A Mother Education Program for the Improvement of Women's Autonomy 여성의 자율성 향상을 위한 어머니 교육프로그램 모형
노영주Young Joo Noh,옥선화Sun Wha Ok
4(2) 1-21, 1999
A Mother Education Program for the Improvement of Women's Autonomy 여성의 자율성 향상을 위한 어머니 교육프로그램 모형
노영주Young Joo Noh,옥선화Sun Wha Ok
The purpose of this study is to develop an education program for the middle class mothers who has children under ten years to improve their autonomy as a woman. The program is based on constructionism and feminism. It has four sessions of following themes: `Knowing one another & Speaking what`, `Four seasons of life`, `Who am I?`, `Sources of knowledge & Subjectivity`. All Participants evaluate each session and total program. After this program, participants will be to managed through the news letters. As this program especially focus on middle class mothers, providers ought to consider the mothers` employment status. This program could be reconstructed for the one time public speech. We expect a supportive program to define the middle age mothers` identity.
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A Basic Study for the Development of ' Family Relations ' Course Syllabus and Basic Curriculum for the Family Studies 가족학의 기본교과목 및 ' 가족관계 ' 강의안 개발을 위한 기초연구
정현숙Hyun Sook Chung
4(2) 23-37, 1999
A Basic Study for the Development of ' Family Relations ' Course Syllabus and Basic Curriculum for the Family Studies 가족학의 기본교과목 및 ' 가족관계 ' 강의안 개발을 위한 기초연구
정현숙Hyun Sook Chung
The purpose of this study is to develop a `family relations` course syllabus and a basic curriculum for the Family Studies. From the review and content analysis of `family relations` syllabus of 18 universities and course curriculum of 10 universities, basic curriculum for the Family Studies field and sample `family relations` course syllabus are introduced. Special discussion topics for the class and suggestions for the effective course management are added.
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The Interrelationship between Perceived Health in Family-of-Origin , Self-Esteem and Marital Adjustment 근원가족 건강도 , 자아존중감 , 결혼적응의 관계 - 청주시 결혼 초기 부부를 중심으로 -
김현정Hyun Jung Kim,김명자Myung Cha Kim
4(2) 39-60, 1999
The Interrelationship between Perceived Health in Family-of-Origin , Self-Esteem and Marital Adjustment 근원가족 건강도 , 자아존중감 , 결혼적응의 관계 - 청주시 결혼 초기 부부를 중심으로 -
김현정Hyun Jung Kim,김명자Myung Cha Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the interrelationship between perceived health in family-of-origin, self-esteem and Marital Adjustment, and to identify the influence of perceived health in family-of-origin on couple`s Marital Adjustment in early stage of marriage. For all of the above, 300 couples in the early marriage stage for 1∼5 years living in Chung Ju were randomly selected. The 218 couples were used for the final analysis. The major findings were as follows; (1) Among four factors of perceived health in family-of-origin, family value concept of ability was relatively lower than the others. self esteem and Marital Adjustment of wife is relatively lower than that of husband. (2) The result of a single regression indicated that, The exponent of wife`s family-of-origin is relatively lower than that of husband. (3) The problem solving ability of the family makes the most significant contribution to self esteem and the family value concept of ability makes the most significant contribution to Marital Adjustment. Taken together, this study supports couple`s marital adjustment in early marriage stage was influenced by perceived health in family-of-origin. To the exact, self esteem was influenced by crisis coping ability of the family among perceived health in family-of-origin, and marital adjustment was influenced by the family value concept of ability among perceived health in family-of-origin.
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What are Inside the Korean - Chinese International Marriage ? : An Exploratory Study 한국 남성과 결혼한 중국 조선족 여성의 결혼생활 실태에 관한 연구
강유진Eu Jin Kang
4(2) 61-80, 1999
What are Inside the Korean - Chinese International Marriage ? : An Exploratory Study 한국 남성과 결혼한 중국 조선족 여성의 결혼생활 실태에 관한 연구
강유진Eu Jin Kang
The growing cases of marriage between Korean-Chinese women and Korean men have recently drawn attention to Korean society. This exploratory study tries to examine the marriage and family lives of Korean-Chinese women who have married to Korean men and who have lived in Korea. The purpose of this study is to build the bases of policy for this particular international marriage by grasping a general trend rather than by depending on limited anecdotes. The subject is Korean-Chines women who reside in Kanwon-Do. The results suggest that most of the subjects (1) belong to the lower income class and live in rural areas (2) have had arranged marriages (3) have difficulty in getting along with husbands` families despite the overall high level of satisfaction in their marriages and (4) don`t succeed in adjusting themselves to Korean culture. Policy implications on support programs for encouraging their adjustment are discussed.
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A Study on the Relationships between Perception of Equity in Marital Life and Marital Satisfaction of Employed Married Women 기혼 취업여성의 결혼생활 공평성 인지도와 결혼만족도와의 관계 연구 - 학동기 자녀를 둔 취업 주부를 중심으로 -
김나비Na By Kim,유영주Young Ju Yoo
4(2) 81-106, 1999
A Study on the Relationships between Perception of Equity in Marital Life and Marital Satisfaction of Employed Married Women 기혼 취업여성의 결혼생활 공평성 인지도와 결혼만족도와의 관계 연구 - 학동기 자녀를 둔 취업 주부를 중심으로 -
김나비Na By Kim,유영주Young Ju Yoo
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between perception of equity in marital life and marital satisfaction. In addition to this study examined the effect of perception of equity in marriage life on marital satisfaction of employed women. And this study examined the effect of variables of employed women on marital satisfaction and perception of equity marital life. The major findings of the study were summarized in the following. First, employed women`s perception of equity in marital life differs significantly according to the variables such as wife`s education, total income, religion, type of job, motive of employment, job satisfaction. Secondly, employed women`s marital satisfaction differs significantly according to the variables such as wife`s education, marriage type, total income, religion, type of job, motive of employment, job satisfaction. Thirdly, in the result of hierarchical regression analysis, among the variables which significantly affect marital satisfaction, perception of equity in marital life is the most influential factor, especially perception of daily life equity. This variable accounts for 46% of the variance in married employed women`s marital satisfaction. The second, the variables affecting wives` marital satisfaction were the characteristics of job employed women and these variables account for 6% of the variance in employed wife`s marital satisfaction. In conclusion, this study finds that neotraditionlism is still prevailing in Korea society. Because perception of equity in marital life, especially equity about daily life, like housework, child-care, is the most influencing variable, this study proposes the available policies to change their neotraditionalism and developing enhancement of equity of marital lives.
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A Review of Religious Variables in Family Studies - Focus on Home Economics - 가족연구에 나타난 종교변인 고찰 - 가정학 분야 논문을 중심으로 -
변경애Kyung Ae Byun,김순옥Soon Ok Kim
4(2) 107-129, 1999
A Review of Religious Variables in Family Studies - Focus on Home Economics - 가족연구에 나타난 종교변인 고찰 - 가정학 분야 논문을 중심으로 -
변경애Kyung Ae Byun,김순옥Soon Ok Kim
The purpose of this study is to establish the theoretical background of the family and the religion connection by analysis of religious variables found in Family studies. Eighty nine cases of the papers among journal of home economics and papers for PhD. from 1950 to 1998 which use of religious variables were reviewed by meta-analysis method. The major results were as follows: First, the studies included 27 which were reviewed for individual field, 28 for interrelational field, 23 for familial field, and 11 for social field by the classification with sub-area of the family. Increased number of above mentioned studies along the time passing implied increased interest in the religion. Second, the most subjects according to the classification with sub-area of the family was children and adolescence at the individual field, and women at the social field, and couples at the interrelational and familial fields. Those results implied that the subject on religious variables is related with sub-area of the family. Third, the studies included 17 which were reviewed for children and adolescence, 22 for women, 26 for couples, 17 for elderly people, and 7 for families by subject. Rather worth with the studies about marital or familial subject than individual subject for understanding of effect on religious variables in the family studies. Fourth, it needed for more research about religious variables in family studies to progress family relation.
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The Effect of Financial Self - Reliance and Non - Family Living on Independence from Parent among Young Adults 청년기 자녀의 경제적 자립도 및 분거 경험이 독립성에 미치는 영향
차승은Seung Eun Cha,한경혜Gyoung Hae Han
4(2) 131-151, 1999
The Effect of Financial Self - Reliance and Non - Family Living on Independence from Parent among Young Adults 청년기 자녀의 경제적 자립도 및 분거 경험이 독립성에 미치는 영향
차승은Seung Eun Cha,한경혜Gyoung Hae Han
The Effect of Financial Self-Reliance and Non-Family Living on Independence from Parent among Young Adults Young adults in recent cohort have been leaving their parents early before they get married and they rush into economic activities participating part time jobs. Connected with these experiences, independence from parent seems not only their developmental task but also the way of living among young generations. Although it is important to view young adult`s independence from parent in the context of socioeconomic circumstances, which could help us understand parent-child relationship, relatively few studies has been done about this subject domestically. Thus the purpose of this study is to explain the relationship between young adult`s independence from their parents and their experience, such as non-family living and financial self-reliance. The data were collected from college and graduate students in metropolitan area of Seoul through the structured questionnaires. The result of this study are as follows, First, the overall level of the young adults emotional and functional independence were above median level. Functional independence score was a bit higher than emotional independence score. Second, in financial matters, most of the young adult were in whole dependent to their parents. And if the young adult has his(or her) own income, they provide about half of their living expenses in average. Third, more than a half of the students have experienced non-family living and even who is living with their parent in present had the experience of non-family living. Fourth, the emotional and functional independence varied in response to the level of young adult`s financial self-reliance. In detail, as the level of financial self-reliance increases, so does the level of both emotional and functional independence. Functional independence varied depending upon non-family living, present residence and period of non-family living. However in emotional independence, the difference was not found.
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The Effects of the Family Violence on the Adolescents' School Violence 가정폭력이 청소년 학교폭력에 미치는 영향
김정옥Jung Ok Kim,장덕희Duk Hee Jang
4(2) 153-186, 1999
The Effects of the Family Violence on the Adolescents' School Violence 가정폭력이 청소년 학교폭력에 미치는 영향
김정옥Jung Ok Kim,장덕희Duk Hee Jang
The present study examined the effects of the family violence on the adolescents` violence in school. We studied with random samples of both 5 high school boy and girl students, who were referred to the Taegu District Public Prosecutors Office during 1999. 2.∼3. Data were collected by individual interviews with co-therapist observations and case process recording review. The results were as follows. 1. The assailants of school violence used not only verbal violence but also with severe physical abuses, such as striking with their fists or tools. 2. All the assailants of school violence had experienced family violence and witnessed violence between their parents. 3. If the assailants of family violence had personality traits like alcoholism or morbid suspicion of his wife`s charity, they were more likely to commit serious violence toward their children or spouse. 4. The effects from exposure to family violence on adolescents were diverse. The adolescents who experienced family violence were more likely to suffer school-adaptational problems, behavior problems and mental disorders as well as school violence. Those who have experienced verbal violence and disciplinary punishment showed school-adaptational problems and behavior problems. Moreover, those who have suffered both with verbal violence and serious physical violence were found to have mental disorders as well. 5. According to the result of the ISE(Index of Self-Esteem) test, boys were more likely to choose violence as a mean of the solution of their problems than girls. 6. Even though subjects suffered from severe physical violence, however, if they had family support systems, they were likely to be prevented from suffering severe psychiatric trauma later on. In summary, victims by family violence manifested serious psychiatric disturbances and they clinically significant risk factors and they became perpetrators of school violence.
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Characteristics of Violence Group in Dating Relationships and Contextual Factors Surrounding Physical Violence 데이팅관계에서 폭력집단의 특성과 신체적 폭력 발생의 맥락
김예정Yea Jung Kim,김득성Deuk Sung Kim
4(2) 187-211, 1999
Characteristics of Violence Group in Dating Relationships and Contextual Factors Surrounding Physical Violence 데이팅관계에서 폭력집단의 특성과 신체적 폭력 발생의 맥락
김예정Yea Jung Kim,김득성Deuk Sung Kim
This research is based on the survey on people who have used violence in their fight with partners. Specifically this study will shed light on the differences between the so-called `violent group` and `non-violent group` and patterns of violence, characteristics of habitual aggressors(using physical violence). First, couples who have experienced physical violence("violence group") are more likely to have suffered from parents` fighting, child abuse and school violence than those who have not("non-violent group"). The violent group is more likely to put a firm grip on their partners and to be receptive to violence. And "violence group" faces more conflicts in their relationship and has less family income. In addition, violence group contains more men than women. Secondly, physical violence tends to occur when couples have strong ties-one extra ordinarily loyal to the other and go out together very frequently. The biggest reason behind conflicts is over-expectation toward each other. Relatively modest types of violence such as slapping the cheeks are most often used. Previous studies show that violence occurs when one of the couple exerts threatening physical action against the other. But this study unveils that people use physical violence when they feel overlooked or extremely angry. The victim of the violence, in turn, tends to use violence in response to the physical aggression he or she received. Then the aggressor feels regret and apologizes to the victim. To put it another way, after fights involving physical violence the couple often maintains their relationship as if nothing happened. In some cases the relationship even improves after the couple experience physical violence. Violence occurs mostly in public places. Some people use violence when they are drunk. Besides, physical violence can be caused by verbal attacks such as insult, unexpected behavior, loss of self-esteem and harsh criticism.
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Family Violence from a Patriarchal Perspective Focused on Wife Abuse 가부장적 관점에서의 가정폭력 - 아내학대를 중심으로 -
김경신Kyeong Shin Kim,박옥임Ok Im Park,정혜정Hye Jeong Chung
4(2) 213-239, 1999
Family Violence from a Patriarchal Perspective Focused on Wife Abuse 가부장적 관점에서의 가정폭력 - 아내학대를 중심으로 -
김경신Kyeong Shin Kim,박옥임Ok Im Park,정혜정Hye Jeong Chung
The purposes of this research were to find out general trends of wife abuse and to investigate the differences and effects of related variables. The data were obtained through 441 women living in Kwangju, Chonnam and Chonbuk. The major findings were as follows: 1) The scores of wife abuse permission and occurrence were relatively low. And patriarchal attitudes were revealed to be modernized. 2) Significant differences in wife abuse permission were found according to wife`s job, family value orientations and the acceptance level of common notion about wife abuse. Wife abuse occurrence were different according to education, job, marriage satisfaction, depression, and psychological abuse permission. 3) In analyzing the causal effects among related variables, wife abuse permission were affected by the acceptance level of common notion, marital power, and self-esteem. Also wife abuse occurrence were influenced by depression, marriage satisfaction, and women`s education.
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A Study on Comparison between Non - Violent Couples and Violent Couples by Circumplex Model 순환모델에 따른 비폭력부부와 폭력부부의 가족기능 비교
김수연Soo Yun Kim,김득성Deuk Sung Kim
4(2) 241-255, 1999
A Study on Comparison between Non - Violent Couples and Violent Couples by Circumplex Model 순환모델에 따른 비폭력부부와 폭력부부의 가족기능 비교
김수연Soo Yun Kim,김득성Deuk Sung Kim
The purpose of this study was to compare between non-violent couples versus violent couples based on Circumplex Model. Two central dimensions of Circumplex Model are cohesion and adaptability. The Circumplex Model`s main hypothesis is the curvilinear of cohesion and adaptability. The ideal level of cohesion and adaptability is balanced level. A sample of couples in Pusan was surveyed, and the number of collected questionaire was 384. Major findings were as follows : Violent couples were disengaged level and chaotic level on Circumplex Model. Non-violent couples had more balanced couples than violent couples. However, violent couples had more extremed couples than non-violent couples. Non-violent couples had more positive marital communication skills than violent couples.
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The Relations of Work - Father Role Conflict with Parent Satisfaction and Parenting Sense of Competence 남성의 일 - 아버지 역할 갈등과 부모 역할 만족도 및 부모로서의 유능감
서혜영Hye Young Seo,이숙현Sook Hyun Lee
4(2) 257-280, 1999
The Relations of Work - Father Role Conflict with Parent Satisfaction and Parenting Sense of Competence 남성의 일 - 아버지 역할 갈등과 부모 역할 만족도 및 부모로서의 유능감
서혜영Hye Young Seo,이숙현Sook Hyun Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations of men`s work-father role conflict with parental satisfaction and parenting sense of competence, depending on men`s work and father role salience and their wives` expectation on fathering. Data were collected from 328 fathers aged between 20 and 40 years who had worked at a company and were analyed with the descriptive statistics and Pearson`s correlations. The major results of this study were as follows: first, work-father role conflict was negatively related to the level of parentl satisfaction. But, these relations were different depending on men`s role salience and wives` expectation on fathering. That is, only in the case of men who had low work commitment, high parental commitment, and high spousal expectation on fathering, work-father role conflict was significantly related to fathers` level of parent satisfaction. Second, work-father role conflict was negatively related to parenting sense of competence regardless of fathers` role salience and spousal expectation on fathering.
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The Effect of Family Stress on Psychological Distress in Job Loss the Head of a Family 실직가장의 가족스트레스가 심리적 디스트레스에 미치는 영향
성혜영Hea Young Sung,조희선Hee Sun Cho
4(2) 281-304, 1999
The Effect of Family Stress on Psychological Distress in Job Loss the Head of a Family 실직가장의 가족스트레스가 심리적 디스트레스에 미치는 영향
성혜영Hea Young Sung,조희선Hee Sun Cho
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of stressor, perception of stress, family resources, coping methods on psychological distress in job loss the head of a family. A sample of 277 unemployed men (with wives and children) living in Seoul participated. The following statistical methods were used to analyze the data: frequency count, correlation, stepwise multiple regression, and covariance structure analysis(LISREL8). With regards to family resources, the availability of economic resources, such as monthly income and estimate, are important in decreasing the psychological distress of the unemployed. This study support the theory that social support moderate the negative effect of stress. Particularly interesting was the finding that emotional support, versus informational support, had a greater impact in reducing stress when the stressed individual was not able to control the situation. It was found that spousal support had greater importance in reducing the psychological distress of the unemployed, versus that received from friends and relatives. And finally, it was shown that problem-solving coping has important function in decreasing psychological distress of the unemployed.