Two Aspects of Intergenerational Conflict and Problem Behaviors Among Korean American Adolescents 두 가지 측면의 세대 갈등과 문제행동과의 관계:미국 거주 한인 청소년을 대상으로
이지숙 Jee Sook Lee
11(3) 1-22, 2006
Two Aspects of Intergenerational Conflict and Problem Behaviors Among Korean American Adolescents 두 가지 측면의 세대 갈등과 문제행동과의 관계:미국 거주 한인 청소년을 대상으로
이지숙 Jee Sook Lee
Key Words
한인청소년, Korean American adolescents, 세대갈등, intergenerational conflict, 문제행동, problem behaviors
A Comparative Study on Family Value Orientations of Korean Women Living in Korea and China 한국여성과 조선족여성의 가족가치관 비교연구
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
11(3) 23-50, 2006
A Comparative Study on Family Value Orientations of Korean Women Living in Korea and China 한국여성과 조선족여성의 가족가치관 비교연구
김경신 Kyeong Shin Kim
The purposes of this research were to find out general trends of value orientations of family among Korean women living in Korea and China and to investigate the differences and effects according to related variables. For this study, the data of 485 Korean women living in Korea and 498 living in China were analysed. The results are as follows. The Korean women living in China generally preserve traditional value orientations more than Korean women living in Korea. The value differences between Korean women living in Korea and China are revealed significantly according to socio-demographic variables as age, education level, income, occupation, and family type. Family value orientations were most likely to be correlated with and affected by education level, gender-inequality, self-esteem and ethnic identity.
Key Words
가족가치관, family value orientations, 한국여성과 조선족여성, Korean women Living in Korea and China, 민족정체성, ethnic identity
The Study on Korean Foster Parents` Role Satisfaction 일반위탁양육자의 역할 만족도에 대한 연구
김진숙 Jin Sook Kim
11(3) 51-79, 2006
The Study on Korean Foster Parents` Role Satisfaction 일반위탁양육자의 역할 만족도에 대한 연구
김진숙 Jin Sook Kim
This study was carried with 99 Korean foster parents to examine their role satisfaction. It analyzed general characteristic of foster child and foster parents and established child factor, foster parents and foster family factor, contact of birth parents and relatives factor, relationship with social worker and foster care support center factor and foster parents education and training participation factor as independent variables. This study divided foster parents role satisfaction by four subordinate domain of social service, family system change, emotional intimacy and social evaluation. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test and One-Way ANOVA. According to the result, First, role satisfaction was differed by age and sex of child. Second, role satisfaction was differed by having two foster child, age of over 40, college graduate, monthly income is 3 million won at foster parents factor. Second, the result on investigating about contact of birth parents and relatives factor and role satisfaction, it did not show much difference but there was difference statistically at social evalulation of subordinate domain. Third, result that investigated about foster parents`` role satisfaction by relation with social worker and foster care support center, there was meaning statistically at path that get nursing information and exchange type. There was role satisfaction in process that get own nursing information by foster parents but not by social worker. Fourth, result that compared foster parent`s role satisfaction by foster parents education and training participation group which take orientation and group which attend inservice education showed no meaning statistically group which do not attend. In this study, it was found that role satisfaction standard that can consider foster parent`s characteristic in our country and various factors that can contribute in foster parents` role satisfaction. But, it has difficulty to generalize results because it did not use random sampling.
Key Words
가정위탁, foster care, 위탁아동, foster children, 위탁양육자, foster parent, 역할만족도, role satisfaction
The Effect of Marital, Parental Role Quality and Social Resource on Mental Health: Focused on Gender and Employment Difference 가족역할과 심리사회적 자원이 정신건강에 미치는 영향: 성과 취업 여부에 따른 차이
차승은 Seung Eun Cha , 한경혜 Gyoung Hae Han
11(3) 81-114, 2006
The Effect of Marital, Parental Role Quality and Social Resource on Mental Health: Focused on Gender and Employment Difference 가족역할과 심리사회적 자원이 정신건강에 미치는 영향: 성과 취업 여부에 따른 차이
차승은 Seung Eun Cha , 한경혜 Gyoung Hae Han
The purpose of this research was to explore the impact of quality of marital and parental role on the mental health, in consideration of difference in gender and employment status. We used the data Successful Midlife Development: Survey on Mental health and Work/Family Life Course in Korea and the United States(2001) collected from 1696 adults (women: 49.5%) at the age of 27 to 60. In this survey, mental health were evaluated in two dimensions, depression and dependency on alcohol. The major findings of this study are as follows: First, the emotional support from the spouse contributed to the improvement of men`s depression and dependency on alcohol respectively, but to women, this positive effect were found only in the dimension of depression. Especially for house wives, this positive effect was limited in the case of higher personal control level. Marital strain was, however, estimated to have more stronger negative effect on women`s health compare to men`s. Second, concerning the social conditions in association of role quality and mental health, the mechanism that social conditions reinforce or attenuate the effect of role quality of men and women were varied by gender and employment status. Therefore, the differences in social process can be useful arguments to explain gender dissimilarity. Third, similarities among gender were also found in this study. Especially with the parental role qualities, positive and negative experiences of parental role similarly affected health of men and women, in terms of direction and size of the effect.
Key Words
결혼의 질, marital quality, 부모역할의 질, parental quality, 정신건강, mental health, 성, gender, 취업 여부, employment differences, 사회적 자원, social resource
Children`s Perception of Parental Relationship and its Effect on their On-Line and Off-Line Social Relationship 아동이 지각한 부모자녀관계와 실생활 및 온라인상에서의 아동의 사회적 관계
최유정 Yu Jung Choi , 최샛별 Set Byol Choi
11(3) 115-146, 2006
Children`s Perception of Parental Relationship and its Effect on their On-Line and Off-Line Social Relationship 아동이 지각한 부모자녀관계와 실생활 및 온라인상에서의 아동의 사회적 관계
최유정 Yu Jung Choi , 최샛별 Set Byol Choi
This study is to investigate the effect of children`s perception of parental relationship on their social relationships, which consist of peer relationship and social interaction over the internet. Using a data set drawn from 2949 Korean children in their 4th grade, we have reached three main results. First, regarding the relationship between children`s perception of parental relationship and children`s peer relationship, 1) the peer relationship is significantly affected by level of communication-intimacy with parents, degree of parents` concern. The more communication-intimacy and concern the children perceive in their relationships with parents, the more positive are the relationships with their friends. 2) For bullying, parents` violent attitudes toward children have an effect on both being the bully and being the victim. Children who perceive their parents as violent are more likely to bully others as well as to be victimized. Secondly, in the aspect of on-line social relationship, 1) children`s interaction over the internet is affected by the level of communication-intimacy with parents. 2) Negative communication over the internet is significantly affected by the level of communication-intimacy with parents and parents`` violent attitudes toward children. Children who perceive a higher level of communication-intimacy with parents and children with lower degree of parental concern, respectively, show more experience of negative communication on the internet. Thirdly, when other variables are considered, 1) children`s peer relationship is affected by level of communication-intimacy with parents, degree of parents`` concern, and family income, in descending order. Experience of being the bully is affected by gender and having siblings as well as parents`` violent attitudes toward children. Experience of being victimized is influenced by gender and living with relatives. Children with siblings are more likely to experience bullying while children who live with their relatives report less experience of victimization. Boys tend to have more experience of both bullying and victimization than girls. 2) Of on-line social interaction, degree of children`s interaction over the internet is affected by the level of communication-intimacy with parents, and, to a lesser extent, by children`s gender. Variables affecting negative communication over the internet are the level of communication-intimacy with parents, parents` violent attitudes toward children, and children`s gender.
Key Words
부모자녀관계, parent-child relationship, 사회적 관계, social relationship, 의사소통, communication, 또래관계, peer relationships, 또래 괴롭힘, bullying, 인터넷, internet
The division of family roles and marital quality of Korean Americans: A comparison between working and non-working wives 재미교포 기혼여성의 가족역할 분담과 결혼의 질: 취업주부와 전업주부의 비교
조병은 Byung Eun Cho , 신화용 Hwa Yong Shin
11(3) 147-172, 2006
The division of family roles and marital quality of Korean Americans: A comparison between working and non-working wives 재미교포 기혼여성의 가족역할 분담과 결혼의 질: 취업주부와 전업주부의 비교
조병은 Byung Eun Cho , 신화용 Hwa Yong Shin
This research assessed the relationship between perceptions on the division of 7 family roles and the marital quality of Korean-American wives. The data were collected from 143 working wives and 76 non-working wives with at least one child, living in 4 major cities in the US. The relationship between the division of 7 family roles (child care, housework, economic roles, kin-keeping, emotional support, leisure activities, and self-development) and marital quality was compared by such factors as the employment status of the wives, controling income, educational level, age, and gender role attitudes. The results indicated that regardless of employment status, child care and housework were primarily performed by the wives. The roles of emotional support, economic roles, kin-keeping, and leisure activities were found to be jointly performed with the husbands. For the working wives, division of family roles was found to be significantly related to their marital quality; those who performed more family roles displayed lower marital satisfaction and lower marital stability than those who carried out either less or a similar amount of family roles. For the non-working wives, the division of family roles was not so related to marital satisfaction. However, lower marital stability was reported by wives who performed more economic and emotional supporting roles than those did either less or equally with their husbands. Therefore, the results supported the social exchange perspective, suggesting an association between wives` marital quality and fair division or carrying out less family roles.
Key Words
가족역할분담, division of family roles, 결혼의 질, marital quality, 취업주부, working wives, 전업주부, non-working wives, 사회교환이론, social exchange perspective, 공평성이론, equity theory
The Effects of the Internal-External Locus of Control and Self-Esteem on the Psychological Well-being of Middle Aged Women 중년기 여성의 내외통제성과 자아존중감이 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향
김영숙 Young Sook Kim , 최규련 Kyu Reon Choi
11(3) 173-199, 2006
The Effects of the Internal-External Locus of Control and Self-Esteem on the Psychological Well-being of Middle Aged Women 중년기 여성의 내외통제성과 자아존중감이 심리적 복지에 미치는 영향
김영숙 Young Sook Kim , 최규련 Kyu Reon Choi
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Internal-External locus of Control and Self-Esteem on the Psychological Well-being of Middle aged women. The subjects of this survey research were 40-59 years old women in Seoul and its environs. The research data were collected by structured questionnaire and 405 environs. The research data were collected by structured questionnaire and 405 cases were finally selected as data sources. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1) The average of internal-external locus of control in middle-aged women was higher than median and this point was significantly higher in groups with religion and profession. 2) The average of self-esteem in middle-aged women was higher than median, and those in younger groups, higher level of education and professional showed significantly higher points. 3) The average of life satisfaction was higher than median, and it was significantly higher in the group of higher education or monthly income. 4) The average of depression was lower than median, and those in older age group, lower level of education or lower monthly income showed significantly higher point. 5) According to this study, self-esteem and monthly income were the most important factors influencing the life satisfaction of middle-aged women. And, self-esteem and age had the greatest impact on the development of the depression. In conclusion, internal-external locus of control and self-esteem were related to the higher life satisfaction and the lower depression, and therefore, can contribute to the psychological well-being of middle-aged women.
Key Words
중년기여성, middle aged women, 내외통제성, internal-external Locus of control, 자아존중감, self-esteem, 심리적 복지, psych ological well-being
A Study of the Development of Premarital Education Program 건강가족 형성을 위한 대학생들의 결혼준비교육 프로그램 요구도 조사-Stinett의 개념을 중심으로-
김정옥 Jung Ok Kim , 박선민 Sun Min Park , 구향숙 Hyang Sook Goo
11(3) 201-223, 2006
A Study of the Development of Premarital Education Program 건강가족 형성을 위한 대학생들의 결혼준비교육 프로그램 요구도 조사-Stinett의 개념을 중심으로-
김정옥 Jung Ok Kim , 박선민 Sun Min Park , 구향숙 Hyang Sook Goo
In this study, the research of Stinnett has been referenced and verified surveys were used. The survey contents were set as general matters, matters of operating marriage preparation programs, a demand for marriage preparation programs and the factors of demands for marriage preparation programs are divided into appreciation and affection, commitment to the family, positive communication, enjoyable time together, spiritual well-being, successful management of stress and crisis. Using data from 454 undergraduates, this study examines the foundation of premarital preparation education program for the strong family. The results were as follows; First, demand of premarital preparation education program indicated very high in both unmarried women and men. Second, areas showing significant difference by sex were appreciation and affection, and successful management of stress and crisis. Third, an area showing significant difference by religion was spiritual well-being. Fourth, an area showing significant difference by existence of experience in having relations and duration of having relations was successful management of stress and crisis. Significant difference did not appear by variables. This may be because trainees demand highly premarital preparation education program regardless of difference of sociodemographic variables.
Key Words
결혼준비교육, Premarital Education, 건강가족, Strong Families, 가족생활교육, Family Life education
Variables affecting the adjustment of marital Life and satisfaction of international marriage couple of rural in Korea 농촌 국제결혼부부의 결혼생활 적응과 만족에 대한 영향 요인
양순미 Soon Mi Yang , 정현숙 Hyun Sook Chung
11(3) 223-252, 2006
Variables affecting the adjustment of marital Life and satisfaction of international marriage couple of rural in Korea 농촌 국제결혼부부의 결혼생활 적응과 만족에 대한 영향 요인
양순미 Soon Mi Yang , 정현숙 Hyun Sook Chung
The purpose of this study is to examine the adjustment and marital satisfaction degree of the international marriage couples of rural, and the variables that affect it, as well as the differences between husband and immigrant wife perceptions on the variables. One hundred and fifty couples(three hundred individuals) were surveyed for this study. The following findings were obtained from the analysis of the data. First, degree of couple`s positive interaction(β=.28, .28)of husband and immigrant wife, communication problem(β=-.26, -.20) were the only variables that significantly affected the adjustment on international marriage life in both of husband and immigrant wife. Second, degree of marriage life adjustment(β=.42, .32) of husband and immigrant wife, couple`s positive interaction(β=.25, .20) were the only variables that significantly affected the marital satisfaction on it in both of husband and immigrant wife. From the results of this study, it is suggested that in order to enhance the adjustment and marital satisfaction of international marriage couples of rural, systemic educational programs that can improve skill that interact positive feelings and opinions among couple should be developed.
Key Words
농촌 국제결혼, rural international marriage, 여성결혼이민자, woman marriage immigrant, 농촌부부, rural couple, 결혼생활적응, marriage Life adjustment, 결혼만족, marital satisfaction
Effects of the Education Program for Pre-parents on Self-Esteem and Parenting Abilities -focused on "Object Relations Theory"- 대상관계이론에 따른 예비부모교육프로그램이 자존감 및 부모자질에 미치는 영향
유인숙 In Sook Ryu , 유영달 Young Dal You
11(3) 253-281, 2006
Effects of the Education Program for Pre-parents on Self-Esteem and Parenting Abilities -focused on "Object Relations Theory"- 대상관계이론에 따른 예비부모교육프로그램이 자존감 및 부모자질에 미치는 영향
유인숙 In Sook Ryu , 유영달 Young Dal You
As an infancy is important for early personality development, this study aims at developing an ``education program for pre-parents`` based on ``object relations theory`` and evaluating its effectiveness. The program is designed to prevent the transmission of negative emotions from parents to their children, and to pay attention to child development and proper child care. The program was applied to 22 women, mostly university students or employees living in C city. The subjects were divided into two groups, experimental group of 10 members and control group of 12 members. Experimental group took six 3-hour sessions, while control group took part in pre-and post tests. The two groups turned out to be homogeneous in ``Object Relations Test``. The effectiveness of the program was measured through the comparison of pre- and post-tests in ``Empathy ability test``, ``Self-Esteem test`` and ``Role of parents and child caring attitude questionnaire``. At the end of each session, session evaluation was made about contents and process of the education program. As expected, experimental group showed statistically significant increases on ``self-esteem``, ``parents role and child-care attitude`` after the educational program, while control group didn`t. The same results were confirmed at the qualitative analyses of subjective responses to the program. However, as to the variable ``Empathy ability`` there were no significant changes found except for the positive trend of change in cognitive element of empathy, which was also confirmed through the qualitative analyses. The results implied the education program helped the participants understand better their emotion-expressing styles and get higher self-esteem. The results were discussed in relation to teaching parents-child emotional tie and child-care based on ``Object Relations Theory``.
The Effects of Sexual Communication and Sexual Satisfaction on Marital Happiness by Age 연령에 따른 기혼남녀의 성 의사소통 및 성 만족도의 차이와 결혼 행복도에 미치는 영향
천혜정 Hye Jung Cheon
11(3) 283-299, 2006
The Effects of Sexual Communication and Sexual Satisfaction on Marital Happiness by Age 연령에 따른 기혼남녀의 성 의사소통 및 성 만족도의 차이와 결혼 행복도에 미치는 영향
천혜정 Hye Jung Cheon
This study examined the extent of sexual communication and sexual satisfaction, and the link among sexual communication, sexual satisfaction, and marital happiness by age. A total of 480 married people were completed the questionnaire about sexual communication, sexual satisfaction, and marital happiness. 480 married people were classified 4 groups by their age. Key findings of the study were as follows. (a) The level of sexual communication was significantly different among the four groups. (b) There was significant difference among the four groups in the level of sexual pleasure, not sexual burden, and sexual frustration. (c) sexual communication, sexual pleasure, sexual burden, and sexual frustration have different effects on marital happiness among the four group.
Key Words
성 의사소통, sexual communication, 성 만족도, sexual satisfaction, 결혼 행복도, marital happiness