The Effects of Social Conflict Perception and Future Social Risk Perception on Unmarried Young Adult’s Marriage Intention 비혼 청년남녀의 사회갈등인식과 미래사회 위험인식이 결혼의향에 미치는 영향
장온정 Chang On Jeong
29(4) 3-27, 2025
장온정 Chang On Jeong
Objectives: This study aims to examine how perceptions of future societal risks and social conflicts impact the marriage intentions of unmarried young adults, with a focus on gender differences. Methods: Utilizing data from the 2022 Youth Life Survey, this study analyzed 13,268 unmarried individuals who met specific research criteria. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS 25.0. Results: First, unmarried youth showed significant gender-based differences in marriage intentions, perceptions of social conflicts, and perceived risks to future society. Second, an analysis of the relationships between perceptions of social conflicts, future societal risks, and marriage intentions revealed that perceptions of social conflicts were significantly higher among both unmarried young men and women with no marriage intentions. In contrast, perceived societal risks were notably higher only among unmarried young women with no marriage intentions. Third, among unmarried young women, perceptions of social conflicts represented the only significant factor influencing marriage intentions. whereas for unmarried young men, both perceptions of social conflicts and societal risks significantly impacted their marriage intentions. Conclusion: The findings here highlight the need for policy measures targeting youth that aim to reduce social conflicts and build trust in the future societal framework, particularly in the context of policymaking related to marriage and childbirth.
Key Words
비혼 청년, 사회갈등인식, 미래사회 위험인식, 결혼의향, Unmarried youth, Social conflict perception, Future societal risk perception, Marriage intentions
The Influence of Gender Role Attitude on Depression through Work-Family Balance among Mothers with School Children: Moderated Mediation Effects of Satisfaction with Household Labor Distribution 취학아동을 둔 여성의 성역할 태도와 일·가정 양립이 우울에 미치는 영향: 가사노동분담 만족도의 조절된 매개효과
고다경 Go Dagyeong , 이지민 Lee Jimin
29(4) 29-48, 2025
고다경 Go Dagyeong , 이지민 Lee Jimin
Objectives: This study examines how work-family balance and satisfaction with household labor distribution influence the relationship between working women’s gender role attitudes and depression, and explores interventions to reduce depression. Method: Using data from the 9th wave of the Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Family (KloWF), a sample of 704 employed women with school children were analyzed. SPSS 29.0 and the SPSS Process Macro version 4.2 were used to test models 1, 4, and 14, examining the moderating effect of satisfaction with household labor distribution on the mediating effect of work-family balance. Results: First, equitable gender role attitudes among working women were associated with higher work-family balance and lower depression. Second, lower satisfaction with household labor distribution strengthened the effect of work-family balance on reducing depression. Third, when satisfaction with household labor distribution is low, more equitable gender role attitudes enhance work-family balance, further reducing depression. Conclusions: The impact of gender role attitudes on depression through work-family balance varies depending on satisfaction with household labor distribution. Based on the findings, attention to gender role attitude, work-family balance, and satisfaction with household labor distribution to reduce depression in working women should be considered.
Key Words
성역할 태도, 일·가정 양립, 우울, 가사노동분담 만족도, 조절된 매개효과, gender role attitude, work-family balance, depression, satisfaction with household labor distribution, moderated mediation effect
The Impact of Happiness and Life Meaning on Aging Anxiety in Middle-Aged Women 중년 여성의 행복감과 삶의 의미가 노화 불안에 미치는 영향
전성민 Jeon Seongmin , 박정윤 Park Jeongyun
29(4) 49-67, 2025
전성민 Jeon Seongmin , 박정윤 Park Jeongyun
Objectives: This study analyzes the impact of happiness and life meaning on aging anxiety in middle-aged women. Method: A survey was conducted among middle-aged women aged 45 to 64 living in a metropolitan area, and a total of 513 responses were analyzed. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 24.0. Results: First, the analysis of the relationship between happiness and aging anxiety showed that the higher the external happiness, the lower the aging anxiety due to fear of the elderly. Additionally, the higher the internal happiness and self-regulatory happiness, the lower the anxiety due to psychological instability, fear of appearance, and fear of loss. Second, the higher the life meaning, the higher the aging anxiety due to psychological instability and fear of loss. However, the more positive the perception and effort in the process of finding life meaning, the lower the aging anxiety tended to be. Conclusions: The study proposes various approaches to reduce aging anxiety by analyzing the impact of happiness and life meaning on aging anxiety in middle-aged women. The results show that both happiness and the pursuit of life meaning play important roles in reducing aging anxiety. In particular, having a positive perception and making efforts in the process of finding life meaning were found to be effective in reducing aging anxiety.
Key Words
중년 여성, 행복감, 삶의 의미, 노화 불안, middle-aged women, happiness, life meaning, aging anxiety
A Phenomenological Inquire into the Use of Self Experience by Narrative Therapists 내러티브치료자의 자기사용(use of self) 경험에 관한 현상학적 탐구
박정완 Park Jung Wan , 최연실 Choi Youn Shil
29(4) 69-97, 2025
박정완 Park Jung Wan , 최연실 Choi Youn Shil
Objectives: This study aimed to explore what therapists perceive as the ‘use of self’ and its meaning. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with eight professional therapists each with more than tan years of experience in narrative counseling, and the data were analyzed following Giorgi’s phenomenological research method. Results: The participants’ instances of the ‘use of self’ were delineated into 54 meaning units, eleven sub-components, and four main components. According to the results, the ‘use of self’ by narrative therapists can be categorized as follows: (1) use of self as preparation to perform the therapist’s role according to the therapeutic model, (2) use of self as a from of therapeutic intervention, and (3) use of self for the therapist’s growth. The use of self by narrative therapists essentially involves internalizing the philosophy and beliefs of narrative counseling and practicing congruence between thought and action. This use of self is based on the therapist’s self-reflection, through which therapists integrate human and professional qualities, consciously and purposefully applying these qualities in both private and professional domains while continuing to grow. Conclusion: This study can contribute to enabling therapists to use their selves actively throughout the entire therapeutic process by clarifying the context and elements of the ‘use of self by therapists.’
Key Words
치료자의 자기사용, 현상학적 연구, 내러티브치료자, therapist’s use of self, phenomenological research, narrative therapists
The Profile Categories and Influential Family Factors of Married Women’s Depression and Drinking 기혼 여성의 우울, 음주 프로파일 유형 및 가족 영향요인
채정원 Chai Jungwon , 김재철 Kim Jaechul
29(4) 99-117, 2025
채정원 Chai Jungwon , 김재철 Kim Jaechul
Objectives: This study aims to classify the depression-drinking patterns of married women and to examine related family factors. Methods: Using data from the 18th (2023) Korea Welfare Panel survey, latent profile analysis and multinomial logistic regression were conducted on 1,042 married women. Results: Four types of depression-drinking patterns were identified: ‘overall low level,’ ‘high-depression low-drinking,’ ‘moderate-depression alcohol-dependence,’ and ‘moderate-depression risky-drinking.’ Analysis revealed significant correlations between these patterns and family factors, including spousal violence, family relationship satisfaction, family conflict, health satisfaction, and age. Notably, satisfaction with family relationships emerged as a protective factor against depression-drinking, while higher family conflict increased the likelihood of risky drinking. Conclusions: This study highlights the risks associated with the moderate-depression risky-drinking group among married women and confirms the significant relationship between family relationship satisfaction, family conflict, and depression-drinking patterns. By segmenting these patterns and exploring family factors, the study contributes to the discussion on mental health. The study also suggests that the central government consider family-level mental health support, while family centers propose programs to prevent family conflict and to improve relationships for married women.
Key Words
우울, 음주, 가족관계 만족도, 가족갈등, 잠재프로파일분석, depression, drinking, family relationship satisfaction, family conflict, latent profile analysis
The Effect of Solution-focused Thinking on the Parenting Efficacy of Working Mothers with Young Children: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Maternal Gatekeeping 영유아기 자녀를 둔 취업모의 해결중심사고가 양육효능감에 미치는 영향: 어머니 문지기 역할의 매개효과를 중심으로
임혜영 Yim Hye Young , 이은지 Lee Eun Jee
29(4) 119-142, 2025
임혜영 Yim Hye Young , 이은지 Lee Eun Jee
Objectives: This study aimed to examine the effect of solution-focused thinking on the parenting efficacy of working mothers with young children and to verify whether maternal gatekeeping mediates the relationship between solution-focused thinking and parenting efficacy. Method: The participants were 218 working mothers with young children under the age of six. The research variables of solution-focused thinking, parenting efficacy and maternal gatekeeping were measured using an online self-report questionnaire completed by the participants. The data were analyzed with SPSS 27.0 and with PROCESS Macro’s Model 4. Results: First, the direct effect of solution-focused thinking on the parenting efficacy of working mothers with young children was statistically significant. Second, maternal gatekeeping was found to mediate the effect of solution-focused thinking on parenting efficacy. Conclusions: The findings here suggest that intervention is needed to increase solution-focused thinking by mothers in order to improve their parenting efficacy. Also, parenting efficacy can be increased by reducing the door-closing role and increasing the door-opening role of maternal gatekeeping.
Key Words
영유아기, 취업모, 해결중심사고, 어머니 문지기 역할, 양육효능감, working mother, solution-focused thinking, maternal gatekeeping, parenting efficacy