Families Read Together: Exploring the Relationship Between Family Dynamics and Children’s Reading Time 독서하는 가족: 2019생활시간자료를 통해 본 자녀의 읽기활동시간과 부모 및 가족특성
차승은 Cha Seung-eun , 박건영 Park Geon-yeong , 송영서 Song Yeong-seo , 조은빈 Jo Eun-bin
Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the differences in the association between parental and family characteristics and children’s reading activities, considering the gender and age of the children. Three hypotheses explaining the parent/family effect on children’s reading activities were tested, yielding significant results. Method: Using the 2019 Korean Time Use Survey (2019 KTUS), we constructed two-day parent-child dyad data from time diaries reported by children aged 10-15 and their parents (Diary N=2,630, Diarist N=1,315). The amount of reading activity hours for each family member (child, mother, and father) was calculated, and Tobit analysis was conducted to identify the association between children’s reading time and parent/family characteristics (e.g.parental education, household income, parental engagement in reading activities, and parent-child interaction). Results: Parental education, representing cultural capital, was significantly associated with girls’ reading time, particularly with fathers' education level. Both boys’ and girls’ reading times showed significant associations with parental reading activities, supporting the social modeling hypothesis from a behavioral perspective. Further, analysis of elementary and middle school students separately revealed that father's education level and both parents’ reading activities were significantly associated with reading time among upper elementary school students. However, for middle school students, the associations between parental/family characteristics and their reading time were not evident, indicating age-related differences in parental effects. Conclusions: These findings have significant implications for developing intervention strategies in children’s reading activities and creating parental education programs to enhance reading.
Key Words
부모-자녀 쌍, 시간일지분석, 사회학습이론, 문화자본, 성별 차이, 연령 차이, parent-child dyad data, time diary analysis, social learning theory, cultural capital, gender difference, age group difference
The Impact on the Marriage Intentions of Unmarried Young Men and Women: Centered on Influence of the Ability to Purchase Housing, Family Factors, and Life Satisfaction 비혼 남녀 청년의 결혼의향에 미치는 영향: 자립적 주거마련 능력, 가족 요인, 삶의 만족도를 중심으로
The Impact on the Marriage Intentions of Unmarried Young Men and Women: Centered on Influence of the Ability to Purchase Housing, Family Factors, and Life Satisfaction 비혼 남녀 청년의 결혼의향에 미치는 영향: 자립적 주거마련 능력, 가족 요인, 삶의 만족도를 중심으로
정여진 Jeong Yeojin , 장진경 Chang Jinkyung
Objectives: This study aims to examine the impact of sociodemographic characteristics, the ability to purchase housing, family factors, and life satisfaction on the marriage intentions of unmarried young men and women. Method: The data used in this study was taken from the 2021 Youth Socio-Economic Survey conducted by the Korea Youth Policy Institute, and the analysis was conducted on 664 unmarried young men and women wage workers aged 25-34. SPSS 25.0 and R 4.2.2 were used to analyze the factors affecting the intention to marry. Results: Firstly, an examination of the overall trends in marriage intentions, sociodemographic characteristics, the ability to purchase housing, family interaction, parental -child residential independence, and life satisfaction among unmarried young men and women. There were significant differences by gender in education, monthly income, non-face-to-face family interaction, and life satisfaction. Secondly, we hierarchically entered the variables that influence the marriage intentions of unmarried young people. Unmarried young men had significant influences on marriage intentions from age, monthly income, ability to purchase housing, parent-child residential independence, overall safety, and neighborhood environment related to life satisfaction. For unmarried young women, ability to purchase housing and non-face-to-face family interaction were found to have a significant impact on marriage intentions. Conclusions: This study is significant in that it examines various factors influencing marriage intentions, including individual housing-related economic capabilities, family factors, and life satisfaction. Also, the research findings can be used as basic data for establishing marriage policies for unmarried young people in the future.
Key Words
비혼, 청년, 결혼의향, 주거마련능력, 가족교류, 주거독립, 삶의 만족도, unmarried, youth, marry, housing, family interaction, residential independence, life satisfaction
The Effects of Marital Attachment on Marital Stability Among Married Women: The Mediating Effect of Communication Attitudes 기혼여성의 부부애착이 결혼안정성에 미치는 영향: 의사소통태도의 매개효과
The Effects of Marital Attachment on Marital Stability Among Married Women: The Mediating Effect of Communication Attitudes 기혼여성의 부부애착이 결혼안정성에 미치는 영향: 의사소통태도의 매개효과
Objectives: This study aims to test a model that hypothesizes marital attachment would influence marital stability through communication attitudes. In particular, we examine the effects of the two aspects of marital attachment, attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance, on marital stability, mediated by different types of communication attitudes. Method: An online survey on marital stability, marital attachment, communication attitudes, and socio-demographic characteristics was conducted targeting women aged 20 to 60 who were married, and data from the total of 240 respondents were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, analysis of variance, and path analysis. Results: The results are as follows. First, in the final model with critical communication attitude as a mediator, attachment anxiety had a negative effect on marital stability only through an indirect path, whereas attachment avoidance had a negative effect through both direct and indirect paths. Second, in the model with rational communication attitude as the mediator, attachment anxiety only indirectly affected marital stability. In detail, attachment anxiety had a positive effect on rational communication attitude, which negatively affected marital stability. In contrast, attachment avoidance had a negative direct effect on marital stability and a negative indirect effect through rational communication attitude. Lastly, in the model with unilateral communication attitude as the mediator, attachment anxiety had both a negative direct effect on marital stability and an indirect effect through unilateral communication attitude. Attachment avoidance also had significant negative direct and indirect effects. Conclusions: We discuss the results focusing on the similarities and the differences in the effects of attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance mediated by communication attitudes. Based on the results, significance of this study, implications for family education and counseling, and suggestions for future research directions are discussed.
Key Words
부부애착, 애착불안, 애착회피, 결혼안정성, 의사소통태도, 기혼여성, marital stability, marital attachment, attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, negative communication attitude, married women
The Influence of Parental Psychological Control by Men and Women in Early Adulthood on a Rational Relationship Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Self-Defensive Ambivalence Over Emotional Expressiveness 성인 초기 남녀가 지각한 부모의 심리적 통제가 이성관계 만족도에 미치는 영향: 자기방어적 정서표현 양가성의 매개효과
The Influence of Parental Psychological Control by Men and Women in Early Adulthood on a Rational Relationship Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Self-Defensive Ambivalence Over Emotional Expressiveness 성인 초기 남녀가 지각한 부모의 심리적 통제가 이성관계 만족도에 미치는 영향: 자기방어적 정서표현 양가성의 매개효과
고우리 Ko Woori , 박정윤 Park Jeong Yun
Objectives: This study aims to venrity the impact of parental psychological control perceived by men and women in early adulthood on satisfaction with opposite-sex relationships and the mediating effect of self-defensive emotional expression ambivalence. Method: A self-report survey was conducted targeting men and women in their 20s who are currently dating. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0. Results: First, higher parental psychological control resulted in lower satisfaction with opposite-sex relationships. Second, higher ambivalence in self-defensive emotional expression resulted in lower satisfaction with opposite-sex relationships. Third, the mediating path through which parental psychological control affected satisfaction with opposite-sex relationships through self-defensive emotional expression ambivalence was significant. In other words, higher parental psychological control resulted in higher ambivalence toward self-defensive emotional expression. Also, the path through which high ambivalence toward self-defensive emotional expression influenced satisfaction with romantic relationships, was significant. Conclusions: This study is significant in that parental psychological control and ambivalence in self-defensive emotional expression perceived by men and women in early adulthood can have a significant impact on satisfaction with opposite-sex relationships. In early adulthood, it is possible to develop a program that allows people to express themselves, praise, and engage in positive activities, and satisfaction with opposite-sex relationships can be increased through education.
Key Words
부모의 심리적 통제, 이성관계 만족도, 자기방어적 정서표현 양가성, parental psychological control, satisfaction with opposite-sex relationships, ambivalence in self-defensive emotional expression
The Mediating Effect of Family Belongingness and Couple Relationship Satisfaction on the Association Between Calling in Childrearing and Meaning in Life: Generation Differences 부모소명과 삶의 의미 간 관련성에서 가족소속감과 부부만족도의 매개효과: 세대 차이를 중심으로
The Mediating Effect of Family Belongingness and Couple Relationship Satisfaction on the Association Between Calling in Childrearing and Meaning in Life: Generation Differences 부모소명과 삶의 의미 간 관련성에서 가족소속감과 부부만족도의 매개효과: 세대 차이를 중심으로
기쁘다 Ki Ppudah , 성미애 Sung Miai
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effect of family belongingness and couple relationship satisfaction on the association between calling in childrearing and meaning in life, focusing on generational differences. Method: The data were collected online, and the participants included 271 married people from the baby boom (BB) generation, 239 married people from X generation, and 126 married people from Y generation. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze generation differences, and PROCESS macro was used to analyze the mediation effect. Results: The ANOVA showed that there were generation differences among BB, X, and Y generations. Mediation analyses showed that family belongingness and couple relationship satisfaction mediated the association between calling in childrearing and meaning in life in the BB generation. In the X generation, family belongingness mediated the association between calling in childrearing and meaning in life. However, in the Y generation, there was no mediation effect. Conclusions: The generation differences imply that family and couple relationships might matter more to older generations, and younger generations might tend to separate family relationships from personal meaning in life. Future research on the topic will further provide more specific information.
Key Words
부모소명, 삶의 의미, 가족소속감, 부부만족도, 세대 차이, calling in childrearing, meaning in life, family belongingness, couple relationship satisfaction, generation differences
Mediating Effects of Marital Conflict on the Relationship between Work-Family Balance and Subjective Happiness in Dual-Earner Couples with Elementary School Children: Using APIMeM Analysis 초등학생 자녀를 둔 맞벌이 부부의 일-가족 양립과 주관적 행복감의 관계에서 부부갈등의 매개효과: 자기-상대방 상호의존 매개모형(APIMeM)의 적용
Mediating Effects of Marital Conflict on the Relationship between Work-Family Balance and Subjective Happiness in Dual-Earner Couples with Elementary School Children: Using APIMeM Analysis 초등학생 자녀를 둔 맞벌이 부부의 일-가족 양립과 주관적 행복감의 관계에서 부부갈등의 매개효과: 자기-상대방 상호의존 매개모형(APIMeM)의 적용
Zanaa Otgontugs , 조규영 Cho Kyuyoung
Objectives: This research aims to examine the mediated effects of dual-earner couples’s marital conflict in the relationship between work-family balance and subjective happiness. Method: Data from the Korean Children’s Panel data (10th∼12ft year) were utilized to analyze 415 dual-earner couples. The actor-partner interdependence model extended to mediation(APIMem) were work-family stains and grain actor and partner effects of retirement preparation on subjective happiness. The study used the SPSS 21.0 for reliability analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, and correlation analysis. Results: First, the actor effect of husband and wife’s work-family strains and gains was significant in the direct path between subjective happiness and marital conflict. Second, the partner effect of husband and wife’s work-family strains was significant in the direct path of the spouse’s marital conflict. Third, the actor effect had a mediated effect of marital conflict in the husband and wife’s work-family strains and gains relationship between subjective happiness. Fourth, the partner effect of the mediation effect showed that the husband and wife’s work-family strains affected their subjective sense of happiness through the spouse’s marital conflict. Fifth, the partners effect of husband’s work-family gains had a mediation effect on the relationship between wife’s marital conflict. Conclusions: These findings extend our understanding of the relationships between work-family stains and gain relationship between subjective happiness using dyadic data. The limitations of this study and suggestions for future research are discussed.
A Qualitative Study on Youth Companions’ Counseling Experiences with Adolescents Under Probation 청소년동반자의 보호관찰청소년 상담경험에 대한 질적연구
배대길 Bae Daegil
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to explore in depth the counseling experience of youth companions for youth on probation and to understand the essence of the experience. Method: Data from in-depth interviews with 11 research participants from December 2022 to April 2023 were analyzed using van Manen’s hermeneutic phenomenological research method. Results: The research participants not only experienced the coexistence of anxiety and sympathy, but also experienced ambivalence through deciding their role in the midst of confusion. I struggle alone to explain and persuade them about the still-changing environment of probation youth and probation. Although there are various difficulties, we are going through the process of creating something new by noticing minor changes in probation youth. Research participants are experiencing the joy of making new promises with youth on probation, becoming one with their stories, and nurturing the seeds of adaptation and change. As I discover the ordinariness of youth on probation, I realize that I am gaining the strength to overcome them as a youth partner, and I am preparing more to overcome the various difficulties that still exist and working towards the direction I need to go. Research participants are becoming companions to youth on probation and a stepping stone of hope for them. Conclusions: This study is significant in that it improves the ability of youth companions to cope with the various experiences that they may experience while working and suggests a direction for counseling intervention not only for youth on probation but also for youth in advanced age.
Key Words
보호관찰청소년, 청소년동반자, 현상학적 연구, juveniles probation, youth companion, phenomenological study