The Tasks and Prospects of " Family Life Educator" as a Profession "가족생활교육사"의 전문직으로의 발전을 위한 과제와 전망
정현숙 Hyun Sook Chung
7(3) 1-17, 2002
The Tasks and Prospects of " Family Life Educator" as a Profession "가족생활교육사"의 전문직으로의 발전을 위한 과제와 전망
정현숙 Hyun Sook Chung
The purpose of this study is to diagnose the current status and future prospect of "mily Life Educator"s a profession in order to enlarge Family scholars` practical fields. The task for strengthening theoretical background of family life education, the task for academical development of family studies field, and the task for popularity of family life educator are analyzed and reviewed. Future directions for each field are recommended.
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Development and Implementation of Programs for Unmarried Teen Mothers - Stage for nurturing a new dream - 십대 미혼모를 위한 교육프로그램 개발 및 실시 - 새로운 꿈을 가꾸는 터 -
송말희 Mal Hee Song , 배선희 Sun Hee Bae , 송현애 Hyun Ae Song , 전길양 Gil Yang Jun , 천혜정 Hye Jung Cheon
7(3) 19-40, 2002
Development and Implementation of Programs for Unmarried Teen Mothers - Stage for nurturing a new dream - 십대 미혼모를 위한 교육프로그램 개발 및 실시 - 새로운 꿈을 가꾸는 터 -
송말희 Mal Hee Song , 배선희 Sun Hee Bae , 송현애 Hyun Ae Song , 전길양 Gil Yang Jun , 천혜정 Hye Jung Cheon
The issue of increasing unmarried teen mothers is bound to escalate to a social issue involving their families and newly-born babies, not to mention the various sufferings of the mothers. Under the circumstances, it is absolutely necessary to develop and implement a certain systematic educational programs to keep the mothers from getting pregnant again and to help them stand up and adjust to live as proud members of society. In this study, We have developed a five-phased program for unmarried teen mothers. According to the program implemented at the facilities for unmarried mothers, the participants pointed out that they were able to acquire concrete methods to improve on their personal relationship through the open-hearted educational procedures and restore their self-confidence in themselves through encouragements and supports from other participants in the program. By pledging that they would maintain their strong points in life and would try to attain their purposes in life, the unmarried mothers displayed their sense of ownership of their life. It seems that the purposes of preventing the unmarried mothers from getting pregnant again and adjusting to society pursued by this program have been served to some extent.
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Relationships among Work Stress, Coworker Support, Psychological Well-being and Marital Stress 직업 스트레스와 동료지원이 심리적 복지와 부부관계 스트레스에 미치는 영향
이형실 Hyong Sil Lee
7(3) 41-53, 2002
Relationships among Work Stress, Coworker Support, Psychological Well-being and Marital Stress 직업 스트레스와 동료지원이 심리적 복지와 부부관계 스트레스에 미치는 영향
이형실 Hyong Sil Lee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of work experiences on marital stress and psychological well-being, and to examine the mediating role of psychological well-being in the relationships between work experiences and marital stress in employed men and women. This study was based on a sample of 215 full-time employed men and 197 women aged 35-59 in dual-earner couples. The effects of work experiences on marital stress and psychological well-being were examined separately for men and women only work stress proved to be a good predictor of psychological well-being for men and women. Work support did not predict psychological well-being of men and women. Both work stress and work support were significantly associated with marital stress in men. In contrast, work support did not predict marital stress for women. The findings of this study indicated that psychological well-being mediated the relationships between work stress and work support in employed men and women.
Key Words
직업 스트레스, work stress, 동료지원, coworker support, 심리적 복지, psychological well-being, 부부관계 스트레스, marital stress
The Mother-Child Relationship of Poor Female Heads of Households: A Qualitative Analysis 빈곤 여성가장의 모-자녀 관계에 관한 질적 연구
옥선화 Ok Sun Wha , 성미애 Mi Ai Sung , 이재림 Jae Rim Lee , 이경희 Kyung Hee Lee
7(3) 55-78, 2002
The Mother-Child Relationship of Poor Female Heads of Households: A Qualitative Analysis 빈곤 여성가장의 모-자녀 관계에 관한 질적 연구
옥선화 Ok Sun Wha , 성미애 Mi Ai Sung , 이재림 Jae Rim Lee , 이경희 Kyung Hee Lee
This study explored and described the relationship between poor female heads of households and their children. The data was gathered by in-depth interviews with thirteen poor female heads of households who had school-age children. On the process of qualitative analysis, we found they regarded their children as supportive beings as well as burdens. The mother-child relationship often resulted to mother-child alliances, and the alliances encouraged them to endure the economic hardships. However, the poverty and the lack of time with children disturbed the interaction between the female heads of households and their children. As the children grew, the relation had changed to companionship. Although they had survived the poverty by hard labor, the more support from welfare system and the warm attention were needed.
Key Words
빈곤 여성가장, poor female head of household, 모-자녀 관계, mother-child relationship, 모-자녀 동맹, mother-child alliance
An Exploratory Study on Influence of Intergenerational Transmission of Domestic Violence on Self-esteem and Depression in Married Women 가정폭력 세대전이가 기혼여성의 자아존중감 및 우울에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim , 김정란 Jung Ran Kim
7(3) 79-98, 2002
An Exploratory Study on Influence of Intergenerational Transmission of Domestic Violence on Self-esteem and Depression in Married Women 가정폭력 세대전이가 기혼여성의 자아존중감 및 우울에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim , 김정란 Jung Ran Kim
This study examined how married women`s intergenerational transmission of domestic violence influences on their self-esteem and depression. The SPSS 10.0 for Windows was used to analyze data obtained through 426 married women who live in Gwangju. Major findings were as follows: 1. The victim of wife abuse was different by the experience of abuse by parents and witness of father-to-mother abuse. 2. The depression was different by the experience of abuse by parents. 3. The experience of abuse by parents had significant impact on married women`s victim of husband-to-wife abuse and depression. 4. The witness of father-to-mother abuse had significant impact on married women`s victim of husband-to-wife abuse. 5. The victim of wife abuse had significant impact on married women`s self-esteem and depression. 6. The married women`s self-esteem had the strongest impact on their depression. As the result of the study, it concludes that married women`s intergenerational transmission of domestic violence has a positive effect on depression and their self-esteem has a negative effect on it.
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Korean Women`s Life Trajectories and Later lives 한국여성노인의 생애사 분석에 통한 노년기 삶의 이해 -인생전환점, 삶의 맥락, 적용전략을 중심으로-
강유진 Eu Jin Kang , 한경해 Gyoung Hae Han
7(3) 99-126, 2002
Korean Women`s Life Trajectories and Later lives 한국여성노인의 생애사 분석에 통한 노년기 삶의 이해 -인생전환점, 삶의 맥락, 적용전략을 중심으로-
강유진 Eu Jin Kang , 한경해 Gyoung Hae Han
The purpose of this study is to understand the lives of Korean elderly women in old age through examining their life trajectories. This study used personal narratives extracted from tape-recorded interviews of 13 elderly women and analyzed the key issues focused on life transitions in their subjective life experiences. Main results of this study are the following: First, Korean elderly women have experienced several kinds of life transitions due to many other reasons, e.g. abandoning somepathways for wars or poverty. Their lives are fabrications of their inner and outer life worlds:self, family, and society. Also we have to understand their lives in such complicated life fabrications. Second, Korean elderly women`s life courses revealed elderly women`s abilities to adapt to their environments and overcome adversities. The alteration process, the self endeavor to reconcile the present with the past may help some informants to overcome their harsh environments and adapt themselves successfully to their old age. These results show that life in old age is founded on the continuum that links the past and the present, and on this continuum the elderly interact with themselves and their surroundings.
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A Qualitative Study on the Spouseless Elder`s the Sexual Desire and Types of its Solution 무배우자 노인의 성욕구 실태와 해소유형
강현숙 Hyun Sook Kang , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
7(3) 127-151, 2002
A Qualitative Study on the Spouseless Elder`s the Sexual Desire and Types of its Solution 무배우자 노인의 성욕구 실태와 해소유형
강현숙 Hyun Sook Kang , 김태현 Tae Hyun Kim
The purpose of this study was to know the actual condition of sexual drive, the types of its solution and the consciousness of sex on the spouseless elder. This study relied on the qualitative research method to approach the spouseless elder`s subjective experience of sexuality. As a result of interpretation of 15 cases on the spouseless elder, the major findings can be summarized as follows: All subjects had sexual drive and its levels individually appear various degrees. To solve their sexual drive all of them practiced masturbation and 4 out of them both had the relationship with their counterpart and practice masturbation. But, the frequency of having sex and masturbation varied depending on individuals. Since other 11 subjects did not have the spouse and could not have solve the sexual drive, they wanted to solve loneliness, solitariness and sexual drive by having relationship with his(or her)counterpart. The female spouseless elder had more difficulties than the male in finding their sexual partner and types of having relationship with her counterpart, because the female were longer-lived than the male and were more than the male in figures. All subjects had sexual drive and had consistent expectation in the aspect of solving sexual drive by direct contact with counterparts and relieving loneliness but they complained about limitation of counterparts and chances to solve sexual drive and difficulty to find them by themselves. In the case of solving sexual drive by prostitution the male elder worried about venereal infections and complained of a countermeasures against them.
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Development of a Remarriage Preparation Program Model 재혼준비교육 프로그램 모형 개발
현은민 Eun Min Hyun
7(3) 153-172, 2002
Development of a Remarriage Preparation Program Model 재혼준비교육 프로그램 모형 개발
현은민 Eun Min Hyun
The purpose of this study is to develop a remarriage preparation model for couples who plan to remarry. This program model is based on The Family FIRO model and empirical research. This model focuses on the enlarged comprehension of stepfamily realities and it provides an insight about developmental stages of stepfamily`s interaction dimensions, and a problem-solving approach about their own potential problems.