The Study on Preference and Related Variables of Silver Town for the Middle-Aged People and the Old-Aged People 중노년기의 실버타운 선호도 및 관련 변인에 관한 연구
이민경 Lee Min Gyeong , 김양희 Kim Yang Hui , 박정윤 Park Jeong Yun
9(1) 1-23, 2004
The Study on Preference and Related Variables of Silver Town for the Middle-Aged People and the Old-Aged People 중노년기의 실버타운 선호도 및 관련 변인에 관한 연구
이민경 Lee Min Gyeong , 김양희 Kim Yang Hui , 박정윤 Park Jeong Yun
The purpose of this study is to examine the attitude of the middles-aged and the elderly in Korea toward the silver town living and related variables. Dara are gathered from 229 middle-aged and elderly in Seoul and Kyunggi Province using the structured questionnaire. Statistical method used for the data analysis are descriptive statistics, t-test, and ANOVA. The main result of the study are as follows. First, most of the respondents are aware of the silver town and the respondents with higher income and higher educational level show positive attitude towards silver town living. Second, the intention to move into the silver town was different to the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Respondents with higher income and non-traditional family value show stronger intention to move into the silver town at old age than their counter-parts.
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Romantic Love in Korean Popular Songs 한국 대중가요에 나타난 낭만적 사랑
이지연 Lee Ji Yeon , 신수진 Sin Su Jin
9(1) 25-55, 2004
Romantic Love in Korean Popular Songs 한국 대중가요에 나타난 낭만적 사랑
이지연 Lee Ji Yeon , 신수진 Sin Su Jin
This study analysed the lyrics of Korean popular songs to explore the ways in which romantic love is described as the foundation of marriage in recent Korean culture. Popular songs written during the period from 1920 to the present are reviewed and total number of the songs reviewed for this study is 1220 pieces. This study also reviewed the existing studies on sociocultural changes influencing Korean families and romantic love in modern days. The results show that romantic love was expressed positively and accepted by the public in Korean society after 1960`s. Love has become a crucial condition of marriage and marriage has been understood as a natural result of romantic love since 1960`s. That means romantic love became the pivot of Korean modern family life as it was adopted as an important element in marriage system. It is argued that the romantic love and marriage pattern which belong to a field of private life are found to be indivisible from macro-sociocultural conditions of Korean society.
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A Study on the Experience of the Mothers with Children with Developmental Disabilities and Parent Eeducation Program -Focus on the Mothers with Autistic and Feebleminded Children- 발달장애아 어머니들의 경험과 부모교육 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 -자폐아, 정신지체아 어머니들을 중심으로-
이성희 Lee Seong Hui , 전길양 Jeon Gil Yang
9(1) 57-83, 2004
A Study on the Experience of the Mothers with Children with Developmental Disabilities and Parent Eeducation Program -Focus on the Mothers with Autistic and Feebleminded Children- 발달장애아 어머니들의 경험과 부모교육 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 -자폐아, 정신지체아 어머니들을 중심으로-
이성희 Lee Seong Hui , 전길양 Jeon Gil Yang
The purposes of this study are to understand the experience of the mothers of the children with developmental disabilities and to develop appropriate parent education program to their needs. For these purposes, qualitative in-depth data from the ten mothers with autistic and feeble-minded children are gathered. The results of the data analysis show that the mother`s attitudes regarding the children`s developmental disabilities are different according to the different experiences in pregnancy process, causes of disabilities and the level of family strength. The mothers report mental and physical problems along with economical burdens, and have problems with passive stress coping strategies. These mothers express the need for parent education program to enhance their self-esteem by self-expression and also for the vocational education. Based on these findings, we developed parent education program consist of seven sessions. The main theme of each of these sessions are : Self understandings of parents, grade of family adaptation, enhancement of self-esteem, stress coping methods and making plans for their children.
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The Effect on Parent-Child Relational Satisfaction by Family Ideology, Life Interchange 가족이념, 생활교류가 부모자녀관계 만족도에 미치는 영향 -중년세대와 성인세대를 중심으로-
김태현 Kim Tae Hyeon , 임선영 Im Seon Yeong
9(1) 85-109, 2004
The Effect on Parent-Child Relational Satisfaction by Family Ideology, Life Interchange 가족이념, 생활교류가 부모자녀관계 만족도에 미치는 영향 -중년세대와 성인세대를 중심으로-
김태현 Kim Tae Hyeon , 임선영 Im Seon Yeong
The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of the family ideology and inter-generational exchange on the level of parent-child relationship satisfaction. The major findings of this study are as fallow. First, middle aged generation show more traditional attitude than older generation in gender equity, attitudes toward divorce and marriage consciousness. Second, for the middle aged generation, there are significant differences in gender equity, attitudes on divorce and family ideology by gender. Emotional exchange is affected by education level and health status while service exchange is affected by occupation, income and health status. Parent-child relationship satisfaction are related with the gender, health status and religion of the middle-aged generation. Attitudes of older generation on the issue of gender equity, divorce and family ideology are also differ by gender. Emotional exchange is affected by marriage status and religion of the older generation. Age, marital status, occupation, and religion have significant impact on economic exchange. Third, parent-child relationship satisfaction of the middle aged generation are largely explained by the level of emotional exchange, attitudes toward divorce. The relationship satisfaction of the older generation are strongly related with the level of service exchange and emotional exchange.
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Conditions and Developmental Alternatives on Wife Abuse and Counseling System 가정폭력의 실태 및 상담기관 현황 분석을 통한 지역상담사업 체계화 방안 -아내학대를 중심으로-
김경신 Kim Gyeong Sin
9(1) 111-134, 2004
Conditions and Developmental Alternatives on Wife Abuse and Counseling System 가정폭력의 실태 및 상담기관 현황 분석을 통한 지역상담사업 체계화 방안 -아내학대를 중심으로-
김경신 Kim Gyeong Sin
The purposes of this study are to analyze the current conditions of social service programs for the battered women and to propose practical alternatives about regional counseling system for helping the victim of family violence. The data were obtained from 426 women using the questionnaire and from in-depth interviews with 33 family violence counselors in Gwangju and Chonnam Province. Major findings are as follows: The tendencies of wife abuse were quite serious, especially in psychological abuse and the appearance ratio of violence was 89.2%. Also the level of wife abuse were related with the social support or services available to the family. Interviewed counselors point out the need of financial support for local counseling center, enlargement of human resources, and systematic networking among related programs and services. They also point out the need of training and educations for the counseling personnel for competency enrichment. Based on these results, the need for the change of local counseling system to more cooperative and integrative direction and of development of more specified programs for prevention and intervention system against family violence are proposed.
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Patterns of Intergenerational Support Exchange and the Psychological Well-being of Adult Children in Korea 세대간 지원교환 유형과 성인자녀의 심리적 복지감
한민아 Han Min A , 한경혜 Han Gyeong Hye
9(1) 135-152, 2004
Patterns of Intergenerational Support Exchange and the Psychological Well-being of Adult Children in Korea 세대간 지원교환 유형과 성인자녀의 심리적 복지감
한민아 Han Min A , 한경혜 Han Gyeong Hye
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the patterns of inter-generational support exchange and the psychological well-being of the adult children in Korea. Previous studies about the inter-generational support exchange and psychological well-being in Korea mostly focused on the elderly parents and have several methodological limitations. This study seek to overcome those gaps in previous research. The data used for this study is the subset of the data collected for the study called "Successful Midlife Development: Mental Health and Work/family Life course in Korea and the United States". Data were collected from a national representative sample of 1,667 Korean adults ranging in age from 30 to 59 through structured questionnaires. The results of the data analysis show that the support pattern could be categorized as support-given, support-received, reciprocal, and no-exchange groups. Adult children who belongs to reciprocal exchange groups showed highest psychological well-being. Theoretical and policy implications of the study are discussed.
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Rewards, Costs and Relationship Quality perceived by caregiving adult children - a comparison between Koreans and Korean Americans - 사회교환론적 관점에서 본 노모를 부양하는 성인자녀가 지각한 대가, 보상 및 관계의 질 - 한국과 재미교포자녀의 비교 -
신화용 Sin Hwa Yong , 조병은 Jo Byeong Eun
9(1) 153-174, 2004
Rewards, Costs and Relationship Quality perceived by caregiving adult children - a comparison between Koreans and Korean Americans - 사회교환론적 관점에서 본 노모를 부양하는 성인자녀가 지각한 대가, 보상 및 관계의 질 - 한국과 재미교포자녀의 비교 -
신화용 Sin Hwa Yong , 조병은 Jo Byeong Eun
This research, using an exchange framework, was to examine how the relationship quality perceived by adult children was affected by the rewards and costs resulting from the caregiving of the aged mothers. The data for the study was collected from 167 adult children(daughters-in-law/daughters) taking care of their aged mothers who are living in Seoul, and 158 adult children(daughters-in-law/daughters) living in 4 major cities in the U. S. A. There were no differences in the level of activities for daily living of the aged mothers and the total amount of caregiving behaviors towards the aged mothers by the adult children between the two groups. Korean adult children perceived similar level of rewards from caregiving of their aged parents, however they reported higher costs than Korean Americans. The perceived relationship quality by Korean children was found to be lower than that of Korean Americans. For Korean children, rewards and costs resulting from supporting the aged mothers/mothers-in-law influenced the relationship quality, accounting for the 38% of the variance in the children`s relationship quality scores. As for the Korean American children, rewards, costs, the relationship between parents and children, and caregiving behavior towards mothers/mothers-in-law influenced the relationship quality with the aged mothers and these variables account for 63% of the variance in the children`s relationship quality scores. Based on these findings, utility of social exchange framework as a theoretical framework to understand the relationship between adult children and aged parents are discussed.