results: Cluster analysis revealed three subgroups of working mothers; positive type, negative type, and ambivalence type of the perception about their roles. Cluster 1 ‘positive type’ was characterized as having high positive perception of a mother’s role, and average level professional role with low negative perceptions for their roles. They showed the highest life satisfaction, multi-role efficacy, social support, and the lowest depression and multi-role stress. Cluster 2 ‘negative type’ showed very low positive perception and high negative perception of their roles. They had the lowest life satisfaction, multi-role efficacy, social support, and the highest depression and multi-role stress. Cluster 3 ‘ambivalence type’ showed both high positive and negative perception of their roles at the same time. Their life satisfaction level is moderate with high multi-role efficacy, depression, multi-role stress, and high social support. Conclusions: Appropriate interventions are required according to the characteristics of each type.
Key Words
취업모, working mother, 일-가정, work-family, 역할지각, role perception
Marriage Intentions and Family Strengths by types of the Attitudes toward Marriage and Children of Unmarried Men and Women 미혼 남녀의 결혼관과 자녀관 유형에 따른 결혼의향과 가족건강성
Marriage Intentions and Family Strengths by types of the Attitudes toward Marriage and Children of Unmarried Men and Women 미혼 남녀의 결혼관과 자녀관 유형에 따른 결혼의향과 가족건강성
최연주 Choi Yeon Joo , 안정신 An Jeong Shin
Objectives: This study purposed to categorize unmarried men and women by their attitudes toward marriage and children and to examine the differences in marriage intentions and family strengths by the categories. Method: Data were collected from 400 unmarried men and women aged 25 and under 35 who lived in Busan, Daegu, and Gyeongsang Province. Data were analyzed with frequency analysis, two-stage cluster analysis, and one-way variance analysis using SPSS 18.0. Results: First, unmarried men had higher spouse relationship-oriented attitudes toward marriage, traditional attitudes toward marriage, attitudes toward children, marriage intentions, and family strengths than unmarried women. Unmarried women had higher self-oriented attitudes toward marriage than unmarried men. Second, unmarried men and women were categorized as three types. Unmarried men categorized as ‘marriage-child birth centered’ and ‘spouse relationship centered’ have higher marriage intentions than ‘self-centered’ type men. Also, ‘marriage-child birth centered’ men have higher family strengths than ‘self-centered’ men. For unmarried women, ‘marriage-child birth centered’ and ‘neutral attitude’ types women have higher marriage intentions and family strengths than ‘self-immersion’ type women. Conclusions: These results were discussed for understanding unmarried men and women in terms of the attitudes toward marriage and children.
Key Words
결혼관, attitudes toward marriage, 자녀관, attitudes toward children, 결혼의향, marriage intentions, 가족건강성, family strengths