An Analysis of the Research Trends in the Development and Implement of Parent Education Programs in Korea 부모교육 프로그램 개발과 수행에 관한 연구 경향 분석-최근 10년간 국내 연구를 중심으로-
전춘애 Chun Ae Jun , 이미숙 Mi Sook Lee
8(3) 1-29, 2003
An Analysis of the Research Trends in the Development and Implement of Parent Education Programs in Korea 부모교육 프로그램 개발과 수행에 관한 연구 경향 분석-최근 10년간 국내 연구를 중심으로-
전춘애 Chun Ae Jun , 이미숙 Mi Sook Lee
The purpose of this study is to analyze the research trends in the development and implement of parent education programs. This study reviews 137 researches which were conducted during 1993-2003. Among 137 researches, 107 researches are unpublished master or Doctoral Dissertations, and 30 researches are papers published at Periodical Journals. The result of reviews shows that 66 researches are found to survey only the needs and desires for parent education program without implementing. However, among 71 researches, some researches are found to focus only on the implementing parent education program without the survey of the n~ds for program, or others are found to focus on both the survey of the needs for parent education program and the implement of program. In addition, the result of implementing parent education programs is found to be highly effective to· improve parent-child relationships. The implications for future studies are discussed in the. context of development and implement of parent education programs.
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The Effects of Family Strengths, Self-Esteem, Couple Problem on Marital Satisfaction among the Rural Couples 가족 건강성, 자아존중감, 부부문제가 농촌부부의 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향
양순미 Soon Mi Yang
8(3) 31-49, 2003
The Effects of Family Strengths, Self-Esteem, Couple Problem on Marital Satisfaction among the Rural Couples 가족 건강성, 자아존중감, 부부문제가 농촌부부의 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향
양순미 Soon Mi Yang
In research model about marital satisfaction should be included the variable containing family function or family interaction. But in the research model, this context have not been reflected yet. The purpose of this study is to explore the related variables including family strengths variable that affect marital satisfaction of the rural couples. The results of the study show that the variables which have a significant impact on marital satisfaction of wife are communication·problem cope·family identity subarea of family strengths, sex problem of couple, emotional problem of couple, agriculture type. The variables which have a significant impact on marital satis faction of husband are communication·problem cope·family identity subarea of family strengths, academic career. Inboth wife and husband, the most effective variable is communication·problem cope·family identity subarea of family strengths.
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Development and Implimentation of Gender Equality Program -Gender Equality Workshop for Daycare Teacher- 양성평등 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 - 보육교사 양성평등 워크샵을 중심으로-
유정은 Jung Eun Yoo , 김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
8(3) 51-65, 2003
Development and Implimentation of Gender Equality Program -Gender Equality Workshop for Daycare Teacher- 양성평등 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 - 보육교사 양성평등 워크샵을 중심으로-
유정은 Jung Eun Yoo , 김정옥 Jung Ok Kim
This study focuses on the day-care teachers gender equality consciousness in accordance with their perception of gneder roles which affects the Day-care Center children`s gender consciousness very much. Therefore, purpose of this study is to provide basic information and data for day-care teacher`s education program development focused on the gender equality consciousness in Day-care Center. This study is implemented by surveying 190 day-care teachers in Seoul, Incheon, Mokpo, Gwangju, BuSan, Kyungki-Do area. By the results of teachers participated in this workshop program, we can summarise general tendency and characteristic of teaching gender equality as below. 1. Most of teachers in teaching practices have been experienced that young children has his/her preferable playing and actions according to difference of sex. 2. Even though, some of teachers do not define clearly there is suitably specified play to each of children. 3. Most of teachers in this workshop program reported that young children indicated unintentionally the conventional concept and the prejudice in his/her actions during sex role playing. 4. Given children``s conventional concept and prejudice during sex role playing, many teachers have been intermediating intentionally to the such a status but around 50% didn``t it. 5. In the teaching practice with boys and girls, most of teachers have experienced that they have particular characteristics and actions according to the difference of sex. 6. In teaching practice, it was stated by the .teachers that children does not have been motivated generally to desirable attitude and inclination about their sex characteristic. In this study, we would suggest to more teachers in practice to try to build up improved day care system in gender equality. And so, during teaching practice, teachers may need to reflect inherently their teaching experience and activity. For standardizing ideals of gender equality they also need set up guide line and desirable plan. Each teachers need to pay more efforts any time against conventional concept and prejudice of children``s gender view point and therefore. Teachers should be pay more attention to teaching and activities by themselves for the preception. Also, it is required to set up regular meeting in each individual day care center in which teachers can be motivated to take close observation and analysis to their teaching circumstance, as well as evaluation by each other.
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Children`s Domestic Violence Exposure and Behavior Problems -focusing on child abuse victim and wife abuse witnessing- 자녀의 가정폭력 노출과 행동문제-자녀학대 피해와 아내학대 목격을 중심으로-
김정란 Jeong Ran Kim
8(3) 67-88, 2003
Children`s Domestic Violence Exposure and Behavior Problems -focusing on child abuse victim and wife abuse witnessing- 자녀의 가정폭력 노출과 행동문제-자녀학대 피해와 아내학대 목격을 중심으로-
김정란 Jeong Ran Kim
The purpose of this study is to examine how children`s domestic violence exposure influences their behavior problems. The SPSS 10.0 for Windows was used to analyze data obtained through 1,102 children who live in Gwangju·Chonnam area. Major findings are as follows: 1. Children`s domestic violence exposure was considerably serious; 82.3% child abuse by parents, 56.8% withness of father-to-mother abuse. 2. Internalizing problems and externalizing problems of children were different by the domestic violence exposure. 3. Domestic violence exposure had a negative impact on the children`s behavior problems. 4. Internalizing problems and externalizing problems of children who is exposed to domestic violence were influenced by the grade.
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The Influence of Family Differentiation Leverl and Internal Representation to Love in Love Experiences Among the Dating Couples 가족분화수준과 내적 표상이 대학생의 사랑의 경험에 미치는 영향
남순현 Soon Hyeon Nam
8(3) 89-109, 2003
The Influence of Family Differentiation Leverl and Internal Representation to Love in Love Experiences Among the Dating Couples 가족분화수준과 내적 표상이 대학생의 사랑의 경험에 미치는 영향
남순현 Soon Hyeon Nam
According to Bowen, the pattern of interaction acquired from ones`` family of origin affects their marriage life. The present study investigated the hypothesis model that adult children``s family differentiation levels as a family variable and adult children``s mental models to love as en individual variable will also affect adult children``s relationships with partners before get married. First, this study examined what factors perceived or experienced by adult children affect their love experiences. As results, adult children perceived that the duration of their relationships, the efforts for their relationships, their sincerity, character differences and their ability affect their love experiences, but now, they experienced that the numbers of their past love experiences and their gender significantly affect their relationship with partners. Second, as the study examined the hypothesis model, parents`` family differentiation levels significantly affect adult children``s differentiation levels with their partners and those processes were mediated by the way of parents``s rearing children as young. And adult children``s love experiences were significantly influenced by parents``s family differentiation levels, adult children``s differentiation levels with partners, and adult children``s internal representation to love,
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A Study on Development of Family Volunteering Program Strengthing the Family Health 가족 건강성 증진을 위한 가족자원봉사 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구
김정옥 Jung Ok Kim , 장덕희 Duk Hee Jang
8(3) 111-135, 2003
A Study on Development of Family Volunteering Program Strengthing the Family Health 가족 건강성 증진을 위한 가족자원봉사 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구
김정옥 Jung Ok Kim , 장덕희 Duk Hee Jang
The present study aimed to provide the basic data for the development of family volunteer programs to improve the family health. The study was carried out by analyzing 39 families (n=98), which had attended family volunteer programs made by social welfare facilities for the elderly. The effects of family volunteering activity on the family health were analyzed. Moreover case studies of the workers for family volunteer programs were performed. The Results demonstrated that first, the analysis for the effects of family volunteering activities on the family health by using one group pretest-posttest design revealed that the activity of family volunteering significantly influenced the family health. In particular, family values in common, family commitment, and communication within family members were markedly improved. Next, case studies of the workers demonstrated that family volunteer programs were developed not only for volunteering activities, but also for family members themselves. In contrast to the other volunteering programs, family volunteer programs were evaluated by the family volunteering activities as well as by their unity at the end of the program. Therefore, the present study suggests as follows for activating family volunteering programs:l) the development and management of programs suitable for the voluntary activities of a family unit; 2) flexible work system based on individuality getting ready for the time for the family volunteering activity; and 3) the participation of professional in the family therapy and welfare.
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가족자원봉사, 가족건강성, family volunteering, family health
A Study on Their Father`s Attitude and Consciousness of Gender Equality by Children`s Perceptions 자녀가 지각한 아버지의 양성평등태도와 의식에 대한 연구
홍달아기 Dal Ah Gi Hong , 정은미 Eun Min Jeong , 김보금 Bo Geum Kim
8(3) 137-152, 2003
A Study on Their Father`s Attitude and Consciousness of Gender Equality by Children`s Perceptions 자녀가 지각한 아버지의 양성평등태도와 의식에 대한 연구
홍달아기 Dal Ah Gi Hong , 정은미 Eun Min Jeong , 김보금 Bo Geum Kim
A purpose of this study was to explore their father`s attitude and consciousness of gender equality by children`s perceptions. the data were collected from 805 girls at middle school in Jeonbuk Respondents answered the questionnaires by themselves. 1) The gender equality attitudes of father were divided into three factors. The factors were named ``gender role attitude at home`` and ``gender role in society`` and ``gender stereotype``. Among the socio-demographic variables, significant things are levels of education, occupations of parent and types of marriage. Also social economic status were significant on ``gender role attitude in society`` and ``gender stereotype``. But ``the types of family`` and ``a grade of children`` were not significant. 2) The gender equality consciousness of father was divided into six factors. The gender equality consciousness was influenced by all socio-demographic variables except the types of family; significant variables were the levels of education, occupations of parent, the types of marriage, social economic status and grade of children. 3) The gender equality attitudes of father has positive relations with father``s gender equality consciousness by children``s perceptions. This study showed that attitudes and consciousness of gender equality were related to family circumstances of children. Also gender equality attitudes and consciousness of father were affected socio-demographic variables of mother.