Sexual Perceptions and Behaviors of Married Women Who Have Experienced the Extramarital Relationship 혼외관계를 경험한 기혼여성의 성에 대한 인식과 행동
공미혜 Mee Hae Kong
7(2) 1-20, 2002
Sexual Perceptions and Behaviors of Married Women Who Have Experienced the Extramarital Relationship 혼외관계를 경험한 기혼여성의 성에 대한 인식과 행동
공미혜 Mee Hae Kong
A major purpose of this study was to explore the sexual experiences among married women who involved in extramarital relationships. This research depended on in-depth interview techniques. The data from 16 married women who involved (and are involving) in extramarital relationship were collected by semi-structured interviews. In this article, I analyzed married women`s sexual experiences with relevance to premarital, marital, and extramarital relationships. These women tended to be conservative in their premarital sexuality, although they indicated relatively radical sexual perceptions about it now. In addition, their marital sexuality seemed to internalize sexual double standards. That is, their sexuality in marital relations was likely to be passive and obligatory, focusing on the sexual desire of their husbands. However, most of them referred to positive aspects of extramarital sexuality. This is partly due to the oppressive marriage system in Korean society.
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A Sociocultural Approach to Understanding Korean Family 한국가족 연구의 사회문화적 접근을 위한 소고
신수진 Soo Jin Shin
7(2) 21-41, 2002
A Sociocultural Approach to Understanding Korean Family 한국가족 연구의 사회문화적 접근을 위한 소고
신수진 Soo Jin Shin
The purpose of this study is to consider the influence of sociocultural factors on Korean family, such as thought(religion), history(political condition), and physical(technical, economic) environments. One of the characteristics of Korean culture is the rapid speed of change in thought and political and economic conditions during the past 100 years. Korean family is a mirror of them. Especially, the generation stratification (stratification of experience) is a very important factor to understand Korean family life due to this rapid social change. For better understanding Korean family as it is, we need to focus not only on rules of family system and its inner interactions, but also on the mode how family stories and its members’ behaviors are made through the sociocultural restraints. We have to give more attention to cultural and historical aspects of Korean family.
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The Relations of Men`s "Work-family Conflict" and "Family-work Conflict" with Their Parental Satisfaction 사무직 남성의 "일-가족 갈등" 및 "가족-일 갈등"과 부모 역할 만족도
배지혜 Ji Hey Bae , 서혜영 Hye Young Seo , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee
7(2) 43-64, 2002
The Relations of Men`s "Work-family Conflict" and "Family-work Conflict" with Their Parental Satisfaction 사무직 남성의 "일-가족 갈등" 및 "가족-일 갈등"과 부모 역할 만족도
배지혜 Ji Hey Bae , 서혜영 Hye Young Seo , 이숙현 Sook Hyun Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine the associations of men`s ‘work-family conflict’ and ‘family-work conflict’ with their parental satisfaction, by their families’ developmental stage. This study used data collected for the Men’s Work, Family and Quality of Life(Seo & Lee, 2002). The analysis was based on the subsample of 214 fathers who worked at companies. The data were analyzed with the descriptive statistics, stepwise multiple regression, and Peason`s correlations. The major results of this study were as follows: First, the fathers reported an average level of ‘work-family conflict’ and a lower level of‘family-work conflict’. The variables that explained men`s ‘work-family conflict’ were night-work frequency, daily work hours and flexibility. The variables which explained ‘family-work conflict’ were a compressed workweek, number of children and father’s age. Second the fathers reported a high level of parental satisfaction. Third, ‘work-family conflict’ was not related to men`s parental satisfaction regardless of the first child`s age. Forth, only for men whose first child entered university, men`s ‘family-work conflict’ was negatively related to men`s parental satisfaction.
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A Case Study on the Characteristics of Wife Abusers 아내학대 행위자의 특성에 관한 사례 연구
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
7(2) 65-87, 2002
A Case Study on the Characteristics of Wife Abusers 아내학대 행위자의 특성에 관한 사례 연구
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
The purposes of this study are to analyze the characteristics of wife abusers based on related variables and to provide practical alternatives for prevention and intervention against family violence. The data were obtained by the method of in-depth interviews through 30 wife abusers lived in Gwanju and Chonnam, who were put on probation. Major findings are as follows: First, the tendencies of wife abuse were considerably affected by abusers experiences of childhood abuse or witness. Also behavior disorders as alcohol abuse and several psychological characteristics were related with wife abuse. Second, interviewees generally showed tranditional gender role attitudes and revealed patriarchal value orientations, which was influential in wife abuse. Third, wife abusers poor communication skills and conflict coping tactics were also very important factors inducing wife abuse. The social support systems of abusers were relatively limited, so they were not functional as coping resources.
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A Study on the Needs for Education, Counseling Program & Policy Support of Rural Women in Korea 한국 농촌여성의 교육상담 및 정책적 지원에 대한 요구도 연구
최규련 Kyu Reon Choi
7(2) 89-109, 2002
A Study on the Needs for Education, Counseling Program & Policy Support of Rural Women in Korea 한국 농촌여성의 교육상담 및 정책적 지원에 대한 요구도 연구
최규련 Kyu Reon Choi
This study examined the needs for education & counseling program and policy & facilities support and related variables of farming women as a part of study on problem diagnosis and status enhancement of rural women. The subjects were 980 married women living in rural areas. Data were analyzed by frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation, factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression. The major findings were as follows : 1) Rural women needed more parent education & counseling program than marital relation and in-law relation counseling & education. Their needs for education & counseling program were significantly affected by their depression, the level of education, child & in-law relations problem, conflict coping behavior, and sex-role attitude. 2) As the policy & facilities support, farming work support, women`s ability development support, the elderly & health support and children support were needed by rural women. Their needs for farming work policy & facilities support were generally high, and had no related variables. The needs for policy & facilities support for the elderly & health were related to age and education level. The need for policy & facilities support for women`s ability development and children were related to age, education level.
The Effect of the Sexual and Heterosexual Relationship on the attitude toward Remarriage Single Elderly People 홀로된 노인의 성과 이성교제가 노년기 재혼에 미치는 영향
배나래 Na Rae Bae , 박충선 Chung Sun Park
7(2) 111-132, 2002
The Effect of the Sexual and Heterosexual Relationship on the attitude toward Remarriage Single Elderly People 홀로된 노인의 성과 이성교제가 노년기 재혼에 미치는 영향
배나래 Na Rae Bae , 박충선 Chung Sun Park
The purpose of this study is to analyze sexual behaviors, heterosexual relationship, and the attitudes toward remarriage of any single elderly people. The sample for the study were selected from male and female elders aged over 60, residing in Daegu and Gyeongbuk areas. From the total of 240 cases, 229 cases were used for the final statistical analysis. To understand social demographic characteristics, the relative frequency and the percentage were used. Major variables were analyzed by cross tabulation analysis, and variables affecting the remarriage attitude were examined by the logistic regression analysis. The result of this study were as follows. First, gender, religion, educational background, and the condition of health were statistically significant in relation to sexual desire, while only gender was statistically significant in relations to the sex life satisfaction. Second, gender, age, educational background, economic status, and household type were statistically significant in relation to the need for the heterosexual relationship, and the experience in heterosexual relationship were statistically significance in relation to gender, religion, educational background, household type, and the condition of health. Third, sexual desire and the sex life satisfaction had a significant effect on the experience in heterosexual relationship, and sexual desire had significant related to the need for the heterosexual relationship. Fourth, gender, the economic status, educational background, and the household type were statistically significant in relation to the conditions of remarriage. The expectation to children`s reaction turned out to be a significant factor in deciding whether to remarry or not. Finally, as a result of the logistic regression analysis, the most significant factor affecting on the remarriage attitude turned out to be a desire for heterosexual relationship, and the next significant factor, the experience of the heterosexual relationship, and thirdly, a gender of the elders. Through this study, the elders get an opportunity to reexamine the meaning of remarriage, to improve overall quality of life, and eventually to have successful aging.
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The Effect of Parent-Adolescent Communication Types on Their Psychological Well-being 부모-자녀간 의사소통 유형이 청소년 자녀의 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향
이영숙 Young Suk Lee , 김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
7(2) 133-159, 2002
The Effect of Parent-Adolescent Communication Types on Their Psychological Well-being 부모-자녀간 의사소통 유형이 청소년 자녀의 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향
이영숙 Young Suk Lee , 김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of parent-adolescent communication types on adolescent`s psychological well-being such as depression, self-esteem and family life satisfaction. The subjects were 557 students of boys` and girls` middle school located in Pohang. Statistical methods applied to this study were Frequency, ANOVA, MANOVA, Pearson`s Correlation analysis, Multiple Regression. The results of this research indicated that in view of an educational situation in Korea, the closed communication between parent and adolescency had an negative influence on adolescent psychological well-being such as depression, self-esteem and family life satisfaction.
A Study of "Youth" and Parent-Children Relationship in Enlightenment Discourses: An Analysis of Taehan Maeil Sinbo 개화기 "청년"과 부모자녀관계에 관한 연구: 대한매일신보를 중심으로
전미경 Mi Kyung Jun
7(2) 161-185, 2002
A Study of "Youth" and Parent-Children Relationship in Enlightenment Discourses: An Analysis of Taehan Maeil Sinbo 개화기 "청년"과 부모자녀관계에 관한 연구: 대한매일신보를 중심으로
전미경 Mi Kyung Jun
This is a study of discourses on youth during the Enlightenment period in Korea. Thus far, I have conducted a qualitative analysis of the editorials taken from the Taehan Maeil Sinbo of the relevant period. The major findings are as follows: 1. These Enlightenment period discourses regarded youth as the driving force of Korea and the same point of view was repeated in discourses of `boys`, `students` and `heroes`. 2. Enlightenment discourses regarded the old generation as the opposing concept of youth, defining youth as "civilization" while regarding the old generation as "savageness". The image of the old people, described above, was also applied to parents at family. 3. In order to complete the "national state", Enlightenment discourses regarded the youth as the representative of the nation and its people. 4. The demand for school education and independent partner and/or spouse selection of youth resulted in parent-children conflict.