Cohabitation, Is It a Process or Alternative to Marriage? (Ⅱ): Perceptions of Partnership and Policy Support Among Cohabitants in Their 30s and 40s 동거, 결혼의 과정인가? 결혼의 대안인가? (Ⅱ): 30, 40대 동거남녀의 파트너십과 정책적 지원에 대한 인식
Cohabitation, Is It a Process or Alternative to Marriage? (Ⅱ): Perceptions of Partnership and Policy Support Among Cohabitants in Their 30s and 40s 동거, 결혼의 과정인가? 결혼의 대안인가? (Ⅱ): 30, 40대 동거남녀의 파트너십과 정책적 지원에 대한 인식
성미애 Sung Miai
Objectives: This study aims to examine men and women in their 30s and 40s living in Seoul and the Seoul metropolitan area who have been cohabitating for at least one year, and used in-depth interviews to explore their choices to cohabit, their perceptions of lifestyle and partnership, and their perceptions of policy support. Method: From July to mid-September 2023, in-depth interviews were conducted. The final cases interviewed in depth were 10 men and 10 women in their 30s and 40s. The in-depth interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. The categories that emerged from the thematic analysis were ‘cohabitation as an alternative to burdensome marriage’, ‘advantages of cohabitation, a one-to-one relationship that is not tied to in-laws, but the anxiety of walking a tightrope remains’, ‘separate but equitable daily life’, ‘intimate, but not family, relationship built on material foundation and trust’, and ‘a life of casual cohabitation, gained at the expense of policy benefits’. Results: First, the majority of the research participants, regardless of gender and age, perceived marriage as a patriarchal institution that is unreasonable for both men and women. They chose to cohabit because they perceived the complexity of family relationships, especially as they expanded to include in-laws, as a burden. Second, they perceived the advantages of cohabitation as a two-person relationship, a financially beneficial two-person relationship, where they could feel secure in the comfort of not being tied to the institution of marriage without the risk of divorce. On the other hand, the disadvantages of cohabitation were perceived as the instability of the relationship and the ambiguity of the relationship that comes from this instability. Third, regardless of gender and age, the daily routines of cohabitation were governed by the principle of equity, and due to the instability of the relationship, each person managed their own property and did not touch each other. Fourth, the cohabitation relationship was sustained on a stable material foundation, with trust, acceptance, patience, consideration, concession, and caution, which are basic resources for sustaining any relationship. On the other hand, because they had internalized the traditional definition of family, they did not perceive their cohabitants as family members, but they were content to perceive their cohabitation as a loose bond that could be maintained as a ‘simple one-to-one relationship’ and ‘you are you and I am me’ that was predicated on intimacy. Fifth, while being recognized as a guardian during surgery is a practical necessity, they felt that it was awkward to provide legal support because cohabitation is a light relationship with no legal responsibilities that can be easily broken up. Conclusions: Cohabitation among those in their 30s and 40s is not a burdensome marriage, but rather an intimate, loose bond, and a comfortable couple relationship. It is a choice that is closer to an alternative to marriage rather than a process of marriage. And their daily lives were strictly conducted according to the principle of ‘fairness’. Considering that these people are in their 30s and 40s and are of marriageable age, it can be predicted that cohabitation will gradually expand in Korea, and it can be seen that they will look for alternatives to marriage centered on a lighter couple relationship rather than the marriage that is currently perceived as serious.
Key Words
가부장적 제도, 전통적 가족정의, 공평성 원칙, 친밀성, 느슨한 유대관계, PACS, patriarchal system, traditional family definition, principle of fairness, intimacy, loose ties
Factors Related to Loneliness Among Young-adult Single-person Households 청년 1인 가구의 외로움에 영향을 미치는 변인에 관한 연구
Factors Related to Loneliness Among Young-adult Single-person Households 청년 1인 가구의 외로움에 영향을 미치는 변인에 관한 연구
최진환 Choi Jin Hwan , 박정윤 Park Jeong Yun
Objectives: This study aims to suggest the rationale for intervention to alleviate loneliness among young-adult single-person households by examining the effects of social network service(SNS), and self-differentiation from parents level among young-adult single-person household on loneliness. Method: Single-person households with young adults aged 20 to 34 participated in this study. The study used a self-report questionnaire, and the collected data were analyzed with SPSS 23.0. Results: First, loneliness and SNS overuse were lower than the average level. The level of motivation of SNS usage and the level of self-differentiation from parents were higher than the average level. Second, the study identified the positive correlations between loneliness and the sub-variables of SNS overuse. The self-differentiation level showed a negative correlation with loneliness. Third, the addiction and withdrawal level had the greatest influence among young-adult single-person household on loneliness, and the self- differentiation level with parents and pursuit of interpersonal relationships followed. Conclusions: In this study, SNS overuse, motivation of SNS usage, and family differentiation level were analyzed with the loneliness level of young-adult single-person households. To reduce loneliness, a young-adult single-person needs to regulate SNS usage in order not to be addicted, and to increase the level of family differentiation.
Key Words
청년 1인 가구, 외로움, SNS 과다사용, SNS 이용동기, 부모와의 자기분화, young-adult single-person household, loneliness, SNS overuse, motivation of SNS usage, self-differentiation from parents
The Characteristics and Factors Related to Marital Intentions of South Korean Non-Marital Cohabitors 연령대별 비혼 동거자의 특성 및 혼인신고 의향 관련 요인
The Characteristics and Factors Related to Marital Intentions of South Korean Non-Marital Cohabitors 연령대별 비혼 동거자의 특성 및 혼인신고 의향 관련 요인
김유진 Kim Youjin , 진미정 Chin Meejung
Objectives: This study aims to identify the characteristics of South Korean non-marital cohabitors by distinguishing the types and exploring related factors. Based on marital intention, this study aims to classify cohabitation as a process of marriage and as an alternative to marriage. The study further examines factors related to marital intention by age group, which are divided into life development factors, socioeconomic factors, and value factors. Method: This study analyzed 323 non-marital cohabitors who had a spouse but lived together without registering the marriage based on Family Survey (2020) data. Chi-square test, t-test, logistic regression analysis were conducted to examine the factors. Results: First, there were some differences in the characteristics of the young and middle-aged, and the elderly. Second, consistent with previous studies, young and middle-aged people considered cohabitation as a process of marriage, while elderly people viewed cohabitation as an alternative to marriage. Third, for the younger group, socioeconomic factors were important considerations when entering the marriage system from cohabitation. Among the elderly, significant explanatory factors for marital intention were age, duration of cohabitation, work status, acceptance of various lifestyles, and positive perception of the child. Conclusions: The study is significant as it expands the scope of previous studies, which have mainly consisted of qualitative and review studies. Moreover, the study provides important basic research to enhance the understanding of non-marital cohabitors and offers implications for social and policy discussions.
Key Words
비혼 동거, 동거자, 혼인신고 의향, 결혼의 과정으로서의 동거, 결혼의 대안으로서의 동거, cohabitation, cohabitor, marital intention, cohabitation as a stage in the marriage process, cohabitation as an alternative to marriage
Changes in Family Relationship Satisfaction and the Effects of the Impact of Psychological Factors 맞벌이 확대기 부부의 가족관계만족도 변화와 심리적 요인의 영향 연구
Changes in Family Relationship Satisfaction and the Effects of the Impact of Psychological Factors 맞벌이 확대기 부부의 가족관계만족도 변화와 심리적 요인의 영향 연구
민진아 Min Jina , 최수찬 Choi Soochan
Objectives: This study analyzes the changes in family relationship satisfaction of couples in the expanding workforce and examines the influence of psychological factors on family relationship satisfaction and the common factors of couples. Method: We used data from the Korean Welfare Panel over a seven-year period (2015-2021), which included 252 couples with dual-earner families. The latent growth model was utilized to test whether individual differences and psychological (self-esteem, depression) factors affect the change in family relationship satisfaction of couples. Results: First, family relationship satisfaction increased through the significance of the linear model, and the degree of increase varied between individuals. Second, the degree of change in couple family relationship satisfaction varied depending on the initial value. Third, individual self-esteem influenced couple family relationship satisfaction, but there were differences between couples. Fourth, individual depression affected initial family relationship satisfaction. Husband’s depression affected wife’s initial family relationship satisfaction. Conclusions: The level of satisfaction and changes in family relationships between wives and husbands when developing policies should be considered in future research. The common factor of depression in husbands and address psychological factors through employee assistance programs (EAPs) should also be considered in future research.
Key Words
가족관계만족도, 맞벌이 확대기 부부, 자아존중감, 우울, 잠재성장모형, EAP, family relationship satisfaction, dual-income couples, self-esteem, depression, potential growth model
The Effect of a Parent-Participating Comprehensive Sexuality Education Program for Early Adolescents on Participants’ Sex Knowledge, Sex Attitude, and Sex-Related Communication 초기 청소년 대상 부모참여 포괄적 성교육 프로그램이 참여자의 성지식, 성태도, 성관련 의사소통에 미치는 효과 연구
The Effect of a Parent-Participating Comprehensive Sexuality Education Program for Early Adolescents on Participants’ Sex Knowledge, Sex Attitude, and Sex-Related Communication 초기 청소년 대상 부모참여 포괄적 성교육 프로그램이 참여자의 성지식, 성태도, 성관련 의사소통에 미치는 효과 연구
이유진 Lee Yu-jin , 조은숙 Cho Eunsuk
Objectives: The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of a short-term, parent-participation-based comprehensive sex education program for early adolescents. The study aims to examine whether this program changes in sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and improvements in sex-related communication. Method: The study recruited 33 paired participants, comprising male and female students from 4th to 6th grade, along with their parents from the K region in Gyeonggi Province of South Korea. The sex education program consisted of nine sessions. Pre- and post-tests were conducted to measure the participating youths’ sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and level of sex-related communication with parents. An additional follow-up examination was conducted after 8 weeks with the experimental group. Results: The findings revealed that the parent-participation-based comprehensive sex education program had significant effects in enhancing sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and sex-related communication with parents among early adolescents. The effects were maintained or improved over time. Conclusions: The sex education program in this study, designed for a short-term sex education model, facilitates parental involvement and achieves satisfactory outcomes in a sustainable way, when compared to existing programs with long-term parental involvement.
Key Words
성교육프로그램, 초기 청소년, 부모참여성교육, 포괄적성교육, 성관련 의사소통, sex education program, comprehensive sex education, early adolescence, parental participation education, family sex education