The Effect of Parental Attachment Perceived by Children on Children’s Relational Aggression: Focusing on Dual Mediating Effects of Children’s Mattering and Rejection Sensitivity 아동이 지각하는 부모애착이 아동의 관계적 공격성에 미치는 영향: 또래존재감과 거부민감성의 이중매개효과를 중심으로
The Effect of Parental Attachment Perceived by Children on Children’s Relational Aggression: Focusing on Dual Mediating Effects of Children’s Mattering and Rejection Sensitivity 아동이 지각하는 부모애착이 아동의 관계적 공격성에 미치는 영향: 또래존재감과 거부민감성의 이중매개효과를 중심으로
김동민 Kim Dong Min , 임지영 Lim Ji Young
Objectives: This study aimed to examine the dual mediating effects of children’s mattering and rejection sensitivity in the relationship between children’s relational aggression and parental attachment perceived by children. Method: The survey was administered to 485 students who were 11-13-year-old attending elementary schools in Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, Ulsan, and Gangwon-do Province. For data analysis, independent sample t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation analysis were performed. Model 6 of PROCESS macro for SPSS 25.0 was used to verify the mediating effect of children’s mattering and rejection sensitivity. Results: First, there were significant differences in children’s relational aggression by grade, but there were no significant differences by gender, sibling relationship, and economic condition. Second, there were significant positive correlations between relational aggression and rejection sensitivity and negative correlations among relational aggression, parental attachment, and children’s mattering. Third, children’s mattering and rejection sensitivity mediated in sequence the effect of parental attachment on children’s relational aggression. Conclusions: This study is meaningful in that it examined variables associated with relational aggression, which has important implications for later interpersonal relations among 11-13 year old children. Results also provide preliminary data to develop and implement programs to reduce children’s relational aggression and seek parents’ stable attachment.
A Verification of the Effectiveness of Non-face-to-face Video Counseling and Digital Therapy Tools Based on Cognitive Behavioral Couple Therapy 인지행동커플치료 기반의 비대면 화상상담과 디지털치료도구의 효과성 검증
A Verification of the Effectiveness of Non-face-to-face Video Counseling and Digital Therapy Tools Based on Cognitive Behavioral Couple Therapy 인지행동커플치료 기반의 비대면 화상상담과 디지털치료도구의 효과성 검증
김진아 Kim Jin Ah , 최연실 Choi Youn Shil
Objectives: The effect of non-face-to-face video counseling based on cognitive behavioral couple therapy and the effect of adding digital treatment tools to non-face-to-face video counseling were compared and verified through a multi-faceted measurement method. Methods: For the duration of 10 weeks, pre- and post-measurements were conducted and eight programs were provided individually to each couple once a week for 90 minutes. A total of 15 couples with infant children aged 4 to 6 years old participated in the study. Five couples in the experimental group received only cognitive behavioral couple therapy whereas digital treatment tools were additionally provided to the comparative group of other 5 couples. No treatment was given to the remaining 5 couples in the waiting group during the experiment. To verify the effectiveness of these programs, the areas of cognitive, behavior and emotion were classified, respectively, and marital relations were measured in multiple ways using self-report, interaction observation, physiological measurement, and treatment process analysis using interviews. Results: First, cognitive behavioral couple therapy was effective in irrational beliefs about marital relations in the cognitive domain, dysfunctional communication in the behavioral domain, marital interaction observation, and empathy for spouses in the emotional domain, but did not affect heart rate variation. Second, when digital therapy tools were additionally involved in cognitive behavioral couple therapy, it was effective in irrational beliefs about marital relationships in the cognitive domain, dysfunctional communication, marital interaction observation, empathy for spouses, and heart rate variation. In addition, the change was more powerful when digital treatment tools were used compared to when only cognitive behavioral couple therapy was conducted alone. Third, the cognitive changes reported by the participants led to behavioral changes, and became an opportunity for self-change while watching the behavioral changes of the spouse. Conclusions: The cognitive behavioral couple treatment program showed positive changes in marital relationships, and the treatment effect was stronger when additional digital treatment tools were utilized. This study is meaningful in that it increased the accessibility of cognitive behavioral couple therapy in consideration of the multifaceted aspects of cognition, behavior, and emotion, and explored the field potential of digital treatment tools.
Key Words
인지행동커플치료, 비대면화상상담, 디지털치료도구, 다면적측정, Cognitive behavioral couple therapy, non-face-to-face video counseling, digital treatment tools, multi-faceted measurement
The Impact of Cultural Adaptation Stress, Parenting Efficacy, and Infant Temperament on Parenting Stress of Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese Marriage Migrant Women 결혼이주여성의 양육스트레스와 문화적응스트레스, 양육효능감과 유아기질의 영향: 중국, 베트남, 일본 여성 비교 중심으로
The Impact of Cultural Adaptation Stress, Parenting Efficacy, and Infant Temperament on Parenting Stress of Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese Marriage Migrant Women 결혼이주여성의 양육스트레스와 문화적응스트레스, 양육효능감과 유아기질의 영향: 중국, 베트남, 일본 여성 비교 중심으로
리만 Li Man , 안정신 An Jeong Shin
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in cultural adaptation stress, parenting efficacy, infant temperament, and parenting stress of Chinese, Vietnamese, and Japanese marriage migrant women. Also, this study aimed to examine how cultural adaptation stress, parenting efficacy, and infant temperament influence parenting stress of marriage migrant women. Method: 276 marriage migrant women from China, Vietnam, and Japan were surveyed. For data analysis, SPSS 18.0 was used to obtain frequencies, means, reliabilities, and correlation coefficients. Variance analysis and hierarchical regression analyses were also performed. Results: The main results of this study were as follows: First, there were statistically significant differences in cultural adaptation stress, parenting efficacy and infant temperament among marriage migrant women by their country of origin. No such difference was observed in parenting stress. Second, the communication problem was most significantly related to parenting stress among Chinese marriage migrant women, followed by parenting efficacy and adaptive infant temperament. For marriage migrant women from Vietnam, hostility was the most significant predictor next to the communication problem. Hostility was also most significantly related to parenting stress among Japanese women, followed by parenting efficacy and orderly temperament of infants. Conclusions: Findings highlight that cultural backgrounds and parenting characteristics should be considered in order to reduce parenting stress among marriage migrant women.
The Effect of Spousal Relationship Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in the New Middle-Aged on Depression before and after Retirement: Focusing on the Bayesian Latent Growth Model(B-LGM) 신(新)중년 배우자관계 만족도와 삶의 만족도가 은퇴 전후과정에서 우울에 미치는 영향: 베이지안잠재성장모형(B-LGM)을 중심으로
The Effect of Spousal Relationship Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction in the New Middle-Aged on Depression before and after Retirement: Focusing on the Bayesian Latent Growth Model(B-LGM) 신(新)중년 배우자관계 만족도와 삶의 만족도가 은퇴 전후과정에서 우울에 미치는 영향: 베이지안잠재성장모형(B-LGM)을 중심으로
박선미 Park Sun Mi , 박정윤 Park Jeong Yun
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to longitudinally examine how spousal relationship satisfaction and life satisfaction influenced the depression trajectory before and after retirement of the new middle-aged. Method: Five years of data (12th-16th waves) from Korean Welfare Panel pertaining to the new middle-aged (50 to 69 years old) were used for Bayesian latent growth modeling. Results: First, the level of depression in the new middle-aged continuously increased for 5 years. Second, the level of depression across the 5 year span of pre- and post-retirement showed a pattern of continual increase. Third, entering spousal relationship and life satisfaction together into the model increased the level of depression across the 5 year span of pre- and post-retirement. Spousal satisfaction continually heightened the level of depression, whereas life satisfaction continually reduced the level of depression. Conclusions: The results suggest that an effective way to reduce the increase in depression among the new middle-aged is to improve individual life satisfaction. In addition, when interventions to improve spousal relationship satisfaction are combined, the effect is expected to be even greater. This study is meaningful in presenting useful preliminary data for clinical trials and new policies to reduce depression in the new middle-aged by using an analytic method that can further objectify longitudinal causal relations in the field of family relations.
Key Words
신중년, 우울, 은퇴 전후과정, 배우자관계 만족도, 삶의 만족도, new middle-aged, depression, retirement, spousal relationship satisfaction, life satisfaction
The Caregiver-Child Relationship Checkup Program for Toddlers 12-24 Months of Age: An Application to the Family Center 12∼24개월 걸음마기 대상 양육자-자녀관계검진 프로그램 개발 연구: 가족센터 적용을 중심으로
The Caregiver-Child Relationship Checkup Program for Toddlers 12-24 Months of Age: An Application to the Family Center 12∼24개월 걸음마기 대상 양육자-자녀관계검진 프로그램 개발 연구: 가족센터 적용을 중심으로
박우철 Park Woo Chul , 강혜성 Kang Hye Seong
Objectives: The caregiver-child relationship is key to the physical and mental health of children. Prevention and early intervention programs that support caregivers are a growing public health initiative. In the present study, we developed a caregiver-child relationship checkup(CRC) program and investigated its effectiveness in one of the nationwide community-based family centers. Method: A single-case, multiple-baseline design was used. Participants were 4 families with toddlers and 7∼8 data points were collected during the baseline phase and the intervention phase. After 2 months following the feedback phase, a follow-up interview was conducted and visual and statistical analyses were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the CRC. Results: Overall, findings suggested that the CRC positively influenced caregivers, especially in heightening their self-understanding and understanding of how to improve relationships with their children. Participants also reported high levels of satisfaction with the CRC. Conclusions: These results support that the CRC can be a promising, brief prevention/intervention program for assessing and supporting caregiver-child relationships in the community-based family centers.
Key Words
양육자-자녀관계검진, 아동가족상담, 가족센터, 단일대상연구, 걸음마기, caregiver-child relationship checkup, child and family therapy, family center, single-case research, toddler