The Influence of Intimate Partner Violence on Depression Through Isolation Among Spouses of Professional Soldiers: Moderated Mediation Effects of Positive Communication (TSL) 직업군인 아내의 배우자폭력 피해와 우울의 관계: 고립감의 매개효과와 긍정적 의사소통(TSL)의 조절된 매개효과
김재엽 Kim Jaeyop , 김동현 Kim Donghyeon , 장대연 Jang Daeyeon
The Influence of Intimate Partner Violence on Depression Through Isolation Among Spouses of Professional Soldiers: Moderated Mediation Effects of Positive Communication (TSL) 직업군인 아내의 배우자폭력 피해와 우울의 관계: 고립감의 매개효과와 긍정적 의사소통(TSL)의 조절된 매개효과
김재엽 Kim Jaeyop , 김동현 Kim Donghyeon , 장대연 Jang Daeyeon
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the mediated effects of isolation and the moderated mediated effects of positive communication (TSL) in the relationship between intimate partner violence and depression. Method: The survey was conducted among spouses of professional soldiers who have served over 5 years in the Army, Navy, or Air Force. A total of 237 cases were included in the final analysis. All analyses were conducted using SPSS 27.0 and the SPSS Process Macro. Results: First, 25.1% of spouses were exposed to intimate partner violence in the past year, and the prevalence of depressive symptoms was more than twice as high compared to those who were not exposed to intimate partner violence. Second, isolation fully mediated the relationship between intimate partner violence and depression. Third, the impact of intimate partner violence on depression through isolation was moderated by positive communication (TSL). The association between isolation and depression weakened with increased positive communication. Conclusions: This study highlights that the impact of intimate partner violence on depression through isolation may vary depending on the level of positive communication (TSL) among spouses of professional soldiers. Based on the results, practical and policy interventions are suggested.
The Association Between Couple Conflict and Mental Health: The Sequential Mediating Effect of Child-Based Self-Worth and Negative Parenting Behaviors 부부갈등과 정신건강의 관계: 자녀수반 자기가치감과 부정적 양육행동의 순차적 매개효과
The Association Between Couple Conflict and Mental Health: The Sequential Mediating Effect of Child-Based Self-Worth and Negative Parenting Behaviors 부부갈등과 정신건강의 관계: 자녀수반 자기가치감과 부정적 양육행동의 순차적 매개효과
기쁘다 Ki Ppudah , 이수란 Lee Suran
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the sequential mediating effect of child-based self-worth and negative parenting behaviors on the association between couple conflict and mental health, using structural equation modeling. Method: A total of 940 parents who had at least one child in elementary, middle, or high school, were surveyed. Among these, participants who reported having a partner were included in the final analysis (N = 905). Data were analyzed using SPSS (descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlations) and Mplus (sequential mediation analysis). Results: The results of this study showed that all paths in the structural model were statistically significant. Child-based self-worth and negative parenting behaviors sequentially mediated the relationship between couple conflict and couples’ mental health. Bootstrapping results confirmed the statistical significance of the sequential mediation effect. Conclusions: This study confirmed that conflict in the marital system can affect the parental system and family dynamics. The study suggests ways to minimize the negative impact of marital conflict by intervening in parents’ child-based self-worth and parenting behaviors.
Pathways from Subjective Importance of Emerging Adults’ Life Domains to Their Intentions to Cohabit and to Remain Single: Positive and Negative Attitudes Toward Marriage as Mediators 청년의 삶의 영역별 중요도와 동거의향 및 비혼의향의 관계: 결혼에 대한 긍정적, 부정적 태도의 매개효과
Pathways from Subjective Importance of Emerging Adults’ Life Domains to Their Intentions to Cohabit and to Remain Single: Positive and Negative Attitudes Toward Marriage as Mediators 청년의 삶의 영역별 중요도와 동거의향 및 비혼의향의 관계: 결혼에 대한 긍정적, 부정적 태도의 매개효과
신하은 Shin Haeun , 김나현 Kim Nahyun , 이재림 Lee Jaerim
Objectives: We investigated the direct associations between the subjective importance of Korean emerging adults’ four major life domains―work, family, social relationships, and leisure― and their intentions to cohabit as well as intentions to remain single. We also examined the mediating role of both positive and negative attitudes toward marriage in these associations. Method: Using survey data from 1,119 unmarried, childless emerging adults aged 19-34 years (560 women), we conducted path analysis and bootstrapping techniques for data analysis. Results: The importance of the family domain was directly related to lower intentions to cohabit and lower intentions to remain single, while the importance of leisure was directly associated with greater intentions to both cohabit and remain single. Regarding the indirect pathways, the importance of work was related to more positive attitudes toward marriage, which led to lower intentions to remain single. The importance of work was also linked to more negative attitudes toward marriage, resulting in greater intention to remain single. Both the importance of the family and social relationship domains had significant associations with positive attitudes toward marriage, which were linked to greater intentions to cohabit and lower intentions to remain single. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the importance of each life domain for emerging adults was associated with their (non)partnership choices. Positive attitudes toward marriage were a crucial mediator in the pathways from the importance of life domains to cohabitation and no-marriage intentions.
Dynamics of Pandemic Parenting Online: A Three-year Analysis of A Korean Online Parenting Forum during COVID-19 팬데믹 속 자녀돌봄과 온라인 양육담론의 역동성: 코로나19 3년의 온라인 육아 커뮤니티 분석
Dynamics of Pandemic Parenting Online: A Three-year Analysis of A Korean Online Parenting Forum during COVID-19 팬데믹 속 자녀돌봄과 온라인 양육담론의 역동성: 코로나19 3년의 온라인 육아 커뮤니티 분석
도유록 Do You Rok
Objectives: This study analyzed the three-year development of the discussions around at-home parenting on a Korean online parenting forum during COVID-19. Method: A corpus of posts from ‘M’ cafe, spanning from 2020 to 2022 with COVID-19-related keywords, were scraped, pre-processed, and analyzed using dynamic topic modeling. Major topics were visualized. Results: 10 topics emerged from 186,713 qualifying posts, changing over time. Among these, five topics were about parenting at home during COVID-19; one about the overarching changes of parenting in the pandemic, and the remaining four about the details of childcare including nutrition, public care facilities, and healthcare. Visualization of major topics’ within-topic changes were presented to show their links to the trajectory of COVID-19, parental stress, and development of vaccination measures. Conclusions: This study delves into the changes in many aspects of at-home parenting and related discussions over the three years of COVID-19. Grounded in the sense of community, forum users created collaborative knowledge on parenting during COVID-19 through posts and comments. Parenting stress from COVID-19 showed signs of decrease, but COVID-19-related stress persisted with small changes throughout the study period. The emotional cohesion of the forum appears to have enabled the quick emergence and dissipation of anti-vaccination sentiments, capitalizing on parents’ concern for their children’s health.
Key Words
온라인 육아 커뮤니티, 돌봄, 코로나19 스트레스, 양육스트레스, 코로나19 백신, online parenting forum, childcare, COVID-19 related stress, parenting stress, COVID-19 vaccination
A Qualitative Study of North Korean Youth’s Changing Beliefs in Family Relationships: Focusing on Perception of ‘Good Parents’ in Parent-Child Relationships 가족관계에서 탈북청년들의 신념변화에 관한 질적 연구: 부모-자녀관계에서 ‘좋은 부모’에 관한 인식을 중심으로
A Qualitative Study of North Korean Youth’s Changing Beliefs in Family Relationships: Focusing on Perception of ‘Good Parents’ in Parent-Child Relationships 가족관계에서 탈북청년들의 신념변화에 관한 질적 연구: 부모-자녀관계에서 ‘좋은 부모’에 관한 인식을 중심으로
Objectives: This study aims to explore the characteristics and meaning of ‘good parents’ as recognized by North Korean defectors in their adolescence and twenties, providing recommendations for their stable settlement. Method: The Focus Group Interview (FGI) was conducted with six North Korean defectors aged 16 to 23 identified through snowball sampling. Interview contents were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: A total of three major themes and seven subthemes were derived. The first overarching theme was, ‘parents who educate with respect and democracy,’ with subthemes including ‘disciplining through dialogue, not violence,’ ‘forming intimate relationships within clearly defined boundaries,’ and ‘respecting children’s opinions and protecting their privacy.’ The second theme was ‘parents who encourage their children through affectionate communication,’ with subthemes of ‘providing emotionally warm exchange and empathy’ and ‘using praise and supportive language.’ The last theme was ‘parents who provide guidance for the future and set an example for their children,’ with subthemes ‘guiding educational and life values’ and ‘acting as a role model.’ Conclusions: This study is significant as it examines the characteristics and meanings of ‘good parents’ perceived by North Korean youths, relating them to the North Korean socio-cultural context and their experience during the defection process. Counseling and educational intervention for their stable settlement are discussed.
Key Words
북한이탈주민, 부모, 좋은 부모, 집단심층면담, North Korean Defectors, Parent, Good Parent, Focused Group Interview