A Study on Improvement in Victim Children`s Psycho-social Adjustment through Exposure Conditions Analysis of Domestic Violence 가정폭력노출 실태분석을 통한 피해아동의 심리사회적 적응력 향상방안 연구
김정란 Kim Jeong Lan
8(2) 1-23, 2003
A Study on Improvement in Victim Children`s Psycho-social Adjustment through Exposure Conditions Analysis of Domestic Violence 가정폭력노출 실태분석을 통한 피해아동의 심리사회적 적응력 향상방안 연구
김정란 Kim Jeong Lan
This study is a research on the psychosocial maladjustment of children who are exposed to domestic violence. It attempts to find out how children`s experience of domestic violence influences on their psychosocial maladjustment, and to present plans for improvement in adjustment. The SPSS 10.0 for Windows was used to analyze data obtained through 519 children who live in Gwangju·Chonnam area. Major findings are as follows: 1. Prevalence rates of exposure to domestic violence are considerably serious; 80.2% child abuse by parents, 46.2% witness of fathertomother abuse. 2. Child abuse and wife abuse have close relationship in their occurrence and severity. 3. Internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and social competence of children are different by the child abuse, the wife abuse, and the style of exposure to domestic violence. 4. Child abuse have the strongest impact on the children`s psychosocial adjustment. As the result of the study, it concludes that the exposure to domestic violence has a negative effect on the children`s psychosocial adjustment. In order to improve psychosocial adjustment of children exposed to domestic violence, various plans are suggested in this study.
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A Study on the effect of information education experience on the quality of life among the elderly people 노년의 정보화태도와 경험이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 -대구,경북지역 노인들의 정보화 교육을 중심으로-
박충선 Park Chung Seon , 이춘옥 Lee Chun Og
8(2) 25-44, 2003
A Study on the effect of information education experience on the quality of life among the elderly people 노년의 정보화태도와 경험이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 -대구,경북지역 노인들의 정보화 교육을 중심으로-
박충선 Park Chung Seon , 이춘옥 Lee Chun Og
The purpose of this study is to understand the effects of information technology on the quality of life of the elderly people. The data were collected by using the structured questionnaire. The total 313 cases were used for the final analysis. The collected data were analyzed by using frequency, percentile, mean and standard variation, and cross tabulation techniques. The major findings are as follows: First, most of the elderly people possessed informationrelated devices, but did not use them frequently. Second, The perception toward information technology among the elderly people was very strong both on positive and negative aspects. Third, most of the elderly people perceived the social problems caused by information technology quite seriously, although the degree of the seriousness turned out to be quite differently depending on their socioeconomic backgrounds. Fourth, the level of preparation toward information technology was also significantly different in terms of the backgrounds of the elderly people. Fifth the degree of utilization of the information technology varied with the dimensions of activities. Overall, the perception preparation, and utilization of the information technology enhanced the quality of life among the elderly people.
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A Study on the Effects ok Make-up on the Psychological Well-being of Elderly Women 여성노인의 화장이 심리적 복지감에 미치는 영향
이원진 Lee Won Jin , 김정옥 Kim Jeong Og
8(2) 45-60, 2003
A Study on the Effects ok Make-up on the Psychological Well-being of Elderly Women 여성노인의 화장이 심리적 복지감에 미치는 영향
이원진 Lee Won Jin , 김정옥 Kim Jeong Og
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of makeup of the elderly women on their perceived sense of wellbeing and also on their mental health. For the purpose, the study surveyed a sample group of 38 elderly women aged between 60 and 80 who live in Daegu metropolitan city area. Subjects were given questionnaires before and after their makeup respectively. Internal validity of the instrument was tested resulting in Cronbach`s coefficient alpha = 0.6000 or higher. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS/PC+ program. The findings of the research are as follows: First, the subjects were found to perceive the effectiveness of makeup as positive. Second, after makeup, they tend to feel themselves more stable and also get more proactive in associating with people. Third, the subjects` personal relations were positively affected by makeup. Fourth, the subjects` senses of general selfworth increased with makeup. They tended to feel themselves happier and also have stronger selfconfidence. The findings of the study indicate that the cosmetic behavior of the elderly has positive effects on their mental health. The findings have further research implications in that the practice of beauty care might have the psychotherapeutic effect on the elderly with clinical depression and dementia.
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Korean Urban Husband and Wife`s Marital Fight, Marital Fight-Coping Behavior, and Marital Satisfaction - Focused on married men and women living in Seoul Metropolitan area- 한국 도시부부의 부부싸움 및 부부싸움 대처행동이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향 -수도권 거주 기혼 남성과 여성을 중심으로-
강학중 Kang Hag Jung , 유영주 Yu Yeong Ju
8(2) 61-84, 2003
Korean Urban Husband and Wife`s Marital Fight, Marital Fight-Coping Behavior, and Marital Satisfaction - Focused on married men and women living in Seoul Metropolitan area- 한국 도시부부의 부부싸움 및 부부싸움 대처행동이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향 -수도권 거주 기혼 남성과 여성을 중심으로-
강학중 Kang Hag Jung , 유영주 Yu Yeong Ju
The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of marital fight and fightcoping behavior on the marital satisfaction between married men and women. Total of 375 married men and women, who are living in Seoul Metropolitan area, answered structured questionnaires. Major study results were as follows: 1. The difference of marital fight between married men and women among the eight subscales was not shown significant. However, the difference of perception of marital fight between married men and women was shown significant in items such as `we fight because of manner of speaking that makes the other feel bad` and `we fight against preconception that married women have to be in charge of housework`. 2. The difference of marital fightcoping behavior between married men and women among the three subscales was not shown significant. However, the difference of perception of marital fightcoping behavior between married men and women was shown significant in items such as `I spoke harshy that hurt my partner` and `I threatened to hit or throw something at my partner`. 3. The influential variables on the marital satisfaction between married men and women were chosen out of sociodemographic variables, marital fight, and fightcoping behavior. It turned out that, as for married men, only three variables of household budget management, emotional negotiation and cognitive negotiation had influence on the degree of marital satisfaction. However, married women`s marital satisfaction was influenced by seven variables: education level, marriage type, personality difference, communicational problems, household budget management, emotional negotiation and cognitive negotiation.
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The Effects of Passion on Early Marital Satisfaction 배우자에 대한 열정정도가 초기결혼만족도에 미치는 영향 -부부 연령차이에 따라-
김양희 Kim Yang Hui , 장은영 Jang Eun Yeong
8(2) 85-99, 2003
The Effects of Passion on Early Marital Satisfaction 배우자에 대한 열정정도가 초기결혼만족도에 미치는 영향 -부부 연령차이에 따라-
김양희 Kim Yang Hui , 장은영 Jang Eun Yeong
This study examied the effects on the difference of passion on early marital satisfaction in the difference of each the age of husbands and wives subjecting the women who have married no more than 5 years. The subject people for this study were 275 married females who have married no more than 5 years, and the technological statistics, ttest, ANOVA were executed with the data which acquired through the structured questionnaire sheet by using SPSS Win 11.0 program . The result of this research can be summarized as follows. First, when researching the characteristics of the resource related with the individual and parent in each the difference of the husband and wife`s age, the religion was reported to be the similar style among those three group, and there were plenty of the marriage between the husband who is the first child and wife who is the second child or the lower. Second, When examining the difference of passion, all the three groups did not show the meaningful difference, and so the rate was higher 3 points over the average value. Third, when examining the difference of the marital satisfaction according to the passion, there was no meaningful difference. However, as for all the emotional field, mutual action field, and role field showed the higher average rate in the group in which the wife is younger than the husband than other two groups. Additionally, the group in which the wife is older than the husband showed the lower average rate of the marital satisfaction for the marriage rather than the other groups in the role field. Fourth, in the difference of the marital satisfaction showed the meaningful difference in the same religion as in the value field, and in the emotional field. Additionally, there was the meaningful difference in the mutual action field of the marriage between the husband and wife who are the second child or the lower. The result of the examination on the influence of passion toward the marriage satisfaction showed the high relationship.
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A Study on the Children in stepfamilies: Difficulties and coping strategies from family and social aspects 재혼가족의 아동: 가족적,사회적 측면에서 경험하는 문제와 대책 고찰
현은민 Hyeon Eun Min
8(2) 101-126, 2003
A Study on the Children in stepfamilies: Difficulties and coping strategies from family and social aspects 재혼가족의 아동: 가족적,사회적 측면에서 경험하는 문제와 대책 고찰
현은민 Hyeon Eun Min
This study tried to identify the stepchildren`s difficulties infamily aspect and social aspect and also suggested coping strategies based on empirical research. The children in stepfamily experienced the feeling of loss, boundary and role ambiguity, loyalty conflict, lack of control, conflict in resource distribution, competitive relationship with stepsiblings, child abuse and delinquent behaviors in family aspects. In social aspect the children experienced difficulties from the perspective of remarriage asan incomplete institution, negative social prejudice and stereotype, lack of social support system, and imperfect legal system. As coping strategies, establishment of proper stepfamily model, providing remarriage preparation education, teaching and counseling for the children and parents, reforming legal system, enlightenment of social understanding, encouragement of selfhelp groups, and education and training for the stepfamily professionals can help the stepfamilies and children.