Cohabitation, Is It a Process or Alternative to Marriage? (1): Focused on the Awareness of Partnerships, Future Relationship Prospects, and Policy Demands Among Men and Women in Their 50s and 60s Who Are Living Together 동거, 결혼의 과정인가? 결혼의 대안인가? (1): 동거하고 있는 50, 60대 남녀의 파트너쉽에 대한 인식과 향후 관계 전망 및 정책적 요구
Cohabitation, Is It a Process or Alternative to Marriage? (1): Focused on the Awareness of Partnerships, Future Relationship Prospects, and Policy Demands Among Men and Women in Their 50s and 60s Who Are Living Together 동거, 결혼의 과정인가? 결혼의 대안인가? (1): 동거하고 있는 50, 60대 남녀의 파트너쉽에 대한 인식과 향후 관계 전망 및 정책적 요구
성미애 Sung¸ Miai
Objectives: Through in-depth interviews with men and women in their 50s and 60s, this study investigated the partnerships, prospects for partnerships, and policy demands for cohabiting couples. Method: From August to December 2022, in-depth interviews were conducted with people in their 50s and 60s who lived in Seoul and the metropolitan area and had lived with their current partner for more than a year. The categories that emerged from the thematic analysis method were ‘the path from coupling to cohabitation’, ‘the ideology of the normal family working ironically in reality’, ‘intimate vs. instrumental interpersonal relationships, based on material foundation, in unstable tension’, ‘money management separately but with traditional gender roles’, ‘men who plan to remarry and women who want to continue cohabitation’, and ‘institutional support is oriented to support marriage, not cohabitation’. Results: First, although they cohabitated because of loneliness, there were internal difficulties in the divorce process, negative stereotypes about divorce, and the presence of children, and in the case of women, the burden of their own commitment and responsibility after remarriage. Second, a normal family ideology was shown regardless of gender, and this ideology became the background for choosing cohabitation in reality. Third, cohabitation is characterized by tension in an unstable relationship, and continues to be an intimate two-person relationship or instrumental interaction while forming trust, understanding, consideration, concessions, and consensus in economic stability. Fourth, they were leading their daily lives according to the traditional gender role division ideology without being involved in each other’s economic status. Fifth, most men expected to remarry in the future, but most women wanted their cohabitation relationship to continue. Sixth, it was natural that cohabitation would not receive institutional benefits, and a marriage support policy was considered necessary. Conclusions: It can be seen that the people in their 50s and 60s living together are contributing to the diversification of Korean families, although they did not intentionally lead. And this phenomenon of diversification of Korean families will ultimately serve as a background for the concept of life partners to take root in our society.
Key Words
동거, 50·60대 동거자, 정상가족이데올로기, 전통적인 성역할 분담 이데올로기, 팍스(PACS), cohabitation, cohabitants in their 50s and 60s, normal family ideology, traditional gender role division ideology, PACS
A Study on the Factors that Affect the Changes in the Parent-Children Relationship Perceived by Single Parents with Adolescent Children 청소년기 자녀를 둔 한부모가 지각한 부모-자녀관계 변화에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구
A Study on the Factors that Affect the Changes in the Parent-Children Relationship Perceived by Single Parents with Adolescent Children 청소년기 자녀를 둔 한부모가 지각한 부모-자녀관계 변화에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구
한정현 Han¸ Jeonghyun , 박정윤 Park¸ Jeongyun
Objectives: This study aimed to explore the implications for educational and counseling support measures to provide a positive environment for the adolescent children of single-parent families to grow and develop. Method: This study utilized data from 342 single parents with adolescent children from the Single-Parent Families Survey Panel and analyzed it using SPSS 27.0. Results: First, the descriptive statistical analysis showed that single parents with adolescent children did not perceive significant changes in the parent-child relationship after divorce compared to before divorce. Second, the correlation analysis results showed that single parents with higher income levels, spending more time with their children, experiencing fewer child-rearing difficulties, and having fewer conflicts over their children’s internet use tended to perceive more positive changes in their relationship with their adolescent children. Third, the study examined the relative influences of variables affecting the perceived changes in single parents’ relationship with their adolescent children and found that they perceived more positive changes in mother-child families than father-child families, as well as with higher income levels, temporary or day-to-day worker status, spending more time with their children, and experiencing less conflicts over children’s internet use. Conclusions: This study analyzed the influential factors of changes in the parent-child relationship of single-parent families with an adolescent child. It highlights the need to develop family life programs to help the families’ psychological adjustment and provide useful data for counseling interventions.
Key Words
한부모가족, 청소년 자녀, 부모-자녀관계 변화, single-parent family, adolescent children, changes to parent-child relationship
A Study on the Development of Visitation Rights Counseling System in Korea: Focused on Users and Experts of Visitation Rights Counseling System 한국사회 면접교섭 제도 발전을 위한 연구: 면접교섭 제도 이용자와 면접교섭 제도 관련 전문가를 중심으로
A Study on the Development of Visitation Rights Counseling System in Korea: Focused on Users and Experts of Visitation Rights Counseling System 한국사회 면접교섭 제도 발전을 위한 연구: 면접교섭 제도 이용자와 면접교섭 제도 관련 전문가를 중심으로
Objectives: This study aims to systematically explore the direction of counseling intervention and future development of the Korea’s Visitation Rights counseling system. Method: Focus group interview(FGI) was conducted with four people who are user of Visitation Rights counseling system and seven experts who are related to Visitation Rights. Interview data were qualitatively analyzed through Open coding, Categorization, and Category confirmation through the Constant comparison method. Results: Two major subjects and seven sub-subjects were derived from interview with user of Visitation Rights counseling system. Two major subjects were ‘Factors that help parenting’ and ‘Area that need to be developed to revitalize the visitation counseling system’. Two major subjects and six sub-subjects were derived from interview with experts of Visitation Rights. Two major subjects were ‘Integrated competency of Visitation Rights counselors’ and ‘Counseling system and attitude of counselors’. Conclusions: Currently, visitation rights counseling system is in the early stages of historical development in Korean society. Therefore, this study is meaningful in that it suggested the practical direction of change in visitation rights counseling system in the future through experts related to visitation rights counseling in Korea.
A Qualitative Study on the Monitoring Experience of Middle School Students and Mothers 중학생과 어머니의 모니터링 경험에 관한 질적 연구
배희분 Bae¸ Heeboon
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to take an in-depth and detailed look at how middle school students in the middle of adolescence and their parents experience monitoring from their respective perspectives. Method: Focus group interviews were conducted with 9 middle school students and 5 mothers, and qualitative content analysis was used to analyze data. Results: 3 themes, 6 categories, and a total of 12 subcategories were derived. The first theme was “conflict and wounds surrounding monitoring,” and the two categories below it were “deeper conflicts” and “wound that cannot be easily recovered.” The second theme was “different monitoring methods and responses across monitoring domains” and two categories appeared: “academic achievement and safety, the last bastion” and “hot potatoes, sexual problems and the online world.” The third theme was “monitoring strategies and family context,” and two categories were derived: “various strategies to avoid conflict” and “monitoring within the family context.” Conclusions: This study holds significance in its contribution to a nuanced and context-specific understanding of parental monitoring during adolescence. Unlike previous predominantly quantitative and separate studies, this study introduces a qualitative dimension, providing a more comprehensive understanding for both parties involved. The findings offer foundational information and insights for the development of various educational programs and counseling interventions to support both adolescents and parents.
The Effect of Caregiver Stress on Life Satisfaction in Parents of Adult Children with Disabilities: The Mediating Effect of Self-care Moderated by Social Support 성인 장애자녀 부모의 돌봄 스트레스가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 사회적 지지에 의해 조절된 자기돌봄의 매개효과
The Effect of Caregiver Stress on Life Satisfaction in Parents of Adult Children with Disabilities: The Mediating Effect of Self-care Moderated by Social Support 성인 장애자녀 부모의 돌봄 스트레스가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 사회적 지지에 의해 조절된 자기돌봄의 매개효과
이하림 Lee¸ Halim , 안정신 An¸ Jeongshin
Objectives: This study aims to examine the influence of caregiver stress on life satisfaction among parents of adult children with disabilities through the mediating role of self-care. Additionally, it seeks to explore whether the magnitude of the mediated effect of self-care on the relationship between caregiver stress and life satisfaction varies depending on the level of social support. Method: The study conducted online and offline surveys targeting primary caregivers among parents of adult children with disabilities and utilized a total of 372 respondents in the final dataset. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 29.0 and SPSS PROCESS Macro 3.5 programs. Results: First, self-care among parents of adult children with disabilities partially mediated the relationship between caregiver stress and life satisfaction. Second, the formal social support received by these parents significantly moderated the relationship between caregiver stress and self-care. In this moderated mediation model, caregiver stress was significantly associated with life satisfaction through the mediating role of self-care, and this moderated mediation by formal social support was statistically significant. Third, informal social support among parents of adult children with disabilities did not show significant moderation or moderated mediation effects in the relationships between caregiver stress, self-care, and life satisfaction. Conclusions: The results of this study highlight the significance of reducing caregiver stress to maintain or improve life satisfaction among parents of adult children with disabilities. In situations where reducing caregiver stress is challenging, it underscores the importance of enhancing parents’ personal resources such as self-care, and increasing their formal social support as essential strategies.
Key Words
삶의 만족도, 돌봄 스트레스, 자기돌봄, 공식적 사회적 지지, 비공식적 사회적 지지, life satisfaction, caregiver stress, self-care, formal social support, informal social support
Everyday Life Experiences of Parents Living in Close Proximity to Married Children 기혼 자녀와 근거리에 거주하는 노년기 부모의 일상생활 경험
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the everyday life experiences of older parents with a married child living nearby. Method: A thematic analysis method was employed to examine in-depth interview data obtained from 12 parents aged between 66 and 84, all of whom had a married child within a 15-minute walking distance. Results: Living in close proximity (LCP) to a married child presented both benefits and challenges for parents; and parents employed varied strategies to make LCP work. Advantages included frequent spontaneous interactions with their children, sharing of resources between households, assistance from proximate children (PC) in tasks the parents found challenging, a heightened sense of security and morale, and preparations for their life’s end. LCP also introduced emotional complexities to the parental role. While the parents were committed to providing support for PC, they struggled with PC’s over-reliance on them for grandchild care, domestic chores, or financial assistance. At the same time, the parents found themselves increasingly taking assistance from their children for granted, despite their will to stay independent (and reluctance to seek help). Additionally, poor relationships with children-in-law were detrimental to the satisfaction associated with living close to their children. To foster a more harmonious relationship with PC, the parents employed diverse strategies. These included being mindful of their potential over-reliance on PC, facilitating PC’s psychological and financial independence, being attuned to the lifestyle preferences of their children-in-law, and willingly accepting lifestyle decisions made by PC that may affect the parents’ everyday life experiences. Conclusions: Overall, parents reported feeling happy and satisfied with having their children nearby. Notably, the experiences were characterized by asymmetry, with children’s needs and preferences often taking priority over those of the parents.
Key Words
부모, 기혼 자녀, 세대관계, 근거리 거주, 일상생활 경험, Parents, Married Children, Intergenerational Relationships, Residential Proximity, Everyday Life Experience
Virtual Living Room Where the Whole Family Gathers: Married Koreans’ Lived Experiences of Family Group Chats 온 가족이 모여있는 가상의 거실: 기혼자의 가족단톡방 활용 체험
Virtual Living Room Where the Whole Family Gathers: Married Koreans’ Lived Experiences of Family Group Chats 온 가족이 모여있는 가상의 거실: 기혼자의 가족단톡방 활용 체험
이지훈 Lee¸ Jee Hoon , 이재림 Lee¸ Jaerim
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore Korean married adults’ lived experiences of interacting with their family members using online group chats. Family systems theory, family practices, and symbolic interactionism guided this study theoretically. Method: We conducted in-depth interviews with 10 married women and men who routinely communicated with their children, spouse, and parents or parents-in-law through Kakaotalk and who had used at least one family group chat. Data were analyzed based on van Manen’s hermeneutic phenomenological method. Results: First, family group chats were a virtual living room where various family subsystems gathered and stayed connected. Second, married individuals “practiced” families online by sharing their daily lives and performing their family roles using family group chats. As human agents, they actively constructed and reconstructed the virtual space. Third, traditional gender roles and patriarchy played an important role in the dynamics of family group chats. Fourth, despite the convenience of family group chats, face-to-face interaction between families were needed for effective family communication. Conclusions: This study contributes to the literature by understanding family group chats, which have become a key channel of family communication, by exploring the lived experiences of married individuals in the context of Korean families.
Key Words
가족단톡방, 온라인 가족실천, 모바일 인스턴트 메신저, 카카오톡, 가족 의사소통, family group chats, doing family online, mobile instant messenger, Kakaotalk, family communication