Development of the Marriage Preparation Program for Premarital Couples 예비부부를 위한 교육프로그램 구성
백지은 Jee Eun Paik , 서선영 Sun Young Seo , 신수진 Soo Jin Shin
8(1) 1-27, 2003
Development of the Marriage Preparation Program for Premarital Couples 예비부부를 위한 교육프로그램 구성
백지은 Jee Eun Paik , 서선영 Sun Young Seo , 신수진 Soo Jin Shin
He purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the marriage preparation program for premarital couples. Our program consists of four-sessions(80 minutes per session). It is based on the theory of love, attachment, sexuality and effective communication. And it includes some information on marriage ritual and married life, The major results of this study are as follows. 1. Our marriage preparation program for premarital couples improved participants` knowledge of sexuality and effective communication skill. This is reflected on the quantitative evaluation through pre- and post-test. All the participants scored higher in the post-test. 2. Participants showed positive response to various aspects of our program, such as attachment, love, sexuality, effective communication skill, and realistic information for their wedding ceremony. And we expect this program to support premarital couples.
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The Effectiveness of the Sex Education Program for the Mentally Retarded 정신지체인 성교육프로그램의 효과성에 관한 연구
이현혜 Hyun Hye Lee , 김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
8(1) 29-51, 2003
The Effectiveness of the Sex Education Program for the Mentally Retarded 정신지체인 성교육프로그램의 효과성에 관한 연구
이현혜 Hyun Hye Lee , 김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
The purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of mentally retarded on the equal view of both sexes and provide effective bases through performing sex education programs which are suitable for the characteristic of mentally retarded. It carried out five times of sex educations -80 minutes each time, 10 sessions- for mentally retarded attending two special school(middle school, high school) and mentally retarded adult males who is capable of being trained in the workplace. And it found out the effects of sexual knowledge and attitude towards sex before and after carrying out the program. The results of this study were as follows: 1. This research included various levels of age (from 16 to 37 years old), both sexes and various degrees of mentally retarded. Throughout the various education, it is said a proper sex education program for the mentally retarded. 2. This is a very effective program for the mentally retarded who need to prove correct sexual knowledge and positive sexual attitudes. 3. This research inspected the differences between before and after tests of the sex education in the area of the knowledge of sex, it showed statistically significant differences in the structures and skills of body, pregnancy and birth, the body, the mental and sexual state of adolescence, and sexual violence. But there are not differences between the role of sex and friendship dating. 4. The sex education program is not significant difference in degree of mental retardation. sex, and age.
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A Study on the Determinants of Timing at First Marriage - Focused on the Married Men and Women in the Thirties - 30대 기혼남녀의 초혼연령 결정요인 연구
최새은 Sae Eun Choi , 옥선화 Sun Wha Ok
8(1) 53-73, 2003
A Study on the Determinants of Timing at First Marriage - Focused on the Married Men and Women in the Thirties - 30대 기혼남녀의 초혼연령 결정요인 연구
최새은 Sae Eun Choi , 옥선화 Sun Wha Ok
The purpose of this study are to identify and evaluate variables which make their influences on the timing at first marriage and examine how these variables are differed by gender. The data for this study were collected from 196 married males and 187 married females who were born in the 1965 through the 1970 and lived in the metropolitan area around Seoul. All respondents answered by self-report questionnaires. Next, these dada were described by using frequency, percentile, mean and standard variation and were analyzed by using hierarchical multiple regression. The major variables are as follows: First, the variables to make influences on the timing at first marriage were duration of employment, job classifications, income, and education as a social demographic variables. There were no gender differences. Second, the variable to make influences on the women`s timing at first marriage as marriage-value related variables was the attitude to marriage. However, there were no significant marriage-value related variables to make influences on the men`s timing at damage. Third, among the family related variables, the variable to make an influence on the women`s timing at marriage was a parental socio-economic status, whereas the variable for men was a parental existence. This study showed that for men the most important factor to determine the marriage timing was the economic conditions and abilities and for women the economic conditions and attitude to marriage was important. Hence, this study was useful to explain the reasons of the rising pattern of marriage age in Korea.
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timing at marriage, gender difference, 1965-1970 cohort
A Study on the Mote Selection Tendency of College Students 대학생의 배우자 선택성향에 대한 연구
홍달아기 Dal Ah Gi Hong
8(1) 75-97, 2003
A Study on the Mote Selection Tendency of College Students 대학생의 배우자 선택성향에 대한 연구
홍달아기 Dal Ah Gi Hong
The purpose of this study is to help mate selection and to know about the mate selection trends of college students. The data were collected by using the scheduled questionnaire. Two hundred respondents` responses were finally analysed. The statistical methods used for the data analysis were descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, etc.. The major findings are as following:First, the general tendency is to select partners with similar dispositions and backgrounds. Homogamous mate selection factors involved similarity of perceptions, similar interpersonal values, equal educational level. Method of mate selection, dating period, values, personality are effective other factors in mate selection. Second, the results were showed that blended values of tradition and modem. Especially the students have unequal value in gender role ideology. In spite of social change, this factor is still operative. Third, college students need to premarital education for succesful mate selection and marriage. Also students should be change of thought gender role ideology.
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A Study on Masculinity, Work, Family and Psychological Well-being of the Middle-aged Men 중년남성의 남성의식, 직장생활 및 가족생활과 심리적 복지에 관한 연구
김태현 Tae Hyun Kim , 김양호 Yang Ho Kim
8(1) 99-120, 2003
A Study on Masculinity, Work, Family and Psychological Well-being of the Middle-aged Men 중년남성의 남성의식, 직장생활 및 가족생활과 심리적 복지에 관한 연구
김태현 Tae Hyun Kim , 김양호 Yang Ho Kim
This purpose of this study is to examine the impacts on masculinity, work, and family roles on the psychological well-being of the Korean middle-aged men. Data were collected from 228 married men with children, aged from 35 to 55. The major outcomes the study were summarized as follows:First, the middle-aged men have a strong masculinity and work many hours outside home. Job stress and psychological well-being are significant predictors of the masculinity of the middle-aged men while none of the family role commitments. Second, job stress, the family role commitments and masculinity are significant predictors of the psychological well-being of the middle-aged men. The results of the study suggest that first of all, they are satisfied when they succeed in their job and the middle-aged men identity themselves as bread earner.
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On the Regulation of Child Pornography on the Internet - With Focus on the debates of virtual child pornography in U.S.R. - 인터넷상 아동포르노그라피에 대한 규제 -미국에서의 컴퓨터 생성 가상아동포르노그라피 논쟁을 중심으로-
전형미 Hyung Mi Chun , 김정욱 Jung Ok Kim
8(1) 121-138, 2003
On the Regulation of Child Pornography on the Internet - With Focus on the debates of virtual child pornography in U.S.R. - 인터넷상 아동포르노그라피에 대한 규제 -미국에서의 컴퓨터 생성 가상아동포르노그라피 논쟁을 중심으로-
전형미 Hyung Mi Chun , 김정욱 Jung Ok Kim
One of the more contentious issues accompanying the recent rapid growth of computer and internet technology is the offensive materials to child. Emerging digital technology now permits depictions of children involved in sexual activity which are virtual fabrications, with absolutely no involvement of children in their manufacture. Nevertheless, the subject matter is regarded as so abhorrent, the writer review the debates in U. S. A. U.S. supreme court conflict with government whether the computer-generated child pornography, indistinguishable from photographs of real children, should retain constitutional protection. In Korea, legislatures and courts have not addressed the issue because such images has not yet become a reality or is still in its infancy. To protect children from harmful computer-generated child pornography, our government must take into consideration legal protective measures before more children are hurt. The protection of children`s lives depends on such legislation because the child who gets seduced by a pedophile using virtual children pornography is a victims. At the risk of oversimplification on this issue, the writer emphasize that the legislator must consider the concerned scholar`s opinion and research results in the process of legislation.
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A Study on Social Support and Stress of Adolescent 현대가족에서의 청소년의 스트레스와 사회적 지지
홍상욱 Sang Ook Hong , 엄경순 Kyung Soon Eum , 배옥현 Ok Hyun Bae
8(1) 139-155, 2003
A Study on Social Support and Stress of Adolescent 현대가족에서의 청소년의 스트레스와 사회적 지지
홍상욱 Sang Ook Hong , 엄경순 Kyung Soon Eum , 배옥현 Ok Hyun Bae
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of variables such as socio-home environment, social support, and stress in Adolescent. This study was conducted by administering a questionnaire to 530 Adolescents living in Kyeongnam province. The data were analyzed with the SPSS statistical package using cronbach`s α-coefficient, frequency distribution, percentage, pearson’s r-coefficient, and regression analysis. The results of this study are as follows: There were negative correlations between social supports and stress. Furthermore, the higher the family`s economic situation, the greater the degree of social support to the adolescent. When parents have higher expectations for their children`s education the adolescents have better relationships with friends, teachers and their parents and they also have a successful school life. In contrast, when social support was low there was a negative effect on the adolescents lives:their stress level increased. There was less conversation between parents and children. When parents had lower expectations of their children their children had less study time per day. They used computers less often and the children had negative relationships with friends and parents. Social support buffered the related stresses. Finally, adolescent`s stress levels decrease with higher levels of social support.