고인순In Sun Ko,김경신Kyeng Shin Kim
The purpose of this study was find general trends of stress perception, coping behavior and psychological well-being of mothers with a child in the 12th grade and to analyze the effects of the related variables. The results of this study could be summarized as follows; 1. Mothers` stress perception was slightly lower than median and the problem solving focused coping behavior was used more frequently than the emotion focused coping behavior. Mothers showed slightly higher life satisfaction and slightly lower depression than median. 2. Significant difference in stress perception were found with respect to age, education level, family type, child`s academic achievement and satisfaction, mother`s and father`s role performance and self-esteem. Problem solving focused coping behavior differed significantly with respect to income, mother`s and father`s role performance and self-esteem. There was a significant difference according to father`s role performance and self-esteem in use of emotion focused coping behavior. Mothers`s life satisfaction was significantly different with respect to income, education level, child`s academic achievement, mother`s and father`s role performance, self-esteem, stress perception and problem solving focused coping behavior. Mothers showed significantly difference levels of depression with respect to income, mother`s role performance, self-esteem, stress perception and emotion focused coping behavior. 3. Life satisfaction of mothers with a child in the 12th grade was influenced by income, education level, mother`s and father`s role performance, self-esteem, stress perception and problem solving focused coping behavior. Depression was influenced by income, self-esteem and stress perception. To conclude, in order to improve psychological well-being of mothers with a 12th-graded child, self-esteem must be raised and stress must be diminished. Beside the role performance model should be revised. In this way the well-being of every family member will be improved as well as that of mothers.
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