A Study on the Sexual Satisfaction of Married Men and Women 기혼 남녀의 성생활만족도에 관한 연구
김연Yon Kim,유영주Young Ju Yoo
7(1) 1-17, 2002
A Study on the Sexual Satisfaction of Married Men and Women 기혼 남녀의 성생활만족도에 관한 연구
김연Yon Kim,유영주Young Ju Yoo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the Sexual Satisfaction of married men and women in city family of Korea. The scale of this study was based on ISS(Index of Sexual Satisfaction) developed by Hudson(1981). But it is reconstructed to 21 items instead of Hudson`s 25 items after conducting of Cronbach`s α test in pretest. The main findings of this study were summarized as follows: First, the mean score of married women was 3.48(SD=0.47) and that of married men was 3.50(SD=0.47) in 5 grade Likert scale, which meant married men and women were satisfied with their sexual satisfaction a little upper than half score(3.0). These score reflect the conservatism of Korean society, especially in sexuality issue. It revealed that men still take initiative in sexuality. The result of t-test indicated that there were no significant differences between the sexual satisfaction of married men and women. Second, in case of married women, there were significant differences in demographic variables such as education level, type of marriage and income, but there were no significant differences in demographic variables such as age, period of marriage, number of children, family type, job and health. In case of married men, there were significant differences in demographic variables such as age, education level of spouse, type of marriage, period of marriage, number of children and health. But there were no significant differences in demographic variables such as his own education level, age, family type, job, and income.
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Review about the " Postmodern Family " Research in Western 서구의 " 포스트모던 가족 " 연구에 대한 고찰
서수경Soo Kyung Seo
7(1) 19-37, 2002
Review about the " Postmodern Family " Research in Western 서구의 " 포스트모던 가족 " 연구에 대한 고찰
서수경Soo Kyung Seo
Generally known socio-demographic statistic show that marriage and family are traditional institutions which are continuously loosing importance and are increasingly getting weaker. Some scientists explain this phenomenon with the concept of post-modern time. They use this concept as a "model to explain" the diagnosis of our time. I will try to analyse some studies about the family and the post-modern time which are published in the German-speaking area. And I will try to find out, above all in Western countries, how much the concepts "Plurality", "Individuality", "Deinstitutionalisation", "Relation" and "Post-modern" are linked to each other. `Postmodern Family` is an interesting topic for the understanding of recent changes in the family, providing much stimulus for the family research area. I hope that this study about the Western concept of `Postmodern Family` may contribute to the understanding of the going and coming changes in the Korean family.
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Relationship between the Health of the Family of Origin and Intimacy among the Dating Couples 이성교제 커플의 원가족 건강성과 친밀감간의 관계
차정화Jeong Hwa Cha,전영주Young Ju Chun
7(1) 39-57, 2002
Relationship between the Health of the Family of Origin and Intimacy among the Dating Couples 이성교제 커플의 원가족 건강성과 친밀감간의 관계
차정화Jeong Hwa Cha,전영주Young Ju Chun
The present study examined the influence of the health of the family of origin on the couples` intimacy among the 90 dating couples. Data were collected through mailing and e-mail survey, which, then, were analyzed by SPSS Win Program. The major findings were as follows: 1) The dating couple`s levels of health of family of origin were significantly correlated; 2) There was sex difference in perceiving intimacy toward the dating partner: men reported higher intimacy toward the partner than did women; 3) Men`s intimacy toward the partner was affected by their health of family of origin as well as their age, frequency of dating, and experience of service in the army. However, women` intimacy was not affected by the health of family of origin, but by age and their partner`s intimacy. Conclusions concerning the results were discussed.
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The Study on Romantic Relationship Development in Cyberspace 사이버스페이스에서 낭만적 관계 형성에 관한 고찰
천혜정Hye Jung Cheon
7(1) 59-74, 2002
The Study on Romantic Relationship Development in Cyberspace 사이버스페이스에서 낭만적 관계 형성에 관한 고찰
천혜정Hye Jung Cheon
This article serves as a very brief introductory summary of how people can successfully interact and commit to each other after the initial encounter in cyberspace. Characteristics of these relationships in comparison to traditional interpersonal theories are explained. Such meetings may well become much more common as more youngsters get online and seek partners there. Therefore, family professionals will need to acknowledge the internet`s role in future interpersonal relating in order to responsibly assist individuals and families.
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Expectation , Evaluation of Performance , and Differences of the Spouse Role and Their Effects on Marital Satisfaction among Rural Couples 농촌부부의 배우자에 대한 역할기대 , 역할수행평가 , 역할상이성이 결혼만족감에 미치는 영향
양순미Soon Mi Yang,유영주Young Ju Yoo
7(1) 75-91, 2002
Expectation , Evaluation of Performance , and Differences of the Spouse Role and Their Effects on Marital Satisfaction among Rural Couples 농촌부부의 배우자에 대한 역할기대 , 역할수행평가 , 역할상이성이 결혼만족감에 미치는 영향
양순미Soon Mi Yang,유영주Young Ju Yoo
This study examined the expectation·performance·difference of the spouse role and their effect on marital satisfaction among rural couples. For this purpose, the data of 300 individuals of 150 couples were analysed by using the SAS program. The major findings that were drawn from this study were as follows: First, the difference in spouse role of wife was higher than that of husband. Second, as a result of regression analysis to examine the explanatory power of the spouse role on marital satisfaction, role performance was most effective variable in both husband and wife. And, for wife, economic role area of role expectation(β=.23), sexual·affectional role area of role performance and role difference(β=.31, -.23), and emotional role area of role performance and role difference(β=.27,-.27) affected the marital satisfaction of wife significantly. For husbands, only emotional role area and kinship role area of role performance(β=.33, .19), and social role area of role difference(β=-.19) affected the marital satisfaction of husband significantly.
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A Study of the Relation between Family Violence and Adolescents` Violence in the School 청소년의 가정폭력 경험과 학교폭력과의 관계 연구 - 일반청소년과 비행청소년을 중심으로 -
김정옥Jung Ok Kim,박경규Gyung Gyu Park
7(1) 93-115, 2002
A Study of the Relation between Family Violence and Adolescents` Violence in the School 청소년의 가정폭력 경험과 학교폭력과의 관계 연구 - 일반청소년과 비행청소년을 중심으로 -
김정옥Jung Ok Kim,박경규Gyung Gyu Park
This study examined the relationship between adolescents` school violence and family violence. Participants included 54 high-school students and 50 juvenile delinquents. Data were collected by individual interviews and self-reported questionnaires. Such statistical methods as frequency, percentage, mean SD, Pearson`s correlation, multiple regression are used to analyze the data. The results are as follows; Experienced family violence and witness family violence were associated with an increase in school violence behavior. The strongest predictors of school violence behavior was parental verbal abuse.
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Application of Positive Thinking Training Program for the Improvement of Relationships between Mothers - in - law and Daughters - in - law 고부관계개선을 위한 긍정적 사고훈련 프로그램의 적용
이정연Jung Yeon Lee
7(1) 117-136, 2002
Application of Positive Thinking Training Program for the Improvement of Relationships between Mothers - in - law and Daughters - in - law 고부관계개선을 위한 긍정적 사고훈련 프로그램의 적용
이정연Jung Yeon Lee
The purpose of this study was to develope positive thinking training program based on Confucian perspective for changing in cognitive area and to examine the its effect on the conflict between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law. The analysis of the data showed the following results: The psychological well-being of daughters-in-law was moderate and conflicts between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law showed equal distribution, but the process was various. After implementing the program, the psychological well-being of daughters-in-law proved to increase significantly by examining paired t-test. Following-up interview reported the change of conflicts resulted in "getting better"(60%), "The status quo"(30%) and "getting worse"(10%).
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Analysis on the Effectiveness of Domestic Violence Offenders Intervention Program - Focusing on Wife Abuse - 가정폭력 가해자 개입 프로그램 효과분석 - 아내학대 행위를 중심으로 -
김경신Kyeng Shin Kim,김정란Jung Ran Kim
7(1) 137-158, 2002
Analysis on the Effectiveness of Domestic Violence Offenders Intervention Program - Focusing on Wife Abuse - 가정폭력 가해자 개입 프로그램 효과분석 - 아내학대 행위를 중심으로 -
김경신Kyeng Shin Kim,김정란Jung Ran Kim
The purposes of this study are to experiment a domestic violence offenders intervention program which is based on integrated model, and to provide practical basement for development of Korean wife abuser intervention program. This group program was leaded by 2 therapists-one main leader and one co-leader-and 1 observer, and consisted of 8 sessions, each session for 4 hours. The program was delivered to 47 wife abusers who live in Gwangju· Chonnam, and was carried out total 4 times for 1 year. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated through pre-test, post-test, and general opinions of program. Major findings are as follows: First, participants` general opinions of program were very affirmative. Second, marital satisfaction, marital communication, and self-esteem showed a significant increase showing positive change. Third, attitude toward wife abuse and hostility were significantly decreased. Therefore, we suggest our experimental study will be able to provide a practical basement for future development of intervention program for Korean wife abuses.