An Analytical Trial to Understand the Nature of the Commuter Couples 맞벌이 주말가족의 성격분석을 위한 시론
이기숙 Ki Sook Lee
4(1) 1-23, 1999
An Analytical Trial to Understand the Nature of the Commuter Couples 맞벌이 주말가족의 성격분석을 위한 시론
이기숙 Ki Sook Lee
This research analyses the husband and wife relationships depicted in TV dramas aired during the period between March and April in 1998. A tentative conclusion drawn from this research is that TV dramas afterwards the IMF crisis enforce the mechanism of which reproduces the patriarchal hierarchy between husband and wife. Since the 1980s, the husband and wife relationships have shown some degree of progress towards egalitarian orientation along with popular culture gaining wider currency. Popular culture under the IMF crisis, however, is now reversing such progress back to patriarchal order. The dislocation between academic theory and popular culture in terms of the husband and wife relationship might be due to the absence of interactive discourse between them. As much as the modus vivendi of individual is molded by the context of popular culture, the real life relationships between husband and wife are influenced by the depiction of the relationships among family members in popular culture like TV dramas. An implication of this research is that the orientation of family relationship depicted in popular culture and the extent of its influence are to be explored in depth as a new field of Family Studies.
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Role Conflicts and Marital Satisfaction of Commuting Dual - Career Couples 맞벌이 주말부부의 역할갈등과 결혼만족도
김은경 Eun Kyung Kim
4(1) 25-43, 1999
Role Conflicts and Marital Satisfaction of Commuting Dual - Career Couples 맞벌이 주말부부의 역할갈등과 결혼만족도
김은경 Eun Kyung Kim
This study examined the role conflicts and marital satisfaction of commuting couples. Ninety-three commuting couples were investigated on measures of role conflicts and marital satisfaction. Among commuting couples, husbands had lower role conflicts and higher marital satisfaction than their wives. Self-reported power, and husband` support for wives work had significant effect on husbands` role conflicts and marital satisfaction. For wives, role conflicts and marital satisfaction were significantly different by supports from friends on their life style and supports from husbands on wives` work continuation.
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Parental Role Strain of Husbands and Wives in the Commuter Marriage 맞벌이 주말부부의 부모역할 갈등
옥경희 Kyung Hee Ok
4(1) 45-66, 1999
Parental Role Strain of Husbands and Wives in the Commuter Marriage 맞벌이 주말부부의 부모역할 갈등
옥경희 Kyung Hee Ok
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences of parental role strain between husbands and wives of dual-career families who lived in different places at least three days a week, which called the commuter marriage. It also examined the relationships of parental role strain with several variables such as family structure, work situation, family and social support and values and attitudes about family and parenting. An analysis of questionnaires by 80 couples who had at least one child suggested that wives` parental role strain in the commuter marriage was higher than husbands`. Also, there were significant differences in the parental role strain of husbands due to the numbers of communication with their spouses, the proximity with their in-laws and the degree of support from co-workers. For the wives, only the degrees of support from friends and co-workers made significant differences in their parental role strain. For both husbands and wives, the number of children and the negative attitudes about mother`s employment were significantly related positively with their parental role strain. The pressure from the spouse about enacting parental role from the spouse and the values of intact marriage were significantly related with parental role strain of husbands only in the positive direction. Results found no differences in work related variables including the flexibility of work schedule and the hours of working per week.
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Family Relation Variables Perceived by Adolescents and Their Family Values 청소년기 자녀가 지각한 가족관계 변인과 청소년의 가족가치관
조미숙Mi Sook Cho, 오선주Sun Joo Oh
4(1) 67-89, 1999
Family Relation Variables Perceived by Adolescents and Their Family Values 청소년기 자녀가 지각한 가족관계 변인과 청소년의 가족가치관
조미숙Mi Sook Cho, 오선주Sun Joo Oh
The purpose of this study was to understand how adolescents` family values were affected by family relation variables perceived by adolescents. The subjects of this study were 600 boy and girl students who attended the second-year high schools in the city of Inchon. They were adolescents whose parents were alive, keeping conjugal relationship. The collected data were processed by one-way variance analysis, t-test, and Duncan`s posttest, using SAS program. Cronbach α-value also was calculated to test reliability. The findings of this study were as follows : 1. The adolescents showed most modernistic disposition toward the view of sex role, among family values. Their view of parents had somewhat traditional tendency, compared with their views of marriage, sex role and child. Besides, there appeared a clear distinction between girl students and boy students. Girl students tended to have more modernistic disposition. 2. The parents` socio-demographic variables that gave impact on the adolescents` family values were father`s education and mother`s education for boy students, and mother`s education and mother`s occupation for girl students. 3. The family relations perceived by adolescents had an important effect on their view of marriage and parents. Both of girl and boy students whose family relations were higher in quality had more traditional views of marriage and parents in general.
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Individual and Family Relational Factors Associated with Housewives' Depression 주부우울에 영향을 미치는 개인 및 가족관계 변인 - 청소년 자녀가 있는 도시 중산층 전업주부를 중심으로 -
박정희Jung Hee Park, 유영주Young Ju Yoo
4(1) 91-119, 1999
Individual and Family Relational Factors Associated with Housewives' Depression 주부우울에 영향을 미치는 개인 및 가족관계 변인 - 청소년 자녀가 있는 도시 중산층 전업주부를 중심으로 -
박정희Jung Hee Park, 유영주Young Ju Yoo
For the matritally discordant individual, the marital relationship may play a powerful role in the development and maintenance of depression as well as having potential utility in promoting recovery. Since 1980s, another set of models of depression have received increasing attention, namely the marital discord model of depression. Therefore, the purpose of this study were to examine the effect of individual and family relational variables on housewives` depression based on marital discord model as a theoretical framework. The major findings were as follows ; 1. To measure of depression using the CES-D(the center for epidemiologic studies depression scale), the degree of wives` depression was relatively higher than that of other research findings. This result shows that many of them having been depressed in the context of their marital relationships. And, when to set of 21 point to optimal cut-off score, 24.7% of wives reported having been clinical depression. 2. As for the related variables, educational degree, number of chldren, economic hardship, self-esteem, psychological-emotional equity, family cohesion turned out to be significant in womens` depression. It implies that wives`s depression can be decreased by enriching self-esteem and any other psychological-emotional relationship in their family. Accordingly, various educational program for that should be prepared and developed. 3. The strongest predictors of this model were, in descending order, (1) self-esteem, (2) family cohesion, (3) economic hardship, (4) psychological-emotional equity, (5) educational degree, and (6) number of children. The hierarchical regression yielded the result that individual variables were more influenced by socio-demographic and family relational variables. The model suggested that at least two major and interacting risk factor domains, i.e., individual and family relational domains, are needed to understand the etiology of housewives` depression.
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Conditions of Welfare Services and Program Development for the Elderly 지역사회 노인복지 실태분석을 통한 복지프로그램 개발
김경신Kyeong Shin Kim, 신효식Hyo Shick Shin, 한경미Kyeong Mi Han
4(1) 121-145, 1999
Conditions of Welfare Services and Program Development for the Elderly 지역사회 노인복지 실태분석을 통한 복지프로그램 개발
김경신Kyeong Shin Kim, 신효식Hyo Shick Shin, 한경미Kyeong Mi Han
The purposes of this research were to find out the conditions of community welfare services for the elderly and to develop effective welfare programs. For this study, three kinds of questionnaire were used and the data were obtained through 30 samples of social workers, 300 ederly persons and 250 elderly caregivers living in Seoul and Kwangju. The most frequent topics in elderly education were health, leisure, languges but the elderly demanded family life education also. The usual leisure styles of the elderly were passive and restrictive, so more diverse and active programs were needed. The elderly and caregivers both recognized the necessity of daycare programs and they also demanded economic support, enlargement of welfare center and program development. According to above results, the elderly education program that empasized strategies for health, family relationships and social adaptation were developed. Also an leisure program and daycare program focusing community activities were proposed.
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A Study of the Characteristics of the Korean Family Change Since 1970 and the Orientation of the Family Change in the Future Korea 1970년대 이래의 한국 가족의 변화와 앞으로의 변화 방향
서선흽 Sun Hee Suh
4(1) 147-163, 1999
A Study of the Characteristics of the Korean Family Change Since 1970 and the Orientation of the Family Change in the Future Korea 1970년대 이래의 한국 가족의 변화와 앞으로의 변화 방향
서선흽 Sun Hee Suh
Many studies have argued that the Korean family has been widely changed since the 1970`s. But the family change from the `70`s to the `90`s should not to be approached as the same in its quality. It is because the change before the middle of the 90`s includes `modern` characteristics while the change after the time shows `post-modern` characteristics. The first change did not challenge the importance of the family in human life and the existing idea of what the family was despite of the rapid changes. In contrast to this, the later change tends to challenge the value of the family and the marriage. Arguing that the present is the time for reflecting the family change since the 1970`s and exploring new orientation of the change for the future Korean family, this study proposes several guides for the future change: 1) the family should continue to be preserved as a necessary institution for human life; 2) the family which is based on the marriage, child, and parenthood is to be a general type of the family; 3) the tradition of the Korean family such as treasuring family, relative relationships, filial piety, and the strong solidarity between parents and children is to be conserved; 4) the present Korean family is to be changed more equally in terms of relative relationships, sexual division of labor, husband-wife relationships; 5) family policies emphasizing the importance of the family is to be more actively developed and practiced.
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Social Transition and Korean Familism 한국의 사회변동과 가족주의 전통
신수진 Soo Jin Shin
4(1) 165-192, 1999
Social Transition and Korean Familism 한국의 사회변동과 가족주의 전통
신수진 Soo Jin Shin
Korean Familism is based on the Confucian value of "Ka(家;meaning `the family)" and has placed an emphasis on agnate(父系), respect of elders(長幼有序), filial piety(孝), ancestor workship(祖上崇拜) and the continuity of agnate(父系 家系繼承). Such a philosophy was handed down throughout the whole Chosoˇn dynasty and its effects are still perceived in the contemporary Korean society in the form of the cultural unconcious and ideology, even though there have been many changes during the last century. But the familism in the present day can be seen as a modified form of the traditional one, and it is expressed by instrumental, emotional, quasi-familisms and family-centrism. It seems that Korean family ideology today continues to reflect traditional familism, marked by "ideals of the stem family" with an accent on the authority of the patrilineal family and the continuation of that lineage. However, the actual changes in family lifestyle make us to think the gap between the ideals and reality of korean family, and subsequently a disparity exists between the ideal family and the actual family.
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A Review on the Community Families in Korea 한국의 공동체 가족에 관한 고찰
류경희Kyung Hee Ryu, 김순옥Soon Ok Kim
4(1) 193-221, 1999
A Review on the Community Families in Korea 한국의 공동체 가족에 관한 고찰
류경희Kyung Hee Ryu, 김순옥Soon Ok Kim
This study is aimed at reviewing the community lifestyles/families in Korea, in which individual families live mutually dependent lives within neighborhoods with close ties in order to resolve their family problems and overcome constraints. There were community lifestyles sharing the community spirit in traditional activities such as Durei(a community for communal labor of village men), Pumasi(exchange of work) and Gye(communal loan club). The types of "community families" since the 1980`s are as follows: 1) First category has the theme of creating good families , , , , and 2) Second category has the themes of childcare and child education , , , , , , , , and 3) Third category is organized as a part of Life and Culture Creation Campaign which promotes safe food consumption habits , , 4) Forth category has the aim of educating children the importance of the natural environment , , and .