Effectiveness of the Childhood Parenting Education Program at Seoul Healthy Family Support Centers: A Case of Online Delivery during COVID-19 서울시건강가정지원센터 서울가족학교 아동기 부모교실의 효과성: 2020년 비대면 운영사례 분석
Effectiveness of the Childhood Parenting Education Program at Seoul Healthy Family Support Centers: A Case of Online Delivery during COVID-19 서울시건강가정지원센터 서울가족학교 아동기 부모교실의 효과성: 2020년 비대면 운영사례 분석
Objectives: We examined the effectiveness of the Childhood Parenting Education program, which is part of the Seoul Family School curricula offered at 25 local Healthy Family Support Centers throughout Seoul. We also examined whether the effectiveness differed by participant and delivery characteristics. This study is unique because of the focus on online delivery of family life education in public agencies during COVID-19. Method: Our data were collected from 213 parents who attended one of the 17 online parenting classes offered by 14 local centers between June and October 2020, and who also participated in both pre- and post-testing. We used paired t-tests and mixed ANOVA. Results: The participants’ parenting knowledge, efficacy, and stress significantly improved after attending the program. The effect size was the largest for parenting knowledge. Depressed participants experienced greater changes in all of the effectiveness indicators compared to non-depressed parents. Participants who used computers and tablet PCs to attend the classes reported gaining more parenting knowledge compared to those who used smart phones. Conclusion: This study is a critical step given that research on the effectiveness of public family life education in Korea is extremely limited. We suggest that future effectiveness research should be conducted using rigorous methods such as randomized controlled trials and longitudinal evaluation.
Key Words
공공영역 가족생활교육, 비대면 교육, 아동기 부모교육, 온라인 교육, 프로그램 평가, 프로그램 효과, childhood parenting education, program effectiveness, program evaluation, virtual implementation, public family life education
A Comparative Study on the Factors Affecting the Life Satisfaction of Married Middle-aged Women in Korea and China: Focused on Individual and Family Variables 한국과 중국 중년기 기혼여성의 생활만족도 비교연구: 개인 및 가족변인을 중심으로
A Comparative Study on the Factors Affecting the Life Satisfaction of Married Middle-aged Women in Korea and China: Focused on Individual and Family Variables 한국과 중국 중년기 기혼여성의 생활만족도 비교연구: 개인 및 가족변인을 중심으로
Hu Shuyao , 김경신 Kim¸ Kyeong Shin
Objectives: The aim of this study is to provide a clearer and more effective approach to the issue of married women in Korea and China by comparing the influence of related variables on the life satisfaction of middle-aged married women. Method: An online survey of married women aged 40 to 59 years living in Korea and China was conducted. A total of 711 data, 360 from Korea and 351 from China, were used for the final analysis. Results: First, both Korean and Chinese groups showed higher life satisfaction than the middle score, while Korean groups showed lower life satisfaction than Chinese groups. Second, the regression model showed that age, subjective health conditions, frequency of leisure activities, self-esteem, emotion-focused coping style, marriage satisfaction and parent-child relationships had a significant effect on the life satisfaction of middle-aged married women in both Korea and China. Occupation, husband’s occupation, middle-aged crisis and problem-focused coping style had a significant effect on the life satisfaction only in the Korean model. Conclusions: In both Korea and China, family influences such as the marriage satisfaction and parent-child relationships are critical to the life satisfaction of middle-aged women, however the influence of the variables, such as middle-aged crisis and health, are also emerging as important variables. Considering of the universality and specificity of the life satisfaction through comparison of the results between Korea and China, social supports and policies for married middle-aged women are needed.
Key Words
중년기 기혼여성, 생활만족도, 한국과 중국, middle-aged married women, the life satisfaction, Korea and China
Exploring Predictors of Adolescent Emotional and Behavioral Problems Using Latent Profile Analysis and Machine Learning 머신러닝을 활용한 청소년 정서·행동문제 잠재프로파일의 예측 및 영향 변수 탐색
Exploring Predictors of Adolescent Emotional and Behavioral Problems Using Latent Profile Analysis and Machine Learning 머신러닝을 활용한 청소년 정서·행동문제 잠재프로파일의 예측 및 영향 변수 탐색
도유록 Do¸ You Rok
Objectives: Using latent profile analysis and machine learning, this study aims to identify and predict adolescents’ latent groups of emotional and behavioral problems. Method: This study used the 1st year (N=2,590) and 2nd year (N=2,438) data of first year middle school student panels obtained from the Korea Children & Youth Panel Survey 2018. Moreover, behavioral and emotional problems of adolescents were confirmed through the latent profile analysis. To distinguish the emotional-and-behavioral-risk group and the near-risk group, this study constructed a machine learning model applying logistic regression analysis and random forest algorithm. Hence, the first year data were utilized as the training data and the second year the test data, thus inputting 73 predictive factors. Results: Four latent groups were identified from both waves: the stable, the attention-problems-and-aggression, the near-risk, and the at-risk. Machine learning algorithms for both models indicated a decent performance, with AUCs ranging from 84.2% to 89.4%. Additionally, negative peer relationship and academic helplessness were found the most important in predicting the near- and the at-risk groups, and academic helplessness for only the at-risk group. Smartphone dependency, self-esteem, life satisfaction, and perceived negative parenting attitude were also important variables. Conclusions: Person-centered approaches, such as latent profile analysis, as well as machine learning algorithms in developmental studies can serve as evidence for identifying and predicting adolescent groups at risk and providing customized intervention. Adopting the characteristics of explorative research, this study sought effective methods to prevent emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents by identifying key variables, such as negative peer relationship and academic helplessness.
The Influence of Perceived Rejective Parenting Attitudes on the Relationship Addiction of College Students: Mediating Effect of Loneliness Moderated by Self-Compassion 대학생이 지각한 부모의 거부적 양육태도가 관계중독에 미치는 영향: 자기자비로 조절된 외로움의 매개효과
The Influence of Perceived Rejective Parenting Attitudes on the Relationship Addiction of College Students: Mediating Effect of Loneliness Moderated by Self-Compassion 대학생이 지각한 부모의 거부적 양육태도가 관계중독에 미치는 영향: 자기자비로 조절된 외로움의 매개효과
전현옥 Jun¸ Hyeonok , 유영달 You¸ Young-dal
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of rejective parenting attitudes as perceived by college students on relationship addiction. This study also explored the mediating effect of loneliness in this relationship, and the mediating effect of self-compassion in the relationship between rejective parenting attitudes and relationship addiction. Method: The scales of rejective parenting attitude, relationship addiction, loneliness, and self-compassion were administered to 387 college students. Data were analyzed through SPSS 25.0 and SPSS PROCESS Macro 3.5. Results: The rejective parenting attitudes of both parents, fathers, and mothers, as perceived by college students, have significant effects on relationship addiction. Loneliness had mediating effects on the relationship between the rejective parenting attitudes perceived by college students and the relationship addiction. Statistically significant moderating effects were likewise found on loneliness as influenced by the rejective parenting attitudes of parents and fathers, except for mothers, perceived by college students. Conclusion: Results provide an explanation relationship addiction of college students experiencing rejective parenting, and further pave the way for exploring moderation by self-compassion.
Case Study on Schema Therapy of A Mother with Adolescent Children: Focusing on the Schemas of Strict Standards and Emotional Deficiency 청소년 자녀를 양육하는 모(母)의 심리도식치료 사례연구: 엄격한 기준, 정서적 결핍 도식을 중심으로
Case Study on Schema Therapy of A Mother with Adolescent Children: Focusing on the Schemas of Strict Standards and Emotional Deficiency 청소년 자녀를 양육하는 모(母)의 심리도식치료 사례연구: 엄격한 기준, 정서적 결핍 도식을 중심으로
김춘희 Kim¸ Chun Hee
Objectives: This study aims to observe the changes in a mother’s attitude in nurturing her children, as well as her early maladaptive schemas while treating such schemas. Method: This is a single case study on 15 schema therapy sessions performed on a mother with strict standards schema and emotional deficiency schema. The therapist’s intervention and the reaction of the counselee were analyzed. Focus was on the techniques used in the evaluation and education, including the therapy techniques conducted to induce change. Results: In terms of cognitive changes, the counselee started to think more flexibly about her son’s behaviors and lowered her expectations of her daughter’s grades in school. With regard to the emotional changes, the mother recognized the origin of her desires towards her children and started to express positive emotions. Behavioral changes include lessening her interference in her children’s lives and increasing her relationship with her children by engaging in conversations with them. By doing so, she achieved the goal of the therapy, namely, ‘to explore ways to become closer to her children.’ Second, the change of standard/overly judgmental schema allowed her to manage her work and her children’s commute schedule, as well as enabled her to have more time for other activities. She satisfied her needs in a given time, lowered her standards on her children and herself, and became less judgmental. Third, given the change of emotional deficiency schema, she started to express her emotions not only to her children, but her husband as well. Her needs were satisfied from the stable attachment she now has with her family, and she gradually accepted that expression of emotions is natural. Conclusions: Schema therapy is conclusively the nurturer as it is important in building an adaptive relationship between the nurturer and his/her children. Furthermore, different techniques and therapist’s intervention have improved relationships. However, therapy cannot be assumed to have the same effect on the relationships of those who have the same schemas as the ones shown in this single case. Relationships between adolescent children and parents require further study by exploring other categories of schema.