Changes in Working Married Couples’ Work-Family Balance and Depression, Life Satisfaction before and after COVID-19 코로나19 전후 맞벌이 부부의 일-가정 양립 경험 변화와 부부 우울과 삶의 만족에 대한 연구
최보윤 Boyun Choi , 방지원 Jiwon Bang , 유성경 Sungkyung Yoo , 김수영 Su-young Kim
Changes in Working Married Couples’ Work-Family Balance and Depression, Life Satisfaction before and after COVID-19 코로나19 전후 맞벌이 부부의 일-가정 양립 경험 변화와 부부 우울과 삶의 만족에 대한 연구
최보윤 Boyun Choi , 방지원 Jiwon Bang , 유성경 Sungkyung Yoo , 김수영 Su-young Kim
Objectives: The study investigated latent classes and transition of working married couples’ work-family balance and group differences on depression and life-satisfaction before and after COVID-19. Method: The latent transition analysis (LTA) was used to classify latent groups and to verify transition latent group with covariates as spouse-support, positive coping stress, and employment. Using ANOVA and paired t-test, the study compared group differences for marital depression and life satisfaction. Results: Before COVID-19, the latent groups for work-family balance of working couples were classified into three: marital conflict, marital improvement, and normal. After COVID-19, it was also grouped into three: normal, wife low conflict, and husband low conflict. Although similarly classified into three in two periods, the characteristics of the latent group at the two periods indicated a change. Before COVID-19, the couples’ positive coping and spousal support had a significant effect on latent group classification. However, after COVID-19, the couples’ spousal support, positive coping, and employment type showed significant effect on latent group classification. The couples’ spousal support and positive coping did not have a moderating effect on latent group transition. Moreover, husband’s life satisfaction and depression after COVID-19 did not show group difference, but the wife’s indicated otherwise. Conclusions: Results generated enabled the study to suggest effective ways to achieve work-family balance while considering the changes in the mental health of dual-income couples as affected by crisis, such as Corona. Finally, the detailed steps and interpretation of the LTA were further described.
Key Words
일-가정 양립, 코로나19, 삶의 만족, 우울, 잠재전이분석, Work-family balance, COVID-19, life satisfaction, depression, latent transition analysis
The Effect of Positive Parenting on Adolescents’ Happiness: Sequential Dual Mediating Effects of Cooperative Competence and Peer Relationships 부모의 긍정적 양육태도가 청소년의 행복감에 미치는 영향: 협동역량과 또래관계의 순차적 매개효과
The Effect of Positive Parenting on Adolescents’ Happiness: Sequential Dual Mediating Effects of Cooperative Competence and Peer Relationships 부모의 긍정적 양육태도가 청소년의 행복감에 미치는 영향: 협동역량과 또래관계의 순차적 매개효과
Objectives: This study aimed to examine the sequential dual mediating effects of cooperative competence and peer relationships in the effect of positive parenting on adolescent’ happiness. Method: This study used data from the 2nd Panel Study on Korean Child Youth Panel Survey. Subjects in this study were 2,348 adolescents in the second grade of middle school at that time. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, pearson correlation analysis, and path analysis with the SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 23.0 program. Results: First, there were significant positive correlations among positive parenting, adolescent’ cooperative competence, peer relationships, and happiness. Second, positive parenting had a significant indirect effect on adolescents’ happiness through cooperative competence and peer relationships. Conclusions: This study is meaningful in that it examined the specific path of variables affecting adolescents’ happiness using large-scale data of the national level. Also, the results of this study suggest that positive parenting, cooperative competence, and peer relationships are important resources for adolescents’ happiness. Therefore, in order to improve adolescents’ happiness, it is necessary to develop a program using these variables.
The Mediating Effect of Social Network on Interpersonal Stress and Social Well-being in Early Adulthood 초기성인기의 대인관계 스트레스와 사회적 웰빙 관계에서 사회관계망의 매개 효과
김주영 Kim Joo Young , 김정은 Kim Jung Eun
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating role of a social network on the relationship between interpersonal stress and social well-being of young adults. Method: The subjects were 315 single-person households of men and women in their twenties and thirties residing in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, and the data was collected through an online survey. Descriptive statistics, correlation, and mediation analyses were conducted. Results: First, significant differences in the level of social well-being of young adults in their 20s and 30s according to the sociodemographic variables were found. Second, interpersonal stress of young adults in their 20s and 30s was found to be significantly and negatively correlated with social well-being. Social network and social well-being were significantly and positively correlated. Interpersonal stress was significantly and negatively correlated with social network. Third, the mediating role of social network, both in terms of quantity (size of social network) and quality (satisfaction with supportive relationships) was confirmed, while the effect of interpersonal stress on social well-being was significant only through the social network. Conclusions: This study contributes to enhancing our understanding of social well-being, especially for young adults who are in a transitional stage of developing their career, committing to an occupation, and becoming involved in the community. This study stresses the importance of quality and quantity of social network of young adults in their well-being. Professionals in the fields of family therapy and counseling may need to develop programs that can lower interpersonal stress as well as strengthen the social network of young adults.
Key Words
초기성인기, 1인가구, 대인관계 스트레스, 사회관계망, 사회적 웰빙, early adulthood, single-person households, interpersonal stress, social network, social well-being
Narrative Inquiry about the Bereavement Experience of Spouse in Middle age 중년기 배우자 사별 경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구
Narrative Inquiry about the Bereavement Experience of Spouse in Middle age 중년기 배우자 사별 경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구
박경례 Park Kyung Lae , 박재연 Park Jae Yeon
Objectives: This study is aimed at establishing fundamental data to understand in-depth the experiences and meanings of study participants who were left bereft after the death of their spouses in middle age as well as provide psychological and social support to their bereaved families. Method: This study was examined through a narrative inquiry method, and the search was conducted based on a three-dimensional space of time, sociality, and place according to the inquiry procedure proposed by Clandinin and Connelly (2000). Results: The meaning of the study participants’ experiences was “sorry, regret, guilt: bereavement without preparation or practice,” “responsibility: children who are the reason for life,” “self-care: finding a way to save me,” and “A life that grows with children: with faith, hope not to become a burden to children”. Conclusions: By examining the entire process of life in the original family, marriage, and life after bereavement as a whole, an integrated understanding of the participants was possible. By simultaneously examining the experiences of middle-aged men and women who were left bereft after the death of their spouses in middle age, it was possible to examine the common and different experiences. In addition, the effectiveness and necessity of counselling for those who have experienced spouse bereavement was confirmed.
A Meta-Analysis of Factors Related to Marital Intentions among Never Married Young Adults in Korea 한국 청년의 결혼의향 영향요인 메타분석
박선영 Park Sunyoung , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to quantitatively integrate previous studies on the association between various factors and unmarried Koreans’ intentions to get married. We also examined whether the characteristics of previous studies were associated with the effect sizes. Method: We reviewed the journal articles, master’s theses, and doctoral dissertations that were published by September 21, 2021 and retrieved correlation coefficients from 49 independent samples with a combined total of 42,673 participants. This yielded 275 effect sizes used for the meta-analysis. Multiple meta-regression analysis was also used to examine whether sample characteristics and the year of data collection were associated with the effect sizes. Results: The effect sizes of all classified factors were statistically significant. Traditional attitudes had the largest effect size followed by interpersonal, alternative attitudes, intrapersonal, demographic, economic, and policy factors. The multiple meta-regression analysis indicated that the mean age of the sample, the year of data collection, and samples consisting of office workers had significant associations with the effect sizes of the classified factors. Conclusions: Our results can help future researchers design studies that investigate marital intentions. The heterogeneity of the effect sizes by category suggests that sample characteristics and period effects should be considered in understanding marital intentions.
Key Words
결혼의향, 결혼의사, 메타분석, 저출생, 가족가치관, 결혼관, Intention to marry, meta-analysis, low fertility rate, family-related attitudes, attitudes toward marriage
The Influence of Adolescents’ Feeling of Inferiority on School Life Adjustment: Mediating Effects of Self-encouragement 청소년의 열등감이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향: 자기격려의 매개효과
The Influence of Adolescents’ Feeling of Inferiority on School Life Adjustment: Mediating Effects of Self-encouragement 청소년의 열등감이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향: 자기격려의 매개효과
배용훈 Bae Yong Hoon , 정유진 Jeong You Jin
Objectives: This study explored the mediating effects of self-encouragement on adolescents’ feeling of inferiority and adjustment to school life. Method: Data were collected from 422 adolescents (from first to third high school students) in general high schools in Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Ulsan, Chungcheong-do, Gangwon-do, and the metropolitan area. SPSS 25.0 and SPSS Process Macro were utilized to analyze the date. Results: First, the adolescents’ feeling of inferiority indicated a negative correlation on the relationship between the sub-factors of school life adjustment, namely, student-teacher relationships and school classes, friendship, school rules, and self-encouragement. On the contrary, self-encouragement showed a positive correlation on the relationship between the three aforementioned sub-factors. Second, examining school life adjustment as three sub-factors, the study found that the mediating effect of self-encouragement is significant in all sub-factors of adolescents’ feeling of inferiority and school life adjustment. The adolescents’ feeling of inferiority has similarly a significant effect only on friendship among the sub-factors. Conclusions: The study recommended that in order to increase school life adjustment, the adolescents’ feeling of inferiority be reduced and self-encouragement be improved. To help adolescents’ adjustment to school life during the COVID-19 crisis, a program is necessary to be designed focusing on improving self-encouragement. Finally, further investigations should be conducted to explore whether these results were caused by the circumstances of COVID-19 or are characteristics of modern adolescents.
Key Words
청소년, 열등감, 학교생활적응, 자기격려, adolescents, feeling of inferiority, school life adjustment, self-encouragement
Life-world and Discourse of Unmarried Men on Marriage and Family 40, 50대 비혼 남성의 생활세계와 결혼 및 가족 담론
Life-world and Discourse of Unmarried Men on Marriage and Family 40, 50대 비혼 남성의 생활세계와 결혼 및 가족 담론
성미애 Sung Miai
Objectives: Through an in-depth interview, this study examines the life-world and discourse on marriage and family of unmarried men who are in their 40s and 50s. Method: Seven unmarried men in their 40s and 50s living in Seoul participated in a focused-group interview and an in-depth interview from June 3 to 29, 2021. Data were examined through thematic analysis. Results: The first main theme is ‘narrowed life-world, focus on health and social club’. The participants focused on healthcare and formed a new network with people in the club who share common topics of conversation with them. The second main theme is ‘fear of old age’. The participants perceived that the unmarried life is comfortable and enables them to enjoy and encounter various experiences without the interference of other people, but they have great fear of dying of loneliness. Therefore, a high demand for policies is expected to support daily life, housing, and psychological stability. The third main theme is ‘positive value on marriage, family, and child, but involuntary single life’. With a sentimental view of marriage, a normal family ideology, and a positive view of the family, the participants expressed affection for their aging parents, especially their mothers, and had a strong will to care of them. In particular, they recognized that children are the unfulfilled part of their unmarried life. The fourth main theme is ‘cohabitation and one-person household as perceived as an alternative to singlehood’. As expectations for childbirth disappeared, they planned to live with women according to their individual tendencies, sexual desires, and positive perceptions of cohabitation. On the other hand, if they had a negative perception of cohabitation, they plan to live as a single-person household. Conclusions: Unmarried men in their 40s and 50s make up a life-world with people who share common topics while taking care of their health, as well as in a universal, legitimate, and in positive view of marriage, children, and family. A support policy is needed to maintain the right to a happy and safe life. On the other hand, although changes in values were not indicated unintentionally, as an unmarried life becomes a reality and seems extended over a period of time, various ways of living, such as considering cohabitation, are also pursued. These attempts will likely affect and change our society.
Key Words
40, 50대 비혼 남성, 생활세계, 결혼과 가족 담론, unmarried men in their 40s and 50s, life-world, marriage and family discourse
Types of Subjective Perceptions about Family Rituals during the COVID19 among Married Women in their 40s and 50s COVID19 시기 가족의례에 관한 40∼50대 기혼여성의 주관적 인식유형 연구
Types of Subjective Perceptions about Family Rituals during the COVID19 among Married Women in their 40s and 50s COVID19 시기 가족의례에 관한 40∼50대 기혼여성의 주관적 인식유형 연구
이정원 Lee Jungwon , 전미경 Jun Mikyung
Objectives: This study intended to provide an opportunity to maintain family ritual during the COVID19 pandemic and to understand its changes by empirically examining the characteristics of the perception of married women in their 40s and 50s on family ritual in the long-term COVID19 pandemic. Method: Through the Q methodology, this study identified the types of subjective perceptions of married women in their 40s and 50s regarding family ritual during COVID19. To gather relevant data, the study utilized the Q methodology and surveyed literature, newspaper articles, and previous studies related to family ritual. In addition, this study constituted a Q population, and then selected the final 40 Q samples by conducting a preliminary survey among married women in their 40s and 50s. The P sample consisted of 30 married women aged between 45 and 59 years. Data were analyzed by principal component factor analysis using the QUANL program. Results: Four types of subjective perceptions were revealed. Type 1 was activities-oriented, type 2 change-oriented, type 3 face-to-face-oriented, and type 4 communication-seeking type. In Type 1, people felt great pity for the limited activities for family ritual because of COVID19 and had a conventional view of family ritual, wherein greater importance is dedicated to working together as a family rather than as an individual. In Type 2, people acknowledge that modified family ritual activities are the best way to ensure family safety, and place importance on adapting and developing family ritual that are relevant to reality. In Type 3, people believe that family ritual is valuable for forming a bond through face-to-face activities in the family community and are interested in preparing for family ties during the corona crisis. Type 4 was found to give a positive meaning to family communication through family rituals rather than the formal meaning of family ritual activities during the COVID19. These research results can be used as a benchmark for research undertakings on family ritual during the COVID19. Conclusions: From these findings, the cognition of married woman on family rituals in COVID19 showed that they value on the family itself rather than the family rituals, regarding highly the famly members mental and physical health and the members safety. The diversification of forms and contents is predicted while the meaning of family rituals being adhered to.
Key Words
COVID19, 가족의례, 주관성, 40∼50대 기혼여성, 인식, Q방법론, COVID19 pandemic, Family ritual, Subjectivity, 40-50 Married Women, Perception, Q methodology
A Case Study on the Decision Factors Non-Marriage of a Middle-Aged Man: 40s and 50s, Basic Livelihood Recipients and the Second Highest Rank 중년 남성의 비혼(非婚) 결정요인에 관한 사례연구: 40-50대 기초생활수급자 및 차상위자를 중심으로
A Case Study on the Decision Factors Non-Marriage of a Middle-Aged Man: 40s and 50s, Basic Livelihood Recipients and the Second Highest Rank 중년 남성의 비혼(非婚) 결정요인에 관한 사례연구: 40-50대 기초생활수급자 및 차상위자를 중심으로
정연자 Jung Yeun Ja , 박정윤 Park Jeongyun
Objectives: This study is aimed at the understanding of factors that affect the process of decision to remain single by mid-aged men in vulnerable social classes in depth. Method: Case study method that is useful in assessing complicated phenomenon and context was selected in this study. For this purpose, 6 males in their 40’s and 50’s who are either recipients of basic living security or 2nd ranked persons were selected as the study subjects. Through this, it was attempted to discover the factors contributing to the decision to ramain single in each of the cases and, at the same time, present characteristic factors of the process of decision to remail single by mid-aged men in vulnerable social classes through inter-case comparison. Results: Deficiencies including conflicts with and violence of parents, etc. during childhood affected the view of marriage of mid-aged men, thereby contributing to their decision to remain single. At the same time, there also was continued desired for them to seek new life through marriage (dating). However, they experienced repetitive failure in marriage (dating) until the time of early adolescent stage due mainly to psychological/emotional factors and socioeconomic factors. During their mid-age, the need to care for their parents became the stumbling block for marriage (dating). In particular, mid-aged participants in this study were in the state of stalemate between the need to care for parents and desire for marriage (dating). They displayed the attitude of accommodating the reality under such circumstances. Conclusions: It was found that relational factor such as the need to care for parents in addition to non-voluntary factors including family factor, social life factor and life experiences that are generally manifested in ordinary males are imparting significant effect on the decision of 40’s and 50’s who are recipients of basic living security and the 2nd ranked persons to remain single.
Key Words
중년 남성, 사회적 비혼, 비혼 돌봄, 사례연구, Middle-aged men, social unmarried, Non-marriage Care, Case study
A Narrative Study on Post-traumatic Growth and the Meaning of Family in Cancer Patients’ Disease-fighting Process 암 환자의 투병과정에서의 외상 후 성장과 가족의 의미 발견에 대한 내러티브 연구
A Narrative Study on Post-traumatic Growth and the Meaning of Family in Cancer Patients’ Disease-fighting Process 암 환자의 투병과정에서의 외상 후 성장과 가족의 의미 발견에 대한 내러티브 연구
최보라 Choi Bo Ra , 최연실 Choi Youn Shil
Objectives: This study was conducted from the perspective of a transitional interpretation of post-traumatic growth through the process of fighting a disease and discovery of the meaning of family in adversity. Specifically, it went beyond the existing perspective that focuses on the psychological and social pain of cancer experiences for cancer patients. Method: Utilizing narrative research, this study analyzed how research participants experienced growth and construct meaning through the traumatic event of cancer development while undergoing cancer diagnosis and treatment. Results: Results indicated the following. First, the cancer experiences of the study participants were a process of struggling to survive and adapting constantly to re-establish a broken cognitive map and daily life. Second, the study participants showed resilience by overcoming shock and finding new life motives in post-traumatic growth, which also resulted in their improvement. Third, the study participants realized their family as a driving force and a source of support in the post-traumatic growth during their cancer experiences. Conclusions: Therefore, in the context of narratives, this study was able to present the post-traumatic growth experience of cancer patients and the meaning of family, as well as clarify the justification of the study, and provide suggestions for follow-up studies.
Key Words
암 환자, 투병과정, 외상 후 성장, 가족의 의미, 내러티브 연구, cancer patient, disease-fighting process, post-traumatic growth, meaning of family, narrative study
The Effect of Parenting Attitude on Self-perception Profiles of Adolescents from Single Parent Families: Using Latent Profile Analysis 부모의 양육태도가 한부모가족 청소년 자녀의 자아인식 유형에 미치는 영향: 잠재프로파일분석을 활용하여
The Effect of Parenting Attitude on Self-perception Profiles of Adolescents from Single Parent Families: Using Latent Profile Analysis 부모의 양육태도가 한부모가족 청소년 자녀의 자아인식 유형에 미치는 영향: 잠재프로파일분석을 활용하여
이의빈 Lee Eui Bhin , 김진원 Kim Jinwon
Objectives: The present study aims to explore the self-perception profiles of adolescents from single parent families, and to examine the effect of parenting attitude on the self-perception profiles. Method: The study sample consisted of 229 adolescents from single parent families from the 7th wave (2016) of Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey 2010 (KCYPS 2010). Regarding analysis methods, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and latent profile analysis (LPA) were conducted. Especially, this study employed three-step approach for LPA to examine the effects of parenting attitude and other control variables on self-perception profiles. Results: The profiles were identified into two groups: one with lower self-perception and the other with higher self-perception. The group membership of self-perception profiles was found to be associated with parenting attitude. Conclusions: By exploring the heterogeneity of self-perception of adolescents from single parent families, this study provided evidence that the traditional family ideologies which assume negative developmental outcomes of adolescents from single parent families cannot be supported universally. Based on aforementioned results, this study proposed the intervention strategies to help adolescents from single parent families develop positive self-perception; in particular, our findings have implications for the importance of parenting educations for single parents. We discussed the limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.
Key Words
한부모가족, 부모 양육태도, 자아인식, KCYPS 2010, 잠재프로파일분석, single parent families, parenting, self-perception, latent profile analysis