A study on the present condition and policy directions of family counseling services 가족상담서비스의 현황과 정책적 방향에 관한 연구
김태현Tae Hyun Kim,김순옥Soon Ok Kim,임춘희Choon Hee Lim,조은숙Eun Suk Cho
5(1) 161-186, 2000
A study on the present condition and policy directions of family counseling services 가족상담서비스의 현황과 정책적 방향에 관한 연구
김태현Tae Hyun Kim,김순옥Soon Ok Kim,임춘희Choon Hee Lim,조은숙Eun Suk Cho
The purpose of this study was to find out the present condition of family counseling services and to suggest the policy directions. For this purpose, we previewed the documents about the present situation of family counseling services provided by government. In addition, the facilities, manpower, finances of the counseling offices, the content, time, method of counseling services, and the identity and perspectives of `Women 1366` call services were surveyed. In the bases of them, we proposed the policy directions for family counseling services and suggested the comprehensive family counseling service delivery system should be constructed urgently.
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An Educational Program for Men Who Batter Their Spouses 부부폭력 가해자 교육 프로그램의 모형
윤경자Gyung Ja Yoon
5(1) 187-208, 2000
An Educational Program for Men Who Batter Their Spouses 부부폭력 가해자 교육 프로그램의 모형
윤경자Gyung Ja Yoon
This exploratory study develops an educational program for the battering husbands. In-depth interviews with 10 battering husbands, prosecuted for battering wife, and 8 battered wives revealed common distinguished characteristics of battering husbands. Rigid gender role attitudes, intergenerational transmission of violence, alcohol addiction, and communication problems among others were identified as the most common features. Based on the results of interviews and previous research, an educational program, composed of ten sessions and pre - and post - sessions, were developed.
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Motherhood at Midlife : An Ethnographic Case Study of Mothers in Their 50`s 50 대 중년 여성의 모성경험에 관한 질적 연구
한경혜Gyoung Hae Han,노영주Young Joo Noh
5(1) 1-22, 2000
Motherhood at Midlife : An Ethnographic Case Study of Mothers in Their 50`s 50 대 중년 여성의 모성경험에 관한 질적 연구
한경혜Gyoung Hae Han,노영주Young Joo Noh
The purpose of this study is to describe and understand women`s experience as a mother in their midlife from the life-course perspective. In order to capture the meaning of motherhood experience from the women`s voice, this study used ethnographic case study method. In-depth qualitative data were gatherd from ten mothers in their 50`s. Major findings of this study were as follows. First, one of the major theme of the motherhood of the informants was instrumental maternity. This finding was discussed in terms of the socio-demographic characteristics of this cohort. Second, women`s subjective evaluation of their motherhood experiences at midlife is largely based on the cultural evaluation of success or failure of their children. Third, the nature of women`s family role and responsibilities and opportunities for them changed as children leave home. These midlife women responded to the shrinking of mother role with certain level of emotional distress, yet at the same time with the sense of increased freedom. In general, midlife women seem to have various source of self identify other than the motherhood.
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A Study on The relationship between Married Adults level of self Differentiation and Their Life Satisfaction 기혼남녀의 자아분화 수준과 생활만족도간의 관계 연구
이신숙Shin Sook Lee
5(1) 23-43, 2000
A Study on The relationship between Married Adults level of self Differentiation and Their Life Satisfaction 기혼남녀의 자아분화 수준과 생활만족도간의 관계 연구
이신숙Shin Sook Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between married adults` level of self differentiation and their life satisfaction. Questionnaire survey method was used in this research. The sample was taken from 403 married adult in Chonnam and Sunchon city. The collected data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study are as follows ; 1) The total points of the self of differentiation of married adult`s was 105.0, which was higher than the median 80. And the total points of the life satsfaction was 47.3, which was higher than the median 42. 2) In the case of married man, there was correlation between age, educatin level, economic state, health state, occupation, a number of brothers and sisters, religion and married adult`s differentiation of self. And there was correlation between health state, occupation, married adult`s differentiation of self and the life satisfaction. In the case of married women, there were correlation between age, educatin level, economic state, health state, occupation and married adult`s differentiation of self. And there was correlation between married adult`s differentiation of self and the life satisfaction. 3) In the most of cases, the variable significantly affecting the life satisfaction was the self of differentiation.
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Male adolescents` problem behaviors and related variables 남자청소년의 문제행동과 개인 및 가족관련 변인
조윤정Yun Jung Cho,김경신Kyeong Shin Kim
5(1) 45-65, 2000
Male adolescents` problem behaviors and related variables 남자청소년의 문제행동과 개인 및 가족관련 변인
조윤정Yun Jung Cho,김경신Kyeong Shin Kim
The purpose of this study was to find the general trends of male adolescents` problem behaviors and to analyze the effects of related variables influencing problem behaviors. The data was obtained through 410 male adolescents living in Kwangju. The major findings were as follows ; First, 99.8% of respondents reported that they had experienced at least one problem behaviors. They also have experienced the moral problem behaviors most frequently. Second, the male adolescents` problem behaviors were significantly influenced by family health·ability and family expression, impulse, school record, sibling relationship. etc. Especially Impulse and family health ability were the most influential variables.
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Healthiness and Its related Variables perceived by Parent and Child Generations in Rural Families - On Fanning Families with eldest child older than middle school - age 부모와 자녀세대가 인지한 농촌가족의 건강성 및 관련변인의 특성 연구 - 맏자녀가 중등학교 이상에 다니는 농가 중심 -
양순미Soon Mi Yang,유영주Young Ju Yoo
5(1) 67-91, 2000
Healthiness and Its related Variables perceived by Parent and Child Generations in Rural Families - On Fanning Families with eldest child older than middle school - age 부모와 자녀세대가 인지한 농촌가족의 건강성 및 관련변인의 특성 연구 - 맏자녀가 중등학교 이상에 다니는 농가 중심 -
양순미Soon Mi Yang,유영주Young Ju Yoo
hesis it the first study on family healthiness recognition of parent and child generations of rural families in Korea, and on health-related variables. The subjects of the study are all couples from the selected 40 villages whose eldest child`s educational level is at least at a middle school level and one child of the couples`. The data of 534 persons from 178 households were analysed. The findings from this study showed that family healthiness recognition degree of the parent generation was higher than that of the child generation. Health degree was found to be higher in a nuclear family than in an extended family, and in a recognition group of local society problems than in non-recognition group. The explanatory power of each health-related variable was different according to generations, while socio-psychological variable had more explanatory power than physical and materialistic variable. The most affective variable group was relational variable one in both generations. The groundwork of this treatise can be used as basic materials to establish a model of healthy rural family and plan programs for healthiness improvement of rural families.
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A Study on the Effects of Divorce from Precedents since 1990 - Focused on the Child custody and the Property division - 1990 년 개정가족법 이후의 판례에 나타난 이혼효과 - 자녀양육권과 재산권을 중심으로 -
김순옥Soon Ok Kim,노명숙Myung Sook Rho
5(1) 93-112, 2000
A Study on the Effects of Divorce from Precedents since 1990 - Focused on the Child custody and the Property division - 1990 년 개정가족법 이후의 판례에 나타난 이혼효과 - 자녀양육권과 재산권을 중심으로 -
김순옥Soon Ok Kim,노명숙Myung Sook Rho
The purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of divorce from precedents set since Family Law has been revised in 1990. The contents of analysis were focused on the child custody and the property division. The materials for analysing was the 72 divorce precedents from the 「Law Country LX 7.0」 CD, data of court library of the supreme court and lower court since 1991. The findings were as follows: First, the proportion of fathers and mothers who had the child rearing or parental authority were nearly the same, that is, 10 fathers had it, and 11 mothers had it. And, only one father was given visitation rights, and three mothers had it. Second, the relation between claim of alimony and reason of divorce had no reciprocal action. The theory about the claim of alimony and the claim of property division in precedents was closer to `limitative theory` than `inclusive theory`. The Theory about the claim of property division was `clearing up theory` than `supporting theory`. Regardless of nominal ownership, the property to divide was substantial one. The wife`s contribution was valued variously from a tenth to one half in making a property.
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A Tentative Approach to Sexuality in Family Studies 가족학에서의 섹슈얼리티 연구를 위한 접근방법 모색
남영주Young Joo Nam,옥선화Sun Wha Ok
5(1) 113-136, 2000
A Tentative Approach to Sexuality in Family Studies 가족학에서의 섹슈얼리티 연구를 위한 접근방법 모색
남영주Young Joo Nam,옥선화Sun Wha Ok
The purpose of this study is to search for a tentative approach to sexuality in family studies. In spite of important relationships between family and sexuality in many respects, sexuality researches in family studies are not systemic and frequently mentioned for many reasons. From the review of studies about sexuality, some of the ways sexuality researches in family studies can be uniquely developed are suggested. First, with the possibility of several theoretical approaches to sexuality in family studies. Second, with the need to use qualitative research method in sexuality researches. Especially, the need to regard human sexuality as a social construct in everyday life is emphasized and the very usefulness of qualitative research method is suggested.
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An Exploratory Data Analysis to the Family Violence the Case of the Record of Cho-sun Dynasty ( Cho-Sun-Wang-Jo-Sil-Lok ) [ 조선왕조실록 ] 에 나타난 가정폭력 자료 분석
박혜인Hye In Park
5(1) 137-160, 2000
An Exploratory Data Analysis to the Family Violence the Case of the Record of Cho-sun Dynasty ( Cho-Sun-Wang-Jo-Sil-Lok ) [ 조선왕조실록 ] 에 나타난 가정폭력 자료 분석
박혜인Hye In Park
The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of the family violence which was reflected in the cases of 『Cho-Sun-Wang-Jo-Sil-Lok』, the Record of Chosun Dynasty. Especially I focused on couple violence samples because they represented comprehensive information for wife who had been victimized by patriarchal family system. The family violence was not considered as a private problem. Violence abusers should be punished severely by law. And the violence was characterized by the use of so many tactics such as verbal abuse, physical hurt, throwing the dangerous things and turning out to the cold of winter. And this study concerned the process of the sex/gender politics involved in the legislation of law. The process of the reducing equality of women in the legal system revealed some features of the sex/gender politics, which also suggested some strategic points for further strengthening the patriarchism of Chosun Dynasty. So the family was arranged by the Confucian order.
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A case study on the parents` physical violence against their adolescent off - springs and a model of group counseling program for the victims - Focused on the runaway girls in Daejon Runaway Youth Shelter - 부모에 의한 청소년 자녀 폭력 사례연구와 피해자 집단상담 프로그램 모형의 개발 - 대전광역시 청소년쉼터 입소생을 대상으로 -
배희분Hee Boon Bae,옥선화Sun Wha Ok
5(1) 209-232, 2000
A case study on the parents` physical violence against their adolescent off - springs and a model of group counseling program for the victims - Focused on the runaway girls in Daejon Runaway Youth Shelter - 부모에 의한 청소년 자녀 폭력 사례연구와 피해자 집단상담 프로그램 모형의 개발 - 대전광역시 청소년쉼터 입소생을 대상으로 -
배희분Hee Boon Bae,옥선화Sun Wha Ok
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The Curriculum Development and the Evaluation of ' Comparative Family Studies ' 비교가족 교육을 위한 강의안 개발 및 평가
유계숙Gye Sook Yoo
5(1) 233-251, 2000
The Curriculum Development and the Evaluation of ' Comparative Family Studies ' 비교가족 교육을 위한 강의안 개발 및 평가
유계숙Gye Sook Yoo
This study, based in a cross-cultural perspective, suggests a curriculum designed for use in an undergraduate course on `Comparative Family Studies.` The objectives of the proposed curriculum are to become aware of one`s own cultural values about families, understand both similarities and differences among families in various cultures and societies, appreciate and respect diverse families in different cultural systems, and learn important concepts and methods for comparative family studies. The evaluation of suggested curriculum and the list of references and resources for learning and teaching about cross-cultural family studies are addressed with several issues.