The Effects of Work and Father Role on the Men`s Psychological Well - Being : Focusing on the Age Group Differences 직업 역할 및 아버지 역할이 남성의 심리적 복지감에 미치는 영향 : 연령집단 차이를 중심으로
조원지Won Jee Cho,한경혜Gyoung Hae Han
6(1) 1-20, 2001
The Effects of Work and Father Role on the Men`s Psychological Well - Being : Focusing on the Age Group Differences 직업 역할 및 아버지 역할이 남성의 심리적 복지감에 미치는 영향 : 연령집단 차이를 중심으로
조원지Won Jee Cho,한경혜Gyoung Hae Han
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of work and father role, and work-to-fathering conflict on the psychological well-being of men in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. A total of 722 married male workers who were in age from 30 to 59 were surveyed over work and father role involvement, and the level of work-to-fathering conflict as well as their psychological well-being, through structured questionnaires. The methods of data analysis were mean, standard deviation, percent, GLM, and multiple regression. The major findings were as follows: First, no significant difference in the level of work and father role involvement and also the level of work-to-fathering conflict was found among three age groups(30s, 40s, and 50s). Second, there were differences among three age groups in terms of the significant variables predicting their level of psychological well-being. In the 30s, the level of work and father role involvement significantly affected the psychological well-being. In the 40s, the level of father role involvement and work-to-fathering conflict showed significant effects, while in the 50s, only the level of father role involvement revealed statistically significant effects.
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Men`s Provider Role Attitudes by Generation 연령대에 따른 기혼 남성의 생계 부양자 역할 의식
이나련Na Yeon Lee,이숙현Sook Hyun Lee
6(1) 21-41, 2001
Men`s Provider Role Attitudes by Generation 연령대에 따른 기혼 남성의 생계 부양자 역할 의식
이나련Na Yeon Lee,이숙현Sook Hyun Lee
The purpose of this study was to explore married men`s provider role attitudes and to find out the variables which explain their provider role attitudes. The subjects of this research were 211 married men who were currently employed in large corporations. The instrument used for this study was the Men`s Provider Role Attitude Scale by Hood(1986). The data were analyzed by frequencies, percentiles, means, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression. The major results were as follows : 1) There was a significant difference between two generations. Men in 20s and 30s tended to report that they should share the provider role with their wives more than their counterparts of 40s and 50s. 2) The variables that explained provider role attitudes of men in 20s and 30s were men`s income, their mother`s experience of employment and their wive`s current employment status. The variable which explained provider role attitudes of men in theirs 40s and 50s was the number of children.
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The Effects of Family - of - origin`s Emotional Health and Ego - identity on Psychological Well - being of Married Young Adults 기혼자녀가 지각하는 원가족의 정서적 건강성과 자아정체감이 결혼 후 심리적 안녕에 미치는 영향
김순기Soon Ki Kim,유영주Young Ju Yoo
6(1) 43-64, 2001
The Effects of Family - of - origin`s Emotional Health and Ego - identity on Psychological Well - being of Married Young Adults 기혼자녀가 지각하는 원가족의 정서적 건강성과 자아정체감이 결혼 후 심리적 안녕에 미치는 영향
김순기Soon Ki Kim,유영주Young Ju Yoo
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the reality of family-of-origin`s emotional health and to inquire if it influences psychological well-being of married adults. The subjects were composed of married men and women with intact family(not divorced, separated, nor widowed), age ranged from 25 to 39 years old. The respondents of 232 men and 280 women were surveyed regarding Family-of-origin`s emotional health, Ego-identity and Psychological well-being. SAS program was used for data analyses. The main results of this paper were summarized as follows : First of all, most subjects perceived that their family-of-origin was healthy. During this survey, there were no significant differences between men and women regarding family-of-origin`s emotional health. Second, ego-identity was also reported higher. But the result of t-test indicated that there were significant differences between men and women. Third, with respect to psychological well-being was relatively higher. Finally, multiple regression analyses showed that men`s psychological well-being was influenced by both the age and ego-identity, While that of women only by ego-identity.
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The Experience Research about Marital Couple Equality - Focused on Housewives in Their Twenties Educated Gender Equality - 일상성에서 본 부부 평등성 경험 연구 - 성평등 교육을 받은 20 대 전업주부를 중심으로 -
성혜영Hea Young Sung,조희선Hee Sun Cho
6(1) 65-83, 2001
The Experience Research about Marital Couple Equality - Focused on Housewives in Their Twenties Educated Gender Equality - 일상성에서 본 부부 평등성 경험 연구 - 성평등 교육을 받은 20 대 전업주부를 중심으로 -
성혜영Hea Young Sung,조희선Hee Sun Cho
This study is for understanding and interpreting wives` experiences of equality in marital relationship. Two full time house wives were interviewed. All the dialog was transcribed. Four themes were derived from the text as following. 1. Needs for stability and customary life 2. The absurdity of role partition 3. Consideration VS. adaptation 4. The myth of daily happiness` and `the emptiness` First, It was found that participants married for stable life and that was consequence of custom. Second, they recognized the situation that their husbands earn money and they do household affair as role partition. But they didn`t satisfied with that. Third, Sometimes they felt dissatisfaction that their husbands didn`t do household affair and care babies. But they said that they understood and considered their husbands. However it is interpreted adaptation rather than consideration. Finally, they said that they were very happy in their family life. But there were differences between family life happiness and their own happiness.
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A Study on Woman`s Recognition of the Age Appeared in Kyubang - kasa During the Enlightenment Period 개화기 규방가사에 나타난 여성의 시대인식에 관한 연구
전미경Mi Kyung Jun
6(1) 85-108, 2001
A Study on Woman`s Recognition of the Age Appeared in Kyubang - kasa During the Enlightenment Period 개화기 규방가사에 나타난 여성의 시대인식에 관한 연구
전미경Mi Kyung Jun
This study analyzed woman`s recognition of the age during the enlightenment period based on Kyubang-kasa. Kyubang-kasa is women`s literature that was created by women of Yangban Class and was popular among them. The contents of this study is how the women during the period recognized the enlightenment period, what is the women`s definition of problems to solve for Chosun and where the women put their role and identity. For the analysis, the estimated time frame of the enlightenment period will be from Kap-O Reform(1894) to 1945 when Korea was released from Japanese rule. The major conclusions that are derived from the study are as follows : 1. The enlightenment discourses of the intellectuals during the period were discussed with and popular to women through Kyubang-kasa and they also asserted enlightening Chosun society in Kyubang-kasa. 2. Kyungseka with a view of enlightenment discourses regarded the westernization of Chosun society as a natural process. The acceptance of the `western` of Chosun society made women be able to see the everyday life with the wholly new point of view. Kyungseka emphasized that all the people in Chosun should perform the proper role as a member of a nation to overcome Chosun`s crisis during the enlightenment period. 3. Women during the period who were against with unfairness of Confucian female ethics explored changes of tradition to adapt them to enlightenment period.
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The Development and Evaluation of The Premarital Education Program based on The Andragogical Approach 교육학적 관점을 기초로 한 결혼준비교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과검증
오윤자Yoon Ja Oh
6(1) 109-135, 2001
The Development and Evaluation of The Premarital Education Program based on The Andragogical Approach 교육학적 관점을 기초로 한 결혼준비교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과검증
오윤자Yoon Ja Oh
The Premarital Education Program, which aims to construct the ideal marital situation by education, can be said to be a synthetic, systematic, and proactive process. Thus, the development of this program is the dynamic and consistent process, regarded as a endless circulation system. The ultimate purpose of Premarital Education Program was to help the premarital couples or preparatory pairs to adapt to a newly wedded life, and to have healthy marriage. The theoretical background of this model in the program can be divided into two parts largely; the backgrounds of family`s studies in the dimension of the consisted contents, and the andragogical background in the process of developing the program. Developing the multi-dimensional approach on family life program such as Premarital Education Program up to now, the studies or attempts to accept this approach and to suggest this kind of new concepts or frames have been increasingly important. However, it`s our real situation that we don`t have any comments on the important andragogical approach as a new one. In need of professional basis for the further development of Premarital Education Program, which is characterized to be applicable practically, this study focuses on 1) the general characteristics of Premarital Education Program through the previous studies, 2) the reclaimed contents of premarital programs, 3) the andragogical basis for the development of Premarital Education Program, 4) the considerations on evaluation and further tasks for the operation or development in the various social situations.
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A Development of the Marital Communication Education Program 부부의사소통 교육프로그램 개발
김순옥Soon Ok Kim
6(1) 137-157, 2001
A Development of the Marital Communication Education Program 부부의사소통 교육프로그램 개발
김순옥Soon Ok Kim
The purpose of this study was to develop marital education program focused on communication. The program was composed of 6 sessions; recognition of communication style between husband and wife, understanding of self and spouse, checking ego state, talking method, listening method, and follow-up. The contents of every session are based on the communication channel, ego state of Transactional Analysis, communication types classified by Satir, and talking skills and listening skills developed by Miller, Miller, Munnally & Wackman. This marital communication education program can be applied to the small groups of wives or husbands separately, or together. This program designed for the improvement of attitude and skills in communication between wife and husband.
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The Effects of Self - Growth Program on the Juvenile Delinquents 비행청소년의 자아성장프로그램 효과
이정연Jung Yeon Lee,김진희Jin Hee Kim
6(1) 159-179, 2001
The Effects of Self - Growth Program on the Juvenile Delinquents 비행청소년의 자아성장프로그램 효과
이정연Jung Yeon Lee,김진희Jin Hee Kim
This study constitutes and conducts a group program using positive thinking to reduce the recurrence of their misbehavior and to help their pro-social function and adjustment, and to improve their psychological well-being. The study constituted self-growth program based on positive thinking to carry it out to 21 trainee place for three days and two nights. The result showed high self-esteem of the attendees, and low anxiety and depression. Post-test result shows that anxiety and depression decreased, self-esteem is the same as pre-test. And the attendees` satisfaction about the program is generally high. That means self-growth program has an effect on unchanging self-esteem and decreasing anxiety and depression of the juvenile delinquents. The existing programs for juvenile delinquents is rather closer to the one for guidance and education than the one for cure so that it has lacked approach to their psychological well-being. Therefore, it is significant that the study is a concrete and effective program to improve the psychological well-being of the juvenile delinquents.
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Development of Sexuality Education Program for College Students on the Basis of Sexual Awareness 대학생의 성의식 실태분석을 통한 성교육 프로그램 개발
김경신Kyeong Shin Kim
6(1) 181-201, 2001
Development of Sexuality Education Program for College Students on the Basis of Sexual Awareness 대학생의 성의식 실태분석을 통한 성교육 프로그램 개발
김경신Kyeong Shin Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sexuality education programs for college students. For these objectives, the constructive program for students that emphasized biological, psychological and social aspects of sexuality was executed. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated by pre- and post test through342 students and it was analyzed by paired t-test. The results suggested that the program was very effective in improving modernized sex-role attitudes, sexual consciousness. And academic achievement scores of sexuality knowledge after treatments were also improved. So, for maintaining this effectiveness in program, more frequent and continuous following education was demanded. And various teaching methods suitable for students` developmental characteristics must be practically used.