Family Relationship and Depression Among Young Carers: The Role of Caregiving Burden and Social Support 가족돌봄청년의 가족관계 만족도와 우울: 돌봄 부담감의 매개효과와 사회적 지지의 조절된 매개효과
김재윤 Kim Jaeyoon , 김주은 Kim Jueun , 진미정 Chin Meejung
Family Relationship and Depression Among Young Carers: The Role of Caregiving Burden and Social Support 가족돌봄청년의 가족관계 만족도와 우울: 돌봄 부담감의 매개효과와 사회적 지지의 조절된 매개효과
김재윤 Kim Jaeyoon , 김주은 Kim Jueun , 진미정 Chin Meejung
Objectives: Young carers, having experienced caregiving through non-normative circumstances, may be more psychologically vulnerable when compared to non-caregiver peers. While domestic policies and scholarly interest in young carers have recently surged, empirical research remains insufficient. We applied Pearlin’s stress process model to examine the mediating effect of caregiving burden on the relationship between family relationship satisfaction and depression among young carers in Seoul, and we explored whether this mediating effect varies with levels of social support. Method: Data from the second year (2022) of the Seoul Youth Panel Survey conducted by the Seoul Institute were utilized, focusing on 226 participants relevant to this study’s objectives. SPSS 26.0 and Process Macro v4.2 were employed to analyze mediating effects, moderation effects, and moderated mediation effects. Results: First, a significant mediating effect of caregiving burden was observed in the relationship between family relationship satisfaction and depression. Second, significant moderation effects of social support were found in the relationship between family relationship satisfaction and caregiving burden. Third, results of moderated mediation analysis indicated that the mediating effect of caregiving burden on the relationship between family relationship satisfaction and depression is moderated by the level of social support. Conclusions: Based on these study findings, implications for developing family-based service designs and considering the importance of social support for youth are discussed, along with policy interventions and research.
Key Words
가족돌봄청년, 우울, 돌봄 부담감, 사회적 지지, 스트레스 과정 모델, young carers, depression, caregiver burden, social support, stress process model (SPM)
Ways to Improve Family Counseling Services at Family Centers: Focus Group Interviews with Family Center Practitioners 가족센터의 가족상담서비스 개선방안에 대한 연구: 우수기관 인증 가족센터 실무자 대상 초점집단면접을 중심으로
이지민 Lee Ji Min , 박정윤 Park Jeong Yun , 김정은 Kim Jung Eun , 한은주 Han Eun Joo , 강복정 Kang Bog Jeong
Ways to Improve Family Counseling Services at Family Centers: Focus Group Interviews with Family Center Practitioners 가족센터의 가족상담서비스 개선방안에 대한 연구: 우수기관 인증 가족센터 실무자 대상 초점집단면접을 중심으로
이지민 Lee Ji Min , 박정윤 Park Jeong Yun , 김정은 Kim Jung Eun , 한은주 Han Eun Joo , 강복정 Kang Bog Jeong
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify the operational status and problems of family counseling services provided at family centers and to derive improvement measures that deliver more professional and stable family counseling services. Thus, we are seeking ways to systematize and specialize the role of the Korean Institute for Healthy Family which manages the family counseling services of family centers, and to support family centers that provide quality family counseling services nationwide from a long-term perspective. Method: Focus group interviews (FGI) were conducted and analyzed on the current status and problems of family center counseling business operation with 18 family counseling practitioners and full-time professionals from 57 family centers certified as excellent family counseling organizations. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the focus group interview data. As a result of the FGI analysis, issues related to the operation of counseling businesses and themes related to strengthening the capabilities of family counselors were identified. Results: Opinions on the problems of operating a family center counseling business included lack of a counseling budget, overwork of counseling practitioners, vague regulations on client out-of-pocket expenses, inconsistency in counseling allowances for commissioned counselors, and problems with no-shows and waiting list management. Opinions on strengthening the capacity of family counseling personnel showed that there was a demand for operating supervision, strengthening the capacity of commissioned counselors, and revising the family counseling manual to reflect the current situation. Conclusions: The results of this study can be used as basic data to seek ways to improve the quality and delivery system of family counseling services at family centers across the country and to specify and support the role and business of the Korean Institute for Healthy Family.
Key Words
가족센터, 가족상담서비스, 초점집단면접, family center, family counseling service, focus group interview
The Moderating Effect of Couples’ Work Arrangements on the Association between Wives’ Satisfaction with their Husbands’ Sharing of Housework and Depressive Symptoms 기혼여성의 가사노동 분담 만족도와 우울감과의 관계: 생계부양유형의 조절효과
The Moderating Effect of Couples’ Work Arrangements on the Association between Wives’ Satisfaction with their Husbands’ Sharing of Housework and Depressive Symptoms 기혼여성의 가사노동 분담 만족도와 우울감과의 관계: 생계부양유형의 조절효과
이인숙 Lee Insook , 이효정 Lee Hyo Jung
Objectives: This study aims to investigate whether couples’ work arrangements moderate the association between the level of wives’ satisfaction with their husbands’ sharing of housework and depressive symptoms. Method: Using data from the 8th Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families(KLoWF) in 2020, 3,418 married women under the age of 60 years were categorized into three groups based on their paid working hours: ‘High commitment couples,’ ‘Neo-traditionalist couples,’ and ‘Traditional couples’. Hierarchical regression models were conducted to verify the moderating effect. Results: First, a higher level of wives’ satisfaction with their husbands’ sharing of housework was associated with a lower level of their depressive symptoms. Second, the moderating effect of couples’ work arrangements was significant in this association. In the ‘High commitments couples,’ compared to the ‘Traditional couples,’ higher levels of wives’ satisfaction with their husbands’ sharing of housework were associated with a smaller decrease in thier depressive symptoms. Conclusions: Recognizing the fact that the mental well-being of married women may be associated with their subjective satisfaction with their husbands’ contribution to housework, this finding may shed light on exploring the possibility of interventions or service designs in this field.
Key Words
아내의 우울감, 가사노동 분담 만족도, 생계부양유형, depressive symptoms, satisfaction with sharing of housework, couple’s work arrangements
The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on the Life Satisfaction of Unwed Mothers: Multiple Additive Moderation Effects of Social Capital and Discrimination Experience 양육미혼모의 사회경제적 요인이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 사회적 자본과 차별경험의 다중가산조절효과를 중심으로
The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on the Life Satisfaction of Unwed Mothers: Multiple Additive Moderation Effects of Social Capital and Discrimination Experience 양육미혼모의 사회경제적 요인이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 사회적 자본과 차별경험의 다중가산조절효과를 중심으로
곽경주 Kwak Kyoungju , 전귀연 Jeon Gweeyeon
Objectives: This study aims to explore various ways to increase the life satisfaction of unwed mothers by examining both individual and social factors affecting the life satisfaction of unwed mothers. To this end, this study attempts to analyze the effects of individual factors such as age, educational background, occupation, income, and social factors such as social capital and discrimination experiences on life satisfaction, and the multiple additive moderation effects of social capital and discrimination experience on the association of socioeconomic factors with life satisfaction of unwed mothers. Method: Data were collected through a survey of 310 unwed mothers registered with three organizations. SPSS 25.0 and Process Macro v4.1 were used for data analyses. Results: First, by examining the factors affecting life satisfaction of unwed mothers, only social capital was related to life satisfaction. Second, the multiple additive moderation effect of social capital and discrimination experience was statistically significant. This means that the association of socioeconomic factors with life satisfaction of unwed mothers depends on the degree of social capital and discrimination experience. Conclusions: This study suggests that social capital is the determinant of life satisfaction of unwed mothers. To increase the life satisfaction of unwed mothers, active involvement in social participation and improvement in the awareness and attitude toward unwed mothers are needed.
Key Words
양육미혼모, 삶의 만족도, 사회경제적 요인, 사회적 자본, 차별경험, unwed mothers, life satisfaction, social capital, discrimination experience
The Relationship between Marital Dissatisfaction and Depression in Middle-aged Adults: Moderated Mediation Effect of Partner’s Verbal Abuse and Coping Strategies of Family Conflict 중년기의 배우자관계 불만족도와 우울과의 관계: 배우자의 언어폭력과 가족갈등 대처전략의 조절된 매개효과
The Relationship between Marital Dissatisfaction and Depression in Middle-aged Adults: Moderated Mediation Effect of Partner’s Verbal Abuse and Coping Strategies of Family Conflict 중년기의 배우자관계 불만족도와 우울과의 관계: 배우자의 언어폭력과 가족갈등 대처전략의 조절된 매개효과
김은경 Kim Eunkyoung , 조규영 Cho Kyuyoung
Objectives: The study aims to examine whether partner’s verbal abuse mediates the relationship between marital dissatisfaction and depression in middle-aged individuals, and to determine if there is a moderated mediation effect involving coping strategies of family conflict. Method: Using data from the 17th wave of the Korean Welfare Panel Study, the study analyzed a sample of 2,894 middle-aged adults (aged 40-59) using SPSS 26.0 and the SPSS PROCESS macro. Results: Significant mediating effects of partner’s verbal abuse on the relationship between marital dissatisfaction and depression in middle-aged individuals were found. Furthermore, significant moderated mediation effects of coping strategies of family conflict were observed in the relationship between marital dissatisfaction and partner’s verbal abuse. Lastly, significant moderated mediation effects of coping strategies of family conflict were found in the pathway where marital dissatisfaction affects depression through partner’s verbal abuse in middle-aged individuals. Conclusions: Based on these findings, the study confirms the serious impact of marital dissatisfaction and partner’s verbal abuse on increasing depression. Emphasizing the enhancement of positive coping strategies of family conflict as protective factors for prevention is recommended.
The Association Between Parents’ Rational Explanation Perceived by Middle School Children and the Children’s School Adjustment: The Sequential Mediation of Resilience and Academic Stress 중학생 자녀가 인식한 부모의 합리적 설명과 학교적응의 관계: 자아탄력성과 학업스트레스의 순차적 매개효과
The Association Between Parents’ Rational Explanation Perceived by Middle School Children and the Children’s School Adjustment: The Sequential Mediation of Resilience and Academic Stress 중학생 자녀가 인식한 부모의 합리적 설명과 학교적응의 관계: 자아탄력성과 학업스트레스의 순차적 매개효과
기쁘다 Ki Ppudah , 강혜성 Kang Hyeseong
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the sequential mediating effect of middle school students’ resilience and academic stress on the association between parents’ rational explanation and middle school students’ school adjustment. Method: Data were obtained from the 14th year data of the Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC). A total of 1,328 middle school students were used in the analyses with SPSS (descriptive statistics and correlations) and Mplus (sequential mediation analysis). Results: The paths in the structural model were statistically significant. The middle schoolers’ resilience and academic stress separately and sequentially mediated the association between parents’ rational explanation and their school adjustment. The bootstrapping results confirmed the statistical significance of the sequential mediation effect. Conclusions: This study suggests that parents’ rational explanation can significantly affect middle school students’ school adjustment by raising self-resilience and lowering academic stress. The findings of this study can be applied in family life education and counseling programs.
Key Words
부모의 합리적 설명, 자아탄력성, 학업스트레스, 학교적응, 중학생, parents’ rational explanation, resilience, academic stress, school adjustment, middle school students